List of U.S. college mascots

List of U.S. college mascots

__NOTOC__This is an incomplete list of U.S. college mascots, consisting of named incarnations of live, costumed or inflatable mascots.

Mascot incarnations


* Ace Purple - official mascot of the University of Evansville Purple Aces.
* Ace the Warhawk- official mascot of the University of Louisiana at Monroe.
* Air Dunker- inflatable mascot of the Murray State University Racers. Cousin of Dunker.
* Albert E. Gatorthe male alligator mascot of the Florida Gators. The female version is known as Alberta, commonly used for Lady Gator athletics.
* Alphiethe costumed wolf mascot of the University of Nevada, Reno Wolf Pack.
* Archibald Eagle - official mascot of the University of Southern Indiana.
* Army Mules - three mules that act as the mascots for the United States Military Academy
* Artie the Fighting Artichoke - artichoke mascot of Scottsdale Community College. [cite news | url= | title=Mascot Watch | author=Bosslett, Lindsay | work=The Chronicle of Higher Education | accessdate=2007-04-08]
* Attilathe costumed duck mascot of the Stevens Ducks.
* Aubiethe costumed Tiger mascot of Auburn.
* Avalanche the Golden Bear -- The costumed bear mascot of Kutztown University of Pennsylvania.
* Awesome Eagle - costumed mascot of Tennessee Tech University Golden Eagles.
* Azul the Eaglecostumed mascot of Florida Gulf Coast University.


* Baby Jaycostumed sidekick and smaller version of Big Jay, the mascot for the Jayhawks of the University of Kansas.

* Baby Owl - second mascot of Temple University; more of a child-friendly mascot
* Baldwin the Eaglethe American bald eagle mascot of Boston College
* Bananas - The Black Bear mascot of the University of Maine
* The Bearcat - name of University of Cincinnati mascot.
* Beaker - name of Morehead State University mascot.
* Bellethe costumed female mascot of Mississippi State University
* Benthe Bulldog mascot of McPherson College
* Ben Franklin - costumed mascot of the University of Pennsylvania, which looks like the real Benjamin Franklin, but wears school uniforms and sports a game face at athletic events.
* Bennythe Beaver of Oregon State
* Berniethe costumed St. Bernard dog of Siena College.
* Bevoa live Texas Longhorn steer the official mascot of the Texas Longhorns.
* Big Althe costumed elephant mascot of the Alabama Crimson Tide
* Big Bluea lion mascot wearing a blue king's crown representing the Old Dominion Monarchs.
* Big Jaythe costumed mascot of the Jayhawks of the University of Kansas.
* Big RedThe main Fighting Razorback mascot of the University of Arkansas. Also the blob-like costumed mascot of the Western Kentucky Hilltoppers and the Daniel Boone like costumed mascot of the Sacred Heart University Pioneers.
* Big Stuffthe eagle mascot of Winthrop University.
* Bill the GoatUnited States Naval Academy live goat and costumed mascot
* The Birdcostumed mascot of the United States Air Force Academy Falcons
* Bisonthe blue bison mascot of Howard University
* Bisonthe mascot of Lipscomb University and Oklahoma Baptist University.
* Black Jackthe costumed mascot of the United States Military Academy at West Point (Army)
* Blazethe official dragon mascot of the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
* Blazethe official maverick (stallion) mascot of the University of Texas at Arlington. [cite web|url=|title=The Shorthorn - Mascot named Blaze ] [cite web|url=|title=The UT Arlington Mascot ]
* Blitzthe official bearcat mascot of Willamette University (OR).
*Blizzard T. Huskythe husky of Michigan Tech. The T stands for The. Blizzard can usually be seen ice skating before home hockey games.
* Bluea live bobcat, one of three official mascots of the University of Kentucky. Unlike the other two, he never attends home games because of his species' shy nature. He lives at the Salato Wildlife Education Center, a state-run facility in Frankfort.
* The Blue Blobthe blue fuzzy costumed mascot, is one of two official mascots for Xavier University (Cincinnati) and is especially popular with younger fans.
* Blue JayJohns Hopkins University, Polytechnic University.
* The Blue Devila costumed student who serves as mascot of the Duke Blue Devils.
* Bobbythe Bearcat of Northwest Missouri State University
* Bobcata costumed Bobcat mascot of New York University.
* Boilermaker Speciala railroad locomotive replica mascot (officially) of Purdue.
* BokoThe Bobcat mascot of Texas State University.
* Boomerthe bear of Missouri State University.
* BoomerThe Bobcat mascot of Quinnipiac University.
* Boomerone of the two white ponies of the University of Oklahoma that pulls the Sooner Schooner (the other pony's name is Sooner). There is both a live pony and costumed mascot.
* Boss Hogg - The 9-foot tall inflatable Razorback mascot of the University of Arkansas.
* Bruiserthe costumed bear for the Baylor Bears & the Belmont University Bruins.
* Brunothe brown bear of Brown University.
* Brutus Buckeyethe anthropomorphic buckeye mascot of The Ohio State University.
* Bucky BeaverNature's engineer, the mascot of the California Institute of Technology, Caltech, in Pasadena, California
* Bucky The Parrotthe costumed parrot is mascot of Barry University in Florida
* Buckythe costumed bronc is mascot of University of Texas - Pan American in Texas
* Bucky (or Bucky Bison) — the costumed bison mascot of Bucknell University
* Bucky Badgerthe lovable but mischievous badger of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
* Bulleta live black American Quarter Horse mascot of Oklahoma State University.
* Bullyboth the live bulldog and the costumed bulldog mascot of Mississippi State.
*Burrowing Owl-the mascot of Florida Atlantic University.
* Buster Bronco - The official mascot of Boise State University
* Buster Bronco - The official mascot of Western Michigan University
* Butch T. Cougarthe cougar of Washington State. The "T" stands for "The".
* Butler Blue II - the living Bulldog mascot of Butler University.
* Buzzthe costumed mascot of the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets.


