Marcus Elieser Bloch

Marcus Elieser Bloch
Marcus Elieser Bloch.

Marcus Elieser Bloch (17231799) was a German medical doctor and naturalist. He is generally considered one of the most important ichthyologists of the 18th century.



Bloch was born at Ansbach in 1723. His parents, being very poor, gave him hardly any education, so that on arriving at manhood he was almost illiterate, and till the age of nineteen could not even read German. Some knowledge of Hebrew and rabbinical literature enabled him, however, to obtain a teacher's position in the house of a Jewish surgeon in Hamburg. Here he learned German thoroughly and mastered some Latin, taking up also the study of anatomy. Scientific enthusiasm being thus aroused, Bloch went to Berlin, where, with remarkable zeal, he devoted himself to the study of all branches of natural science and medicine, being supported by some relatives. After taking the degree of M.D. at Frankfort-on-the-Oder in 1747, he settled in Berlin. He died in Carlsbad on August 6, 1799.[1]

Works and legacy

Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der Fische

Bloch is best known for his encyclopedic work in ichthyology. Between 1782 and 1795 he published his Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der Fische, a 12-volume, beautifully illustrated comprehensive work on fishes. The first three volumes describe fishes in Germany and were entitled Oeconomische Naturgeschichte der Fische Deutschlands, the remaining volumes dealt with fishes from other parts of the world and were entitled Naturgeschichte der ausländischen Fische.

Bloch's collection of about 1500 specimens is today preserved at the Museum for Natural History (Naturhistorisches Museum) of the Humboldt University of Berlin.


  1. ^ Isidore Singer and Benuel H. Brumberg, “ - BLOCH, MARCUS ELIEZER:,”, (accessed November 27, 2007).

External links

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