List of Superman comics

List of Superman comics

This is a list of comic books featuring Superman.

Ongoing titles featuring Superman in a starring role

"Action Comics"

"Action Comics" began in 1938. "Action Comics" #1 featured the introduction of Superman. Ten annual issues have also been printed between 1987 and 2008 (1987-1997 and 2007-current). Issue #0 (October 1994) was published between issues #703 and #704 during the Zero Hour crossover event and issue #1,000,000 (November 1998) was published between #748 and #749 during the DC One Million crossover event. Over 860 issues of "Action Comics" have been published to date (not counting annuals).


Volume One ran 1939 to 1986 for 423 issues, with twelve annual issues printed between 1960-1986 (1960-1964 and 1983-1986) . In 1986, this series was retitled "Adventures of Superman", continuing with the same numbering, from 1987 to 2006, issues #424 to #649, with nine annuals (numbered #1 - #9) also printed. A second volume of "Superman" ran concurrently with issues #1 - #226 and twelve annuals. Starting with #650, the first series was again retitled "Superman" in 2006 after the events of the "Infinite Crisis" limited series. The annual editions after the retitling back to "Superman" (Volume 1) continued starting with Annual #13 in November 2007.


Featuring DC's two most iconic heroes, "Superman/Batman" debuted in August 2003. This series is not firmly set into continuity, but has been a launching point for several large storylines, including the downfall of Lex Luthor as President and the return of Kara Zor-El as Supergirl from Krypton. Two annual issues have been published as of 2008.

"All Star Superman"

This series does not follow the main continuity of the DC Universe, but was created to tell reinterpreted stories of Superman and his cast (the other such title published by DC is "All Star Batman and Robin and Boy Wonder"). This series is a limited series running for twelve issues, but may include additional one-shots or limited series in the future.

Ongoing titles featuring Superman in a non-starring role

Current comics in which Superman appears as a regular or recurring cast member:

*"Justice League of America"
*"Supergirl" (fifth volume)

Formerly published titles

uperman Titles

These were titles in which Superman starred.
*"Adventures of Superman" was originally Volume 1 of "Superman". It ran titled as "Adventures of..." from 1987 to 2006, issues 424 to 649, with an issue #0 (October 1994) published between issues #516 and #517 during the Zero Hour crossover event and issue #1,000,000 (November 1998) published between issues #562 and #563 during the DC One Million crossover event. Issue 650 was retitled back to "Superman", with Volume 2 of "Superman" cancelled with #226. "Adventures of Superman" also had nine annual issues printed. The annual editions after the retitling back to "Superman" (Volume 1) will be continued starting with Annual #13 in November 2007 (the last annual issue prior to the 1987 retitling was Annual #12 in 1986). Nine annuals were printed using the "Adventures of Superman" title from 1987 to 1997. [Adventures of Superman on Mike's Amazing World of DC [] ]

*"Superman (vol. 2)" ran from 1987 to 2006. 226 issues were printed, and was first launched after John Byrne revamped the Superman character. Twelve annual issues were printed. "Note:" this series lasted a total of 228 issues due to an issue #0 (October 1994) published between issues #93 and #94 during the Zero Hour crossover event and issue #1,000,000 (November 1998) published between issues #139 and #140 during the DC One Million crossover event. Twelved annuals were printed in this series from 1987 to 2000. [Superman, Vol. 2 on Mike's Amazing World of DC [] ]

*"" has a title similar to "The Man of Steel" miniseries. However, "Man of Steel" was printed in 1986, where as "Superman:TMOS" was printed from 1991 to 2003, ending at 134 issues. "Note:" 136 issues were printed with an issue #0 (October 1994) published between issues #37 and #38 during the Zero Hour crossover event and issue #1,000,000 (November 1998) published between issues #83 and #84 during the DC One Million crossover event. Six annual issues were printed between 1992 to 1997. Once this series began, there was a new Superman book each week for every month, except for 4 weeks out of the year. [Superman: the Man of Steel on Mike's Amazing World of DC [] ]

*"" was a series published from summer 1995 to fall 1999, ending at 15. The series filled in the four weeks of the year that an issue of "Action Comics", "Superman: The Man of Steel", "Adventures of Superman", and "Superman" were not printed as a fifth week to give 52 weeks of Superman stories. 'Note:" this series lasted a total of 16 issues due to an issue #1,000,000 (November 1998) being published between issues #11 and #12 during the DC One Million crossover event. As this was a quarterly book, no additional special books were published using this title. [Superman: the Man of Tomorrow on Mike's Amazing World of DC [] ]

