Henrico County Public Schools

Henrico County Public Schools
Henrico County Public Schools
Henrico County, Virginia, USA
School type Public, school division
School board Lamont Bagby (Chairman)
Diana D. Winston (Vice-chairman)
Linda L. McBride
Lisa A. Marshall
John W. Montgomery Jr.
Staff 3,761
Enrollment 48,509  (2009-10)
Athletics conference Capital District
Colonial District
Central Region

The Henrico County Public Schools system is a Virginia school division that operates as a functional and independent branch of the Henrico County, Virginia, county government, and administers public schools in the county. Henrico County Public Schools has five International Baccalaureate schools--J.R. Tucker High School, Henrico High School, Fairfield Middle School, Tuckahoe Middle School, and George H. Moody Middle School.



Schools Total Schools - 71; Elementary - 45; Middle - 12; High - 9; Technical Centers - 2 Program Centers - 3.

Students Total Students - 48,431; Elementary - 22,144; Middle - 10,882; High - 14,809; Other - 796; (updated Mar. 2011)

Pupil/Teacher Ratios Elementary - 20.6; Middle - 22.1; High - 21.8 (updated Mar. 2011)

Graduates 2010 Graduates - 3,891; On-Time Graduation Rate - 86.2% Continuing Education - 83%; Scholarships in 2010 - $15.8 Million accepted; Dropout Rate - 2.45%

Ethnic Distribution Asian - 7.4%; Black - 37.2%; Hispanic - 6.2%; White - 46%; Other - 3.1% (updated Mar. 2011)

Nutrition Students on free and reduced lunch: 29.8% (updated Dec. 2009)

Transportation Buses - 600; Special Education Buses - 104; Drivers - 431; Driver Aides - 88; Miles Traveled Daily - 50,000; Miles Traveled Annually - 9,000,000; Students Transported Daily - over 46,000

Finance Operating Budget - $494.5 Million; Per Pupil Expenditure - $9,061 (updated Mar. 2011)

Teachers - 3,687

Employees - 6,566

School Board and Superintendent

The newly elected Henrico County School Board took office Jan. 1, 2008 which includes four new faces and a returning board member: Diana D. Winston, Three Chopt district; John W. Montgomery Jr., Varina district; Linda McBride, Brookland district; Lisa A. Marshall, Tuckahoe district; and Lamont Bagby, Fairfield district.

Superintendent Dr. Patrick Russo took office July 1, 2009. Dr. Russo had been superintendent of Hampton City Public Schools since 2004. Russo has more than 35 years of experience as a teacher, principal, assistant superintendent and superintendent.[1]

New Schools

Glen Allen High School[2] and Holman Middle School[3] opened in Fall 2010. Glen Allen High School's principal is Tracie Weston.[4] Holman Middle School's principal is Dr. Brian P. Fellows.

Pupil Transportation

As one room school houses gradually evolved into graded elementary schools with multiple classrooms, an educational development in Henrico as in many other places, children often lived too far away from the closest of these schools to walk as they had previously to the smaller schools.[citation needed]

Henrico began transportation of some children via farm wagons, and the program quickly grew. In 1933, Henrico County Public Schools began self-operating school buses. By 1960, the county was operating 118 buses, expanding to 158 by 1964. In the early 1970s, fleet maintenance for all county and school board vehicles, which had been located at Dabb's House[5] on Nine Mile Road and at a west end depot formerly located on the site now occupied by Regency Mall on Parham Road at Quioccasin Road was consolidated at a new large and modern facility on Woodman Road in the northern section of the county.[6]

The Henrico school division is one of the larger school bus programs in Virginia as well as in the United States. As of the 2009-2010 school year, Henrico County Public Schools was utilizing a fleet of over five hundred school buses. Henrico County Public School buses make two to four runs into and out of schools every school day, transporting over 46,000 students to school and bringing them home daily.[7] Most buses are Type C "conventional style" school, and Type D, or Transit buses[8] Bus models include the International FE, International RE, Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX.[9]


