Year 1683 (MDCLXXXIII) was a common year starting on Friday (link will display the full calendar) of the Gregorian calendar (or a common year starting on Monday of the 10-day slower Julian calendar).

Events of 1683

January - June

* April 10 - Charles V the Duke of Lorraine is appointed commander of the Imperial army.
* May 3 - Sultan Mehmed IV enters Belgrade.
* June 6 - The Ashmolean Museum opens as the world's first university museum.
* June 12 - The Rye House Plot to assassinate Charles II of England is discovered.

July - December

* July 8 - The Qing Dynasty Chinese admiral Shi Lang leads 300 ships with 20,000 troops out of Tongshan, Fujian and sails towards the Kingdom of Tungning, in modern-day Taiwan and the Pescadores, in order to quell the kingdom in the name of Qing.
* July 14 - A 140,000-man Ottoman force arrives at Vienna and starts to besiege the city.
* July 16 and July 17 - Battle of Penghu: Qing Chinese admiral Shi Lang defeats the naval forces of Zheng Keshuang in a decisive victory.
* September 12 - Battle of Vienna: The Ottoman siege of the city is broken with the arrival of a force of 70,000 Polish, Austrians and Germans under Polish-Lithuanian king Jan III Sobieski, whose cavalry turns their flank (considered to be the turning point in the Ottoman Empire's fortunes).
* September 5 - The Qing Chinese admiral Shi Lang receives the formal surrender of Zheng Keshuang, ushering in the collapse of the Kingdom of Tungning, which is then incorporated into the Qing Empire.
* October 3 - Shi Lang reaches Taiwan and occupies present day Kaohsiung.
* October 6 - Germantown, Pennsylvania is founded (in 1983 U.S. President Ronald Reagan declares a 300th Year Celebration, and in 1987, it becomes an annual holiday, German-American Day).
* November 1 - The British crown colony of New York is subdivided into 12 counties.
* December - The River Thames freezes, allowing a frost fair to be held.


* Wild boars are hunted to extinction in Britain.


* February 28 - René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur, French scientist (d. 1757)
* March 1 - Caroline of Ansbach, queen of George II of Great Britain (d. 1737)
* April 3 - Mark Catesby, English naturalist (d. 1749)
* June 23 - Etienne Fourmont, French orientalist (d. 1745)
* September 11 - Farrukhsiyar, Mughal Emperor (d. 1719)
* September 25 - Jean-Philippe Rameau, French composer (d. 1764)
* October 25 - Charles FitzRoy, 2nd Duke of Grafton, British politician (d. 1757)
* November 10 - King George II of Great Britain (d. 1760)
* November 30 - Ludwig Andreas Graf Khevenhüller, Austrian field marshal (d. 1744)
* December 19 - King Philip V of Spain (d. 1746)
* December 27 - Conyers Middleton, English minister (d. 1750)

: "See also ."


* January 21 - Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, British politician (b. 1621)
* February 18 - Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem, Dutch painter (b. 1620)
* March 19 - Thomas Killigrew, English dramatist (b. 1612)
* March 29 - Yaoya Oshichi, young Japanese girl burned at the stake for arson (b. 1667)
* July 10 - François-Eudes de Mézeray, French historian (b. 1610)
* July 13 - Arthur Capell, 1st Earl of Essex, English statesman (b. 1631)
* July 30 - Queen Marie-Thérèse, first wife of Louis XIV of France (b. 1638)
* August 18 - Chalres Hart, English actor (b. 1625)
* August 24 - John Owen, English non-conformist theologian (b. 1616)
* September 6 - Jean-Baptiste Colbert, French minister of finance (b. 1619)
* September 12 - King Afonso VI of Portugal (b. 1643)
* October 25 - William Scroggs, lord chief justice of England (b. c. 1623)
* December 7 - John Oldham, English poet (smallpox) (b. 1653)
* December 7 - Algernon Sydney, English politician (b. 1623)
* December 15 - Izaak Walton, English writer (b. 1593)

: "See also ."

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