
A mouse killed in a mousetrap.

A mousetrap is a specialized type of animal trap designed primarily to catch mice; however, it may also trap other small animals. Mousetraps are usually set in an indoor location where there is a suspected infestation of rodents. There are various types of mousetrap, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Larger traps are designed to catch other species of animals; such as rats, squirrels, other small rodents, or other animals.


Mouse trap designs

Spring-loaded bar mousetrap

An unprimed mousetrap
A baited and primed spring-loaded bar mousetrap
Mousetrap, mouse, bait (chocolate)

The first spring-loaded mouse trap was invented by William C. Hooker of Abingdon Illinois, who received US patent 528671 for his design in 1894.[1][2] James Henry Atkinson, a British inventor who in 1897 invented a prototype called the "Little Nipper", probably had seen the Hooker trap in the shops or in advertisements and used it as the basis of his model.[3]

It is a simple device with a heavily spring-loaded bar and a trip to release it. Cheese may be placed on the trip as bait, but other food such as oats, chocolate, bread, meat, butter and peanut butter are commonly used. The spring-loaded bar swings down rapidly and with great force when anything, usually a mouse, touches the trip. The design is such that the mouse's neck or spinal cord will be broken, or its ribs or skull crushed, by the force of the bar. The trap can be held over a toilet or bin and the dead mouse released into it by pulling the bar. Rats are much larger than mice; a much larger version of the same type of trap is used to kill them. Some spring mouse traps have a plastic extended trigger made to look like a piece of cheese. The larger trigger has two advantages over the smaller traditional type:1)increased leverage, which requires less force from the rodent to trip it and 2) the larger surface area of the trigger increases the probability of even the most cunning of rodents to set off the trap.

In 1899, John Mast of Lititz, Pennsylvania, filed a U.S. patent for a modification of Hooker's design that can be "readily set or adjusted with absolute safety to the person attending thereto, avoiding the liability of having his fingers caught or injured by the striker when it is prematurely or accidentally freed or released."[4] He obtained the patent at Nov. 17, 1903.

Some modern plastic designs can be set by the pressure of a single finger on a tab.[citation needed]

Mouth mousetrap

A mouth-type mousetrap.

This lightweight mousetrap consists of a set of plastic jaws operated by a coiled spring and triggering mechanism inside the jaws, where the bait is held. The trigger snaps the jaws shut, killing the rodent. These traps do not give off such a powerful snap as other trap types.[5]

Electric mousetrap

This more recent type of mousetrap delivers a lethal dose of electricity when the rodent completes the circuit by contacting two electrodes located either at the entrance or between the entrance and the bait. The electrodes are housed in an insulated or plastic box to prevent accidental injury to humans and pets. They can be designed for single-catch domestic use or large multiple-catch commercial use. See U.S. Patent 4,250,655 and U.S. Patent 4,780,985

Live-catching mousetraps

A live-catch mousetrap. Uninjured mice can be released.

Other traps catch mice alive so that they can be released into the wild. One of the simplest designs consists of nothing more than a drinking glass placed upside down above a piece of bait, its rim elevated by a coin stood on edge. If the mouse attempts to take the bait, the coin is displaced and the glass traps the mouse.[6] Another is to make a half-oval shaped tunnel with a toilet paper roll, put bait on one end of the roll, place the roll on a counter or table with the baited end sticking out over the edge, and put a deep bin under the edge. When the mouse enters the toilet paper roll to take the bait, the roll (and the mouse) will tip over the edge and fall into the bin below. Make sure the bin is deep enough so that the mouse cannot jump out.[7]

It is important to release the mouse promptlyas mice can die from stress or dehydrationand at some distance, as mice have a strong homing instinct. Survival after release is not guaranteed, since house mice will tend to seek out human buildings, where they might encounter lethal mousetraps or may be eaten by predators. In the wild, house mice are very poor competitors, and cannot survive away from human settlements in areas where other small mammals, such as wood mice, are present.[8]

Glue traps

A mouse stuck in a glue trap.

Glue traps are made using natural or synthetic adhesive applied to cardboard, plastic trays or similar material. Bait can be placed in the center or a scent may be added to the adhesive by the manufacturer. Glue traps are used primarily for rodent control indoors. Glue traps are not effective outdoors due to environmental conditions (moisture, dust), which quickly render the adhesive ineffective. Glue strip or glue tray devices trap the mouse in the sticky glue.

Glue traps sometimes do not kill the rodent, which requires [3] you to kill the rodent before disposal. This is an advantage if the local population of rodents have rat mites since the mite will remain on the rodents' body while it is still alive and the glue would also trap mites leaving the rodent after the rodents' death.

