List of fish common names

List of fish common names

This is a list of fish common names. While some common names refer to a single species or family, others have been used for a confusing variety of different types; the articles listed here should explain the possibilities if the name is ambiguous.



* African glass catfish
* African lungfish
* aholehole
* airbreathing catfish
* airsac catfish
* Alaska blackfish
* albacore
* alewife
* alfonsino
* algae eater
* alligatorfish
* Amago
* American sole
* Amur pike
* anchovy
* anemonefish
* angelfish
* angel shark
* anglemouth
* angler
* angler catfish
* anglerfish
* Antarctic cod
* Antarctic dragonfish
* Antarctic icefish
* antenna codlet
* arapaima
* archerfish
* Arctic char
* armored catfish
* armored gurnard
* armored searobin
* armorhead
* armorhead catfish
* arowana
* arrowtooth eel
* aruana
* Asian carps
* Asiatic glassfish
* Atka mackerel
* Atlantic cod
* Atlantic eel
* Atlantic herring
* Atlantic salmon
* Atlantic saury
* Atlantic silverside
* Atlantic trout
* Australasian salmon
* Australian grayling
* Australian herring
* Australian lungfish
* Australian prowfish
* Ayu


* Baikal oilfish
* Bala shark
* ballan wrasse
* bamboo shark
* banded killifish
* bandfish
* bango
* bangu
* banjo catfish
* barb
* barbel
* barbeled dragonfish
* barbeled houndshark
* barbelless catfish
* barfish
* barracuda
* barracudina
* barramundi
* barred danio
* barreleye
* basking shark
* bass
* basslet
* batfish
* bat ray
* beachsalmon
* beaked salmon
* beaked sandfish
* beardfish
* beluga sturgeon
* bengal danio
* bent-tooth
* betta
* bichir
* bigeye
* bigeye squaretail
* bighead carp
* bigmouth buffalo
* bigscale
* bigscale fish
* bigscale pomfret
* billfish
* bitterling
* black angelfish
* black bass
* black dragonfish
* blackchin
* blackfish
* blacktip reef shark
* black mackerel
* black pickerel
* black prickleback
* black scalyfin
* black sea bass
* blacksmelt
* black swallower
* black tetra
* black triggerfish
* bleak
* blenny
* blind goby
* blind shark
* blue catfish
* blue danio
* blue-redstripe danio
* blue eye
* bluefin tuna
* bluefish
* bluegill
* blue gourami
* blue shark
* blue triggerfish
* blue whiting
* bluntnose knifefish
* bluntnose minnow
* boafish
* boarfish
* bobtail snipe eel
* bocaccio
* boga
* Bombay duck
* bonefish
* bonito
* bonnetmouth
* bonytail chub
* bonytongue
* bottlenose
* bowfin
* boxfish
* bramble shark
* bream
* bristlemouth
* bristlenose catfish
* broadband dogfish
* brook lamprey
* brook trout
* brotula
* brown trout
* buffalofish
* bullhead
* bullhead shark
* bull shark
* bull trout
* burbot
* buri
* burma danio
* burrowing goby
* butterfish
* butterfly ray
* butterflyfish


* California flyingfish
* California halibut
* California smoothtongue
* canary rockfish
* candiru
* candlefish
* capelin
* cardinalfish
* carp
* carpetshark
* carpsucker
* catalufa
* catfish
* catla
* cat shark
* cavefish
* Celebes rainbowfish
* central mudminnow
* cepalin
* chain pickerel
* channel bass
* channel catfish
* char
* cherry salmon
* chimaera
* chinook salmon
* Cherubfish
* chub
* chubsucker
* chum salmon
* cichlid
* cisco
* climbing catfish
* climbing gourami
* climbing perch
* clingfish
* clownfish
* clown loach
* clown triggerfish
* cobbler
* cobia
* cod
* cod icefish
* codlet
* codling
* coelacanth
* coffinfish
* coho salmon
* coley
* collared carpetshark
* collared dogfish
* Colorado squawfish
* combfish
* combtail gourami
* combtooth blenny
* common carp
* common tunny
* conger eel
* convict blenny
* convict cichlid
* cookie-cutter shark
* coolie loach
* cornetfish
* cowfish
* cownose ray
* cow shark
* crappie
* creek chub
* crestfish
* crevice kelpfish
* croaker
* crocodile icefish
* crocodile shark
* crucian carp
* cuchia
* cuckoo wrasse
* cusk-eel
* cuskfish
* cutlassfish
* cutthroat eel
* cutthroat trout


