- Bromocriptine
IUPAC_name = Ergotaman-3',6',18-trione, 2-bromo-12'-hydroxy-2'-(1-methylethyl)-5'alpha-(2-methylpropyl)-
C=32 | H=40 | Br=1 | N=5 | O=5
molecular_weight = 654.595
bioavailability= 28% of oral dose absorbed
metabolism = ?
elimination_half-life= 12-14 hours
excretion = 85% bile (faeces)
pregnancy_US = B
legal_status = ?
routes_of_administration= oralBromocriptine (brand names include Parlodel), an
ergoline derivative, is adopamine agonist that is used in the treatment ofpituitary tumors andParkinson's disease .Uses
Amenorrhea , femaleinfertility ,galactorrhea ,hypogonadism , andacromegaly may all be caused by pituitary problems, such ashyperprolactinaemia , and therefore, these problems may be treated by this drug.It has also been used in some countries to prevent lactation following childbirth if the mother does not wish to breastfeed; one of dopamine's effects on the pituitary is as an antagonist of
prolactin production bylactotroph s. However, the FDA removed this indication in 1995, because of concerns with respect to an increased risk of heart attack, seizure and stroke.Because of prolactin's role in stimulating proliferation of the
T-lymphocyte s of theimmune system , bromocriptine has also been used to suppress the immune system inorgan transplant patients. [Clodi M, Kotzmann H, Riedl M, Schmidt A, Barnas U, Muhlbacher F, Mustafa G, Horl WH, Waldhausl W, Mayer G, Luger A., 1997. [http://ndt.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/12/4/748 The long-acting dopamine agonist bromocriptine mesylate as additive immunosuppressive drug after kidney transplantation] . Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1997 Apr;12(4):748-52.]Since bromocryptine acts as a dopamine agonist, it has potential use in treating
cocaine addiction, as the addictive effects of cocaine are caused by it blocking dopaminereuptake . Although it has negligible subjective effects when administered alone, studies show it has the potential to significantly ease the cocainewithdrawal syndrome. [Campbell A, Baldessarini RJ, Cremens C, Teicher MH, Marsh E, Kula NS, 1989. Bromocriptine antagonizes behavioral effects of cocaine in the rat. Neuropsychopharmacology 1989 Sep; 2(3):209-24.] [KL Preston, JT Sullivan, EC Strain and GE Bigelow, 1992. Effects of cocaine alone and in combination with bromocriptine in human cocaine abusers. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1992 Jul;262(1):279-91.]There appear to be some connections between
insulin insensitivity anddopamine . A company called Veroscience [ [http://www.veroscience.com/research.html VeroScience ] ] is using bromocriptine to treatdiabetes andobesity , and their website postulates a connection between neurotransmitters and seasonal variation ininsulin sensitivity among vetebrate animals. [Bromocriptine improves glycaemic control and serum lipid profile in obese Type 2 diabetic subjects: a new approach in the treatment of diabetes. Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 1999 Oct;8(10):1683-1707.] There are also some connections between temperature and dopamine and serotonin production. [http://sulcus.berkeley.edu/mcb/165_001/papers/manuscripts/_281.html] In addition, new research indicates that patients withdiabetes are more likely to developParkinson's disease , which is characterized by a dopamine deficiency in the brain.Parkinson's disease
Bromocriptine is an agonist of D2 dopamine receptors and has therefore been used as a treatment for Parkinson's disease. Early studies suggested that treating patients with bromocriptine before
levodopa would delay the onset of side effects such asdyskinesia . [JL Montastruc, O Rascol, JM Senard and A Rascol, 1994. BA randomised controlled study comparing bromocriptine to which levodopa was later added, with levodopa alone in previously untreated patients with Parkinson's disease: a five year follow up. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 1994, Vol 57, 1034-1038] However, a recentCochrane review found a lack of evidence to support this view. [van Hilten J, Ramaker C, Stowe R, Ives Nj., 2007. Bromocriptine/levodopa combined versus levodopa alone for early Parkinson's disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2007 Oct 17;(4):CD003634.]ide effects
Bromocriptine use has been associated with causing or worsening psychotic symptoms. [cite journal |author= |year=1995 |title=Bromocriptine and psychosis: A literature review|journal=Psychiatric Quarterly |volume=66 |issue=1 |pages=87-95 |doi=10.1007/BF02238717 |url=http://www.springerlink.com/content/y42v466374524k1m/ |accessdate=2008-09-06]
Like all ergopeptides, bromocriptine is a
cyclol ; two peptide groups of its tripeptide moiety (shown in black at the upper left of the Figure) are crosslinked, forming the >N-C(OH)< juncture between the two rings with theamide functionality.ee also
Cabergoline External links
* http://www.drugs.com/pro/bromocriptine.htmlReferences
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.