- List of mathematics articles (L)
L (complexity) --L-BFGS --L² cohomology --L-function --L game --L-notation --L-system --L-theory --L'Analyse des Infiniment Petits pour l'Intelligence des Lignes Courbes --L'Hôpital's rule --L(R) --La Géométrie --Labeled graph --Labelled enumeration theorem --Lack-of-fit sum of squares --Lacunarity --Lacunary function --Lacunary value --Lag operator --Lagged Fibonacci generator --Lagrange bracket --Lagrange inversion theorem --Lagrange multipliers --Lagrange multipliers on Banach spaces --Lagrange number --Lagrange polynomial --Lagrange reversion theorem --Lagrange's formula --Lagrange's four-square theorem --Lagrange's identity --Lagrange's theorem --Lagrange's theorem (group theory) --Lagrange's theorem (number theory) --Lagrangian --Lagrangian (disambiguation) --Lagrangian and Eulerian coordinates --Lagrangian foliation --Lagrangian Grassmannian --Lagrangian mechanics --Lagrangian relaxation --Laguerre form --Laguerre polynomials --Laguerre's method --Lah
Lah number --Lakes of Wada --Lakh --Laman graph --Lambda calculus --Lambda cube --Lambda function --Lambda lifting --Lambda-mu calculus --Lambda-Suslin --Lambek-Moser theorem --Lambert conformal conic projection --Lambert quadrilateral --Lambert series --Lambert summation --Lambert W function --Lambert's cosine law --Lamé function --Lamé parameters --Lamé's special quartic --Lamellar vector field --Lamm equation --Lamplighter group --Lanchester's laws --Lanczos algorithm --Lanczos approximation --Lanczos resampling --Lanczos tensor --Landau distribution --Landau-Kolmogorov inequality --Landau–Lifshitz equation --Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation --Landau–Lifshitz model --Landau prime ideal theorem --Landau–Ramanujan constant --Landau set --Landau's constants --Landau's function --Landau's problems --Lane-Emden equation --Langevin dynamics --Langevin equation --Langford pairing --Langlands classification --Langlands decomposition --Langlands group --Langlands program --Langton's ant --Language equation --Lap
LAPACK --Laplace-Beltrami operator --Laplace distribution --Laplace expansion --Laplace expansion (potential) --Laplace invariant --Laplace limit --Laplace operator --Laplace principle (large deviations theory) --Laplace–Runge–Lenz vector --Laplace–Stieltjes transform --Laplace transform --Laplace transform applied to differential equations --Laplace's equation --Laplacian matrix --Laplacian operators in differential geometry --Laplacian smoothing --Laplacian vector field --Large cardinal property --Large countable ordinal --Large deviations of Gaussian random functions --Large deviations theory --Large diffeomorphism --Large eddy simulation --Large gauge transformation --Large numbers --Large set --Large set (Ramsey theory) --Large sieve --Large Veblen ordinal --Largest known prime number --Largest remainder method --Larmor formula --Las
Las Vegas algorithm --Laser diode rate equations --Lasker–Noether theorem --Latent class model --Latent Dirichlet allocation --Latent growth modeling --Latent variable --Latent variable model --Lateral surface --LaTeX --LaTeX2HTML --Latimer-MacDuffee theorem --Latin hypercube sampling --Latin square --Latin square property --Latitude --Lattice (discrete subgroup) --Lattice (group) --Lattice (mathematics) --Lattice (order) --Lattice-based access control --Lattice graph --Lattice group --Lattice of subgroups --Lattice plane --Lattice reduction --Lattice sieving --Lattice theorem --Laurent polynomial --Laurent series --Lauricella hypergeometric series --Lauricella's theorem --Lav
Laver function --Laver table --Laver tree --Law (stochastic processes) --Law of accumulation --Law of averages --Law of cosines --Law of cosines (spherical) --Law of excluded middle --Law of large numbers --Law of sines --Law of small numbers --Law of tangents --Law of the iterated logarithm --Law of total cumulance --Law of total expectation --Law of total probability --Law of total variance --Law of Truly Large Numbers --Lawrence–Krammer representation --Laws of classical logic --Laws of Form --Lax equivalence theorem --Lax-Milgram lemma --Lax–Milgram theorem --Lax pair --Lax–Wendroff method --Layer cake representation --Layered hidden Markov model --Lazy caterer's sequence --Lazy S --Lcs