* dab
* dace
* daggertooth pike conger
* damselfish
* danio
* darter
* dartfish
* dealfish
* Death Valley pupfish
* deep sea anglerfish
* deep sea bonefish
* deep sea eel
* deep sea smelt
* deepwater cardinalfish
* deepwater flathead
* deepwater stingray
* delta smelt
* demoiselle
* denticle herring
* desert pupfish
* Devario
* devil ray
* discus
* diver: New Zealand sand diver or Long-finned sand diver
* dogfish
* dogfish shark
* dogteeth tetra
* dojo loach
* Dolly Varden trout
* dorab
* dorado
* dory
* dottyback
* dragonet
* dragonfish
* dragon goby
* driftfish
* driftwood catfish
* drum (fish)
* duckbill
* duckbilled barracudina
* duckbill eel
* dusky grouper
* dwarf gourami
* dwarf loach


* eagle ray
* earthworm eel
* eel
* eelblenny
* eel cod
* eel-goby
* eelpout
* eeltail catfish
* elasmobranch
* electric catfish
* electric eel
* electric knifefish
* electric ray
* electric stargazer
* elephantfish
* elephantnose fish
* elver
* emperor
* emperor angelfish
* emperor bream
* escolar
* eucla cod
* eulachon
* European chub
* European eel
* European flounder
* European minnow
* European perch


* false brotula
* false cat shark
* false moray
* false trevally
* fangtooth
* fathead sculpin
* featherback
* featherfin knifefish
* fierasfer
* filefish
* finback cat shark
* fingerfish
* fire bar danio
* firefish
* flabby whalefish
* flagblenny
* flagfin
* flagfish
* flagtail
* flashlight fish
* flatfish
* flathead
* flathead catfish
* flat loach
* flier
* flounder
* flying characin
* flying gurnard
* flyingfish
* footballfish
* forehead brooder
* four-eyed fish
* french angelfish
* freshwater eel
* freshwater flyingfish
* freshwater hatchetfish
* freshwater herring
* freshwater shark
* frigate mackerel
* frilled shark
* frogfish
* frogmouth catfish
* fusilier fish


* galjoen fish
* Ganges shark
* gar
* garden eel
* garibaldi
* garpike
* ghost flathead
* ghost carp
* ghost knifefish
* ghost pipefish
* ghoul
* giant danio
* giant gourami
* giant sea bass
* giant wels
* gianttail
* gibberfish
* Gila trout
* gizzard shad
* glass catfish
* glassfish
* glass knifefish
* glowlight danio
* goatfish
* goblin shark
* goby
* golden dojo
* golden loach
* golden shiner
* golden trout
* goldeye
* goldfish
* goldspotted killifish
* gombessa
* goosefish
* gopher rockfish
* gouramie
* grass carp
* graveldiver
* gray eel-catfish
* grayling
* gray mullet
* gray reef shark
* great white shark
* green swordtail
* greeneye
* greenling
* grenadier
* grideye
* ground shark
* grouper
* grunion
* grunt
* grunter
* grunt sculpin
* gudgeon
* guitarfish
* gulf menhaden
* gulper eel
* gulper
* gunnel
* guppy
* gurnard


* haddock
* hagfish
* hairtail
* hake
* half-gill
* halfbeak
* halfmoon
* halibut
* halosaur
* hamlet
* hammerhead shark
* Hammerjaw
* handfish
* hardhead catfish
* harelip sucker
* hatchetfish
* hawkfish
* herring
* herring smelt
* hillstream loach
* hog sucker
* hoki
* horn shark
* horsefish
* houndshark
* huchen
* humuhumu-nukunuku-apua‘a
* hussar


