
Adult Firefly or "Lightning Bug" – a crepuscular beetle
Photuris lucicrescens

Crepuscular animals are those that are active primarily during twilight, that is during dawn and dusk.[1] The word is derived from the Latin word crepusculum, meaning "twilight."[1] Crepuscular is, thus, in contrast with diurnal and nocturnal behavior. Crepuscular animals may also be active on a bright moonlit night. Many animals that are casually described as nocturnal are in fact crepuscular.[2] Within the definition of crepuscular are the terms matutinal (or "matinal") and vespertine, denoting species active only in the dawn or only in the dusk, respectively.

The patterns of activity are thought to be an antipredator adaptation. Many predators forage most intensely at night, whereas others are active at mid-day and see best in full sun. Thus, the crepuscular habit may reduce predation. Also, in hot areas, it may be a way of avoiding thermal stress while capitalizing on available light.

A number of familiar mammal species are crepuscular, including housecats, dogs[3], rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, and rats. Other crepuscular mammals include prosimians, red pandas, deer, moose, chinchillas, the common mouse, skunks, wombats, quolls, spotted hyenas, bobcats, tenrecidae, capybaras, and the extinct Tasmanian tiger. Crepuscular birds include the Common Nighthawk, Chimney Swift, American Woodcock, and Spotted Crake.

Some species have different habits in the absence of predators. For example, the Short-eared Owl is crepuscular on those of the Galápagos Islands that have buzzard species, but diurnal on those without.

Many moths, beetles, flies, and other insects are crepuscular as well.

See also


  1. ^ a b Winn, Philip (2001). Dictionary of Biological Psychology. Taylor & Francis. p194. ISBN 0415136067 
  2. ^ "Crepuscular Summary". 2010-11-02. Retrieved 2011-07-11. 
  3. ^ The ecology of stray dogs: a study of free-ranging urban animals By Alan M. Beck p.12

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