* Cam the Rama live male bighorn sheep the official mascot of the Colorado State Rams. It is also the name of the costumed ram.
* Camelthe official mascot of Connecticut College
* Captain Chrisa costumed likeness of Christopher Newport; the mascot of Christopher Newport University.
* Cardinal Birdis the costumed mascot of the Cardinals from the University of Louisville. Sometimes called Red Bird.
* CavMan, aka Chesterthe official mascot of the University of Virginia.
* Cayennea costumed chili pepper for the Ragin' Cajuns of Louisiana-Lafayette.
* Cecil Sagehen - the vicious winged mascot of Pomona College and Pitzer College in Claremont, CA
* Champthe costumed Bobcat of Montana State University. Also the costumed Bulldog mascot of Louisiana Tech University
* Charlie Cardinalthe cardinal mascot of Ball State University.
* Charlie Orediggerthe official mascot of Montana Tech.
* Chief Illiniwekthe official symbol of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Fighting Illini, retired on February 21st 2007
* Chief Osceola and his horse Renegadethe official symbols of the Florida State Seminoles.
* Chipthe costumed buffalo mascot of the University of Colorado
* Clawed Z. Eaglethe costumed eagle of American University
* Clyde The Cougarthe costumed cougar mascot of the College of Charleston.
* Cockythe costumed mascot of the Jacksonville State University Gamecocks
* Cockythe costumed mascot of the South Carolina Gamecocks
* Colonel Ebirt - the costumed mascot of the College of William & Mary Tribe. The name "Ebirt" is "Tribe" spelled backwards and is a green blob dressed in colonial garb.
* Colonel Rebthe unofficial mascot of the Ole Miss Rebels. Colonel Reb was recently declared the unofficial mascot due to controversy over the nature of the mascot.
* Colonel Rockbulldog mascot for the Western Illinois Leathernecks. Commonly goes by the nickname Rocky.
* Cosmothe costumed Cougar mascot of Brigham Young.
* Cowboy Joethe live Shetland Pony mascot of the University of Wyoming.
* The Crusaderthe official mascot of the Valparaiso Crusaders of Valparaiso University.
* Cubbythe second mascot of Brown University. It is a young, hat wearing bear appealing to young children.
* Cythe costumed cardinal that serves as the mascot of the Iowa State Cyclones
* Cyrusthe costumed (kilt-clad) mascot of the Presbyterian College Bluehose