* icefish
* ide
* ilisha
* inanga
* inconnu
* Indian mullet
* iniom


* jack
* jackfish
* Jack Dempsey
* Japanese eel
* jawfish
* jellynose fish
* jewelfish
* jewel tetra
* jewfish
* john dory


* Kafue pike
* kahawai
* kaluga
* kanyu
* kelp perch
* kelpfish
* killifish
* king of herring
* king-of-the-salmon
* kissing gourami
* knifefish
* knifejaw
* koi
* kokanee
* kokopu
* kuhli loach


* labyrinth fish
* ladyfish
* lagena
* lake chub
* lake trout
* lake whitefish
* lampfish
* lamprey
* lancetfish
* lanternfish
* large-eye bream
* largemouth bass
* largenose fish
* leaffish
* leatherjacket
* lefteye flounder
* lemon shark
* lenok
* leopard danio
* lightfish
* lighthousefish
* limia
* lined sole
* ling
* ling cod
* lionfish
* livebearer
* lizardfish
* loach
* loach catfish
* loach goby
* loach minnow
* longfin
* longfin dragonfish
* longfin escolar
* long-finned char
* long-finned pike
* longjaw mudsucker
* longneck eel
* longnose chimaera
* longnose dace
* longnose lancetfish
* longnose sucker
* longnose whiptail catfish
* long-whiskered catfish
* lookdown catfish
* loosejaw
* Lost River sucker
* louvar
* loweye catfish
* luminous hake
* luderick
* luminous hake
* lumpsucker
* lungfish
* lyretail


* mackerel
* mackerel shark
* madtom
* mahi-mahi
* mahseer
* mail-cheeked fish
* mako shark
* manefish
* man-of-war fish
* Manta Ray
* marblefish
* marine hatchetfish
* marlin
* masu salmon
* medaka
* medusafish
* megamouth shark
* menhaden
* merluccid hake
* Mexican blind cavefish
* Mexican golden trout
* midshipman
* milkfish
* minnow
* Modoc sucker
* mojarra
* mola
* molly
* monkeyface prickleback
* monkfish
* mooneye
* moonfish
* Moorish idol
* mora
* moray eel
* morid cod
* morwong
* Moses sole
* mosquitofish
* mosshead warbonnet
* mouthbrooder
* Mozambique tilapia
* mrigal
* mud catfish (mud cat)
* mudfish
* mudminnow
* mudskipper
* mudsucker
* mullet
* mummichog
* murray cod
* muskellunge
* mustache triggerfish
* mustard eel


* naked-back knifefish
* nase
* needlefish
* neon tetra
* New World rivuline
* New Zealand smelt
* nibbler
* noodlefish
* North American darter
* North American freshwater catfish
* North Pacific daggertooth
* northern anchovy
* northern clingfish
* northern lampfish
* northern pearleye
* northern pike
* northern sea robin
* northern squawfish
* northern Stargazer
* Norwegian Atlantic salmon
* nurseryfish
* nurse shark


* oarfish
* ocean perch
* ocean sunfish
* oceanic flyingfish
* oceanic whitetip shark
* oilfish
* oldwife
* Old World knifefish
* Old World rivuline
* olive flounder
* opah
* opaleye
* orange roughy
* orangespine unicorn fish
* orangestriped triggerfish
* orbicular batfish
* orbicular velvetfish
* Oregon chub
* oreo
* Oriental loach
* Owens pupfish