Animals can be released from the glue by applying vegetable oil[9] and gently working the animal free. This is sometimes not possible, however, due to the mouse sustaining injuries before the trap is noticed or getting their faces stuck and suffocating. Many animals trapped by these devices sustain severe injuries including severed limbs and torn skin caused by gnawing them off themselves to try to escape. Nevertheless, these types of traps are effective and non-toxic to humans.

Death is much slower than with the traditional type trap,[10] which has prompted animal activists and welfare organisations such as PETA and the RSPCA to oppose the use of glue traps. Trapped mice eventually die from exposure, dehydration, starvation, suffocation, or predation, or are killed by people when the trap is checked. In some jurisdictions the use of glue traps is regulated: Victoria, Australia restricts the use of glue traps to commercial pest control operators, and the traps must be used in accordance with conditions set by the Minister for Agriculture.[11] Other jurisdictions have banned their use entirely;[12] in Ireland it is illegal to import, possess, sell or offer for sale unauthorized traps, including glue traps. This law, the Wildlife (Amendment) Act, was passed in 2000.[13]

Bucket trap

Bucket traps may be lethal or non-lethal.[14] Both types have a ramp which leads to the rim of a deep-walled container, such as a bucket.

The bucket may contain a liquid to drown the trapped mouse. The mouse is baited to the top of the container where it falls into the bucket and drowns. Sometimes soap or caustic or poison chemicals are used in the bucket as killing agents.

In the non-lethal version, the bucket is empty, allowing the mouse to live, but keeping it trapped. The unharmed mouse can be released outdoors.

The variations are many with some being single catch and some multi-catch.[15]

Mouse RADAR Inert gas mousetrap

The RADAR mousetrap, invented by Rentokil Pest Control, kills trapped mice or other rodents with carbon dioxide, then notifies the user by e-mail so that the trap can be quickly emptied and reset.[16] Rentokil claims that the trap is painless and also reduces future mouse deaths by pinpointing the exact location of the trap and how many animals are caught so that their access can be controlled by sealing access holes. PETA has recognized this product as an "animal friendly achievement".[17]

Nooski NOOSKI elastic ring mousetrap

The NOOSKI mouse trap, invented by Nooski, kills mice or other rodents with a biodegradable non-toxic green elastic band. When a mouse puts its head into the trap, it sets off a switch that releases the band around the mouse's neck, swiftly strangling it. Nooski claims that the trap kills quickly and humanely, and the traps are reusable by just loading another green band.[18]


There are several types of one-time use, disposable mousetraps,[19][20] generally made of inexpensive materials which are designed to be disposed of after catching a mouse. These mousetraps have similar trapping mechanisms as other traps, however, they generally conceal the dead mouse so it can be disposed of without being seen.


Strychnine-soaked grain pellets were a common substitute for mousetraps for some time; currently they are rarely used because of the toxicity of the chemical, the inherent danger to children and pets, and the likelihood that the poisoned animal will die inside a wall or other inaccessible area where its carcass will be difficult to remove.

Similar devices

Similar ranges of traps are sized to trap other animal species; for example, rat traps are larger than mousetraps, and squirrel traps are larger still. A squirrel trap is a metal box-shaped device that is designed to catch squirrels and other similarly sized animals. The device works by drawing the animals in with bait that is placed inside. Upon touch, it forces both sides closed, thereby trapping, but not killing, the animal, which can then be released or killed at the trapper's discretion.

Mousetraps in literature

Reference to a mousetrap is made as early as 1602 in Shakespeare's Hamlet (Hamlet; act 3 sc.2) where it is the name given to the 'play-within-a-play' by Hamlet himself. There is a reference in the 1800s by Alexandre Dumas, père in his novel The Three Musketeers. Chapter ten is titled "A Mousetrap of the Seventeenth Century". In this case, rather than referring to a literal mouse trap, the author describes a police or guard tactic that involves lying in wait in the residence of someone whom they have arrested without public knowledge and then grabbing, interviewing, and probably arresting anyone who comes to the residence. In the voice of a narrator, the author confesses to having no idea how the term became attached to this tactic.

There is an earlier reference, found in Ancient Greek The Battle of Frogs and Mice. Although not by name in this translation, the reference is clear. "...Ruthless men dragged another to his doom when by unheard-of arts they had contrived a wooden snare, a destroyer of Mice, which they call a trap" (11. 110-121).[21]

Ralph Waldo Emerson is credited with the oft-quoted remark in favor of innovation: "Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door." In the June 1912 issue of The Philistine, Elbert Hubbard admits that his "kabojolism"[22] (a neologism coined by Hubbard to describe what a writer, "would have said if he had happened to think of [it]") was "a mousetrap that caught a lot of literary mice intent on orphic cheese."[23]

Mousetraps are a staple of slapstick comedy and animated cartoons such as Tom and Jerry, in which people commonly sit on the trap or have their fingers caught in the device.

