- Conservative Way Forward
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Part of the Politics series on Thatcherism OrganisationsRelated movementsEconomic rationalism (Australia)
Reaganomics (United States)
Rogernomics (New Zealand)
Libertarianism in the UKPolitics Portal Conservative Way Forward (CWF) is a British campaigning group that operates within the Conservative Party. It is a Thatcherite group in outlook and agenda, and Baroness Thatcher herself is the President.
CWF was founded in 1991 to "defend and build upon the achievements of the Conservative Party under Margaret Thatcher’s leadership, and to adapt the principles of her era in government to modern concerns and challenges".
Their core stated aim is "to provide a forum for all those who share our philosophy, from Parliament to the constituencies and helping in the eventual restoration of people's freedom and rights". They organise speaker meetings (like their Forthright debate series), seminars and receptions are regular features of their activities, supported and attended by Government Ministers past and future.
Although still a predominantly Thatcherite grouping, CWF has in recent years, with the decline of the left-leaning Tory Reform Group, become an integral and mainstream part of the Conservative Party. In all leadership elections since 1997, CWF has always publicly supported the candidate who ultimately won. During the 2005 leadership election, CWF's famous "Nine Principles" were hailed by David Cameron as the "common ground" of Conservative Party policy-making. The Principles are:
Nationhood Each nation must be free to determine its policies to the benefit of its citizens.
Freedom For responsible individuals, guaranteed by the rule of law administered by and independent judiciary and minimal state activity.
Democracy The exercise of political power, with the consent of the people - through regular elections on the basis of universal suffrage and a secret ballot.
Security The first duty of the state is to provide external and internal defence of the citizenry
Community Defined by geography, tradition, inheritance and sense of identity
Capitalism The most effective system of wealth creation. Free markets are blind to gender, race, class or religion.
Choice For individuals must be maximised - even if the state accepts responsibility for provision of a safety net.
Deregulation Domestic and global - to maximise freedom of choice and individual responsibility in an improved society.
Enterprise Fostered by a low tax, low inflation economy - with currency exchange rates determined by the free market.
It is run by a Board of Trustees and an appointed Executive Committee.
Honorary Positions
- Honorary President: Baroness Thatcher LG OM PC FRS
- Vice President: Christopher Chope OBE, former Transport Minister and former Chairman of Conservative Way Forward
- Vice President: Lord Parkinson PC, former Party Chairman and Trade and Industry Secretary
- Vice President: Lord Tebbit CH PC, former Party Chairman
- Honorary Chairman: Don Porter CBE, former Chairman of the National Convention of the Conservative Party and Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party Board
The Executive Committee
- General Secretary: Mark Allatt
- Karen Allen - Events
- David Berens - Legal and Reagan Statue
- Paul Bristow - Youth
- Conor Burns, MP for Bournemouth West - Parliamentary Liaison and Candidate Development
- Rahul Chakkara - Special Projects
- Margaret Chellingworth - Campaigning
- Jon Dobinson - Special Projects
- Lucinda Dobinson - Social Media
- Michelle Donelan - Events
- Jennie Elias - Reagan Statue
- Dominic Graham de Montrose - Membership
- Brian Hamill - Campaigning
- Daniel Hamilton - Events
- Sarah Macken - Sponsorship
- Chris Muller - Policy Unit
- Emma Pidding - Events
- David Scott - Enterprise Academy
- Aru Sivananthan - Enterprise Academy
- Russell Walters - Special Projects
- Matt Warman - Internal Communications
- Mark Worthington OBE - Presidential Liaison
Regional Co-ordinators
CWF has a regional co-ordinator in every region, who organise local events and recruit new members. They are;
- Steve Bell - South East
- Tara Douglas-Home - London
- Paul Bunyan - North East
- Lucinda Dobinson - Northern Ireland
- Anthony Landes - North West
- Tony Hilder - South West
- Lee Rowley - East Midlands
- Craig Tracey - West Midlands
- Thomas Turrell - Eastern
- Geoff Pickering - Yorkshire and Humberside
External links
Categories:- Libertarian organisations based in the United Kingdom
- Organisations associated with the Conservative Party (UK)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.