

Menestheus (Greek: Μενεσθεύς), the son of Peteus, son of Orneus, son of Erechtheus, was a legendary King of Athens during the Trojan War. He was set up as king by the Dioscuri when Theseus travelled to the underworld, and at his return Menestheus exiled him from the city.[1][2][3]

Menestheus was one of the suitors of Helen of Troy[4], and when the Trojan War started he brought "fifty black ships" to Troy[5][6]. In the Iliad it is noted that no one could arrange chariots and shield-bearing warriors in battle orders better than Menestheus, and that only Nestor could vie with him[7]. Yet further he is characterized as not valiant. When Agamemnon was reviewing his troops he found Menestheus in the back rows seemingly avoiding action[8]. Later when Sarpedon attacked the portion of the Greek wall that he was in charge of, Menestheus shivered and had to call on Telamonian Aias and Teucer for aid[9]. Menestheus was one of the warriors in the Trojan Horse[10][11]. After Troy was sacked, he sailed to Mimas, then to Melos where he became king.[12]

When Menestheus died, Athens passed back to the family of Theseus[13].

The name Menestheus may also refer to:


  1. ^ Plutarch, Theseus, 32. 1 ff
  2. ^ Pausanias, Description of Greece, 1. 17. 5
  3. ^ Apollodorus, Bibliotheca, Epitome of Book 4, 1. 23
  4. ^ Apollodorus, Bibliotheca, 3. 10. 8
  5. ^ Homer, Iliad, 2. 557
  6. ^ Hyginus, Fabulae, 97
  7. ^ Iliad, 2. 552 ff
  8. ^ Il. 4. 327
  9. ^ Il. 12. 331 ff
  10. ^ Pausanias, Description of Greece, 1. 23. 8
  11. ^ Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy, 12. 314
  12. ^ Apollodorus, Bibliotheca, Epitome of Book 4, 6. 15b = Tzetzes on Lycophron, 911
  13. ^ Plutarch, Theseus, 35. 5
  14. ^ Virgil, Aeneid, 10. 129
  15. ^ Statius, Thebaid, 6. 661
Regnal titles
Preceded by
King of Athens Succeeded by

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