- Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle
A Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle, or HLLV, is distinguished from
Medium Lift Launch Vehicles (MLLV) by the mass that they can lift into Low Earth Orbit (LEO). While there is currently no specifically stated mass, it is generally agreed that rockets like theTitan IV , Atlas V,Ariane 5 , Proton, and Delta IV are all considered "Heavy Lift" launch vehicles, as they're capable of lifting more than 30,000 lb (14,000 kg) to LEO, and more than 10,000 lb (5,000 kg) togeostationary transfer orbit (GTO).Orbital requirements
HLLVs are the only rockets capable of moving heavier satellites into geostationary or geosynchronous
orbit . The capability of achievinggeostationary transfer orbit is critical to the placement of modern satellites, as well as to the success of future space programs going to theMoon and toMars .Fuel requirements
Several different fuel combinations have been used in heavy lift launch vehicles. The earliest ones were simply
liquid hydrogen andliquid oxygen , which, when combined, produces a very significant amount of thrust, and whose only combustion byproducts are heat andwater vapor . This approach was used for the upper stages of theSaturn V , and is still used for the main engines on some HLLVs, such as the Ariane 5, Delta IV and theSpace Shuttle . It is also often used for upper-stage motors, due to its highspecific impulse .Other fuel options include those used by
solid-fuel rocket s, combinations of various liquid fuels such asRP-1 and liquid oxygen as used in the Atlas 5, andhypergolic fuels, such as unsymmetricaldimethyl hydrazine andnitrogen tetroxide , used in the Proton rocket.The advantages of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen include the largest
thrust to mass ratio (which equates to the highest specific impulse), and the absence of any toxic byproducts. On the other hand, both liquid hydgrogen and liquid oxygen must be constantly replenished as they boil off, and the time the rocket can remain on thelaunch pad is short due to thecryogenic handling required.Solid-fuel rocket s are generally unthrottleable, but recent advances incatalyst triggers makehybrid rocket s as throttleable asliquid-fuel rocket s.The main advantage of fuels such as dimethyl hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide is that they require no cryogenic handling, and can thus sit on the launch pad for long periods of time. Their main problem, however, is that they're highly
toxic , and thus require special handling.ee also
Comparison of heavy lift launch systems
*Spacecraft propulsion External links
* [http://www.nasa.gov NASA] - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Further reading
* Mallove, Eugene F. and Matloff, Gregory L. "The Starflight Handbook: A Pioneer's Guide to Interstellar Travel", Wiley. ISBN 0-471-61912-4.
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