* DIBS (Demon In a Blue Suit) — the Blue Demon mascot of DePaul University
* D'Artagnanthe captain of the Musketeers of the Guard is the mascot of Xavier University
* Demon Deaconthe mascot of Wake Forest University
* Diegothe mascot of University of San Diego
* Donald Duckthe mascot of the Oregon Ducks for the University of Oregon [cite web|url=|title=The Duck - GoDucks.comThe University of Oregon Official Athletics Web Site ]
* Duke Dogthe costumed mascot of the James Madison Dukes
* Docthe costumed mascot of Towson Tigers
* Dominicthe Rambouillet Ram Mascot of Angelo State University
* Donthe mastodon of Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne
* The Don - the mascot of the University of San Francisco
* Duncan - the dolphin mascot of Jacksonville University
* Dunkerthe horse mascot of Murray State University


* Eddie the Eaglemascot of Laney College
* Eli the Eaglemascot of Oral Roberts University
* Ellsworth the Golden Eaglethe mascot of SUNY Brockport
* The Explorerthe mascot of La Salle University from the La Salle Explorers
* Eutecticthe mascot of St. Louis College of Pharmacy


* The Falcon - name of the United States Air Force Academy Mascot
* The Fighting Okra - name of the unofficial mascot of Delta State University. Has been featured in David Letterman's "Top Ten Worst Mascots List".
* Freddie and Frieda Falconcostumed mascots of the Bowling Green State University Falcons
* Freddy Falcon - Mascot of the University of Wisconsin-River Falls Falcons
* Friar Boy- Mascot of Providence College
* FlashMascot of the Kent State University Golden Flashes
* Flying C --Mascot of the Central Michigan University Chippewas


* Gael Force 1 - The knight mascot of Saint Mary's College of California.
* Gaylord- the Camel mascot of Campbell University
* General Scott - one of 3 live mule mascots for Army
* George - The Colonial mascot of The George Washington University
* Gladys- the Squirrel mascot of Mary Baldwin College
* Golden EagleMarquette Golden Eagles
* Glycerin - Female Knight Mascot of the University of Central Florida. The female companion to Knightro
* Golden Griffin - a Griffin as a mascot for Canisius College
* The Golden Knight - a costumed student representing University of Central Florida who rides a white horse, Pegasus
* Goldy the GopherUniversity of Minnesota
* Gompeithe bronzed head of a now deceased goat the mascot of Worcester Polytechnic Institute
* The Governormascot of Austin Peay University
* Gunrock the Mustang University of California Davis
* Gunstona green creature with a colonial tri-cornered hat named after Gunston Hall the colonial-period home of the namesake of George Mason University
* Gus the EagleGeorgia Southern University
* Gus the GorillaPittsburg State University
* Gussie- the live Northern Goshawk mascot of SUNY New Paltz


* Hairy Dawga person costumed as a bulldog, University of Georgia "(See also Uga below)"
* Handsome Dana live bulldog the official mascot of the Yale [ Bulldogs] and the first mascot adopted by a university in the USA
* Harrythe husky mascot of the University of Washington
* The Hawka costumed student who serves as mascot of the Saint Joseph's Hawks; the mascot flaps its "wings" without interruption (even during halftime) throughout SJU basketball games
* Herbie Huskerthe costumed mascot of the University of Nebraska
* Herky the Hawkthe costumed hawk mascot of the University of Iowa
* Herky the Hornet - the costumed hornet mascot of Sacramento State
* Hey Rebthe costumed mascot of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas teams the Rebels (the basketball team is called the Runnin' Rebels).
* Hokie Birdis the costumed mascot of Virginia Tech.
* Hootthe mascot of the Rowan University Profs.
* Hooteris the costumed Owl mascot of Temple University
* Hook'emis the costumed Longhorn mascot of The University of Texas.
* Hoppyis the costumed Bluejay mascot of Johns Hopkins University.
* Hornetsis the costumed mascot of Emporia State University.
* Howie the Hawk - the costumed mascot of the University of Hartford
* Howl the Red Wolf - the newest costumed mascot of the Arkansas State University.


