- List of Presidents of the Generalitat de Catalunya
The functions of the President of the Generalitat de Catalunya have varied considerably over history, in parallel with the attributions of the Generalitat itself.
Medieval Generalitat (1359–1716)
Fourteenth century
Berenguer de Cruïlles ,Bishop of Girona (1359 –1366 )Romeu Sescomes ,Bishop of Lleida (1363 –1364 )Ramon Gener (1364 1365 )Bernat Vallès , canon of Barcelona (1365 –1367 ):Romeu Sescomes ,Bishop of Lleida (1375 –1376 )Joan I d'Empúries (1376 )Guillem de Guimerà i d'Abella , Grand Prior of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem (1376 –1377 )Galceren de Besora i de Cartellà , almoner of Ripoll (1377 –1378 ):Ramon Gener (1379 –1380 )Felip d'Anglesola , canon of Tarragona (1380 )Pere de Santamans , canon of Tortosa (1381 –1383 )Arnau Descolomer , cleric fromGirona (1384 –1389 )Miquel de Santjoan , canon of Girona (1389 –1396 )Alfons de Tous , canon of Barcelona (1396 –1413 )
Fifteenth century
Alfons de Tous , canon of Barcelona (1396 –1413 )Marc de Vilalba , Abbot of Montserrat (1413 –1416 )Andreu Bertran ,Bishop of Barcelona (1416 –1419 )Joan Desgarrigues , Commendatory abbot of Masdéu (1419 –1422 )Dalmau de Cartellà , Abbot of Ripoll (1422 –1425 )Felip de Malla , canon of Barcelona (1425 –1428 )Domènec Ram ,Bishop of Lleida (1428 –1431 ):Marc de Vilalba , Abbot of Montserrat (1431 –1434 )Pere de Palou , canon of Barcelona (1434 –1437 )Pere de Darnius , chief sacristan of Girona (1437 –1440 )Antoni d'Avinyó i de Moles , Abbot of Montserrat (1440 –1443 )Jaume de Cardona i de Gandia , canon of Barcelona (1443 –1446 )Pero Ximénez de Urrea ,Archbishop of Tarragona (1446 –1449 )Bertran Samasó , Abbot of Ripoll (1449 –1452 )Bernat Guillem Samasó , Abbot of Àger (1452 –1455 )Nicolau Pujades , archdeacon of Barcelona (1455 –1458 )Antoni-Pere Ferrer , Abbot of Montserrat (1458 –1461 )Manuel de Montsuar , canon of Lleida (1461 –1464 )Francesc Colom , archdeacon of the Vallès (1464 –67)Ponç Andreu de Vilar , Abbot of Ripoll (1467 –70)Miquel Samsó , Abbot of Breda (1470 –73)Joan Maurici de Ribes , Abbot of Santa Maria de la Real of Perpignan ("Perpinyà") (1473 –76)Miquel Delgado , Abbot of Poblet (1476 –78)Pere Joan Llobera , sacristan of Sant Joan de les Abadesses (1478 –79)Berenguer de Sos , deacon of Barcelona (1479 –82)Pere de Cardona ,Bishop of Urgell (1482 –85):Ponç Andreu de Vilar , Abbot of Ripoll (1485 –88)Juan Payo Coello , Abbot of Poblet (1488 –91)Joan de Peralta , Abbot of Montserrat (1491 –94)Francí Vicenç , prior of Tarragona (1494 –97)- Pedro de Mendoza, Abbot of Santes Creus (
1497 –1500 )
Sixteenth century
Alfons d'Aragó ,Bishop of Tortosa (1500 –3)Ferrer Nicolau de Gualbes i Desvalls , canon of Barcelona (1503 –4)Gonzalo Fernández de Heredia ,Archbishop of Tarragona (1504 –6)Lluís Desplà i d'Oms , canon of Barcelona (1506 –9)Jordi Sanç , provost ("paborde") of Valencia (1509 –12)Joan d'Aragó ,castellan ofAmposta (1512 –14)Jaume Fiella (1514 –15)Esteve de Garret , archdeacon of Tortosa (1515 –18)Bernat de Corbera , archdeacon of Tarragona (1518 –21)Joan Margarit i de Requesens , archdeacon of Girona (1521 –24)Lluís de Cardona i Enríquez , Abbot of Solsona (1524 –27)Francesc de Solsona , canon of Lleida (1527 –30)Francesc Oliver i de Boteller , canon of Tortosa (1530 –33)Dionís de Carcassona , canon of Lleida (1533 –36)Joan Pasqual , canon of la Seu d'Urgell (1536 –39)Jeroni de Requesens i Roís de Liori (also known asGirolamo Doria ),Archbishop of Tarragona (1539 –42)Miquel Puig , Commedatory abbot of Serrateix (1542 –45)Jaume Caçador , canon of Barcelona (1545 –48)Miquel d'Oms i de Sentmenat , canon of Elna (1548 –51)Onofre de Copons i de Vilafranca , cleric (1551 –52)Miquel de Ferrer i de Marimon (1552 )Joan de Tormo (1552 –53)Miquel de Tormo (1553 –54)Francesc Jeroni Benet Franc , archdeacon of Barcelona (1554 –57)Pere Àngel Ferrer i Despuig , Abbot of Sant Cugat del Vallès (1557 –59)Ferran de Lloaces i Peres , canon of Elna (1559 –60):Miquel d'Oms i de Sentmenat , canon of Elna (1560 –63)Onofre Gomis (1563 –66)Francesc Giginta , Abbot of Amer (1566 –69)Benet de Tocco (also known asMarco Antoni di Tocco ), Bishop of Vic (1569 72)Jaume Cerveró , canon of Tortosa (1572 –75)Pere Oliver de Boteller i de Riquer , canon of Tortosa (1575 –78):Benet de Tocco (also known asMarco Antoni di Tocco ),Bishop of Girona (1578 –81)Rafael d'Oms , archdeacon of Tarragona (1581 –84)Jaume Beuló , canon of Vic (1584 ):Pere Oliver de Boteller i de Riquer , canon of Tortosa (1584 –87)Martí Joan de Calders (1587 )Francesc Oliver de Boteller , Abbot of Poblet (1587 –88)Jaume Caçador i Claret ,Bishop of Girona (1590 –93)Miquel d'Agullana , canon of Girona (1593 –96:Francesc Oliver de Boteller , Abbot of Poblet (1596 –98Francesc Oliveres (1598 –99)Jaume Cordelles i Oms , canon of Barcelona (1599 –1602 )
Seventeenth century
Jaume Cordelles i Oms , canon of Barcelona (1599 –1602 )Bernat de Cardona i de Queralt , Abbot of Cuixà (1602 –5)Pere Pau Caçador i d'Aguilar-Dusai , canon of Barcelona (1605 –8)Onofre d'Alentorn i de Botella , canon of Lleida (1608 –11)Francesc de Sentjust i de Castre , Abbot of Arles (1611 –14)Ramon d'Olmera i d'Alemany , commander of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem (1614 –16)Miquel d'Aimeric (1616 –17)Lluís de Tena , Bishop of Tortosa (1617 –20)Benet Fontanella , Abbot of Besalú (1620 –23)Pere de Magarola i Fontanet ,Bishop of Elna (1623 –26)Francesc Morillo , Archdeacon of la Seu d'Urgell (1626 –1629 )Pere Antoni Serra ,Bishop of Lleida (1629 –32)García Gil Manrique ,Bishop of Girona (1632 –35)Miquel d'Alentorn i de Salbà , Abbot of Amer (1635 –38)Pau Claris i Casademunt , archdeacon of la Seu d'Urgell (1638 –41)Josep Soler (1641 )Bernat de Cardona i de Raset , archdeacon of Girona (1641 –44Gispert d'Amat i Desbosc de Sant Vincenç , Abbot of Sant Pere de Galligants (1644 –47)Andreu Pont , Abbot of Amer (1647 –50)Pau del Rosso , deacon of Barcelona (1650 –54)Francesc Pijoan (1654 –56)Josep Jeroni Besora , deacon of Barcelona (1656 –59)Pau d'Àger , canon of Lleida (1659 –62)Jaume de Copons i de Tamarit , canon of la Seu d'Urgell (1662 –65)Josep de Magarola i de Grau , Abbot of Camprodon (1665 –1668 )Joan Pagès i Vallgornera , canon (1668 –71)Josep de Camporells i de Sabater , canon of la Seu d'Urgell (1671 –74)Esteve Mercadal i Dou , archdeacon of Vic (1674 –77Alfonso de Sotomayor ,Bishop of Barcelona (1677 –80)Josep Sastre i Prats , Abbot of Sant Pau de Camp (1680 –83Baltasar de Muntaner i de Sacosta , provost ("paborde") of Berga (1683 –86)Antoni de Saiol i de Quarteroni , canon of Barcelona (1686 –89)Benet Ignasi de Salazar ,Bishop of Barcelona (1689 –92)Antoni de Planella i de Cruïlles , Abbot of Besalú (1692 –95)Rafael de Pinyana i Galvany , canon of Tortosa (1695 –98)Climent de Solanell i de Foix , almoner of Àger (1698 –1701 )
