List of numerical analysis software

List of numerical analysis software

Listed here are a number of computer programs used for performing numerical calculations:
* acslX is a software application for modeling and evaluating the performance of continuous systems described by time-dependent, nonlinear differential equations.
* APL (programming language) is a language designed for array manipulation that is used for a wide variety of scientific, engineering, and actuarial analysis.
* ASCEND is a free/open-source general mathematical modelling language and solver program for nonlinear systems of equations and systems of differential-algebraic equations.
* Baudline is a time-frequency browser for numerical signals analysis and scientific visualization.
* CC4 is version 4 of the Calculus Calculator. CC4 includes matrices and infinite precision arithmetic. It was developed in the Department of Mathematics at San Francisco State University.
* COMSOL Script for numerical computations and interactive partial differential equation solving with the finite element method; uses MATLAB-compatible syntax. Optionally connects to COMSOL Multiphysics.
* DADiSP is a commercial program focused on DSP that combines the numerical capability of MATLAB with a spreadsheet like interface.
* [ deal.II] is an open-source library for the computational solution of PDE problems using adaptive continuous or discontinuous finite elements.
* dnAnalytics is an open-source numerical library for .NET written in C# and F#.
* Euler (software) EULER is a powerful numerical laboratory with a programming language that can handle real, complex and interval numbers, vectors and matrices. It can produce 2D/3D plots.
* Expensive Desk Calculator (historical), written for the TX-0 and PDP-1 in the late 1950s or early 1960s.
* FEniCS Project is a collection of project for automated solutions to PDEs.
* FlexPro is a commercial program for interactive and automated analysis and presentation of mainly measurement data. It supports many binary instrument data formats and has its own vectorized programming language.
* Frink, a programming language and calculating tool which tracks units of measure through all calculations.
* FreeMat, an open-source MATLAB-like environment with a GPL license.
* GAUSS, a matrix programming language for mathematics and statistics.
* GNU data language, a free compiler designed as a drop-in replacement for IDL.
* GNU Octave can generally run scripts written for recent versions of MATLAB; has an active user community. (free software, GNU GPL license).
* GNU Scientific Library, a popular, free numerical analysis library for C and C++.
* GNU Multi-Precision Library is a library for doing arbitrary precision arithmetic.
* IDL (programming language), a commercial interpreted language based on FORTRAN with some vectorization. Widely used in the solar physics, atmospheric sciences and medical communities. The GNU data language is a free alternative.
* IGOR Pro, a software package with emphasis on time series, image analysis, and curve fitting. It comes with its own programming language and can be used interactively.
* ILNumerics.Net typesafe numerical array classes and functions for general math and linear algebra, aims .NET/mono, script-like syntax in C#, 2D & 3D plot controls
* IML++ is a C++ library for solving linear systems of equations, capable of dealing with dense, sparse, and distributed matrices.
* IMSL Numerical Libraries are libraries of numerical analysis functionality implemented in standard programming languages like C, Java, C# .NET, and Fortran.
* IMTEK Mathematica Supplement is an open source (GNU GPL license) collection of tutorials and packages for numerical calculations.
* IT++ is a C++ library for linear algebra (matrices and vectors), signal processing and communications. Functionality similar to MATLAB and Octave.
* JAMA, a numerical linear algebra toolkit for the Java programming language
* JScience, an open-source (multiple licenses) Java API for performing numerical calculations and data storage among other things.
* jLab, a research platform for building an open source Matlab-like environment in pure Java. Currently supports interpreted j-Scripts (Matlab-like), compiled GroovySci (extension to Groovy) scripts, direct interfacing to Java code and scripting access to many popular Java scientific libraries (e.g. WEKA, JSci, NUMAL) and application Wizards, project page:
* LabVIEW offers both textual and graphical programming approaches to numerical analysis. Its text-based programming language MathScript utilizes .m file script syntax providing some compatibility with MATLAB, COMSOL Script, FreeMat, GNU Octave, O-Matrix, Rlab, Scilab, and Sysquake.
* LAPACK++, a C++ wrapper library for LAPACK and BLAS
* Lush is an object-oriented programming language based on LISP for large-scale numerical and graphic applications
* Macsyma, a general-purpose computer algebra system, which has a free GPL-licensed version called Maxima.
* Maple, a general-purpose commercial mathematics software package.
* Mathcad offers a WYSIWYG interface and the ability to generate publication-quality mathematical equations.
* Mathemagix, is an open source (GNU GPL license) general-purpose mathematics software package.
* Mathematica offers numerical evaluation, optimization and visualization of a very wide range of numerical functions. It also includes a programming language and computer algebra capabilities.
* MATLAB is a widely used program for performing numerical calculations. It comes with its own programming language, in which numerical algorithms can be implemented. Several programs use a similar syntax: COMSOL Script, FreeMat, GNU Octave, LabVIEW (in MathScript blocks), O-Matrix, Rlab, Scilab, and Sysquake.