* Ichabodthe mascot of Washburn University representing its namesake's first name.
* Iggy the Lionmascot of Loyola Marymount University.


* Jack the Bulldoga live Bulldog of the Georgetown Hoyas. There is a costumed mascot with the same name.
* Jay and Baby Jayare costumed "" mascots of the University of Kansas that are a mythical cross between a blue jay and a sparrowhawk.
* Jinx the Jaguarthe costumed jaguar mascot of IUPUI
* Joe Bruin and Josephine Bruinthe Bruins of UCLA
* Joe Minerthe pickaxe, pistol, and slide rule-toting mascot of Missouri S&T
* Joe Vandalthe costumed Vandal mascot of the University of Idaho.
* Jonathanthe husky mascot of the University of Connecticut
* Judgethe live black bear mascot of Baylor University. The name is also given to the inflatable costumed mascot.
* Jumbothe elephant mascot of Tufts University
* Junior Smokeythe second costumed blue tick hound mascot of the University of Tennessee that looks younger than the original costumed Smokey (see below), but considers himself as his brother.


* Kasey the Kangaroo - University of Missouri-Kansas City's costumed mascot.
* Keggy the Kegof Dartmouth College (unofficial, proposed by the "Jack-o-Lantern" humor magazine).
* Killian the Gael - The mascot of Iona College.
* Knightrothe costumed Knight of the University of Central Florida.
* King Huskythe Husky of Northeastern University.
* Klawz Da Bearthe costumed bear of the University of Northern Colorado.


* Lafittethe costumed alligator in pirate garb that is the mascot of the University of New Orleans Privateers.
* LeeRoy the Tiger - the costumed mascot of Trinity University (Texas).
* Leo and Una - two live lion mascots of the University of North Alabama Lions.
* The Leprechaunthe mascot of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish
* Lightningthe costumed blue Pegasus-like creature that is the mascot for the Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
* Lil' Redthe inflatable-costumed boy mascot of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln
* Lord Jeffthe costumed student mascot depicting the school's namesake at Amherst College
* LU Bison - the costumed bison mascot of Lipscomb University
* Lou Wolfa live wolf the official mascot of the Loyola-Chicago Ramblers; got a major facelift in 2001
* Louie the Lakermascot of Grand Valley State University
* Louie Lobothe costumed wolf mascot of the University of New Mexico
* Louie the Lumberjackmascot of Northern Arizona University
* Lucy Lobo - the costumed female wolf companion to Louie Lobo of the University of New Mexico
* Lulu - female Bulldog mascot of Gardner-Webb University


* Mac T. Bulldog Bulldog male mascot of Gardner-Webb University
* Magnus - the current mascot of Cleveland State University
* Marauder - official mascot of Millersville University (a marauder is a land pirate)
* Marcothe costumed Buffalo mascot of the Marshall Thundering Herd
* Mario the Magnificent Dragonthe official mascot of the Drexel Dragons
* Marvin the Miner - Colorado School of Mines
* The Masked Rider - one of the official mascots of the Texas Tech Red Raiders
* Mike the Tigerlive Bengal Tiger mascot of the LSU Tigers, as well as the costumed tiger mascot.
* Mingusthe costumed jazz catofficial mascot for Berklee College of Music.
* Mingothe costumed Husky mascot of Houston Baptist University.
* Miss Pawlaa costumed jaguaress of the University of South Alabama. She is the girlfriend of Southpaw (see below).
* Mr. C (full name: Mr. Commodore) — the costumed Commodore mascot of Vanderbilt University
* Mr. Wuf and Mrs. Wufthe costumed wolf mascots of the North Carolina State Wolfpack.
* MoHarv - the Golden Eagle mascot of the University of Charleston in Charleston, West Virginia.
* Mo the Mulethe official mascot of University of Central Missouri
* Monte the Grizzly bearUniversity of Montana
* Montezuma the Aztec WarriorSan Diego State University
* Monty the EagleNiagara University
* The Mountaineera West Virginia University student who dresses in pioneer costume as the school's mascot
* Musty the Mustang - the mascot of California Polytechnic State University