Eighteenth century
Climent de Solanell i de Foix , almoner of Àger (1698 –1701 )Josep Antoni Valls i Pandutxo (1701 ):Antoni de Planella i de Cruïlles , Abbot of Besalu (1701 –4)Francesc de Valls i Freixa (1704 –5)Josep Grau , deacon of Solsona (1705 –7)Manuel de Copons i d'Esquerrer , ofSanta Maria de Banyoles (1707 –10)Francesc Antoni de Solanell i de Montella , Abbot of Sant Pere de Galligants (1710 –13)Josep de Vilamala , sacristan of Sant Esteve de Banyoles (1713 –16)
16 January 1716 : promulgation of the last of theNueva Planta decrees , which abolished the Generalitat.Republican Generalitat (1931–1938)
15 April 1931 : proclamation of theCatalan Republic byFrancesc Macià i Llussà 18 April 1931 : Generalitat de Catalunya restored on a provisional basisFrancesc Macià i Llussà (ERC,15 April 1931 –25 December 1933 )
19 December 1932 : promulgation of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, providing a firm legal basis for the GeneralitatFrancesc Macià i Llussà (ERC,15 April 1931 –25 December 1933 )Lluís Companys i Jover (ERC,3 January 1934 –6 October 1934 )
6 October 1934 : the central government declares astate of emergency after Companys proclaims theCatalan State and calls for insurrection. The Statute of Autonomy is suspended and Companys is arrested: he and the rest of the Catalan government are later sentenced to thirty years imprisonment.:
Colonel Francisco Jiménez Arenas , Interim President ("President accidental")6 October 1934 –1936 1936 : release of Companys and the other government members and restoration of the Statute of AutonomyLluís Companys i Jover (ERC,1936 –15 October 1940 )
5 April 1938 :Francisco Franco repeals the Statute of Autonomy and abolishes the Generalitat23 January 1939 : Companys goes into exile in FranceGeneralitat in exile (1938–1977)
Lluís Companys i Jover (ERC,1936 –15 October 1940 ). TheGestapo arrests Companys in France and sent him back to Spain, where he was tried for insurrection and executed.Josep Irla i Bosch (ERC,15 October 1940 –1954 )Josep Tarradellas i Joan (ERC,1954 –24 April 1980 )
Modern Generalitat (1977–Present)
29 September 1977 : provisional restoration of the Generalitat de Catalunya, by Royal Decree-Law 41/1977, promulgated on5 October 1977 16 October 1977 : Tarradellas named as President of the provisional Generalitat by Royal Decree, published17 October Josep Tarradellas i Joan (ERC,1954 –24 April 1980 )Jordi Pujol i Soley (CiU,24 April 1980 –16 December 2003 )Pasqual Maragall i Mira (PSC,16 December 2003 –28 November 2006 José Montilla Aguilera (PSC,28 November 2006 – present)
*cite web |title=Relació cronològica dels presidents de la Generalitat de Catalunya |url=http://www.gencat.net/sacdocs/PRE/1609.pdf |language=Catalan |format=PDF |accessdate=2007-01-03 |publisher=
Generalitat de Catalunya
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