* Mathnium * [] is a program for numerical computing, data analysis, and graphics. Its syntax is similar to Matlab. It is written in Java and provides very simple mechanisms for using and extending existing Java classes, and implementing Java interfaces. It can therefore also be used for rapid prototyping of Java applications as well as Java Swing/AWT GUIs.
* MCSim a Monte Carlo simulation tool.
* NA WorkSheet is a collective aggregation of algorithms coded in Java that implements various Numerical Analysis solutions/techniques in one easy to use opensource tool.
* NAG Numerical Libraries are implementations (for a wide variety of platforms) of a software library of numerical analysis routines, which can be called from user applications.
*NCAR Command Language is an interpreted language designed specifically for scientific data analysis and visualization.
* numberGo Publisher is a data analysis tool that lets you pivot and chart data, and save it as a portable document.
* O-Matrix
* Origin, a software package that is widely used for making scientific graphs. It comes with its own C/C++ compiler that conforms quite closely to ANSI standard.
*The Ox programming language is a proprietary programming language with a mathematical and statistical function library.
* Pardiso is a solver for large sparse linear systems on shared memory multiprocessors.
* PAW is a free data analysis package developed at CERN.
* Perl Data Language, also known as PDL, an array extension to Perl ver.5, used for data manipulation, statistics, numerical simulation and visualization.
* Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (PETSc), is a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable (parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations.
* PSPP, an application for statistical analysis.
* Python programming language:
** NumPy, a library that adds support for the manipulation of large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices; it also includes a large collection of high-level mathematical functions
** SciPy, a library of scientific tools, package includes NumPy
** ScientificPython, a library with a different set of scientific tools
** matplotlib, a MATLAB-like plotting library.
** PyNGL is used to analyze and visualize scientific data, with an emphasis on high quality 2D visualizations.
** SAGE is a distribution of OS math software, with an unified Python interface which is available as a text interface or a graphical web-based one. Includes interfaces for Open Source and proprietary general purpose CAS, and other numerical analysis programs, like PARI/GP, GAP, gnuplot, Magma, and Maple.
* R is a widely used system with a focus on data manipulation and statistics which implements the S language. Many add-on packages are available (free software, GNU GPL license).
* Rlab is another free software program which bears a strong resemblance to MATLAB. Rlab development ceased for several years but it was revived as RlabPlus.
* ROOT is a free object oriented multipurpose data analysis package, developed at CERN.
* S-Lang is an (array-based) programming language with strong numerical support.
*SALOME is a free software that provides a generic platform for pre- and post-processing for numerical simulation.
* Scilab is similar to MATLAB and Octave. Distributed with source (under their own license, which is not approved by the Open Source Initiative).
* Shogun, an open source Large Scale Machine Learning toolbox that provides several SVM implementations (like libSVM, SVMlight) under a common framework and interfaces to Octave, Matlab, Python, R
* [ Sollya] , a tool environment for safe floating-point code development. It is particularly targeted to the automatized implementation of mathematical floating-point libraries.
* [ STARMAD] is a Space Mission Analysis and Design tool, intended to enable users to quickly and easily perform: 1. Preliminary Orbit Analysis, in terms of Dynamics, Geometry, Manoeuvre and Maintenance, Interplanetary Transfer, and Delta-V Budget. 2. Observation Payload Analysis, in terms of Electromagnetic Spectrum, Optics and Sizing. 3. Spacecraft Subsystems Design, considering Attitude Control, Communications, Power System, Propulsion System, Structural Analysis and Thermal Control. 4. Launch and Transfer Vehicle Information. 5. Mission Operation Complexity, from the point of view of Mission Design and Planning, Flight System Design, Operational Risk Avoidance, Ground Systems.
* Sysquake is a computing environment with interactive graphics for mathematics, physics and engineering. Like other applications from Calerga, it is based on a MATLAB-compatible language.
* Trilinos, an effort to develop scalable (parallel) solver algorithms and libraries within an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific applications. A unique design feature of Trilinos is its focus on packages.
* TK Solver — Built-in interative solver and extensive library of standard numerical methods.
* Weka is a suite of machine learning software written at the University of Waikato.
* XNUMBERS — Multi Precision Floating Point Computing and Numerical Methods for EXCEL.
* Yorick is an interpreted programming language designed for numerics, graph plotting and simulation.

ee also

*Comparison of numerical analysis software
*List of computer algebra systems
*List of graphing software
*List of statistical packages

External links

* [ List of Software and Resources for Numerical Analysis and Numerical Algorithms]
* [ List of some Scientific Computing Applications]

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