*"Superman Confidential" was a series published from November 2006 to April 2008, ending at 14. The series focused on telling of early Superman moments. [Superman Confidential issue #14, Cover Date June 2008]

uperboy and Supergirl Titles

*"Superboy" (first volume) - Mar/Apr 1949 - August 1977 - 230 issues + 1 annual [SuperboyVol. 1 on Mike's Amazing Wold of DC Comics Website [] ]

*"Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes" - the original "Superboy" series was renamed to this title in 1977. September 1977 - December 1979 - issues 231 - 258. Series renamed to "Legion of Super-Heroes" (second volume) starting with issue 259 to 313, runs from January 1980 to July 1984. [SuperboyVol. 1 on Mike's Amazing Wold of DC Comics Website [] ]

*"The New Adventures of Superboy"; this series ran from 1980 through 1984 for a total of 54 issues. [The New Adventures of Superboy on Mike's Amazing Wold of DC Comics Website [] ]

*' (second volume) + 1 special - The second Superboy series was based on the live-action series that ran on television. This series was later renamed The Adventures of Superboy"'. [SuperboyVol. 2 on Mike's Amazing Wold of DC Comics Website [] ]

*"Superboy" (third volume) - Feb 1994 - Jul 2002 - 102 issues + 4 annuals + 2 plus books - Featured Conner Kent (Kon-El), the clone of Superman and Lex Luthor. [Superboy Vol. 3 on Mike's Amazing Wold of DC Comics Website [] ]

*"Supergirl" (first volume) - Nov 1972 - Sep/Oct 1974 - 10 issues staring Kara Zor-El, Superman's Cousin from Krypton. [Supergirl Vol. 1 on Mike's Amazing Wold of DC Comics Website [] ]

*"Supergirl" (second volume) Originally "The Daring New Adventures of Supergirl" - Dec 1983 - Sep 1984 - 10 issues + Movie Adaption [Supergirl Vol. 2 on Mike's Amazing Wold of DC Comics Website [] ]

*"Supergirl" (third volume) - Feb 1994 - May 1994 - 4 issue mini-series that detailed the adventures of Matrix learning the truth about Lex Luthor. [Supergirl Vol. 3 on Mike's Amazing Wold of DC Comics Website [] ]

*"Supergirl" (forth volume) - Sep 1996 - May 2003 - 82 issues + 2 annuals, featured Matrix bonding with Linda Danvers and the Earth Born Angel series. Ended with the "Many Happy Returns" Arc. [Supergirl Vol. 4 on Mike's Amazing Wold of DC Comics Website [] ]

*"More Fun Comics" - featured the debut and earliest adventures of Superboy.

*"Superboy and the Ravers" - Sep 1996 - Mar 1998 - 19 issues - Featured Superboy (Kon-El) and a team of heroes. [Superboy and the Ravers on Mike's Amazing Wold of DC Comics Website [] ]

Justice League/Crossover Titles

*"DC Comics Presents" + 4 annuals - a monthly title featuring Superman teaming up with another DC character in every issue. It ran from Jul/Aug 1978 to September 1986 and totalled 97 issues.

*"JLA" - Jan 1997 - Apr 2006 - 127 issues + 4 annuals

*"Justice League Adventures" - Jan 2002 - Oct 2004 - 34 issues

*"JLA Classified" - Jan 2005 - Mar 2008 - 54 issues

*"Justice League Unlimited" - Nov 2004 - June 2008 - 46 issues

*"World's Finest Comics" - originally told separate Superman and Batman stories in the 1940s, it then featured Superman-Batman team-ups in each issue from the 1950s through its cancellation in 1986 at issue 323.

*"Adventure Comics" - featured various Superman supporting characters from the 1940s through the 1980s, including Superboy, Supergirl, the Legion of Super-Heroes, and Bizarro.

Other Titles

*"Smallville" - based on the television series of the same name.

*"Superman Adventures" - series based on and tied with the 1990s animated series produced by Paul Dini.

*"Superman Chronicles" - a series of trade paperbacks, reprinting the earliest Superman stories in chronological order.

*"Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane" - Mar/Apr 1958 - Sep/Oct 1974 - a 137 issues + 2 Annuals title that starred Lois Lane. [Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane on Mike's Amazing World of DC Comics [] ]

*"Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen" - a 163 issue title published from Sep/Oct 1954 to Feb/Mar 1974 that starred Jimmy Olsen. [Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen on Mike's Amazing World of DC Comics [] ]

*"Superman Family" - Apr/May 1974 - Sep 1982 - 59 issues (164 - 222) - an anthology title that continued the numbering of "Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen" and combined with tales of Supergirl and Lois Lane. [Superman Family on Mike's Amazing World of DC Comics [] ]

*"Steel" - Feb 1994 - Jul 1998 - 53 issues + 2 annuals - a Solo series that continued the adventures of John Henry Irons (Steel). [Steel on Mike's Amazing World of DC Comics [] ]

*"Infinity Inc. (second volume)" - Nov 2007 - Oct 2008 - 12 issues - a new team of Infinity Inc. staring John Henry Irons (Steel).