LCS35 --Le Cam's theorem --Leading zero --Leaf node --Leaky integrator --Leapfrog integration --Learning classifier system --Learning curve --Least absolute deviations --Least common multiple --Least fixed point --Least squares --Least-squares estimation of linear regression coefficients --Least-squares spectral analysis --Least upper bound axiom --Lebedev grid --Lebedev–Milin inequality --Lebesgue constant --Lebesgue constant (interpolation) --Lebesgue covering dimension --Lebesgue differentiation theorem --Lebesgue integration --Lebesgue measure --Lebesgue point --Lebesgue spine --Lebesgue-Stieltjes integration --Lebesgue's decomposition theorem --Lebesgue's density theorem --Lebesgue's lemma --Lebesgue's number lemma --Lebombo bone --Lee
Lee distance --Lee Hwa Chung theorem --Lee–Yang theorem --Leech lattice --Lefschetz duality --Lefschetz fixed-point theorem --Lefschetz hyperplane theorem --Lefschetz manifold --Lefschetz pencil --Lefschetz zeta function --Left inverse --Left-right symmetry --Leftover hash-lemma --Legendre chi function --Legendre form --Legendre polynomials --Legendre rational functions --Legendre relation --Legendre sieve --Legendre symbol --Legendre transformation --Legendre wavelet --Legendre's conjecture --Legendre's constant --Legendre's equation --Legendrian knot --Lehmann–Scheffé theorem --Lehmer matrix --Lehmer mean --Lehmer number --Lehmer-Schur algorithm --Lehmer's conjecture --Lehmer's GCD algorithm --Lei
Leibniz algebra --Leibniz and Newton calculus controversy --Leibniz formula for determinants --Leibniz formula for pi --Leibniz harmonic triangle --Leibniz integral rule --Leibniz operator --Leibniz rule (generalized product rule) --Leibniz's notation --Lemma (mathematics) --Lemniscate --Lemniscate of Bernoulli --Lemniscate of Booth --Lemniscate of Gerono --Lemniscatic elliptic function --Lemoine hexagon --Lemoine's conjecture --Length --Length function --Length of a module --Lens (geometry) --Lens space --Lenstra elliptic curve factorization --Lenstra–Lenstra–Lovász lattice basis reduction algorithm --Lentoid --Leonardo number --Leray cover --Leray-Hirsch theorem --Leray spectral sequence --Leray's theorem --Lerch zeta function --Lerche–Newberger sum rule --Lernmatrix --Leroy P. Steele Prize --Les
Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical Analysis --Lester's theorem --Level of measurement --Level set --Level set (data structures) --Level set method --Level spacing distribution --Level structure --Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm --Levene's test --Levenshtein automaton --Levenshtein coding --Levenshtein distance --Levi-Civita connection --Levi-Civita parallelogramoid --Levi-Civita symbol --Levi decomposition --Levi graph --Levi-Lechicki theorem --Levi lemma --Leviathan number --Levinson recursion --Levinson's inequality --Lévy C curve --Lévy continuity theorem --Lévy distribution --Lévy flight --Lévy metric --Levy-Mises equations --Lévy process --Lévy-Prokhorov metric --Levy skew alpha-stable distribution --Lévy's constant --Lévy's convergence theorem --Lévy's modulus of continuity --Lew
Lewis Carroll identity --Lewy's example --Lexicographic product --Lexicographic product of graphs --Lexicographical order --Lexis ratio --Leyland number --LF (logical framework) --LF-space --Li's criterion --Liar paradox --Liber Abaci --Library of Alexandria --Lichnerowicz formula --Lichtenberg figure --Lickorish–Wallace theorem --Lidstone series --Lie algebra --Lie algebra bundle --Lie algebra cohomology --Lie algebra representation --Lie algebroid --Lie bialgebra --Lie bracket --Lie bracket of vector fields --Lie coalgebra --Lie derivative --Lie group --Lie group decomposition --Lie groupoid --Lie–Kolchin theorem --Lie product formula --Lie ring --Lie sphere geometry --Lie subgroup --Lie superalgebra --Lie theory --Lie's third theorem --Lieb's square ice constant --Liénard equation --Lies, damned lies, and statistics --Lif