* Nitro the Knightthe official mascot of the FDU Knights
* The Nittany Lionmascot of the Penn State Nittany Lions
* Norm the Ninerthe official mascot of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte
* The Norsemascot of Northern Kentucky University"'


* Objee the bearthe Coast Guard Academy's costumed mascot and, until 1984, a live bear kept on campus.
* Ollie the owlBrandeis University's mascot, wearing a mortarboard (as the nickname is the Judges).
* Oskithe costumed mascot of the California Golden Bears.
* Otto the Orangethe mascot of Syracuse University.
* Owsleythe costumed, burrowing owl mascot of Florida Atlantic University.
* Ozziethe costumed osprey mascot of the University of North Florida.


* Passthe costumed mascot of Furman University, who rides the white horse Goliath
* Pawsofficial costumed mascot of the Western Carolina University Catamounts.
* Pawsmascot of Northeastern University Huskies.
* Paydirt Petea costumed student who serves as a mascot for University of Texas at El Paso
* PeeDee the Piratea costumed student who serves as mascot for East Carolina University
* PerunaA Shetland Pony who represents the Southern Methodist University Mustangs
* Pete & Pennytwo Emperor Penguins dressed in scarfs and stocking caps for Youngstown State University
* Peter the Anteaterthe mascot based on the "ZOT!"-noise-emitting animal from the comic strip B.C. at the University of California Irvine
* Petey the Stormy Petrelthe costumed mascot of Oglethorpe University []
* Phoenixthe costumed mascot of Elon University (formerly the Fightin'Christians) and of The University of Chicago (nickname the Maroons).
* Pioneer Petea costumed student who serves as mascot of California State University, East Bay (Hayward, CA)
* Piratethe mascot of the Seton Hall Pirates at Seton Hall & also Hampton University's nickname of their athletic department and mascot.
* Pistol Petea costumed student who serves as mascot of the Oklahoma State Cowboys as well as the costumed mascots of the University of Wyoming and New Mexico State University.
* Polar Bearthe mascot of Bowdoin College
* Pork Chop -- the kid-sized junior Razorback mascot of the University of Arkansas
* Pouncerthe costumed tiger mascot of University of Memphis
* Pounce the Blue Pantherthe mascot of Georgia State University
* Pounce the Pantherthe new (for 2007-08) mascot of the UW-Milwaukee Panthers. It is also the official Panther mascot of Purdue University North Central since 2003. [cite web|url=|title=Panther Mascot - Athletics - Purdue North Central ]
* Power Catthe tiger mascot of the University of the Pacific
* Prospector Petethe inflated balloon mascot of Long Beach State
* Prowlerthe Panther the official mascot of Eastern Illinois University
* Purple Cowthe gold-spotted gender-confused mascot of Williams College
* Purple KnightThe staff carrying Purple Knight is the mascot of Saint Michael's College
* Puckmanthe animated hard-hat wearing walking hockey puck mascot of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
* Purdue Peteofficial costumed mascot of Purdue University


* Qpopular name of Spike Q. Gonzaga, a live bulldog, one of two official mascots of Gonzaga University. The "Q" is in honor of former Gonzaga basketball player Quentin Hall.
* Quakers - the name of the athletic department of Earlham College.