Other Published Titles

*"DC Comics Presents: Superman" (2004)

Graphic Novels

*"Superman: End of the Century" (1999)
*"Son of Superman" (2000)
*"Superman: Infinite City" (2005)


*"Superman: The Secret Years" (1985). Covers the pre-Crisis Superman's years in college.
*"The Man of Steel" (1986). Superman's post-Crisis origin and early history.
*"Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey" (1994, 1998)
*"Superman For All Seasons" (1998)
*"Superman: The Doomsday Wars" (1998, 2000)
*"Superman: The Dark Side" (1998)
*"Batman and Superman: World's Finest" (1999)
*"Kingdom" (1999)
*"Superman's Nemesis: Lex Luthor" (1999)
*"Superman vs Predator"' (1999, 2001)
*"Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity" (2003)
*"" (2003-2004). A revised take on Superman's origin and early history.
*"" (2005-2006)
*"Final Crisis: Superman Beyond" #1-2


*"Superman vs. Muhammad Ali" (1978)
*"" (1994)
*"Superman: At Earth's End" (1995)
*"Superman: The Man of Steel: Gallery" (1995)
*"Super-Soldier" (1996)
*"Superman/Toyman" (1996)
*"The Superman" (Tangent) (1998)
*"Superman: Distant Fires" (1998)
*"Superman: Peace on Earth" (1998)
*"Superman: Save the Planet" (1998)
*"Superman: Transformed!" (1998)
*"JLA: Superpower" (1999)
*"Superman Forever" (1998)
*"Superman: King of the World" (1999)
*"Green Lantern/Superman: Legends of the Green Flame" (2000)
*"Millennium Edition: Action Comics # 1" (2000)
*"Millennium Edition: The Man of Steel #1" (2000)
*"Sins of Youth: Superman Jr. And Superboy Sr." (2000)
*"Superman and Batman: World's Funnest" (2000)
*"Superman Y2K" (2000)
*"Superman: Emperor Joker" (2000)
*"Superman: Eradication" (2000)
*"Superman: Last God of Krypton" (2000)
*"Superman: Metropolis Secret Files" (2000)
*"Superman: Panic in the Sky" (2000)
*"Superman: Our Worlds at War Secret Files" (2001)
*"Superman: Where Is Thy Sting" (2001)
*"Superman: Lex 2000" (2001)
*"DC First: Flash/Superman" (2002)
*"DC First: Superman/Lobo" (2002)
*"Superman & Savage Dragon: Chicago" (2002)
*"Superman Versus Darkseid: Apokolips Now!" (2003)
*"Superman: Secret Files & Origins 2004" (2004)
*"Superman Secret Files & Origins 2005 " (2006)


*"Superman vs the Amazing Spider-Man: The Battle of the Century"(1976)
*"Marvel Treasury Edition #28"(1981)- Superman and Spider-Man versus Dr. Doom and Parasite
*"Superman: The Earth Stealers" (1988)
*"Kamandi: At Earths End" (1993)
*"Superman Gallery" (1993)
*"Superman: Speeding Bullets" (1993)
*"Superman: Under a Yellow Sun" (1994)
*"Superman vs Aliens" (1995)
*"Superman: Kal" (1995)
*"Superman: Man of Steel: Doomsday is Coming" (1995)
*"Superman: Man of Steel: Target Superman" (1995)
*"DC Versus Marvel" (1996)
*"Kingdom Come" (1996)
*"Legends of the Dark Claw" (1996)
*"Superman Plus" (1997)
*"Superman Villains Secret Files" (1998)
*"Superman: Secret Files" (1998-Current)
*"Supermen of America" (1999)
*"Team Superman" (1999)
*"Superman: For the Animals" (2000)
*"Superman: President Luthor Secret Files" (2001)
*"Superman: Day of Doom" (2002)
*"Superman/Thundercats" (2003)
*"Superman: The Ten Cent Adventure" (2003)
*"Superman: Last Stand on Krypton" (2003)
*"" (2003)
*"Superman: Metropolis" (2003-2004)
*"Superman: Secret Identity" (2004)
*"Superman: True Brit" (2004)
*"Superman: Strength" (2005)


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