- List of mathematics articles (P)
P = NP problem --P-adic analysis --P-adic number --P-adic order --P-compact group --P-group --P²-irreducible --P-Laplacian --P-matrix --P-rep --P-value --P-vector --P-y method --Pacific Journal of Mathematics --Package-merge algorithm --Packed storage matrix --Packing dimension --Packing measure --Packing problem --Padé approximant --Padé table --Padovan cuboid spiral --Padovan polynomials --Padovan sequence --Padua points --Page's trend test --Paid survey --Painlevé transcendents --Painter's algorithm --Pair of pants --Pair of spaces --Paired comparison analysis --Pairing --Pairing function --Pairwise --Pairwise coprime --Pairwise independence --Paitamaha Siddhanta --Pal
Palais-Smale compactness condition --Paley construction --Paley graph --Paley-Wiener integral --Paley–Wiener theorem --Paley–Zygmund inequality --Palindromic number --Palindromic polynomial --Palindromic prime --Pan-African Congress of Mathematicians --Pandiagonal magic cube --Pandigital number --Panel data --Panjer recursion --Panmagic square --Pantriagdiag magic cube --Pantriagonal magic cube --Paper bag problem --Pappus chain --Pappus configuration --Pappus graph --Pappus's centroid theorem --Pappus's hexagon theorem --Parabiaugmented dodecahedron --Parabiaugmented hexagonal prism --Parabiaugmented truncated dodecahedron --Parabidiminished rhombicosidodecahedron --Parabigyrate rhombicosidodecahedron --Parabola --Parabolic constant --Parabolic coordinates --Parabolic cylinder function --Parabolic cylindrical coordinates --Parabolic fractal distribution --Parabolic geometry --Parabolic induction --Parabolic Lie algebra --Parabolic partial differential equation --Paraboloid --Paraboloidal coordinates --Paracompact space --Paraconsistent logic --Paraconsistent mathematics --Paradiseo --Paradox of enrichment --Paradoxes of set theory --Paradoxical set --PARAFAC --Parafree group --Paragyrate diminished rhombicosidodecahedron --Parallax --Parallel (geometry) --Parallel curve --Parallel mesh generation --Parallel postulate --Parallel tempering --Parallel transport --Parallelepiped --Parallelizable manifold --Parallelogon --Parallelogram --Parallelogram law --Parallelogram of force --Parameter --Parameter space --Parametric array --Parametric continuity --Parametric derivative --Parametric equation --Parametric family --Parametric model --Parametric operator --Parametric oscillator --Parametric plot --Parametric statistics --Parametric surface --Parametrix --Parametrization --Paranormal space --Paranormal subgroup --Parasitic number --Parastatistics --Paratopological group --Paravector --Pareto analysis --Pareto chart --Pareto distribution --Pareto efficiency --Pareto index --Pareto interpolation --Pareto principle --Pareto set --Pariah group --Paris–Harrington theorem --Parity (mathematics) --Parity bit --Parity-check matrix --Parity game --Parity problem (sieve theory) --Park–Miller random number generator --Parker-Sochacki method --Parker spiral --Parker vector --Parovicenko space --Parrondo's paradox --Parry-Daniels map --Parry-Sullivan invariant --Parseval's identity --Parseval's theorem --Partial correlation --Partial derivative --Partial differential equation --Partial equivalence relation --Partial evaluation --Partial fraction --Partial fractions in complex analysis --Partial fractions in integration --Partial function --Partial geometry --Partial isometry --Partial least squares regression --Partial leverage --Partial linear space --Partial order reduction --Partial regression plot --Partial residual plot --Partial trace --Partially-defined operator --Partially observable Markov decision process --Partially ordered set --Particle filter --Particle in a box --Particle in a ring --Particle in a spherically symmetric potential --Particle-in-cell --Particle physics and representation theory --Particle statistics --Particle swarm optimization --Particular point topology --Particular values of the Gamma function --Partisan game --Partition (number theory) --Partition function (mathematics) --Partition of a set --Partition of an interval --Partition of unity --Partition regular --Partition topology --Parts-per notation --Party-list proportional representation --Pas