*Racer 1- live horse mascot during football games for Murray State University
* Raider - one of 3 live mule mascots for Army and the mascot of Colgate University.
* Raider Redone of the official mascots of the Texas Tech Red Raiders
* Rallythe mascot of the University of Vermont Catamounts.
* Ralphiea live American Bison the official mascot of the Colorado Buffaloes
* Rambling Wreck - the 1930 Ford Model A Sports Coupe mascot of Georgia Tech
* Ramesesa live ram that serves as the mascot for the North Carolina Tar Heels. It is also the name of the costumed mascot.
* Rammythe mascot for West Chester University of Pennsylvania.
* Ranger II - one of 3 live mule mascots for Army
* Razor the Shark - Nova Southeastern University
* Reggie RedbirdIllinois State University
* Reveillea live collie that serves as the mascot for the Texas A&M Aggies and is taken care of by the Corps of Cadets
* Rhett the Boston Terrierthe Boston Terrier representing Boston University
* Rhody the Ram - University of Rhode Island
* RibbyThe Razorback mascot for the University of Arkansas baseball team.
* RITchie the Tigerthe mascot for the Rochester Institute of Technology.
* Riptidethe costumed Pelican mascot of Tulane University.
* Roar-ee the Lion - the official mascot of Columbia University. Created in October 2005.
* Roary the Pantherthe official mascot of the Florida International University Golden Panthers
* ROC the Pantherthe costumed mascot of the Pittsburgh Panthers.
* Rockythe mascot for Widener University (Pa.). (Retired October 7, 2006. New mascot to be announced) []
* Rockya costumed yellowjacket, the official mascot of the University of Rochester
* Rocky the Bullthe mascot for the University of South Florida.
* Rocky II the Lionmascot for the Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Pride.
* Rocky the Rocketmascot of the University of Toledo.
* Rodney the Ramthe mascot of Virginia Commonwealth University.
* Rosiethe costumed elephant mascot of the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology "Fightin' Engineers."
* Roomie the Lionmascot of the Southeastern Louisiana University.
* Roongo the Huskyis the mascot for Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania.
* Rowdyan unofficial mascot of Purdue University (for official mascotsee Boilermaker Special)
* Rowdy - a Roadrunner that is the costumed mascot of California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB). []
* Rowdya Roadrunner that is the mascot for the University of Texas at San Antonio.
* Rowdy Raideris the mascot for Wright State. It used to be a Viking, but was changed to a wolf in 1997.
* Rowdy the Riverhawkis the mascot for UMass Lowell.
* Rowdy the Red Hawkis the mascot for Southeast Missouri State University
* Rudy Flyeris the mascot for the University of Dayton
* Ruckusthe Red-tailed Hawk mascot of University of Denver
* Rufusthe Bobcat mascot for Ohio University.

