- Poacher (fish)
image_width = 240px
image_caption =Alligatorfish ("Aspidophoroides monopterygius")
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis =Actinopterygii
ordo =Scorpaeniformes
familia = Agonidae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Agonomalus " "Agonopsis " "Agonus " "Anoplagonus " "Aspidophoroides " "Bathyagonus " "Bothragonus " "Brachyopsis " "Chesnonia " "Freemanichthys " "Hypsagonus " "Leptagonus " "Occella " "Odontopyxis " "Pallasina " "Percis " "Podothecus " "Sarritor " "Stellerina " "Tilesina " "Ulcina " "Xeneretmus " See text for species.The poachers are a family ("Agonidae") of small bottom-dwelling cold-water marinefish . They are notable for having elongated bodies covered by scales modified into bony plates, and for using their largepectoral fin s to move in short bursts. The family includes about 47 species in some 20 genera, some of which are quite widespread.The
pelvic fin s are nearly vestigial, typically consisting of one small spine and a couple of rays. Theswim bladder is not present.At 42 cm, the
dragon poacher "Percis japonica" is the largest member of the family, while thepixie poacher "Occella impi" maxes out at just two centimeters; most are in the 20-30 cm range.Poachers generally feed on small
crustacean s andmarine worm s found on the bottom. Some speciescamouflage themselves with hydras, sponges, orseaweed .Some species are known as alligatorfishes, starsnouts, hooknoses, and rockheads.
* Genus "
Agonomalus "
** "Agonomalus jordani " Jordan & Starks, 1904.
**Kelp poacher , "Agonomalus mozinoi " Wilimovsky & Wilson, 1979.
** "Agonomalus proboscidalis " (Valenciennes, 1858).
* Genus "Agonopsis "
** "Agonopsis asperoculis " Thompson, 1916.
** "Agonopsis chiloensis " (Jenyns, 1840).
**Southern spearnose poacher , "Agonopsis sterletus " (Gilbert, 1898).
**Northern spearnose poacher , "Agonopsis vulsa " (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880).
* Genus "Agonus "
**Hooknose (fish) , "Agonus cataphractus " (Linnaeus, 1758).
* Genus "Anoplagonus "
**Smooth alligatorfish , "Anoplagonus inermis " (Günther, 1860).
** "Anoplagonus occidentalis " Lindberg, 1950.
* Genus "Aspidophoroides "
**Aleutian alligatorfish , "Aspidophoroides bartoni " Gilbert, 1896.
**Alligatorfish , "Aspidophoroides monopterygius " (Bloch, 1786).
* Genus "Bathyagonus "
**Gray starsnout , "Bathyagonus alascanus " (Gilbert, 1896).
**Spinycheek starsnout , "Bathyagonus infraspinatus " (Gilbert, 1904).
**Blackfin poacher , "Bathyagonus nigripinnis " Gilbert, 1890.
**Bigeye poacher , "Bathyagonus pentacanthus " (Gilbert, 1890).
* Genus "Bothragonus "
** "Bothragonus occidentalis " (Lindberg, 1950).
**Rockhead , "Bothragonus swanii " (Steindachner, 1876).
* Genus "Brachyopsis "
** "Brachyopsis segaliensis " (Tilesius, 1809).
* Genus "Chesnonia "
**Warty poacher , "Chesnonia verrucosa " (Lockington, 1880).
* Genus "Freemanichthys "
** "Freemanichthys thompsoni " (Jordan & Gilbert, 1898).
* Genus "Hypsagonus "
** "Hypsagonus corniger " Taranetz, 1933.
**Fourhorn poacher , "Hypsagonus quadricornis " (Cuvier, 1829).
* Genus "Leptagonus "
**Atlantic poacher , "Leptagonus decagonus " (Bloch & Schneider, 1801).
* Genus "Occella "
**Bering poacher , "Occella dodecaedron " (Tilesius, 1813).
** "Occella iburia " (Jordan & Starks, 1904).
** "Occella kasawae " (Jordan & Hubbs, 1925).
** "Occella kuronumai " (Freeman, 1951).
* Genus "Odontopyxis "
**Pygmy poacher , "Odontopyxis trispinosa " Lockington, 1880.
* Genus "Pallasina "
**Tubenose poacher , "Pallasina barbata " (Steindachner, 1876).
* Genus "Percis "
**Dragon poacher , "Percis japonica " (Pallas, 1769).
** "Percis matsuii " Matsubara, 1936.
* Genus "Podothecus "
**Sturgeon poacher , "Podothecus accipenserinus " (Tilesius, 1813).
** "Podothecus hamlini " Jordan & Gilbert, 1898.
** "Podothecus sachi " (Jordan & Snyder, 1901).
** "Podothecus sturioides " (Guichenot, 1869).
** "Podothecus veternus " Jordan & Starks, 1895.
* Genus "Sarritor "
**Sawback poacher , "Sarritor frenatus " (Gilbert, 1896).
** "Sarritor knipowitschi " Lindberg & Andriasev, 1937.
**Longnose poacher , "Sarritor leptorhynchus " (Gilbert, 1896).
* Genus "Stellerina "
**Pricklebreast poacher , "Stellerina xyosterna " (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880).
* Genus "Tilesina "
** "Tilesina gibbosa " Schmidt, 1904.
* Genus "Ulcina "
**Arctic alligatorfish , "Ulcina olrikii " (Lütken, 1876).
* Genus "Xeneretmus "
**Blacktip poacher , "Xeneretmus latifrons " (Gilbert, 1890).
**Smooth-eye poacher , "Xeneretmus leiops " Gilbert, 1915.
**Stripefin poacher , "Xeneretmus ritteri " Gilbert, 1915.
**Bluespotted poacher , "Xeneretmus triacanthus " (Gilbert, 1890).External links
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