Life table --Lift (mathematics) --Lifting scheme --Light cone --Lightface analytic game --Like and unlike terms --Likelihood function --Likelihood principle --Likelihood-ratio test --Lilavati --Lilliefors test --Limaçon --Limaçon trisectrix --Limit (category theory) --Limit (mathematics) --Limit cardinal --Limit-cycle --Limit of a function --Limit of a sequence --Limit ordinal --Limit point --Limit point compact --Limit-preserving function (order theory) --Limit set --Limit superior and limit inferior --Limit theorem --Limitation of size --Limiting density of discrete points --Limiting recursive --Limits of integration --Lin
Lin-Kernighan --Lin-Tsien equation --Linde-Buzo-Gray algorithm --Lindelöf hypothesis --Lindelöf space --Lindelöf's lemma --Lindelöf's theorem --Lindemann–Weierstrass theorem --Lindenbaum–Tarski algebra --Lindenbaum's lemma --Lindley equation --Lindley's paradox --Lindström quantifier --Lindström's theorem --Line (geometry) --Line at infinity --Line bundle --Line drawing algorithm --Line element --Line field --Line graph --Line graph of a hypergraph --Line integral --Line-intercept sampling --Line-line intersection --Line moiré --Line of action --Line-of-Sight --Line-plane intersection --Line search --Line segment --Line segment intersection --Line–sphere intersection --Linear --Linear algebra --Linear algebraic group --Linear approximation --Linear canonical transformation --Linear classifier --Linear code --Linear combination --Linear complementarity problem --Linear complex structure --Linear congruence theorem --Linear congruential generator --Linear connection --Linear continuum --Linear differential equation --Linear discriminant analysis --Linear dynamical system --Linear elasticity --Linear equation --Linear extension --Linear feedback shift register --Linear flow on the torus --Linear forms in logarithms --Linear function --Linear functional --Linear group --Linear independence --Linear inequality --Linear interpolation --Linear least squares --Linear logic --Linear map --Linear matrix inequality --Linear model --Linear multistep method --Linear partial information --Linear prediction --Linear predictive analysis --Linear predictive coding --Linear probability model --Linear programming --Linear programming relaxation --Linear-quadratic-Gaussian control --Linear-quadratic regulator --Linear regression --Linear response function --Linear search --Linear space --Linear space (geometry) --Linear span --Linear speedup theorem --Linear subspace --Linear system --Linear system of divisors --Linearity of differentiation --Linearity of integration --Linearization --Linearly ordered group --Linearly separable --Link (geometry) --Link (knot theory) --Link concordance --Linking number --Linnik's constant --Linnik's theorem --Lio
Lions–Lax–Milgram theorem --Liouville function --Liouville-Neumann series --Liouville number --Liouville surface --Liouville's equation --Liouville's theorem --Liouville's theorem (complex analysis) --Liouville's theorem (conformal mappings) --Liouville's theorem (Hamiltonian) --Lipschitz continuity --Lipschitz domain --Liquid schedule --Lissajous curve --List coloring --List coloring conjecture --List-decoding --List edge-coloring --List of abstract algebra topics --List of African American mathematicians --List of algebraic coding theory topics --List of algebraic geometry topics --List of algebraic number theory topics --List of algebraic structures --List of algebraic surfaces --List of algebraic topology topics --List of algorithm general topics --List of algorithms --List of amateur mathematicians --List of axioms --List of Banach spaces --List of basic algebra topics --List of basic arithmetic topics --List of basic calculus topics --List of basic discrete mathematics topics --List of basic geometry topics --List of basic mathematics topics --List of basic statistics topics --List of basic topics in logic --List of basic trigonometry topics --List of books in computational geometry --List of Boolean algebra topics --List of calculus topics --List of Cambridge mathematicians --List of canonical coordinate transformations --List of category theory topics --List of chaotic maps --List of character tables for chemically important 3D point groups --List of circle topics --List of cohomology theories --List of combinatorial computational geometry topics --List of combinatorics topics --List of commutative algebra topics --List of complex analysis topics --List of complexity classes --List of computability and complexity topics --List of computer graphics and descriptive geometry topics --List of conjectures --List of convexity topics --List of convolutions of probability distributions --List of coordinate charts --List of curve topics --List of curves --List of cycles --List of differential geometry topics --List of differentiation identities --List of digital estimation techniques --List of disproved mathematical ideas --List of dynamical systems and differential equations topics --List of equations --List of equations in classical mechanics --List of examples in general topology --List of exceptional set concepts --List of exponential topics --List of factorial and binomial topics --List of female mathematicians --List of films about mathematicians --List of finite element software packages --List of finite simple groups --List of first-order theories --List of forcing notions --List of formulae involving π --List of formulas in Riemannian geometry --List of Fourier analysis topics --List of Fourier-related transforms --List of fractal topics --List of fractals by Hausdorff dimension --List of functional analysis topics --List of general topology topics --List of geometers --List of geometric shapes --List of geometric topology topics --List of geometry topics --List of graph theory topics --List of graphical methods --List of graphs --List of group theory topics --List of harmonic analysis topics --List of homological algebra topics --List of hypergeometric identities --List of important publications in mathematics --List of important publications in statistics --List of impossible puzzles --List of Indian mathematicians --List of inequalities --List of information theory topics --List of integrals of arc hyperbolic functions --List of integrals of exponential functions --List of integrals of hyperbolic functions --List of integrals of inverse trigonometric functions --List of integrals of irrational functions --List of integrals of logarithmic functions --List of integrals of rational functions --List of integrals of trigonometric functions --List of integration and measure theory topics --List of International Mathematical Olympiad participants --List of International Mathematical Olympiads --List of knapsack problems --List of knot theory topics --List of large cardinal properties --List of lemmas --List of letters used in mathematics and science --List of Lie group topics --List of limits --List of linear algebra references --List of linear algebra topics --List of logarithm topics --List of logarithmic identities --List of logicians --List of manifolds --List of mathematical examples --List of mathematical functions --List of mathematical identities --List of mathematical knots and links --List of mathematical logic topics --List of mathematical probabilists --List of mathematical proofs --List of mathematical series --List of mathematical shapes --List of mathematical societies --List of mathematical theories --List of mathematical topics in classical mechanics --List of mathematical topics in quantum theory --List of mathematical topics in relativity --List of mathematicians --List of mathematicians (A) --List of mathematicians (B) --List of mathematicians (C) --List of mathematicians (D) --List of mathematicians (E) --List of mathematicians (F) --List of mathematicians (G) --List of mathematicians (H) --List of mathematicians (I) --List of mathematicians (J) --List of mathematicians (K) --List of mathematicians (L) --List of mathematicians (M) --List of mathematicians (N) --List of mathematicians (O) --List of mathematicians (P) --List of mathematicians (Q) --List of mathematicians (R) --List of mathematicians (S) --List of mathematicians (T) --List of mathematicians (U) --List of mathematicians (V) --List of mathematicians (W) --List of mathematicians (X) --List of mathematicians (Y) --List of mathematicians (Z) --List of mathematicians who studied chess --List of mathematics articles --List of mathematics-based methods --List of mathematics competitions --List of