Turdus Solitarius — fue una constelación creada en 1776 por el astrónomo Pierre Charles Le Monnier. Representaba un tordo o un mirlo solitario, siendo posteriormente reemplazada por la constelación de Noctua (el búho). Se encontraba al final de la cola de Hidra (la… … Wikipedia Español
Turdus Solitarius — Das Historisches Sternbild Eule oder Einsiedlervogel Die Eule (lat. noctua) ist ein Sternbild des Südhimmels, das nicht zu den 88 von der IAU anerkannten Sternbildern zählt. Die Eule liegt am Schwanzende des offiziellen Sternbildes Wasserschlange … Deutsch Wikipedia
Родригесский дронт — † Родригесский дронт Скелет из Музея зоологии Кембриджа … Википедия
Former constellations — The former constellation Argo Navis Former constellations are constellations that are no longer recognized by the International Astronomical Union for various reasons. Many of these constellations existed for long periods of time, even centuries… … Wikipedia
Grive solitaire (constellation) — La Grive solitaire (en latin Turdus Solitarius) était une constellation créée par Pierre Charles Le Monnier en 1776 à partir d étoiles de la queue de l Hydre. Elle fut ensuite remplacée par une autre constellation, la Chouette. Aucune de ces… … Wikipédia en Français
Constelación — Representación de la constelación de Orión en el libro Uranometria de Johann Bayer. Una constelación, en astronomía, es una agrupación convencional de estrellas, cuya posición en el cielo nocturno es aparentemente aproximada y pueblos,… … Wikipedia Español
Noctua (constellation) — For the genus of moths with the same name, see Noctua (moth). For the computer accessories company, see Noctua (company). Noctua (Latin for little owl) was a seldom mentioned constellation that was once placed between the end of the tail of Hydra … Wikipedia
Astrology — Not to be confused with Astronomy. ‹ The template below (Ast box) is being considered for merging. See templates for discussion to help reach a consensus. › … Wikipedia
Boötes — This article is about the Northern constellation. For the astronomical observatory, see BOOTES. Boötes Constellation List of stars in Boötes Abbreviation Boo … Wikipedia
Constellation — This article is about the star grouping. For other uses, see Constellation (disambiguation). The constellation Orion is one of the most recognizable in the night sky. In modern astronomy, a constellation is an internationally defined area of the… … Wikipedia