Pascal matrix --Pascal's calculator --Pascal's pyramid --Pascal's rule --Pascal's simplex --Pascal's theorem --Pascal's triangle --Pasch's axiom --Pasch's theorem --Patch test (finite elements) --Path (graph theory) --Path (topology) --Path analysis (statistics) --Path coefficient --Path coloring --Path cover --Path decomposition --Path graph --Path integral --Path integral Monte Carlo --Path of least resistance --Path space --Pathological (mathematics) --Pattern --Pattern blocks --Pattern formation --Pattern theory --Patterson function --Pauli group --Pauli matrices --Paulisa Siddhanta --Pcf
PCF theory --PDE surface --PDIFF --Pea pattern --Peak (geometry) --Peakon --Peano axioms --Peano existence theorem --Peano-Russell notation --Peano space --Pearson distribution --Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient --Pearson's chi-square test --Peaucellier-Lipkin linkage --Pedal curve --Pedal triangle --Pedoe's inequality --Peetre theorem --Peetre's inequality --Peirce quincuncial projection --Peirce's criterion --Peirce's law --Peixoto's theorem --Pell number --Pell's equation --Penalty method --Pencil (mathematics) --Pendent --Pendulum (mathematics) --Penney's game --Penrose diagram --Penrose graphical notation --Penrose stairs --Penrose tiling --Penrose transform --Penrose triangle --Pentachoron --Pentacross --Pentadecagon --Pentadecimal --Pentadiagonal matrix --Pentagon --Pentagon tiling --Pentagonal antiprism --Pentagonal bifrustum --Pentagonal cupola --Pentagonal dipyramid --Pentagonal gyrobicupola --Pentagonal gyrocupolarotunda --Pentagonal hexecontahedron --Pentagonal icositetrahedron --Pentagonal number --Pentagonal number theorem --Pentagonal orthobicupola --Pentagonal orthobirotunda --Pentagonal orthocupolarotunda --Pentagonal prism --Pentagonal pyramid --Pentagonal pyramidal number --Pentagonal rotunda --Pentagonal trapezohedron --Pentagram --Pentagrammic antiprism --Pentagrammic crossed-antiprism --Pentagrammic prism --Pentahedron --Pentakis dodecahedron --Pentaprism --Pentatope number --Penteract --Penteractic honeycomb --Pentimal system --Pentomino --Pep
PEPA --Pépin's test --Per mil --Percent sign --Percentage --Percentage point --Percentile --Percentile rank --Percolation --Percolation theory --Percolation threshold --Perfect core --Perfect graph --Perfect graph theorem --Perfect group --Perfect hash function --Perfect magic cube --Perfect map --Perfect measure --Perfect number --Perfect power --Perfect ruler --Perfect set property --Perfect space --Perfect spline --Perfect square --Perfect totient number --Perfectly matched layer --Perimeter --Period (number) --Period-doubling bifurcation --Period mapping --Periodic boundary conditions --Periodic continued fraction --Periodic function --Periodic group --Periodic point --Periodic points of complex quadratic mappings --Periodic variation --Periodogram --Peripheral cycle --Perko pair --Perlin noise --Permanent --Permanent is sharp-P-complete --Permutable prime --Permutable subgroup --Permutation --Permutation (music) --Permutation automaton --Permutation cipher --Permutation graph --Permutation group --Permutation matrix --Permutohedron --Perpendicular --Perpendicular distance --Perplexity --Perrin number --Perron–Frobenius theorem --Perron number --Perron's formula --Persistence of a number --Perspective (geometry) --Perspective (graphical) --Persymmetric matrix --Perturbation theory --Perturbation theory (quantum mechanics) --Perverse sheaf --Pet
Peter–Weyl theorem --Petersen graph --Petersson inner product --Petrick's method --Petrie polygon --Petrov classification --Petrovsky lacuna --Pettis' theorem --Pfaffian --Pfaffian function --Pfeffer integral --Pfister form --Phase (waves) --Phase diagram --Phase field models --Phase line --Phase plane --Phase plane method --Phase portrait --Phase response --Phase space --Phase space method --Phase-type distribution --Phase velocity --Phason --Phasor (physics) --Phelim Boyle --Phi-hiding assumption --Philo line --Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica --Philosophical interpretation of classical physics --Philosophy of Arithmetic (book) --Philosophy of mathematics --Philosophy of mathematics education --Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal --Philosophy of probability --Phr
Phragmén-Lindelöf principle --Phutball --Physica A --Physical constant --Physical geodesy --Physical Intervention in Computational Optimization --Physical knot theory --Physics --Physics of computation --Pi --Pi (film) --Pi (letter) --Pi-calculus --Pi culture --Pi Day --Pi Mu Epsilon --Pi system --Picard-Fuchs equation --Picard group --Picard horn --Picard–Lindelöf theorem --Picard theorem --Pick matrix --Pick's theorem --Pickover stalk --Picone identity --Picture function --Pidgin code --Pie chart --Piecewise --Piecewise linear --Piecewise linear continuation --Piecewise linear function --Piecewise linear manifold --Piecewise syndetic set --Pierpont prime --Pig