Laptop Program

Henrico County Public Schools was one of the first school districts in the United States to distribute laptop computers to students, during the 2001 school year.[10] Initially, the four-year, $18.6 million dollar project was for high school students alone. However, the middle school program was also phased in 2002.[11] Up until the 2005-2006 school year, Apple computers were used exclusively. In 2005, Dell was awarded a contract with HCPS for high school students.[12][13] Middle schoolers received Dells at the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year.[13]

Response to the laptop program has been mainly positive.[14] Up until the 2005-2006 school year, Apple computers were used exclusively. In 2005, Dell was awarded a contract with HCPS for high school students.[13][12] During a random survey where 796 homes were polled, 88% of parents were in favor of continuing the program.[citation needed]

Beginning in the 2009-2010 school year, the county replaced the 8e6 Technologies web filter with that of Lightspeed Systems.[citation needed]

Notable persons and accomplishments

Virginia Randolph

Two local educators associated with Henrico County Public School became notable for contributions to the development of educational programs for African-American students in the late 19th and early to mid-20th century.

Virginia Randolph (18741958) became notable for her many years and contributions to the development of educational programs for African-American students during the days of segregated schools in Virginia. Educated at Richmond's Armstrong High School, in 1892, Ms. Randolph opened the Mountain Road School in the north central part of the county. As a teacher there, Randolph taught her students woodworking, sewing, cooking, and gardening, as well as academics.[15] In 1908, Henrico County Superintendent of Schools Jackson T. Davis named her to become the United State's first "Jeanes Supervising Industrial Teacher".

As the overseer of twenty three elementary schools in Henrico County, Virginia Randolph developed the first in-service training program for black teachers and worked on improving the curriculum of the schools. With the freedom to design her own agenda, she shaped industrial work and community self-help programs to meet specific needs of schools.[16] During her 57-year career, although she remained at work in Henrico County, she became recognized worldwide as a pioneering educator, humanitarian and leader, especially in the field of vocational education. She retired in 1949.[17]

In Glen Allen, the Virginia Randolph Home Economics Cottage was made into a museum in memory of Randolph in 1970. The Virginia Historic Landmarks Commission designated the museum a State Historic Landmark. In 1976 the museum was named a National Historic Landmark by the United States Department of Interior, National Park Service.[18][19] Randolph reportedly had an office in the building. Her grave site is on the grounds. Randolph is interred on the museum grounds. In modern times, Virginia Randolph Community High School in Glen Allen, Virginia and a special education center are each named in her honor.[20] The Virginia Randolph Foundation, formed in 1954, annually awards scholarships to Henrico County high school students who will be attending a 4 year college or university.[21]

Jackson T. Davis

Jackson T. Davis (18821947), a Richmonder, was graduate of the College of William and Mary and Columbia University. He headed school divisions in Williamsburg and Marion before coming to Henrico as Division Superintendent in 1905. After his tenure at HCPS, Dr. Davis became state agent for African-American rural schools for the Virginia State Department of Education from 1910-1915. He went on to also become an internationally known leader in his field. [22] Henrico County's Jackson Davis Elementary School, dedicated in 1964, was named for him.[22] His collection of photographs of Virginia's negro school facilities of the era is notable among many items of his career which were donated to the University of Virginia and are among the special collections there.[23]

