List of mathematics articles (E)

List of mathematics articles (E)



E₇ --
E (mathematical constant) --
E-function --
E₈ lattice --
E₈ manifold --
E∞-operad --
E7½ --
E8 investigation tool --
Earley parser --
Early stopping --
Earnshaw's theorem --
Earth mover's distance --
East Journal on Approximations --
Eastern Arabic numerals --
Easton's theorem --
Eberlein–Šmulian theorem --
Eccentricity (mathematics) --
Eccentricity vector --
Eckmann–Hilton argument --
Ecliptic latitude --
Ecliptic longitude --
Ecological correlation --
Ecological fallacy --
Eddy covariance --
Edge (geometry) --
Edge coloring --
Edge contraction --
Edge figure --
Edge-graceful labeling --
Edge-matching puzzle --
Edge of chaos --
Edge-of-the-wedge theorem --
Edge space --
Edge-transitive graph --
Edgeworth conjecture --
Edgeworth series --


Edholm's law --
Edinburgh Mathematical Society --
Edmonds-Karp algorithm --
Edmonds matrix --
Edmonds's algorithm --
Edyth May Sliffe Award --
Effect size --
Effective action --
Effective descriptive set theory --
Effective dimension --
Effective results in number theory --
Effectively separable --
Efficiency (statistics) --
Egorov's theorem --
Egyptian fraction --
Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll --
Egyptian mathematics --
Egyptian numerals --
Ehlers group --
EHP spectral sequence --
Ehrenfeucht–Fraïssé game --
Ehresmann connection --
Ehresmann's theorem --
Ehrhart polynomial --
Ehrling's lemma --
Eigendecomposition of a matrix --
Eigenface --
Eigenfunction --
Eigenplane --
Eigenpoll --
Eigenvalue algorithm --
Eigenvalue perturbation --
Eigenvalue, eigenvector and eigenspace --
Eight queens puzzle --


Eikonal approximation --
Eikonal equation --
Eilenberg-Ganea conjecture --
Eilenberg-MacLane space --
Eilenberg–Mazur swindle --
Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence --
Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms --
Eilenberg–Zilber theorem --
Eilenberg's inequality --
Einstein field equations --
Einstein manifold --
Einstein notation --
Einstein tensor --
Eisenstein ideal --
Eisenstein integer --
Eisenstein prime --
Eisenstein series --
Eisenstein's criterion --
Eisenstein's theorem --
Either–or topology --
Elasticity of a function --
Electric field gradient --
Electric field integral equation --
Electrical resistivity tomography --
Electrogravitic tensor --
Electromagnetic stress-energy tensor --
Electromagnetic tensor --
Electromagnetic wave equation --
Element (category theory) --
Element (mathematics) --
Elementarily equivalent --
Elementary abelian group --
Elementary algebra --
Elementary amenable group --
Elementary arithmetic --
Elementary class --
Elementary divisors --
Elementary embedding --
Elementary event --
Elementary function --
Elementary group theory --
Elementary mathematics --
Elementary matrix --
Elementary proof --
Elementary reflector --
Elementary substructure --
Elementary symmetric mean --
Elementary symmetric polynomial --
Éléments de géométrie algébrique --
Elements of Algebra --
Eleusis (game) --
Elevation (view) --
Elevator paradox --


Elias delta coding --
Elias gamma coding --
Elias omega coding --
Elimination theory --
Elkies trinomial curves --
Elliott–Halberstam conjecture --
Ellipse --
Ellipse/Proofs --
Ellipsis --
Ellipsoid --
Ellipsoid method --
Ellipsoidal coordinates --
Elliptic boundary value problem --
Elliptic catenary --
Elliptic cohomology --
Elliptic complex --
Elliptic coordinates --
Elliptic curve --
Elliptic curve cryptography --
Elliptic Curve DSA --
Elliptic curve primality proving --
Elliptic cylindrical coordinates --
Elliptic function --
Elliptic gamma function --
Elliptic geometry --
Elliptic integral --
Elliptic operator --
Elliptic point --
Elliptic rational functions --
Elliptic surface --
Elliptic unit --
Ellis–Nakamura lemma --
Ellsberg paradox --


Elo rating system --
Elongated alternated cubic honeycomb --
Elongated dipyramid --
Elongated hexagonal dipyramid --
Elongated pentagonal cupola --
Elongated pentagonal dipyramid --
Elongated pentagonal gyrobicupola --
Elongated pentagonal gyrobirotunda --
Elongated pentagonal gyrocupolarotunda --
Elongated pentagonal orthobicupola --
Elongated pentagonal orthobirotunda --
Elongated pentagonal orthocupolarotunda --
Elongated pentagonal pyramid --
Elongated pentagonal rotunda --
Elongated square cupola --
Elongated square dipyramid --
Elongated square gyrobicupola --
Elongated square pyramid --
Elongated triangular cupola --
Elongated triangular dipyramid --
Elongated triangular gyrobicupola --
Elongated triangular orthobicupola --
Elongated triangular prismatic honeycomb --
Elongated triangular pyramid --
Elongated triangular tiling --
Embedded Zerotrees of Wavelet transforms --
Embedding --
Embedding problem --
Embree-Trefethen constant --


