
English: Liberty

National anthem of

Lyrics Unknown
Music Kodofo Moussa
Adopted 1958

"Liberté" (Liberty) has been the national anthem of Guinea since independence in 1958. It was arranged by Fodéba Keïta and was based on the melody of "Alfa yaya". The author of the lyrics is unknown.


French lyrics English translation
Peuple d'Afrique,
Le Passé historique !
Que chante l'hymne de la Guinée fière et jeune
Illustre epopée de nos frères
Morts au champ d'honneur en libérant l'Afrique !
Le peuple de Guinée prêchant l'unité
Appelle l'Afrique.
Liberté! C'est la voix d'un peuple
Qui appelle tous ses frères à se retrouver.
Liberté! C'est la voix d'un peuple
Qui appelle tous ses frères de la grande Afrique.
Bâtissons l'unité africaine dans l'indépendance retrouvée.
People of Africa!
The historic past!
Sing the hymn of a Guinea proud and young
Illustrious epic of our brothers
Who died on the field of honour while liberating Africa!
The people of Guinea, preaching Unity,
Call to Africa.
Liberty! The voice of a people
Who call all her brothers to find their way again.
Liberty! The voice of a people
Who call all her brothers of a great Africa.
Let us build African Unity in a newly found independence!

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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