Pigeonhole principle --Pignistic probability --PiHex --Piling-up lemma --Pillai prime --Pillai's conjecture --Pin group --Pinch point (mathematics) --Pincherle derivative --Ping-pong lemma --Pinsky phenomenon --Pinwheel tiling --Piphilology --Pisano period --Pisot-Vijayaraghavan number --Pitchfork bifurcation --Pitteway triangulation --Pivot element --Pivot theorem --Pivotal quantity --Pixlet --Plan for Establishing Uniformity in the Coinage, Weights, and Measures of the United States --Plan view --Planar --Planar (computer graphics) --Planar algebra --Planar graph --Planar lamina --Planar projection --Planar separator theorem --Planar straight-line graph --Planar ternary ring --Planarity testing --Plancherel theorem --Plancherel theorem for spherical functions --Plane (geometry) --Plane at infinity --Plane curve --Plane geometry --Plane partition --Plane–sphere intersection --Plane symmetry --Plane wave --PlanetMath --Planimeter --Planisphaerium --Plasma stability --Plastic number --Plate notation --Plate trick --Plateau (mathematics) --Plateau's laws --Plateau's problem --Plato's number --Platonic hydrocarbon --Platonic solid --Playfair cipher --Pli
Plimpton 322 --Plotkin bound --PLS (complexity) --Plücker coordinates --Plücker embedding --Plücker formula --Plucker matrix --Plugging in (algebra) --Pluricanonical ring --Pluriharmonic function --Pluripolar set --Plurisubharmonic function --Plus and minus signs --Plus construction --Plus Magazine --Plus-minus sign --Pochhammer k-symbol --Pochhammer symbol --Pocket Cube --Pohlig–Hellman algorithm --Poincaré–Bendixson theorem --Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem --Poincaré conjecture --Poincaré disk model --Poincaré duality --Poincaré group --Poincaré half-plane model --Poincaré–Hopf theorem --Poincaré inequality --Poincaré-Lindstedt method --Poincaré map --Poincaré metric --Poincaré model --Poincaré recurrence theorem --Poincaré residue --Poincaré Seminars --Poincaré transformation --Poinsot's spirals --Point (geometry) --Point accepted mutation --Point at infinity --Point-biserial correlation coefficient --Point estimation --Point finite collection --Point-free --Point group --Point groups in three dimensions --Point groups in two dimensions --Point in polygon --Point-line-plane postulate --Point location --Point mass --Point plotting --Point process --Point reflection --Point set triangulation --Point source --Pointclass --Pointed set --Pointed space --Pointless topology --Pointwise --Pointwise convergence --Pointwise product --Poisson algebra --Poisson bracket --Poisson distribution --Poisson integral formula --Poisson kernel --Poisson–Lie group --Poisson limit theorem --Poisson manifold --Poisson process --Poisson random measure --Poisson regression --Poisson ring --Poisson sampling --Poisson summation formula --Poisson superalgebra --Poisson supermanifold --Poisson's equation --Pok
Poker probability --Poker probability (Omaha) --Poker probability (Texas hold 'em) --Polar coordinate system --Polar curve --Polar decomposition --Polar distance (geometry) --Polar distribution --Polar homology --Polar set --Polar set (potential theory) --Polar sine --Polar space --Polar topology --Polarization identity --Polarization of an algebraic form --Pole (complex analysis) --Pole and polar --Polignac's conjecture --Polish Logic --Polish Mathematical Society --Polish notation --Polish School of Mathematics --Polish space --Polite number --Pollard's lambda algorithm --Pollard's p - 1 algorithm --Pollard's rho algorithm --Pollard's rho algorithm for logarithms --Pollock octahedral numbers conjecture --Poloidal toroidal decomposition --Poly-Bernoulli number --Pólya conjecture --Pólya enumeration theorem --Pólya Prize --Pólya Prize (LMS) --Pólya Prize (SIAM) --Pólya-Vinogradov inequality --Polyabolo --Polychoric correlation --Polychoron --Polyconvex function --Polycube --Polycyclic group --Polydisc --Polydivisible number --Polydrafter --Polyform --Polygamma function --Polygon --Polygon triangulation --Polygonal chain --Polygonal number --Polygonizer --Polyharmonic spline --Polyhedral compound --Polyhedral space --Polyhedron --Polyhedron model --Polyhex (mathematics) --Polyiamond --Polylogarithm --Polylogarithmic --Polymatroid --Polynomial --Polynomial and rational function modeling --Polynomial arithmetic --Polynomial basis --Polynomial chaos --Polynomial code --Polynomial Diophantine equation --Polynomial expansion --Polynomial expression --Polynomial factorization --Polynomial function theorems for zeros --Polynomial interpolation --Polynomial lemniscate --Polynomial long division --Polynomial matrix --Polynomial remainder theorem --Polynomial ring --Polynomial sequence --Polynomial SOS --Polynomial time --Polynomial-time reduction --Polynomially reflexive space --Polynormal subgroup --Polyomino --Polyphase matrix --Polystick --Polysyllogism --Polytetrahedron --Polytomous Rasch model --Polytope --Polytree --Polytrope --Pom
Pompeiu problem --Pompeiu's theorem --Poncelet point --Poncelet–Steiner theorem --Poncelet's porism --Pons asinorum --Pontryagin class --Pontryagin duality --Pontryagin's minimum principle --Pooled standard deviation --Pooled variance --Pooling design --Popular mathematics --Population-based incremental learning --Population modeling --Population process --Population viability analysis --Porism --Porous set --Port-Royal Logic --Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation -- --Portmanteau test --Portmanteau theorem --Portuguese Mathematical Society --Poset topology --Position circle --Position vector --Positional notation --Positive and negative parts --Positive and negative sets --Positive current --Positive definite --Positive-definite function --Positive definite function on a group --Positive definite kernel --Positive-definite matrix --Positive definiteness --Positive element --Positive feedback --Positive form --Positive invariant set --Positive linear functional --Positive map --Positive semidefinite --Positive set theory --Positively separated sets --Possibility theory --Possible Worlds (play) --Post correspondence problem --Post-hoc analysis --Post-Newtonian expansion --Post–Turing machine --Post's inversion formula --Post's lattice --Post's theorem --Postage stamp problem --Postcondition --Posterior probability --Postnikov system --Posynomial --Pot
Potential --Potential energy surface --Potential flow --Potential function --Potential isomorphism --Potential theory --Potsdam Miracle --Potts model --Pourbaix diagram --Poussin proof --Power associativity --Power automorphism --Power center (geometry) --Power closed --Power function --Power graph analysis --Power iteration --Power law --Power mean --Power of a point --Power of graph --Power of two --Power rules --Power series --Power series method --Power set --Power sum symmetric polynomial --Power transform --Powerful number --Powerful p-group --Poy
Poynting vector --Practical number --Pramana --Pramāṇa-samuccaya --Prametric space --Pre-Abelian category --Pre-algebra --Pre-measure --Preadditive category --Precalculus --Precession --Preclosure operator --Preconditioned conjugate gradient method --Preconditioner --Predicate (mathematics) --Predicate calculus --Predicate functor logic --Predicate logic --Predicate variable --Prediction interval --Predictive analytics --Predictive informatics --Predictive modelling --Predictive validity --Predictor-corrector method --Predual --Preferential attachment --Preferred number --Prefix code --Prefix grammar --Pregeometry --Pregeometry (model theory) --Prehomogeneous vector space --Preimage theorem --Preintuitionism --Prékopa-Leindler inequality --Premature convergence --Prenex normal form --Preorder --Preordered class --Preparata code --Presburger arithmetic --Prescisive abstraction --Prescribed Ricci curvature problem --Prescribed scalar curvature problem --Presentation complex --Presentation of a group --Presentation of a monoid --Presheaf (category theory) --President of the American Statistical Association --President of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics --President of the Royal Statistical Society --President of the Statistical Society of Canada --Pretopological space --Pretzel link --Prevalent and shy sets --Prewellordering --Pri