Emirp --
Empirical Bayes method --
Empirical distribution function --
Empirical measure --
Empirical modelling --
Empirical orthogonal functions --
Empirical probability --
Empirical process --
Empirical statistical laws --
Empty domain --
Empty function --
Empty product --
Empty set --
Empty string --
Empty sum --
En (Lie algebra) --
Encryption --
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics --
Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences --
Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers --
End (category theory) --
End (topology) --
Endofunction --
Endomorphism --
Endomorphism ring --
Energetic space --
Energy minimization --
Energy principles in structural mechanics --
Energy statistics --
Engel expansion --
Engel group --
Engel theorem --
Engineering cybernetics --
Engineering Mathematics through Applications --
Engineering notation --
Engineering statistics --
Engineering tolerance --
Engineering treatment of the finite element method --
English numerals --


Enneacross --
Enneadecagon --
Enneazetton --
Enneper surface --
Enneract --
Enriched category --
Enriques-Kodaira classification --
Enriques surface --
Enrolled Actuary --
Ensemble Kalman filter --
Entire function --
Entitative graph --
Entrainment (physics) --
Entropic vector --
Entropy --
Entropy (ecology) --
Entropy (general concept) --
Entropy (information theory) --
Entropy estimation --
Entropy maximization --
Entropy power inequality --
Entscheidungsproblem --
Enumeration --
Enumerative geometry --
Enumerator polynomial --
Envelope (mathematics) --
Envelope theorem --
Enveloping von Neumann algebra --
Envy-free --
Eötvös effect --


Epicycloid --
Epigraph (mathematics) --
Epimenides paradox --
Epimorphism --
Epispiral --
Epistemic logic --
Epitrochoid --
Epsilon calculus --
Epsilon conjecture --
Epsilon-induction --
Epsilon-neighborhood --
Epstein zeta function --
Equable shapes --
Equal incircles theorem --
Equaliser (mathematics) --
Equality (mathematics) --
Equally spaced polynomial --
Equals sign --
Equant --
Equating coefficients --
Equation --
Equation of motion --
Equation of State Calculations by Fast Computing Machines --
Equation solving --
Equations defining abelian varieties --
Equatorial coordinate system --
Equiangular lines --
Equiangular polygon --
Equianharmonic --
Equiareal --
Equiconsistency --
Equicontinuity --
Equidigital number --
Equidimensional --
Equidistributed sequence --
Equidistribution theorem --
Equilateral polygon --
Equilateral triangle --
Equilibrium point --
Equinumerosity --
Equipossible --
Equipotential --
Equipotential surface --
Equiprobable --
Equitorium --
Equivalence (measure theory) --
Equivalence class --
Equivalence of categories --
Equivalence of metrics --
Equivalence relation --
Equivalence relations on algebraic cycles --
Equivalent rectangular bandwidth --
Equivalization --
Equivariant cohomology --
Equivariant map --


EqWorld --
Erasure (logic) --
Erasure code --
Erdős–Anning theorem --
Erdős–Bacon number --
Erdős–Borwein constant --
Erdős–Burr conjecture --
Erdős cardinal --
Erdős conjecture --
Erdős conjecture on arithmetic progressions --
Erdős-Diophantine graph --
Erdős–Faber–Lovász conjecture --
Erdős–Fuchs theorem --
Erdős–Graham conjecture --
Erdős–Gyárfás conjecture --
Erdős–Kac theorem --
Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem --
Erdős–Mordell inequality --
Erdős number --
Erdős–Rényi model --
Erdős–Stone theorem --
Erdős–Straus conjecture --
Erdős–Szekeres theorem --
Erdős–Woods number --
Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete --
Ergodic (adjective) --
Ergodic hypothesis --
Ergodic measure --
Ergodic process --
Ergodic Ramsey theory --
Ergodic sequence --
Ergodic theory --


Erlang distribution --
Erlangen program --
Ernst equation --
Erosion (morphology) --
Error analysis --
Error bar --
Error-correcting codes with feedback --
Error detection and correction --
Error function --
Errors and residuals in statistics --
Errors-in-variables model --
Escher tesselations --
Esquisse d'un Programme --
Essential dimension --
Essential extension --
Essential manifold --
Essential range --
Essential singularity --
Essential spectrum --
Essential subgroup --
Essential supremum and essential infimum --
Essentially surjective functor --
Essentially unique --
Estimation --
Estimation lemma --
Estimation of covariance matrices --
Estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariant techniques --
Estimation theory --
Estimator --
Estrin's scheme --