Awards and accolades

  • Henrico County Public Schools was named one of the "Best Communities for Music Education in America," the only school division in the nation to earn this designation 10 years in a row.
  • Henrico High School celebrated recognition from Newsweek as one of the 1,500 top U.S. high schools in the country in 2009.
  • Deep Run High School's robotics team, known as Blue Cheese, took home the state title at the FIRST Tech Challenge competition held at the University of Virginia in 2009.
  • The media services and media relations departments were recently awarded five Awards of Honorable Mention in the National School Public Relations Association's 2009 Publication and Electronic Media Contest. The departments were also honored with three Bronze Certificates of Merit at the 62nd Annual Virginia Public Relations Awards Ceremony, sponsored annually by the Richmond chapter of the Public Relations Society of America.
  • Twelve Henrico Schools have received the U.S. Department of Education Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Award. Shady Grove Elementary School was selected in fall of 2007.
  • Henrico schools received 8 National Association of Counties (NACo) awards for implementing groundbreaking programs in 2009.
  • Eight Henrico schools earned the Governor's Award for Educational Excellence and 34 schools earned the Board of Education's VIP Awards.
  • Godwin and Deep Run HIgh Schools schools won a silver medal ranking by U.S. News and World Report's "Best High Schools in America" for 2009.
  • Byrd Middle School was selected as Virginia Educational Media Association (VEMA) Library of the Year for 2010.
  • Henrico County Public Schools named National School Library Program of the Year 2011.(AASL)


Henrico County is divided into five school districts. The list of districts and their schools follows.[24]

Brookland District

  • Dumbarton Elementary School
  • Echo Lake Elementary School
  • Glen Allen Elementary School
  • Glen Allen High School
  • Greenwood Elementary School
  • Hermitage High School
  • Hermitage Technical Center
  • Holladay Elementary School
  • Hungary Creek Middle School
  • Charles M. Johnson Elementary School
  • Lakeside Elementary School
  • R.C. Longan Elementary School
  • Maude Trevvett Elementary School
  • George H. Moody Middle School

Fairfield District

  • Adams Elementary School
  • Arthur Ashe, Jr. Elementary School
  • Brookland Middle School
  • Chamberlayne Elementary School
  • Fairfield Middle School
  • Glen Lea Elementary School
  • Harvie Elementary School- newest elementary school for the year 2008
  • Henrico High School
  • L. Douglas Wilder Middle School
  • Laburnum Elementary School
  • Longdale School
  • H.M. Ratcliffe Elementary School
  • Virginia E. Randolph Community High School
  • Virginia Randolph Special Education Center School

Three Chopt District

  • Colonial Trail Elementary School
  • Crestview Elementary School
  • Deep Run High School
  • Jackson Davis Elementary School
  • Nuckols Farm Elementary School
  • Pocahontas Middle School
  • Ridge Elementary School
  • Rivers Edge Elementary School
  • Shady Grove Elementary School
  • Short Pump Elementary School
  • Short Pump Middle School
  • Skipwith Elementary School
  • Springfield Park Elementary School
  • Three Chopt Elementary School
  • John Randolph Tucker High School
  • Twin Hickory Elementary School

Tuckahoe District

  • Harry Flood Byrd Middle School
  • Ruby F. Carver Elementary School
  • Douglas S. Freeman High School
  • Gayton Elementary School
  • Mills E. Godwin High School
  • Maybeury Elementary School
  • Pemberton Elementary School
  • Ridge Elementary School
  • Raymond B. Pinchbeck Elementary School
  • Tuckahoe Elementary School
  • Tuckahoe Middle School

Varina District

  • George F. Baker Elementary School
  • Cashell Donahoe Elementary School
  • Elko Middle School
  • Fair Oaks Elementary School
  • Highland Springs Elementary School
  • Highland Springs High School
  • Highland Springs Technical Center School
  • Mehfoud Elementary School
  • Montrose Elementary School
  • New Bridge Alternative School
  • John Rolfe Middle School
  • Sandston Elementary School
  • Seven Pines Elementary School
  • Varina Elementary School
  • Varina High School
  • Henry D. Ward Elementary School