Prim's algorithm --Primal constraint graph --Primal graph --Primality certificate --Primality test --Primary cyclic group --Primary Mathematics World Contest --Primary pseudoperfect number --Prime (order theory) --Prime constant --Prime-counting function --Prime decomposition (3-manifold) --Prime factor --Prime-factor FFT algorithm --Prime gap --Prime geodesic --Prime ideal --Prime ideal theorem --Prime k-tuple --Prime knot --Prime model --Prime number --Prime Number Implementations --Prime number theorem --Prime Numbers - Binary --Prime Obsession --Prime Pages --Prime power --Prime quadruplet --Prime reciprocal magic square --Prime ring --Prime signature --Prime triplet --Prime zeta function --Prime95 --Primefree sequence --PrimeGrid --Primes in arithmetic progression --Primeval number --Primitive element --Primitive element (finite field) --Primitive element theorem --Primitive equations --Primitive ideal --Primitive notion --Primitive permutation group --Primitive polynomial --Primitive recursive arithmetic --Primitive recursive function --Primitive ring --Primitive root --Primitive root modulo n --Primitive semiperfect number --Primon gas --Primorial --Primorial prime --Princess and monster game --Principal axis theorem --Principal branch --Principal bundle --Principal component regression --Principal components analysis --Principal curvature --Principal geodesic analysis --Principal homogeneous space --Principal ideal --Principal ideal domain --Principal ideal ring --Principal ideal theorem --Principal part --Principal series representation --Principal value --Principia Mathematica --Principle of bivalence --Principle of compositionality --Principle of distributivity --Principle of indifference --Principle of least action --Principle of maximum entropy --Principles and Standards for School Mathematics --Principles of Theoretical Logic --Prior Analytics --Prior probability --Prism (geometry) --PRISM (Portal Resources for Indiana Science and Mathematics) --Prismatic compound of antiprisms --Prismatic compound of antiprisms with rotational freedom --Prismatic compound of prisms --Prismatic compound of prisms with rotational freedom --Prismatic pentagonal tiling --Prismatic surface --Prismatic uniform polyhedron --Prismatoid --Pro
PRO (category theory) --Pro-p group --Pro-simplicial set --Probabilistic argumentation --Probabilistic design --Probabilistic encryption --Probabilistic interpretation of Taylor series --Probabilistic latent semantic analysis --Probabilistic logic --Probabilistic method --Probabilistic metric space --Probabilistic number theory --Probabilistic proposition --Probabilistic relational model --Probabilistic Turing machine --Probability --Probability and statistics --Probability axioms --Probability density function --Probability derivations for making rank-based hands in Omaha hold 'em --Probability distribution --Probability distribution function --Probability-generating function --Probability interpretations --Probability mass function --Probability matching --Probability metric --Probability of kill --Probability of making the nut low hand in Omaha hold 'em --Probability space --Probability theory --Probability vector --Probable prime --Probit --Probit model --Problem domain --Problem of Apollonius --Problem of multiple generality --Problem of points --Problems in Latin squares --Problems in loop theory and quasigroup theory --Problems involving arithmetic progressions --Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society --Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics --Procept --Process capability --Process control --Process optimization --Process Window Index --Procrustes analysis --Procrustes transformation --Product (category theory) --Product (mathematics) --Product category --Product integral --Product measure --Product metric --Product of group subsets --Product of groups --Product of rings --Product order --Product rule --Product term --Product topology --Professor Moriarty --Professor of Mathematics, Glasgow --Professor's Cube --Profinite group --Profunctor --Prognostic equation --Prognostics --Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists --Progression (mathematics) --Progressive function --Progressively measurable process --Proizvolov's identity --Proj construction --Project Euler --Project NExT --Projected dynamical system --Projection (linear algebra) --Projection (mathematics) --Projection (set theory) --Projection pursuit --Projection-slice theorem --Projection-valued measure --Projectionless algebra --Projective algebraic manifold --Projective cone --Projective connection --Projective cover --Projective differential geometry --Projective frame --Projective geometry --Projective harmonic conjugates --Projective hierarchy --Projective Hilbert space --Projective line --Projective linear group --Projective module --Projective