See also


  1. ^ Patent of William C. Hooker's animal-trap in Google Patents.
  2. ^ Selected Highlights of the NYSL US Patent Collection
  3. ^ Van Dulken, Stephen (2001). Inventing the 19th Century. New York University Press. pp128. ISBN 0814788106. 
  4. ^ "Web reference". Retrieved 2007-08-30. 
  5. ^ Instructions for Mouse Traps - how to set and what bait to use
  6. ^ Gordon, Whitson (14 June 2011). "Make a No-Kill Mousetrap with a Jar and a Nickel". Lifehacker. Retrieved 15 June 2011. 
  7. ^ Template:Title=How to catch a mouse without a mousetrap
  8. ^ Tattersall F. H., Smith, R. H. & Nowell, F (1997). "Experimental colonization of contrasting habitats by house mice". Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 62: 350358. 
  9. ^ PETA Media Center, Glue Trap Factsheet
  10. ^ Article in About Home & Garden about glue traps
  11. ^ New Regulations on the use of Glue Traps and other Rodent Traps, Government of Victoria, Australia, 2008
  12. ^ Animal Welfare Amendment Act 2008 (Tasmania (Australia))
  13. ^ Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local GovernmentPress Release "Roche acts against illegal glue traps"
  14. ^ Instructions on how to build a bucket mouse trap
  15. ^ [1] D. Gilmore, "A simple mouse trap." English mechanic and world of science, Volume XXXI. Page 185, item 17214. London:1880. Retrieved August 20, 2009
  16. ^ Mouse RADAR Pest Control: Rentokil's humane pest control options
  17. ^ PETA >> Campaigns >> Builder of More Humane Mousetrap Recognized as PETA's 'Person of the Year'
  18. ^ [2]
  19. ^ "Disposable mouse trap". August 6, 1990. Retrieved 26 July 2010. 
  20. ^ "A nice and easy way to catch mice". Retrieved 26 July 2010. 
  21. ^
  22. ^ Elbert Hubbard (1998) [1922]. Elbert Hubbard II. ed. Preachments: Elbert Hubbard's Selected Writings, Volume 4. Montana: Kessinger. ISBN 9780766103856. 
  23. ^ White, Bruce A. (1989). The Philistine: A Periodical of Protest (1895-1915). Lantham, Maryland: University Press of America. pp101102. ISBN 0819175692. 


  • Tattersall F. H., Smith, R. H. & Nowell, F. (1997). Experimental colonization of contrasting habitats by house mice. Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde. 62: 350-358.

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  • mousetrap — mouse trap , mouse trap mouse trap , n. Any device that catches, and usually kills, mice. They are of various designs, the most common being a stiff loop of wire mounted on a small wooden platform base and attached to a strong spring, which holds …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mousetrap — Mousetrap, The a play by Agatha Christie, which was first performed in the ↑West End of London in 1952, and has been performed there continuously for longer than any other play in the world. It is a ↑whodunit (=a play about a murder in which you… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • mousetrap — late 15c., from MOUSE (Cf. mouse) + TRAP (Cf. trap) (n.). Figurative use from 1570s. The thing is older than the word. Old English had musfealle; Middle English had mouscacche (late 14c.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • mousetrap — ☆ mousetrap [mous′trap΄] n. a trap for catching mice vt. mousetrapped, mousetrapping to trick or ensnare by means of a feint or stratagem …   English World dictionary

  • mousetrap — /mows trap /, n., v., mousetrapped, mousetrapping. n. 1. a trap for mice, esp. one consisting of a rectangular wooden base on which a metal spring is mounted. 2. a device, machine, or the like whose structure or function suggests a trap for mice …   Universalium

  • mousetrap — UK [ˈmaʊsˌtræp] / US noun [countable] Word forms mousetrap : singular mousetrap plural mousetraps a small object with a spring, used for catching and killing mice …   English dictionary

  • mousetrap — I. noun Date: 15th century 1. a trap for mice 2. a stratagem that lures one to defeat or destruction 3. trap 2b II. transitive verb Date: circa 1864 to snare in or as if in a mousetrap …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • mousetrap — 1. noun a) Device for capturing or killing mice and other rodents. But what happens if they build a better mousetrap? b) A website designed to open another copy of itself when the user tries to close the webpage. Frequently used by advertisers… …   Wiktionary

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  • mousetrap — Addictive site, one that keeps your attention for a long time or keeps you coming back for more. is one wicked mousetrap …   Dictionary of american slang

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