- List of words derived from toponyms
This is a list of words derived from toponyms, followed by the place name it is derived from.
Alberta clipper — a weather phenomenon named after the Canadian province ofAlberta where it originates [http://www.weathernotebook.org/transcripts/2000/02/15.html] [http://www.ec.gc.ca/EnviroZine/English/issues/02/any_questions_e.cfm]
*Angora goat ,Angora rabbit ,Angora wool (obtained from the previous two),Angora cat — named after "Angora", variant or former name ofAnkara , their place of origin [http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=Angora] [http://www.chambersharrap.co.uk/chambers/features/chref/chref.py/main?query=angora&title=21st&sourceid=Mozilla-search]
*Armageddon — after "mount ofMegiddo ", where the battle is to be fought [http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=armageddon]
*balkanization — after theBalkans , region in southeastern Europe similarly divided into small nations in the twentieth century [http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=Balkanization]
*Bedford cord , a heavy fabric with a ribbed weave similar to corduroy; named after eitherBedford, England [http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=bedford+cord] or possiblyNew Bedford, Massachusetts . [http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/Bedford%20cord]
* Bedlam — meaning pandemonium, after popular name/pronunciation of St Mary of Bethlehem, London's first psychiatric hospital [http://www.chambersharrap.co.uk/chambers/features/chref/chref.py/main?query=bedlam&title=21st&sourceid=Mozilla-search] [http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=bedlam]
*Bedlington terrier , a breed of dog, afterBedlington ,UK
*bikini — two-piecebathing suit for women, afterBikini Atoll in theMarshall Islands where atomic bombs were tested in 1946; supposedly analogous to the "explosive" effect on the male libido. [http://www.chambersharrap.co.uk/chambers/features/chref/chref.py/main?query=bikini&title=21st&sourceid=Mozilla-search] [http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=bikini&searchmode=term]
* theBlarney and Blarney Stone —Blarney Castle
*Boeotia n, an ancient Greek term for a fool, after the Boeotian people
*bohemian — term referring to artists, writers, and other people who wished to live an unconventional, vagabond, or "gypsy" lifestyle; fromBohemia , where "gypsies" were erroneously thought to originate. [http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=bohemian&searchmode=term] [http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bohemian] See also gypsy, below.
*Brazilianization — the idea that the prosperous white population (especially in the United States) will increasingly withdraw from a disjointed society; likening the result to "a Latin American oligarchy, the rich and well connected members of the overclass can flourish in a decadent America with Third World levels of inequality and crime." Coined byMichael Lind in his book "" [http://www3.iath.virginia.edu/cecmpe/glossary.html]
*Bronx cheer — a noise made by the mouth to signify derision; afterThe Bronx , a borough ofNew York City [http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bronx%20cheer]
*brummagem — goods of shoddy quality; from a local pronunciation ofBirmingham , city in theUnited Kingdom [http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/brummagem]
*bungalow — a low building or house, from a Gujarati word meaning "Bengalese", used elliptically to mean a house built in the style ofBengal [http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=bungalow&searchmode=term]
* Byzantine, used to describe any work, law, or organization that is excessively complex or difficult to understand, named afterByzantine Empire
*calico — a type of cloth named after "Calicut" (nowKolkata ,India ), where Europeans first obtained it. [http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=calico&searchmode=term]Calico cat andcalico horse are derived from the appearance of their mottled coat suggesting calico cloth.
*canary — a small yellow bird, originating on and named after theCanary Islands , specifically the largest island,Gran Canaria , called in Latin "Insula Canaria", "island of dogs", after the wild native dogs found there. [http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=canary&searchmode=term]
* Caucasian — name for the "white race", coined by anthropologistJohann Blumenbach afterCaucasus Mountains , their supposed ancestral homeland. [http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=caucasian&searchmode=term]
*chautauqua — a form of local fair, afterChautauqua, New York , where the first one was held [http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=chautauqua]
* china — originally "chinaware", as in "wares fromChina " [http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/china}
*Chinese wall , artificial organizational barrier, derived fromGreat Wall of China
* coach — a type of carriage, ultimately from Hungarian "kocsi (szekér)" or "carriage ofKocs ", where this vehicle was first made. [http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=coach&searchmode=term]
*Coventry (in the construction "Sent to Coventry "): shunned by friends and family, after the treatment of Royalist prisoners during the English Civil War
*denim — a coarse cotton fabric, from French "serge de Nîmes", or "serge ofNîmes ", where the cloth originated. [http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=denim&searchmode=term]
*Dixieland music —Dixie or "Dixie's Land", a nickname for theAmerican South .