mathematics history topics --List of mathematics reference tables --List of matrices --List of misnamed theorems --List of moment of inertia tensors --List of multivariable calculus topics --List of nonlinear partial differential equations --List of NP-complete problems --List of number theory topics --List of numbers --List of numbers in various languages --List of numeral system topics --List of numerical analysis software --List of numerical analysis topics --List of numerical computational geometry topics --List of operators --List of order topics --List of partial differential equation topics --List of partition topics --List of permutation topics --List of planar symmetry groups --List of polygons, polyhedra and polytopes --List of polynomial topics --List of presidents of the Associação Brasileira de Estatística --List of prime numbers --List of probability distributions --List of probability topics --List of properties of sets of reals --List of PSPACE-complete problems --List of publications by Emmy Noether --List of published false theorems --List of random number generators --List of real analysis topics --List of recreational number theory topics --List of regular polytopes --List of representation theory topics --List of rotational symmetry polyhedral sets --List of rules of inference --List of Runge–Kutta methods --List of scientific journals in mathematics --List of scientific journals in probability --List of scientific journals in statistics --List of scientific theories and laws --List of set theory topics --List of SIAM academic members --List of simple Lie groups --List of Slovenian mathematicians --List of small groups --List of solution strategies for differential equations --List of special functions and eponyms --List of spherical symmetry groups --List of statements undecidable in ZFC --List of statistical topics --List of statisticians --List of statistics topics --List of stochastic processes topics --List of string theory topics --List of surfaces --List of textbooks in statistical mechanics --List of theorems --List of topics in logic --List of topics named after Carl Friedrich Gauss --List of topics named after Hermann Weyl --List of topics named after Leonhard Euler --List of topics named after Srinivasa Ramanujan --List of topics related to π --List of topology topics --List of transforms --List of triangle topics --List of trigonometric identities --List of trigonometry topics --List of types of functions --List of Ukrainian mathematicians --List of undecidable problems --List of uniform polyhedra --List of uniform polyhedra by spherical triangle --List of uniform polyhedra by vertex figure --List of uniform polyhedra by Wythoff symbol --List of uniform tilings --List of United States regional mathematics competitions --List of variational topics --List of vector identities --List of vector spaces in mathematics --List of wave topics --List of wavelet-related transforms --List of Wenninger polyhedron models --List of winners of the Mathcounts competition --List of works designed with golden ratio --List of Wranglers of the University of Cambridge --List of zero terms --List ranking --Lists of integrals --Lists of mathematics topics --Lit
Literal (mathematical logic) --Littelmann path model --Little's law --Little's lemma --Littlewood conjecture --Littlewood-Offord problem --Littlewood polynomial --Littlewood–Richardson rule --Littlewood's law --Littlewood's three principles of real analysis --Lituus --Liu Hui's π algorithm --Ljung-Box test --Lloyd's algorithm --LLT polynomial --Lo Shu Square --Löb's theorem --Lobachevsky Medal --Local analysis --Local boundedness --Local class field theory --Local cohomology --Local convergence --Local convex hull --Local diffeomorphism --Local field --Local flatness --Local homeomorphism --Local independence --Local linearity --Local martingale --Local optimum --Local property --Local quantum field theory --Local regression --Local ring --Local search (optimization) --Local system --Local time (mathematics) --Local zeta-function --Locality (statistics) --Localization (mathematics) --Localization of a category --Localization of a module --Localization of a ring --Localization of a topological space --Locally compact group --Locally compact quantum group --Locally compact space --Locally connected space --Locally constant function --Locally convex topological vector space --Locally cyclic group --Locally discrete collection --Locally finite collection --Locally finite group --Locally finite measure --Locally free sheaf --Locally Hausdorff space --Locally integrable function --Locally normal space --Locally regular space --Locally simply connected space --Location (topology) --Location arithmetic --Location estimation in sensor networks --Location parameter --Location-scale family --Lochs' theorem --Locus (mathematics) --Loe
Loève Prize --Loewner's torus inequality --Log-Laplace distribution --Log-linear modeling --Log-log graph --Log-logistic distribution --Log-normal distribution --Logarithm --Logarithm of a matrix --Logarithmic convolution --Logarithmic decrement --Logarithmic derivative --Logarithmic distribution --Logarithmic form --Logarithmic growth --Logarithmic integral function --Logarithmic mean --Logarithmic norm --Logarithmic scale --Logarithmic spiral --Logarithmically concave function --Logarithmically concave measure --Logarithmically convex function --Logarithmically-spaced Dirac comb --LOGCFL --Logic --Logic alphabet --Logic and the mind --Logic in China --Logic in Islamic philosophy --Logic Lane --Logic redundancy --Logical axiom --Logical biconditional --Logical conjunction --Logical connective --Logical consequence --Logical constant --Logical disjunction --Logical equality --Logical graph --Logical harmony --Logical implication --Logical machine --Logical matrix --Logical NOR --Logical topology --Logicism --Logics for computability --Logistic distribution --Logistic function --Logistic map --Logistic regression --Logit --Logit analysis in marketing --LogitBoost --Logmoment generating function --Logrank test --Lom
Lommel function --Lommel polynomial --London Mathematical Society --Lonely runner conjecture --Long and short scales --Long division --Long line (topology) --Long-range dependency --Long-tail traffic --Longest common subsequence problem --Longest increasing subsequence --Longest path problem --Longest uncrossed knight's path --Longitude --Look-and-say sequence --Looman–Menchoff theorem --Loomis-Whitney inequality --Loop (graph theory) --Loop (topology) --Loop algebra --Loop braid group --Loop-erased random walk --Loop group --Loop integral --Loop space --Loop subdivision surface --Loop theorem --Lorentz covariance --Lorentz group --Lorentz transformation --Lorenz attractor --Lorenz curve --Los
Loss function --Loss of significance --Lotka–Volterra equation --Lotka's law --Lottery mathematics --Lovász conjecture --Lovász local lemma --Low (computability) --Low basis theorem --Low birth weight paradox --Low-dimensional topology --Low-discrepancy sequence --Löwenheim–Skolem theorem --Lower half-plane --Lower limit topology --Lowest common ancestor --Lowest common denominator --Lowndean Professor of Astronomy and Geometry --Lozanić's triangle --Lozenge --Lp space --Lr-diode --LT code --LTI system theory --LU decomposition --LU reduction --Lubell-Yamamoto-Meshalkin inequality --Lucas-Carmichael number --Lucas chain --Lucas-Lehmer-Riesel test --Lucas–Lehmer test --Lucas–Lehmer test for Mersenne numbers --Lucas number --Lucas pseudoprime --Lucas sequence --Lucas' theorem --Lucasian Professor of Mathematics --Luce's choice axiom --Lucifer (cipher) --Lucky number --Lucky numbers of Euler --Lud
Ludics --Luhn algorithm --Luhn mod N algorithm --Łukasiewicz logic --Lumer-Phillips theorem --Lunar theory --Lune (mathematics) --Lusin space --Lusin's theorem --Lusser's law --Lute of Pythagoras --Luxembourg Mathematical Society --Luzin N property --Luzin set --Lwów School of Mathematics --Lwow-Warsaw School of Logic --Lyapunov equation --Lyapunov exponent --Lyapunov fractal --Lyapunov function --Lyapunov redesign --Lyapunov stability --Lyapunov theory --Lyapunov time --Lyapunov's central limit theorem --Lychrel number --Lyndon–Hochschild–Serre spectral sequence --Lyndon word --Lyons group --Lyusternik–Schnirelmann category --
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