- Epistrophus
In the "
Iliad ", Epistrophus was the son ofIphitus and brother ofSchedius . Together with his brother he led thePhocians on the side of theAchaeans in theTrojan War .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
In the "
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Morpho epistrophus — Museum specimen of Morpho epistrophus catenaria Perry, 1811 Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
ЭПИСТРОФ — • Epistrŏphus, Έπίστροφος, 1. сын аргонавта Ифита, внук Навбола фокидского, водил с братом своим Схедием фокийцев под Трою. Il. 2, 517. 17, 306; 2. сын Эвена, был убить Ахиллеем на походе против Лирнесса (в Мисии). Il. 2 … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Schedivs — SCHEDIVS, i, Gr. Σχέδιος, ου, des Epistrophus Sohn, einer von der Helena Freyern. Apollod. l. III. c. 9. §. 8. Er scheint aber vielmehr des Epistrophus Bruder, beyde aber des Iphitus und der Hippolyte Söhne, aus Phocis, gewesen zu seyn, wovon… … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Morpho — This article is about the genus. For particular species, see Blue Morpho (disambiguation). Morpho Butterfly Morpho didius – Museum specimen Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Ajax the Lesser — raping Cassandra For other uses of this name, see Ajax (disambiguation). Ajax (Greek: Αἴας) was a Greek mythological hero, son of Oileus, the king of Locris. He was called the lesser or Locrian Ajax … Wikipedia
Menelaus — For other uses, see Menelaus (disambiguation). Menelaus In Greek mythology, Menelaus (Ancient Greek: Μενέλαος, Menelaos) was a legendary king of Mycenaean (pre Dorian) Sparta, the husband of Helen of Troy, and a central figure in the Trojan War … Wikipedia
Paris (mythology) — Prince Paris with apple by H.W. Bissen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen Paris (Greek … Wikipedia
Chryseis — was also the name of two minor figures in Greek mythology: one of the Oceanids, daughters of Oceanus and Tethys, and one of the daughters of Thespius, who bore Heracles a son, Onesippus Odysseus returns Chryseis to her father (by Claude Lorrain,… … Wikipedia
Diomedes — This article is about the hero of the Trojan War. For other uses, see Diomedes (disambiguation). Diomedes, King of Argos a statue by Kresilas from ca. 430 BC. Glyptothek, München … Wikipedia
Mentes — In Greek mythology, Mentes (Μέντης) is the name of two different Trojan War leaders, the King of the Cicones (according to the Iliad) and the King of the Taphians and the son of Antiloches (according to the Odyssey). In Book XVII of The Iliad,… … Wikipedia