*dollar — a unit ofcurrency , originally from the [German language|German "taler", an abbreviation of "Joachimstaler" ("gulden ofJoachimstal "), a coin minted (1519) from silver mined nearJoachimsthal ,Bohemia [http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=dollar&searchmode=term]
*donnybrook — colloquial term for a brawl or fracas, derived from Donnybrook Fair, an annual horse fair in the Dublin suburb notorious for fighting and drunkenness. [http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=donnybrook&searchmode=term]
*doolally or dolally — an adjective meaning "mad" or "eccentric" (e.g. "to go "dolally"), fultimately named afterDeolali , a fort in the North West Frontier of colonial India (now Pakistan), referring to the apparent madness of men waiting to return to Britain after their tour of duty. [http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-doo1.htm]
* duffel or duffle — heavy woollen cloth, henceduffel coat andduffel bag ; afterDuffel , a town inBelgium where it was first made [http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=duffel&searchmode=none]
*Dunkirk spirit , after the evacuation of Dunkirk inWorld War II
* Fez, (also called "tarboosh"), a hat — Fez, a city in Morocco
*Finlandization , the influence a small country can have on a larger one, afterFinland
*Gibraltar , used as a word for a fortress or stronghold, named after the peninsula
*Glasgow kiss , a slang term meaning headbutt —Glasgow ,Scotland
* Greek, not understandable ("all Greek to me") —Greek language of Greece
* Gypsies, nomadic peoples in Europe and United States —Egypt
* Habanera — a musical style named afterHavana ,Cuba
*Havana , cigar — from capital ofCuba
*Honiton , a form of lace, after the town in Devon (England) where it is produced
* Holland, cotton or linen fabric —Holland
*iliad — a long narrative poem, or a series of woes, trials, etc; both derive from theHomer ic epic "Iliad ", literally meaning "of Ilium" (orTroy ). [http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=iliad]
* Indian, the aboriginal peoples of the New World - afterIndia
*Jeans , denim trousers;Genoa .
*Jersey cattle (also tomato, milk, cream, jumper) —Jersey , one of the Channel Islands
*Labyrinth , maze, after a legendary structure onCrete
*Left Bank , style of life, fashion, or "look" — "Left Bank", bank of the Seine which is to the left, nearParis
*Lesbian , female homosexual — Lesbos, island in Greece
*Magenta , colour — named afterMagenta, Italy
* Marathon, long race —Marathon, Greece , town
* Madras, lightweight cotton fabic — Madras, old name forChennai , coastal city in southeastern India
* Manila envelopes, Manila fiber —Manila , city in Philippines
*Marseillaise ,national anthem of France —Marseille , city in France
*Masada , a mass suicide when conditions are hopeless, afterMasada , Israel
*Mausoleum , a large and impressive tomb —Mausoleum of Maussollos in Turkey
* Mecca, ultimate destination or activity center —Mecca , holy city in Saudi Arabia
*Mongoloid race —Mongolia , country in northern Asia
*Neanderthal man , known by his fossils —Neanderthal, Germany , valley where the fossils were found
* Olympics, worldwide games —Mount Olympus , tallest mountain in Greece
*Paisley (design) , used in shawls —Paisley, Scotland
*Portland cement — named after theIsle of Portland , England
* the Rubicon, the point of no return —Rubicon (or Rubico), Latin name for a small river in northern Italy
*Rhode Island Red — Chicken named afterRhode Island
*Rugby football —Rugby School , inRugby, Warwickshire , central England
*Siamese twins , conjoined twins —Siam , old name for Thailand
* Siberia, a remote undesirable location —Siberia , in eastern Russia
*Skid Row , originally Skid Road of Seattle, now the rundown area of a U.S. city
*Sodomy , forbidden sexual acts —Sodom , Biblical town on the plain of the Jordan River
*Solecism , incorrect or ungrammatical usage of language — Soli an ancient city inCilicia , where a dialect of Greek regarded as substandard was spoken.