object --Projective plane --Projective representation --Projective space --Projective transformation --Projective unitary group --Projective vector field --Prokhorov's theorem --Prolate spheroid --Prolate spheroidal coordinates --Prolate spheroidal wave functions --Promoting adversaries --Promptuary --Pronic number --Pronormal subgroup --Prony equation --Proof (2005 film) --Proof (play) --Proof by exhaustion --Proof by intimidation --Proof by verbosity --Proof calculus --Proof complexity --Proof mining --Proof net --Proof of Bertrand's postulate --Proof of Bhaskara's lemma --Proof of concept --Proof of impossibility --Proof of Stein's example --Proof of the Euler product formula for the Riemann zeta function --Proof of the law of large numbers --Proof of weak Scholz conjecture --Proof procedure --Proof sketch for Gödel's first incompleteness theorem --Proof that π is irrational --Proof that 22/7 exceeds π --Proof that e is irrational --Proof that holomorphic functions are analytic --Proof that the sum of the reciprocals of the primes diverges --Proof-theoretic semantics --Proof theory --Proof without words --Proofs and Refutations --Proofs from THE BOOK --Proofs of Fermat's little theorem --Proofs of Fermat's theorem on sums of two squares --Proofs of quadratic reciprocity --Proofs of trigonometric identities --PROP --Propagation of uncertainty --Propensity probability --Propensity score --Propensity score matching --Proper convex function --Proper forcing axiom --Proper linear model --Proper map --Proper morphism --Proper transfer function --Properly discontinuous action --Properties of polynomial roots --Property (philosophy) --Property B --Property of Baire --Property P conjecture --Proportion (architecture) --Proportional control --Proportional hazards models --Proportionality (mathematics) --Proposed solutions to Zeno's paradoxes --Proposition (mathematics) --Propositional calculus --Propositional formula --Propositional variable --Propositiones ad Acuendos Juvenes --Prosecutor's fallacy --Prosthaphaeresis --Proth number --Proth prime --Proth's theorem --Proto-Indo-European numerals --Prototile --Protractor --Prouhet-Tarry-Escott problem --Prouhet–Thue–Morse constant --Provability logic --Provable prime --Provincial Mathematical Olympiad --Proximity problems --Proximity space --Proxy (statistics) --Pru
Prüfer domain --Prüfer group --Prüfer rank --Prüfer sequence --Pruning (algorithm) --Prym variety --Pseudo algebraically closed field --Pseudo-Anosov map --Pseudo-arc --Pseudo-differential operator --Pseudo-Euclidean space --Pseudo-Hadamard transform --Pseudo-monotone operator --Pseudo-order --Pseudo-Riemannian manifold --Pseudo-spectral method --Pseudo-Zernike polynomials --Pseudo-zero set --Pseudocircle --Pseudocompact space --Pseudoconvexity --Pseudocount --Pseudoelementary class --Pseudoforest --Pseudogroup --Pseudoholomorphic curve --Pseudolikelihood --Pseudomathematics --Pseudometric --Pseudometric space --Pseudonormal space --Pseudoprime --Pseudorandom generator --Pseudorandom generator theorem --Pseudorandom noise --Pseudorandom number generator --Pseudorandom number sequence --Pseudorandomness --Pseudoreplication --Pseudoscalar --Pseudospectrum --Pseudosphere --Pseudotensor --Pseudotriangle --Pseudovector --Psi
Psi function --PSL(2,7) --PSPACE --PSPACE-hard --Psychological statistics --Psychologism --Ptolemy's theorem --Pu's inequality --Public-key cryptography --Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS --Pugh's closing lemma --Pui Ching Invitational Mathematics Competition --Puiseux expansion --Pulation square --Pullback --Pullback (category theory) --Pullback (differential geometry) --Pullback attractor --Pullback bundle --Pumping lemma --Pumping lemma for context-free languages --Pumping lemma for regular languages --Puppe sequence --Pure function --Pure mathematics --Pure subgroup --Pure submodule --Pure type system --Purification of quantum state --Push-relabel maximum flow algorithm --Pushforward --Pushforward (differential) --Pushforward (homology) --Pushforward measure --Pushout (category theory) --Pyr
Pyramid --Pyramid (geometry) --Pyramidal number --Pyritohedron --Pythagoras tree --Pythagorean addition --Pythagorean comma --Pythagorean expectation --Pythagorean means --Pythagorean prime --Pythagorean quadruple --Pythagorean theorem --Pythagorean trigonometric identity --Pythagorean triple --Pythagorean tuning --
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