Neue Rheinische Zeitung

Neue Rheinische Zeitung
June 19, 1848 edition

The Neue Rheinische Zeitung - Organ der Demokratie ("New Rhenish Newspaper - Organ of Democracy") was a German daily newspaper, published by Karl Marx in Cologne between June 1, 1848 and May 19, 1849. Its name refers to a paper earlier edited by Marx, the Rheinische Zeitung. Joseph Weydemeyer, also a member of the Communist League, was one of its editors.

The NRZ was a target of government suppression, which eventually led to its ceasing publication. On 2 March 1849, Prussian soldiers came to Marx's home to arrest one of the writers. Marx refused to turn over the writer, and the soldiers eventually left. On 9 May 1849, Marx was ordered to leave the country within 24 hours, as his documents for legal residency had expired. [1]

Due to the threat of arrest or exile of its writers, and in the face of continued government suppression, the NRZ published its last issue on 18 May 1849. This was called the "red issue" as it was printed entirely in red ink. Marx's closing statement mocked the governments against which he had railed:

We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror. But the royal terrorists, the terrorists by the grace of God and the law, are in practice brutal, disdainful, and mean, in theory cowardly, secretive, and deceitful, and in both respects disreputable.[2]

The Neue Rheinische Zeitung was revived in 2005 as an online newspaper.

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