*Spa , place having water with health-giving properties — Spa, a municipality in Belgium
*Surrey , horse-drawn carriage —Surrey , southern England
*Timbuktu , metaphor for an exotic, distant land —Timbuktu , city on the Niger River inMali , West Africa
* Trojan horse, malicious computer virus —Trojan Horse , of Troy, from the "Iliad"
*tuxedo , afterTuxedo Park, New York
* "Xanadu", a symbol of opulence —Xanadu (or Shangdu), summer capital of Kublai Khan's empire
*Zion Events/agreements
Abu Ghraib (Iraq) — theAbu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse scandal in 2003
* Attica (New York) — theAttica Prison riots in 1971
*Beijing (China) — the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1994
* Bretton Woods (New Hampshire) — TheBretton Woods system from 1944
*Cairo (Egypt) — theInternational Conference on Population and Development of 1994
*Camp David (U.S. presidential retreat in Maryland) — theCamp David Accords of 1998 and theCamp David 2000 Summit
*Copenhagen (Denmark) — the World Summit for Social Development in 1995
*Doha (Qatar) — theDoha round ofWorld Trade Organization negotiations that began in 2001
*Durban (South Africa) — theWorld Conference against Racism in 2001
*Geneva (Switzerland) — theGeneva Conventions , and the unofficialGeneva Accord negotiations of 2003
* Gleneagles (Scotland) — the31st G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland
*Hiroshima (Japan) — the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945
*Jackson State (Mississippi) — theJackson State killings in 1970
*Kent State (Ohio) — theKent State shootings in 1970
*Kyoto (Japan) — theKyoto Protocol of 1997
*Maastricht (The Netherlands) — theMaastricht treaty of 1992
*Marrakesh (Morocco) — theMarrakesh Agreement of 1994 establishing theWorld Trade Organization
*Munich (Germany) — theMunich Agreement of 1938 and theMunich Massacre at the1972 Summer Olympics
* My Lai (Vietnam) — theMy Lai Massacre of 1968
*Nuremberg (Germany) — theNuremberg Trials of 1945 to 1949
*Oslo (Norway) — theOslo Accords of 1993
*Potsdam (Germany) — thePotsdam Conference in 1945
*Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) — site of theEarth Summit , officially the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) of 1992
* Schengen (Luxembourg ) — theSchengen treaty of 1985
* Seattle (Washington) — the WTO Meeting of 1999 in Seattle
*Tordesillas (Spain — theTreaty of Tordesillas in 1494
*Uruguay — theUruguay Round of trade negotiations from 1986 to 1994 that transformed theGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) into theWorld Trade Organization (WTO).
*Versailles (France) — theTreaty of Versailles in 1919
*Yalta (Ukraine) — theYalta Conference in 1945
*Warsaw (Poland ) — theWarsaw Pact (1955–1991)
* Waterloo (Belgium) — theBattle of Waterloo in 1815
* Watergate (office building in Washington, D.C.) — theWatergate scandal of 1972 to 1975
* Woodstock (New York) — theWoodstock Festival in 1969Food and drink (other than cheese and wine)
* Anjou Pear —
*Berliner (pastry) , named afterBerlin .
*Black Forest gateau , Black Forest Cake, "Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte" —Black Forest ("Schwarzwald"), Germany
*Bombay duck , a kind of fish —Bombay , old name for Mumbai, coastal city in western India
*Brussels sprout
*Buffalo wings , named forBuffalo, New York , where they originated.
*Cantaloupe (also called rockmelon), a variety of melon —Cantalupo , thePope 's summer residence
* Cantonese Chow/Lo Mein
* Cognac
*Coney Island hot dog - named afterConey Island ,New York , but apparently invented in the Midwest of the USA.
* Cuban, sub sandwich in Florida —Cuba , country in the Caribbean
*Curaçao liqueur —Curaçao
* Danish, a sweet pastry — (in Denmark it is called "wienerbrød", which means "bread from Vienna").