* Pacific albacore
* Pacific argentine
* Pacific cod
* Pacific hake
* Pacific herring
* Pacific lamprey
* Pacific salmon
* Pacific saury
* Pacific trout
* Pacific viperfish
* paddlefish
* panga
* paperbone
* paradise fish
* parasitic catfish
* parrotfish
* peacock flounder
* peamouth
* pearleye
* pearlfish
* pearl danio
* pearl perch
* pejerrey
* peladillo
* pelagic cod
* pelican eel
* pelican gulper
* pencil catfish
* pencilfish
* pencilsmelt
* perch
* Peter's elephantnose fish
* pickerel
* pigfish
* pike characid
* pike conger
* pike eel
* pike
* pikeblenny
* pikehead
* pikeperch
* pilchard
* pilot fish
* pineconefish
* pink salmon
* píntano
* pipefish
* piranha
* pirarucu
* pirate perch
* plaice
* platy
* platyfish
* pleco
* plownose chimaera
* plunderfish
* poacher
* pollyfish
* pollock
* pomfret
* pompano
* pompano dolphinfish
* ponyfish
* poolfish
* popeye catafula
* porbeagle shark
* porcupinefish
* porgy
* Port Jackson shark
* powen
* priapumfish
* prickleback
* pricklefish
* prickly shark
* prowfish
* pufferfish
* pumpkinseed
* pupfish
* pygmy sunfish


* queen danio
* queen parrotfish
* queen triggerfish
* quillback
* quillfish


* rabbitfish
* raccoon butterfly fish
* ragfish
* rainbow trout
* rainbowfish
* rasbora
* ratfish
* rattail
* ray
* razorback sucker
* razorfish
* red snapper
* redfin perch
* redfish
* redhorse sucker
* redlip blenny
* redmouth whalefish
* redside
* redtooth triggerfish
* red velvetfish
* red whalefish
* reedfish
* reef triggerfish
* regal whiptail catfish
* remora
* requiem shark
* ribbon eel
* ribbon sawtail fish
* ribbonbearer
* ribbonfish
* rice eel
* ricefish
* ridgehead
* riffle dace
* righteye flounder
* Rio Grande perch
* river loach
* river shark
* river stingray
* rivuline
* roach
* roanoke bass
* rock bass
* rock beauty
* rock cod
* rocket danio
* rockfish
* rockling
* rockweed gunnel
* rohu
* ronquil
* roosterfish
* ropefish
* rough pomfret
* rough scad
* rough sculpin
* roughy
* roundhead
* round herring
* round stingray
* round whitefish
* rudd
* rudderfish
* ruffe
* Russian sturgeon

* sabalo
* sabertooth
* saber-toothed blenny
* sabertooth fish
* sablefish
* sailback scorpionfish
* sailbearer
* sailfin silverside
* sailfish
* salamanderfish
* salmon
* salmon shark
* sandbar shark
* sandburrower
* sand dab
* sanddiver
* sand eel
* sandfish
* sand goby
* sand knifefish
* sand lance
* sandperch
* sandroller
* sand stargazer
* sand tiger
* sand tilefish
* sarcastic fringehead
* sardine
* sargassumfish
* sauger
* saury
* sawfish
* saw shark
* sawtooth eel
* scabbard fish
* scaleless black dragonfish
* scaly dragonfish
* scat
* scissor-tail rasbora
* scorpionfish
* sculpin
* scup
* scythe butterfish
* sea bass
* sea catfish
* sea chub
* seadevil
* seadragon
* seahorse
* sea lamprey
* seamoth
* sea raven
* searobin
* sea snail
* sea toad
* Sevan trout
* seatrout
* sergeant major
* shad
* shark
* sharksucker
* sharpnose pufferfish
* sheatfish
* sheepshead
* sheepshead minnow
* shell-ear
* shiner
* shortnose chimaera
* shortnose greeneye
* shortnose sucker
* shovelnose sturgeon
* shrimpfish
* Siamese fighting fish
* sillago
* silver carp
* silver dollar
* silver driftfish
* silver hake
* silverside
* sind danio
* sixgill ray
* sixgill shark
* skate
* skate moss
* skilfish
* skipjack tuna
* skipping goby
* slender barracudina
* slender mola
* slender snipe eel
* sleeper
* sleeper shark
* slickhead
* slimehead
* slimy mackerel
* slimy sculpin
* slipmouth
* smalleye squaretail
* smalltooth sawfish
* smelt
* smelt-whiting
* smooth dogfish
* smoothtongue
* snailfish
* snake eel
* snakehead
* snake mackerel
* snake mudhead
* snapper
* snipe eel
* snipefish
* snoek
* snook
* snubnose eel
* snubnose parasitic eel
* soapfish
* sockeye salmon
* soldierfish
* sole
* South American darter
* South American Lungfish
* southern Dolly Varden
* southern flounder
* southern grayling
* southern hake
* southern sandfish
* southern smelt
* spadefish
* spaghetti eel
* Spanish mackerel
* spearfish
* speckled trout
* spiderfish
* spikefish
* spinefoot
* spiny-back
* spiny basslet
* spiny dogfish
* spiny dwarf catfish
* spiny eel
* spinyfin
* splitfin
* spookfish
* spotted danio
* spotted dogfish
* sprat
* springfish
* squarehead catfish
* squaretail
* squawfish
* squeaker
* squirrelfish
* staghorn sculpin
* stargazer
* starry flounder
* steelhead
* stickleback
* stingfish
* stingray
* stonecat
* stonefish
* stoneroller minnow
* straptail
* stream catfish
* streamer fish
* striped bass
* striped burrfish
* sturgeon
* sucker
* suckermouth armored catfish
* summer flounder
* Sundaland noodlefish
* sunfish (opah)
* sunfish (mola mola)
* surf sardine
* surfperch
* surgeonfish
* swallower
* swamp-eel
* swampfish
* sweeper
* swordfish
* swordtail