* The Saluki Doglive animal mascot of the Southern Illinois Salukis
* Sam the MinutemanMassachusetts Minutemen and Minutewomen
* Sammie Seminole - The athletic logo for The Florida State University
* Sammy Seahawkof UNC Wilmington
* Sammy Spartanof Manchester College, North Manchester Indiana
* Sammy the Owlof Rice University
* Sammy the Sluga banana slug is the mascot of UC Santa Cruz. Sammy was named Reader's Digest best college mascot for 2004.
* Sammy and Samantha Bearkatmascots of Sam Houston State University.
* Sasha - The University of Houston's female mascot.
* The Scarlet Knightof Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
* Scrappythe eagle mascot of the North Texas Mean Green
* Scrappya costumed anthropomorphized mockingbird the mascot of the Chattanooga Mocs
* ScrappyThe owl mascot of Kennesaw State University
* Scratcha student in wildcat costume who is one of three official mascots of the University of Kentucky, two of which attend games. Scratch is a more child-friendly version of "The Wildcat", the other mascot that attends games.
* Screech A. Eagle - official mascot of Northwestern College (Minnesota).
* Scottiethe scottie dog mascot of Agnes Scott College
* Scotty the BearA tartan clad highlander bear representing the University of California, Riverside.
* Scrotieof the Rhode Island School of Design
* Sebastian the Ibisthe costumed mascot of the Miami Hurricanes. The Florida ibis according to folklore is the last bird to leave the area before a hurricane and the first bird to come back after the storm. "Sebastian" once carried a corn-cob pipe in its beak.
* Seymour D'Campuscostumed mascot of Southern Miss Golden Eagles
* Shadowcostumed mascot of Monmouth University (NJ).
* The Sharkmascot of UNLV. While the school's teams are named the Rebels (Runnin' Rebels for men's basketball only) the mascot is a shark in honor of former men's basketball coach Jerry Tarkanian nicknamed "The Shark".
* Shastathe mascot of the University of Houston's Houston Cougars - a live cougar for many years; currently a costumed anthropomorphic cougar.
* ShooterThe second generation Red Fox Mascot for Marist College.
* Sir Big Spur - a live rooster at the University of South Carolina since 2006 []
* Skully - giant red parrot sidekick of the official "Marauder" mascot of Millersville University
* SkullyUnofficial mascot of the East Carolina Pirates
* Smokeya live bluetick coonhound, the official mascot for the Tennessee Volunteers. The name is also applied to the costumed mascot.
* Soonerone of the two white ponies of the University of Oklahoma that pulls the Sooner Schooner (the other pony's name is Boomer). There is both a live pony and costumed mascot.
* Sooner Schooner - a scale replica of a Conestoga wagon pulled by two ponies and driven by the RUF/NEKS of the University of Oklahoma.
* Southpaw- a costumed jaguar of the University of South Alabama.
* Sparkythe maroon and gold devil mascot of the Arizona State Sun Devils
* Sparkythe eagle mascot of the Liberty University Flames. The name also applies to the dragon mascot of the Illinois-Chicago Flames.
* Spartythe mascot of Michigan State University a comical representation of a Spartan hoplite soldier clad in green with an elongated head. Extremely buff but does not talk much. [cite web|url=|title=MSU Student Alumni Foundation - Sparty Mascot Program ]
* Spideythe spider mascot of the Richmond Spiders
* Spikethe name given to several costume bulldog mascots including Gonzaga [] , Samford [] ,The Citadel Drake as well as the inflatably costumed mascot of the University of Georgia
* The Stagthe costumed mascot of Fairfield University.
* The Stanford Treea dancing conifer of indeterminate species official mascot of Stanford Band unofficial mascot of Stanford University.
* Stanley the Stag- the costumed mascot for the men's teams of the combined athletic program of Harvey Mudd, Scripps, and Claremont McKenna Colleges.
* The Statesman - the official mascot of Delta State University.
* Superfrogthe costumed horned toad mascot of TCU
* Sue E. Pig - The female Razorback mascot of the University of Arkansas.
* Swoopthe costumed mascot of the University of Utah Utes. "Swoop" is a red-tailed hawk, which is a bird native to the state of Utah.
* Swoopthe costumed mascot of Eastern Washington University and Emory University- both are eagles.
* Swoopthe costumed mascot of the Eastern Michigan University Eagles. "Swoop" is a bald eagle whose distingiuishing characteristic is his fighting stance where he tends to poke his chest out in pure confidence.
* Swoop the RedHawkthe costumed mascot of Miami University.
* Sycamore Samthe happy forest animal costume of no particular species but looks like a blue fox or dog; mascot of the Indiana State Sycamores.


