- Teucer
:"This article is about Teucer, son of King
Telamon of Salamis, for Teucer, son ofScamander andIdaea , seeKing Teucer ."In
Greek mythology Teucer, also Teucrus or Teucris (Greek: Τεῦκρος, "Teukros"), was the son of KingTelamon of Salamis and his second wifeHesione , daughter of KingLaomedon ofTroy . He fought alongside his half-brother, Ajax, in theTrojan War and is the legendary founder of the city Salamis onCyprus . Teucer was the nephew of KingPriam of Troy and so the cousin ofHector and Paris - all of whom he fought against in the Trojan War.During the Trojan War, Teucer was mainly a great archer who loosed his shafts behind the giant shield of his half-brother Ajax the Great. When
Hector was driving theAchaeans back toward their ships, Teucer gave theArgives some success by killing many of the charging Trojans, including Hector's charioteer, Archeptolemus son ofIphitos . However every time he shot an arrow at Hector,Apollo , the protector of the Trojans, would foil the shot - an ironic reference to the fact that Apollo would guide Paris' arrow into Achilles' heel.In his rage at Teucer's success, Hector picked up a huge rock, and flung it at Teucer. The rock injured Teucer, so that he should retire from the fighting for a certain period of time. He does take up a spear to fight in the war after his bow is broken by Zeus. He once again challenged Hector, and he narrowly avoided the path of Hector's flying javelin in the ensuing battle. He was also one of the
Danaans to enter theTrojan Horse .Because of his half-brother's suicide, Teucer was disowned by his father and emigrated to Cyprus, where he founded the city of Salamis which he named after his home state. His departing words were immortalised in the seventh ode of the Roman poet
Horace , in which he exhorts his companions to "nil desperandum", "despair in no way", and announces "cras ingens iterabimus aequor", "tomorrow we will set out upon the vast ocean". This speech has been linked to a wider applicability relating to the theme of the voyage of discovery, also found in the "Ulysses" ofDante andTennyson .
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