Year 1620 was a leap year starting on Wednesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Gregorian calendar (or a leap year starting on Saturday [ "Calendar for year 1620 (Russia)" (full Julian calendar), Steffen Thorsen, Time and Date AS, 2007, webpage: [http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/index.html?year=1620&country=20 Julian1620] .] of the 10-day slower Julian calendar).

Events of 1620

January - June

* February 4 - Prince Bethlen Gabor signs a peace treaty with Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor.
* May 17 - The first merry-go-round is seen at a fair (Philippapolis, Turkey).
* June 3 - The oldest stone church in French North America, Notre-Dame-des-Anges, is begun at Quebec City, Quebec Canada.

July - December

* July 3 - Under the terms of the Treaty of Ulm, the Protestant Union declares neutrality and ceases to support Frederick V of Bohemia.
* July 15 - The ship "Speedwell" departs Delfshaven with the Leiden colonists and Pilgrims.
* August 5 (O.S.) - The "Mayflower" and "Speedwell" depart together from Plymouth, England, but the "Speedwell" starts to leak again and must stop.
* August 7 - The mother of Johannes Kepler is arrested for witchcraft.
* August 7 - Battle of Les Ponts-de-Cé, Poitou: French king Louis XIII defeats his mother Marie de' Medici.
* September 6 (O.S.) - The "Mayflower" departs from Plymouth, England, on its 3rd attempt without the "Speedwell", arriving on November 11 (Old Style date) at Cape Cod (named from "Concord" voyage of 1602).
* September 17 to October 7 - Battle of Cecora: The Ottoman Empire defeats Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth-Moldavian troops.
* November 3 - The Great Patent is granted to Plymouth Colony.
* November 8 - Thirty Years' War - Battle of White Mountain: Catholic forces are victorious in only two hours near Prague.
* November 21 (N.S.) - The "Mayflower" arrives inside the tip of Cape Cod, with the Pilgrims and Planters.
* November 21 - Plymouth Colony settlers sign the Mayflower Compact (11 November, O.S.).


Osaka Castle.]


* Francis Bacon publishes the "Novum Organum" (beyond Aristotle's "Organon") on logical thinking.
* Two officers of the British East India Company attempt to claim the Table Mountain region (in present-day South Africa) for England, but fail.
* Shogun Tokugawa Hidetada restores Osaka Castle. Its current appearance dates from this remodeling.
* The modern violin is developed.
* Witch hunts begin in Scotland.

* Cornelius Drebbel, at the Thames, builds an undersea boat (history of submarines).
* J.P. Donnet, teacher of deaf children in the Spanish court, creates the sign alphabet.
* Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) continues (principally on the territory of today's Germany).


* February 4 - Gustaf Bonde, Swedish statesman (d. 1667)
* February 15 - François Charpentier, French archaeologist (d. 1702)
* February 16 - Friedrich Wilhelm I of Brandenburg (d. 1688)
* March 12 - Johann Heinrich Hottinger, Swiss philologist and theologian (d. 1667)
* July 20 - Nikolaes Heinsius the Elder, Dutch scholar (d. 1691)
* July 21 - Jean Picard, French astronomer (d. 1682)
* October 1 - Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem, Dutch painter (d. 1683)
* October 20 - Aelbert Cuyp, Dutch painter (d. 1691)
* October 31 - John Evelyn, English diarist and writer (d. 1706)
* November 20 - Peregrine White, first English child born at Plymouth Colony (d. 1704)
* December 18 - Heinrich Roth, German Sanskrit scholar (d. 1668)

: "See also ."


* February 19 - Roemer Visscher, Dutch writer (b. 1547)
* March 1 - Thomas Campion, English poet and composer (b. 1567)
* March 17 - St. John Sarkander, Moravian priest (injuries caused by torturing) (b. 1576)
* March 25 - Johannes Nucius, German composer (b. c. 1556)
* May 6 - Hayyim ben Joseph Vital, Palestinian-born Kabbalist (b. 1543)
* May 16 - William Adams, English navigator and samurai (b. 1564)
* August 18 - Wanli Emperor of China (b. 1563)
* September 26 - Taichang Emperor of China (b. 1582)
* October 7 - Stanisław Żółkiewski, Polish military leader (b. 1547)

: "See also ."


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