- Omnitruncated 120-cell
geometry , the omnitruncated120-cell is a convexuniform polychoron composed of 2640 cells: 120 truncated icosidodecahedra, 600 truncated octahedra, 720decagonal prism s, and 1200pentagonal prism s.It also has 14400 vertices, 28800 edges, and 17040 faces, and is the largest nonprismatic convex
uniform polychoron .The vertices and edges form the
Cayley graph of theCoxeter group H4The first complete physical model of a 3D projection of the "omnitruncated 120-cell" was built by a team led by Daniel Duddy and David Richter on Aug. 9th 2006 using the (
Zome ) system in the London Knowledge Lab for the 2006 [http://www.bridgesmathart.org/ Bridges Conference] .Alternate names
* Omnitruncated 120-cell / Omnitruncated 600-cell (Norman W. Johnson)
* Omnitruncated hecatonicosachoron / Omnitruncated hexacosichoron
* Omnitruncated polydodecahedron / Omnitruncated polytetrahedron
* Great diprismatohexacosihecatonicosachoron (Jonathan Bowers )
** Gidpixhi (for great diprismatohexacosihecatonicosachoron)Images
ee also
*600-cell References
* Kaleidoscopes: Selected Writings of H.S.M. Coxeter, editied by F. Arthur Sherk, Peter McMullen, Anthony C. Thompson, Asia Ivic Weiss, Wiley-Interscience Publication, 1995, ISBN 978-0-471-01003-6 [http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471010030.html]
** (Paper 22) H.S.M. Coxeter, "Regular and Semi-Regular Polytopes I", [Math. Zeit. 46 (1940) 380-407, MR 2,10]
** (Paper 23) H.S.M. Coxeter, "Regular and Semi-Regular Polytopes II", [Math. Zeit. 188 (1985) 559-591]
** (Paper 24) H.S.M. Coxeter, "Regular and Semi-Regular Polytopes III", [Math. Zeit. 200 (1988) 3-45]
* J.H. Conway and M.J.T. Guy: "Four-Dimensional Archimedean Polytopes", Proceedings of the Colloquium on Convexity at Copenhagen, page 38 und 39, 1965
* N.W. Johnson: "The Theory of Uniform Polytopes and Honeycombs", Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Toronto, 1966
* M. Möller: "Definitions and computations to the Platonic and Archimedean polyhedrons", thesis (diploma), University of Hamburg, 2001External links
* [http://members.aol.com/Polycell/section4.html Great diprismatohexacosihecatonicosachoron (46)] from
George Olshevsky 's [http://members.aol.com/Polycell/uniform.html Convex uniform polychora]
* [http://www.polytope.de/nr64.html Archimedisches Polychor Nr. 64 (omnitruncated 600-cell)] Marco Möller's Archimedean polytopes in R4 (German)
* [http://homepages.wmich.edu/~drichter/bridgeszome2006.htm Photos of Zome model of omnitruncated 120/600-cell]
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