- Polydorus
Greek mythology , Polydorus referred to several different people.#An Argive, son of
Hippomedon . Pausanias lists him as one of theEpigoni , who attacked Thebes in retaliation for the deaths of their fathers, theSeven Against Thebes , who died attempting the same thing.
#Polydorus, son ofCadmus and Harmonia, and father ofLabdacus by his wife Nycteis, daughter ofNycteus .
#A Trojan, and KingPriam 's youngest son during theTrojan War . He was sent with gifts of jewelry and gold to the court of KingPolymestor to be kept safe during the Trojan War. The fighting was getting vicious and Priam was frightened for the child's safety. After Troy fell, Polymestor threw Polydorus to his death to take thetreasure for himself.Hecuba , Polydorus' mother, eventually avenged her son. This story is depicted in "Hecuba" byEuripides .
#Another Trojan, and another son of Priam. As recounted inHomer 's "Iliad ", this Polydorus was a son of Priam andLaothoe , and fought during the Trojan War. He was slain byAchilles .
#One of the three Rhodian sculptors who created the statueLaocoön and his Sons .
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