*Dijon , mustard named after the French city
*Frankfurter (orWiener — fromVienna )
*Hamburger —Hamburg , Germany
*Hollandaise sauce —Holland
*Jaffa orange -Jaffa
*Jaffa Cakes
* Java, slang forcoffee — from island inIndonesia
*Jerusalem artichoke - wrongly associated withJerusalem
*Manhattan cocktail —Manhattan Club inNew York City
*Martini —Martinez, California , where the precursor to the martini, the Martinez, was developed
* Mocha coffee, ice cream —Mocha, Yemen , place where the coffee is grown
*Peking Duck , a Chinese dish made of duck —Peking , old name for Beijing, China
*Salisbury Steak —Salisbury, England
*Sardine , types of small fish —Sardinia , island in the Mediterranean near Italy
*Seltzer (commercial name), Selters,Germany
*Shallot -Ashkelon
*Turkish Delight —Turkey
*Valencia orange —Valencia, Spain
*Welsh rarebit - A cheese and herb sauce drizzled over hot bread or toast; probably originating from Welsh peasants.
* Virginia peanut —Virginia
*Yorkshire pudding s fromYorkshire Note:
Saskatoon , Saskatchewan is named after the localSaskatoon berry , rather than vice versa.Cheese
*American cheese , a common name forprocessed cheese .
* Asiago after Asiago, theplateau and town in northernItaly where it was first made
*Caerphilly after Caerphilly, a town inWales
*Cheddar afterCheddar inSomerset ,England where it was originally made
*Cheshire after Cheshire county inEngland
* Colby afterColby, Wisconsin where it was first made
*Derby afterDerbyshire a county in centralEngland
* Dubliner afterDublin ,Ireland
* Edam after town of Edam in theNetherlands
* Emmental after Emmental, the name of a valley inSwitzerland where it was originally made
*Gorgonzola after Gorgonzola, a village in northernItaly
* Gouda after the town Gouda in theNetherlands where originally made
* Gruyère after Gruyère, a district inSwitzerland where first made
* Jarlsberg after the town Jarlsberg inNorway
* Lappi afterLapland region ofFinland
* Limburger after Limburg, a formerduchy of Lorraine
* Manchego afterLa Mancha Spain
* Monterey Jack, fromMonterey, California (notMonterrey, Mexico )
* Morbier
* Munster after townMunster, Haut-Rhin inAlsace region ofFrance
* Nablusi
* Neufchâtel, fromNeufchâtel-en-Bray , the part of Normandie where it originates
* Oaxaca Oaxaca De Juarez, a state and city inMexico
*Parmesan , fromParma, Italy
* Roma(no) afterRome ,Italy
*Roquefort after a village in southernFrance
* Stilton after Stilton, a village inEngland
*Swiss afterSwitzerland
*Tilsit after a town in EastPrussia (nowSovetsk ,Russia ) where is was first produced
* Yunnan after Yunnan, a province in southwesternChina Wine
* Asti — Asti, Italy
* Chablis
* Champagne, a sparkling wine named after the region ofFrance in which it is produced.
*Madeira wine , a fortified wine andPlum in madeira , a dessert —Madeira islands of Portugal
*Port wine (or Porto), sweet fortified wine —Porto , in northern Portugal
*Sherry wine, a mispronunciation of "Jerez" —Jerez de la Frontera , a city in southern SpainCorporations
There are some corporations whose name is simply the same as their original location.
* VaasaElements
Chemical elements named after places Derivations from literary or mythical places
Eden , any paradisaical area, named after the religiousGarden of Eden
*El Dorado , any area of great wealth, after the mythical city of gold
*hell , any horrible place, after the religiousHell
* Lilliputian, meaning very small in size — Lilliput, fictional island in the book "Gulliver's Travels"
* Shangri-La, a mythical utopia, a language usage —Shangri-La , fictional place in the novel "Lost Horizon"
*utopia , term for organized society — Utopia, fictional republic from the book of the same nameee also
Lists of etymologies
*List of eponyms , names derived from people's names
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