  1. ^ http://www.henrico.k12.va.us/Superintendent/bio.html
  2. ^ http://henrico.k12.va.us/hs/GlenAllen/About%20Us.html
  3. ^ http://henrico.k12.va.us/ms/Holman/2114.html
  4. ^ http://henrico.k12.va.us/hs/GlenAllen/Principal's%20Message.html
  5. ^ http://www.co.henrico.va.us/departments/rec/recreation-centers---facilities/dabbs-house-museum/
  6. ^ http://www.co.henrico.va.us/departments/genserv/services/central-automotive-maint-/
  7. ^ http://www.henrico.k12.va.us/Transportation/
  8. ^ http://www.henrico.k12.va.us/Transportation/FAQ.html.
  9. ^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Saf-T-Liner
  10. ^ "Apple to Supply 23,000 iBooks to Henrico County Public Schools". Public Relations Library. Apple Computer. 1 May 2001. http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2001/may/1henrico.html. Retrieved 14 January 2011. "Apple® today announced an agreement with Henrico County Public Schools to supply 23,000 iBooksto the district. This initiative will give every middle and high school student and teacher access to their own laptop computer with plans to eventually provide every teacher and student throughout the district with an iBook." 
  11. ^ "Henrico retools its laptop program.". Heller Report on Educational Technology Markets. AllBusiness.com. 1 February 2002. http://www.allbusiness.com/sector-61-educational-services/113725-1.html. Retrieved 14 January 2011. "The four-year $18.6 million contract called for Henrico County schools to lease 23,000 iBooks from Apple Computer. In fall 2001, every one of the county's 10,8000 high school students received a laptop computer. Plans call for 7,700 computers to be distributed to seventh and eighth-graders in 2002 and 3,100 computers to sixth-graders in 2003." 
  12. ^ a b "Virginia's Henrico County Public Schools Selects Dell for $17.9 Million Student Computing...". Business Wire. AllBusiness.com. 23 June 2005. http://www.allbusiness.com/electronics/computer-equipment-laptop-computers/5172584-1.html. Retrieved 14 January 2011. "Henrico County (Va.) Public Schools ... has selected Dell ... as the exclusive provider of computers for a four-year program valued at $17.9 million. The program will equip every district high school student and teacher with a notebook computer. Dell will provide the district 15,800 Dell notebook systems, professional development and training for teachers, administrators and students, and a variety of additional value-added services." 
  13. ^ a b c "Notebook Initiative Mobilizes Student Imaginations" (PDF). Case Studies. Dell. http://www.dell.com/downloads/global/casestudies/627_K12_CS_Henrico.pdf. Retrieved 14 January 2011. "... the district wanted students to become familiar with the more widely used Microsoft Windows operating system that [that, at that time, made] up 90 percent of the industry. “We recognize that giving our students experience in both platforms makes them more competitive in the job market,” Lloyd Brown, director of technology, says." 
  14. ^ "Study: Laptop Learning Improving". Entertainment. Richmond.com. 10 July 2008. http://www2.richmond.com/entertainment/2008/jul/10/study-laptop-learning-improving-ar-599566/. Retrieved 14 January 2011. "Two years into a comprehensive three-year study of the laptop initiative in Henrico County Public Schools , findings show that students are engaging in more technology-based problem solving, research, teamwork and communication-based projects that reflect 21st century learning skills, according to the study's chief researcher." 
  15. ^ http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0887003.html
  16. ^ African American Registry: Virginia E. Randolph, a teaching pioneer!
  17. ^ Henrico County Manager's Office
  18. ^ "Virginia Randolph Cottage". National Historic Landmark summary listing. National Park Service. http://tps.cr.nps.gov/nhl/detail.cfm?ResourceId=1500&ResourceType=Building. Retrieved 2011-01-13. 
  19. ^ James Sheire (July 31, 1974). National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination: Virginia E. Randolph Museum - Virginia Cardwell Cottage / Home Economics CottagePDF (32 KB). National Park Service  and Accompanying one photo, undated (plus an unrelated photo of Poe Shrine, "oldest house" in Richmond, Virginia)PDF (32 KB)
  20. ^ VA Randolph Community High School
  21. ^ The Virginia Randolph Foundation, Inc
  22. ^ a b UVa Special Collections Library: Jackson Davis Collection
  23. ^ Interior of one-room school
  24. ^ "HCPS Districts". Schools. Henrico County Public Schools. http://www.henrico.k12.va.us/Schools/Districts.html. Retrieved 14 January 2011. 

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