* T.C.costumed mascot of the University of Northern Iowa Panthers
* Tech - a live bulldog mascot of Louisiana Tech University
* Temoca costumed comet of the University of Texas at Dallas.
* Texan Ridera costumed cowboy of the Tarleton State University.
* Testudoa costumed Diamondback Terrapin of the University of Maryland College Park.
* Thorthe thunderbird mascot of Southern Utah University.
* Thresherthe threshing stone mascot of Bethel College.
* Thundercat - the physical embodiment of the Southern Nazarene Crimson Storm.
* The Tigerthe mascot of Princeton University; the first collegiate mascot and subject of the first organized, recorded cheerleading cheer in 1884.Citation | last=Neil | first=Randy L. | last2=Hart | first2 =Elaine | title=The Official Cheerleader's Handbook | publisher =Simon & Schuster | year =1986 | edition =Revised Fireside Edition 1986 | isbn =0-671-61210-7] Name reaffirmed as The Tiger in a 2007 referendum with widespread opposition to giving the mascot a name [cite web|url=|title=Mascot revamped but still 'The Tiger' - The Daily Princetonian ]
* The Tigerthe mascot of Clemson University
* Tim the Beaverthe mascot of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* Timeoutthe costumed Bulldog mascot of Fresno State
* Tobythe costumed bear mascot of Mercer University.
* Tom the Tigera live tiger, son of Tom Sr. of the University of Memphis
* Tommy Titan -the mascot of the University of Detroit Mercy.
* Tommy Mothe costumed Saints mascot of Thomas More College.
* Topper the Hilltopperthe mascot of St. Edward's University
* Touchdownalso known as the Big Red Bear the official mascot of Cornell University was a live bear from 1915 to 1939 when it was replaced with a costume.
* Tough Louie - the lumberjack mascot of Northern Arizona University.
* Travelera live white horse the mascot of the University of Southern California who appears during all home football games.
* Triton - the mascot of University of California at San Diego
*True Grit - the mascot of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
* Truman the Tigerthe mascot of the University of Missouri and named for former U.S. president Harry S Truman.
* Tuffythe costumed elephant of the Cal State Fullerton Titans.
* Tuskthe live mascot of the University of Arkansas.
* Tyler the Tigerthe costumed tiger mascot of DePauw University.


* Ugaa live bulldog the official mascot of the Georgia Bulldogs.


* Vic the Demonthe mascot of Northwestern State University
* Victor E. Bearthe mascot of The University of Central Arkansas
* Victor E. Bullthe bull of the University at Buffalo
* Victor E. Huskiethe mascot of Northern Illinois University
* Victor E. Pantherthe former (graduated/retired) mascot of the Milwaukee Panthers
* Victor E. Vikingthe mascot of Portland State University
* Vili - the mascot of University of Hawaii
* Vike - the former mascot of Cleveland State University
* Vixen - the mascot of Sweet Briar College


* Waldothe wildcat mascot of Weber State University.
* War Eagle VIthe golden eagle mascot of Auburn University.
* Wilbur Wildcat and Wilma Wildcatthe married costumed mascots of the University of Arizona.
* Wild E. Catthe official costumed Wildcat mascot of the University of New Hampshire.
* The Wildcata costumed student who is one of three official mascots of the University of Kentucky, two of which attend games. It is also the mascot of Davidson College, but is also named Mr. Cat.
* Will D. Catthe costumed wildcat of Villanova University.
* Willie Warhawk- the costumed hawk mascot of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
* Willie the Wave--the costumed mascot of Pepperdine University
* Willie the Wildcatthe costumed wildcat mascot of Northwestern University and Kansas State University. Despite having the same name, the two have very different appearances.
* Willy the Wildcat -- the mascot of Northern Michigan University.
* Wolfiethe mascot of Stony Brook University and Western Oregon University.
* Wolfie (Jr.)the second costumed wolf mascot of the University of Nevada, Reno Wolf Pack. Was the original mascot until 1999, but was reintroduced in 2007 with a younger, less menacing face. Rumored to be the original with a facelift.
* WuShockan anthropomorphic shock of wheat; the mascot of Wichita State University.


* Yellow Jacket — (CU) the costumed mascot of Cedarville University.
* YoUDee — (UD) the Blue Hen a costumed mascot of the University of Delaware. [ YoUDee]
* Yosef — (ASU) the Mountaineer a costumed mascot of the Appalachian State University.


* Zippy the Kangaroofemale mascot of University of Akron


ee also

*List of colleges by mascot

External links

* [] College mascot resource
* [ USAToday lists various mascot facts]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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