Former constellations

Former constellations
The former constellation Argo Navis

Former constellations are constellations that are no longer recognized by the International Astronomical Union for various reasons. Many of these constellations existed for long periods of time, even centuries in many cases, which means they still have a large historical value and can be found on older star charts.


Noteworthy former constellations

Argo Navis

Argo Navis is the only constellation from Ptolemy's original list of 48 constellations that is no longer officially recognized. Due to its large size, it was split into four constellations by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille: Carina (the keel), Puppis (the poop deck), Pyxis (the compass), and Vela (the sails). This new version was introduced in the star catalog Coelum Australe Stelliferum in 1763, which was published after de Lacaille's death.

Quadrans Muralis

Quadrans Muralis was originally created in 1795, but has since been divided between the constellations Boötes and Draco. The Quadrantids meteor shower is still named after the former constellation.

Remnant nomenclature

53 Eridani retains the name Sceptrum from the former constellation Sceptrum Brandenburgicum.

List of former constellations

Name Pronunciation Meaning Date created Created by
Anguilla æŋˈɡwɪlə Eel 1754 John Hill
Antinous ænˈtɪnoʊ.əs Antinous 132 Emperor Hadrian[1]
Apis ˈeipɨs Bee (renamed to Musca Australis and then simply to Musca) 1598 Petrus Plancius
Aranea əˈreɪniə Long-Legged Spider 1754 John Hill
Argo Navis ˈɑrɡoʊˈneɪvɨs The Ship Argo (now divided into Carina, Puppis and Vela) Ancient Greek Claudius Ptolemy
Bufo ˈbjuːfoʊ Toad 1754 John Hill
Cancer Minor ˈkænsərˈmaɪnər Lesser Crab 1613 Petrus Plancius
Cerberus ˈsɜrbərəs Cerberus (guardian dog of Hades) 1690 Johannes Hevelius
Custos Messium ˈkʌstɒsˈmɛʃiəm Keeper of harvests 1775 Jérôme Lalande[2]
Dentalium dɛnˈteɪliəm Tooth Shell 1754 John Hill
Felis ˈfiːlɨs Cat 1799 Jérôme Lalande
Frederici Honores frɛdəˈraɪsaɪ hɒˈnɔəriːz Frederick's Honors 1787 Johann Elert Bode[3]
Gallus ˈɡæləs Rooster 1613 Petrus Plancius
Globus Aerostaticus ˈɡloʊbəs ɛərəˈstætɨkəs Hot air balloon 1798 Jérôme Lalande[4]
Gryphites ɡrɪˈfaɪtiːz Gryphaea shellfish 1754 John Hill
Hippocampus hɪpəˈkæmpəs Sea Horse 1754 John Hill
Hirudo hɪˈruːdoʊ Leech 1754 John Hill
Jordanus dʒɔrˈdeɪnəs River Jordan 1613 Petrus Plancius
Lochium Funis ˈlɒkiəm ˈfjuːnɨs Log line Johann Elert Bode[5]
Lilium ˈlɪliəm Fleur de Lys / Lily flower 1679 Augustin Royer/P. Anthelme
Limax ˈlaɪmæks Slug 1754 John Hill
Lumbricus lʌmˈbraɪkəs Earthworm 1754 John Hill
Machina Electrica ˈmækɨnə ɨˈlɛktrɨkə Electricity generator 1800 Johann Elert Bode[6]
Malus ˈmeɪləs Mast 1844 John Herschel
Manis ˈmeɪnəs Pangolin 1754 John Hill
Mons Maenalus ˈmɒnz ˈmɛnələs Mount Mainalo 1690 Johannes Hevelius[7]
Musca Borealis ˈmʌskə bɔəriˈeɪlɨs Northern Fly 1690 Johannes Hevelius
Noctua ˈnɒktʃuːə Owl
Officina Typographica ˌɒfɨˈsaɪnə taɪpəˈɡræfɨkə Printshop Johann Elert Bode[8]
Patella pəˈtɛlə Limpet 1754 John Hill
Phoenicopterus ˌfɛnəˈkɒptərəs Flamingo (an obsolete name for Grus)
Pinna Marina ˈpɪnə məˈraɪnə Mussel 1754 John Hill
Polophylax pəˈlɒfɨlæks Guardian of the Pole 1592 Petrus Plancius
Psalterium Georgii sælˈtɪəriəm ˈdʒɔrdʒiaɪ George's Psaltery 1781 Maximilian Hell[9]
Quadrans Muralis ˈkweɪdrænz mjʊˈreɪlɨs Mural Quadrant 1795 Jérôme Lalande[10]
Ramus Pomifer ˈreɪməs ˈpɒmɨfər Apple-bearing Branch 1690 Johannes Hevelius[11]
Robur Carolinum ˈroʊbər kærəˈlaɪnəm Charles' Oak 1679 Edmund Halley[12]
Scarabaeus skærəˈbiːəs Rhinoceros Beetle 1754 John Hill
Sceptrum Brandenburgicum ˈsɛptrəm brændənˈbɜrdʒɨkəm Scepter of Brandenburg 1688 Gottfried Kirch[13]
Sceptrum et Manus Iustitiae ˈsɛptrəm ɛt ˈmeɪnəs dʒəˈstɪʃɨiː Scepter and Hand of Justice Augustin Royer
Solarium səˈlɛəriəm Sundial
Tarandus vel Rangifer təˈrændəs vɛl ˈrændʒɨfər Reindeer Pierre Charles Lemonnier[14]
Taurus Poniatovii ˈtɔːrəs pɒniəˈtoʊviaɪ Poniatowski's Bull 1777 Martin Poczobut[15]
Telescopium Herschelii tɛlɨˈskoʊpiəm hərˈʃiːliaɪ Herschel's Telescope 1781 Maximilian Hell[16]
Testudo tɛsˈtjuːdoʊ Tortoise 1754 John Hill
Tigris ˈtaɪɡrɨs Tigris River 1613 Petrus Plancius
Triangulum Minor traɪˈæŋɡjʊləm ˈmaɪnər Lesser Triangle 1690 Johannes Hevelius[17]
Turdus Solitarius ˈtɜrdəs sɒlɨˈtɛəriəs Solitary Thrush 1776 Pierre Charles Lemonnier[18]
Uranoscopus jʊərəˈnɒskəpəs Star-Gazer fish 1754 John Hill
Vespa ˈvɛspə Wasp Jakob Bartsch[19]


  1. ^ Allen 1963, p. 40.
  2. ^ Allen 1963, p. 191.
  3. ^ Allen 1963, p. 221.
  4. ^ Allen 1963, p. 237.
  5. ^ Allen 1963, p. 65.
  6. ^ Allen 1963, p. 289.
  7. ^ Allen 1963, p. 290.
  8. ^ Allen 1963, p. 297.
  9. ^ Allen 1963, p. 347.
  10. ^ Allen 1963, p. 348.
  11. ^ Allen 1963, p. 242.
  12. ^ Allen 1963, p. 349.
  13. ^ Allen 1963, p. 360.
  14. ^ Allen 1963, p. 377.
  15. ^ Allen 1963, p. 413.
  16. ^ Allen 1963, p. 414.
  17. ^ Allen 1963, p. 417.
  18. ^ Allen 1963, p. 418.
  19. ^ Allen 1963, p. 292.


  • Allen, Richard Hinckley (1963). Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning New York: Dover. (Original work published 1899)

See also

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