* tadpole cod
* tadpole fish
* tailor
* taimen
* tang
* tapetail
* tarpon
* tarwhine
* telescopefish
* temperate bass
* temperate ocean-bass
* temperate perch
* tench
* tenpounder
* tenuis
* tetra
* thorny catfish
* thornfish
* thornyhead
* threadfin
* threadfin bream
* threadsail
* threadtail
* three spot gourami
* threespine stickleback
* three-toothed puffer
* thresher shark
* tidewater goby
* tiger barb
* tigerperch
* tiger shark
* tiger shovelnose catfish
* tilapia
* tilefish
* titan triggerfish
* toadfish
* tommy ruff
* tompot blenny
* tonguefish
* tope
* topminnow
* torpedo
* torrent catfish
* torrent fish
* trahira
* treefish
* trevally
* triggerfish
* triplefin blenny
* triplespine
* tripletail
* tripod fish
* trout
* trout cod
* trout-perch
* trumpeter
* trumpetfish
* trunkfish
* tubeblenny
* tube-eye
* tube-snout
* tubeshoulder
* tui chub
* tuna
* turbot
* turkeyfish


* unicornfish
* upside-down catfish


* velvet-belly shark
* velvet catfish
* velvetfish
* vendace
* vimba
* viperfish


* wahoo
* walking catfish
* wallago
* walleye
* walleye pollock
* walu
* warbonnet
* warmouth
* warty angler
* waryfish
* wasp fish
* weasel shark
* weatherfish
* weever
* weeverfish
* wels catfish
* whale catfish
* whalefish
* whale shark
* whiff
* whiptail gulper
* whitebait
* white croaker
* whitefish
* white marlin
* white shark
* whitetip reef shark
* whiting
* wobbegong
* wolf-eel
* wolffish
* wolf-herring
* woody sculpin
* worm eel
* wormfish
* wrasse
* wrymouth


* yellow-and-black triplefin
* yellowbanded perch
* yellow bass
* yellow-edged moray
* yellow-eye mullet
* yellowhead jawfish
* yellowfin croaker
* yellowfin cutthroat trout
* yellowfin grouper
* yellowfin pike
* yellowfin surgeonfish
* yellowfin tuna
* yellow jack
* yellowmargin triggerfish
* yellow moray
* yellow perch
* yellowtail
* yellowtail amberjack
* yellowtail barracuda
* yellowtail clownfish
* yellowtail horse mackerel
* yellowtail kingfish
* yellowtail snapper
* yellow tang
* yellow weaver


* zander
* zebra bullhead shark
* zebra danio
* zebrafish
* zebra lionfish
* zebra loach
* zebra oto
* zebra pleco
* zebra shark
* zebra tilapia
* ziege
* zingel

See also

*List of freshwater aquarium fish species
*List of edible fish

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