Eta function --
Étale cohomology --
Étale fundamental group --
Étale morphism --
Etemadi's inequality --
Etendue --
Eternity puzzle --
Ethnocomputing --
Ethnomathematics --
Etruscan numerals --
Euclid and his Modern Rivals --
Euclid-Mullin sequence --
Euclid number --
Euclid's Elements --
Euclid's lemma --
Euclid's orchard --
Euclid's theorem --
Euclidean --
Euclidean algorithm --
Euclidean distance --
Euclidean distance matrix --
Euclidean domain --
Euclidean field --
Euclidean geometry --
Euclidean group --
Euclidean minimum spanning tree --
Euclidean plane isometry --
Euclidean relation --
Euclidean shortest path --
Euclidean space --
Euclidean subspace --
Euclidean vector --


Eudemus of Rhodes --
Euler angles --
Euler brick --
Euler characteristic --
Euler class --
Euler diagram --
Euler equations --
Euler filter --
Euler function --
Euler hypergeometric integral --
Euler integral --
Euler-Jacobi pseudoprime --
Euler–Lagrange equation --
Euler line --
Euler–Maclaurin formula --
Euler-Maruyama method --
Euler–Mascheroni constant --
Euler Medal --
Euler method --
Euler number --
Euler on infinite series --
Euler operator --
Euler–Poisson–Darboux equation --
Euler pole --
Euler product --
Euler pseudoprime --
Euler–Rodrigues parameters --
Euler summation --
Euler system --
Euler-Tricomi equation --
Euler–Worpitzky–Chen polynomials --
Euler's conjecture --
Euler's continued fraction formula --
Euler's criterion --
Euler's disk --
Euler's equation of degree four --
Euler's equations --
Euler's factorization method --
Euler's formula --
Euler's four-square identity --
Euler's identity --
Euler's rotation theorem --
Euler's rule --
Euler's spiral --
Euler's sum of powers conjecture --
Euler's theorem --
Euler's theorem (differential geometry) --
Euler's theorem in geometry --
Euler's totient function --
Eulerian number --
Eulerian path --


Eureka (magazine) --
European Congress of Mathematics --
European Journal of Combinatorics --
European Mathematical Society --
European numerals --
Evacuation process simulation --
Evaluating sums --
Even and odd functions --
Even and odd ordinals --
Even and odd permutations --
Even code --
Even-hole-free graph --
Even-odd rule --
Evenness of zero --
Event (probability theory) --
Event calculus --
Event generator --
Eventually (mathematics) --
Everyday Mathematics --
Evidence under Bayes theorem --
Evolute --
Evolution and the Theory of Games --
Evolution strategy --
Evolutionarily stable set --
Evolutionarily stable state --
Evolutionary algorithm --
Evolutionary game theory --
Evolutionary graph theory --
Evolutionary programming --
Ewald summation --


Ewens's sampling formula --
Exact category --
Exact coloring --
Exact differential --
Exact differential equation --
Exact functor --
Exact sequence --
Exact solution --
Exact test --
Exact trigonometric constants --
Exactly solvable model --
Example calculations with roots of unity --
Example of a commutative non-associative magma --
Example of a non-associative algebra --
Examples of boundary value problems --
Examples of differential equations --
Examples of generating functions --
Examples of groups --
Examples of Markov chains --
Examples of vector spaces --
Excellent ring --
Exceptional divisor --
Exceptional inverse image functor --
Exceptional object --
Excess-3 --
Excess risk --
Exchange matrix --
Exchange paradox --
Exchangeable random variables --
Excision theorem --
Excitable medium --
Excluded point topology --
Exclusive --
Exclusive or --


Exhaustion by compact sets --
Existence theorem --
Existential graph --
Existential quantification --
Existentially closed model --
Exotic probability --
Exotic R4 --
Exotic sphere --
Expander graph --
Expander mixing lemma --
Expander walk sampling --
Expansion (geometry) --
Expansive --
Expectation-maximization algorithm --
Expected gain --
Expected return --
Expected utility hypothesis --
Expected value --
Expected value of perfect information --
Expenditure minimization problem --
Experiment (probability theory) --
Experimental mathematics --
Experimental Mathematics (journal) --
Experimentwise error rate --
Explained sum of squares --
Explained variance --
Explained variation --
Explicit and implicit methods --
Explicit formulae (L-function) --
Exploratory data analysis --
Exponential --
Exponential decay --
Exponential dichotomy --
Exponential dispersion model --
Exponential distribution --
Exponential error --
Exponential factorial --
Exponential family --
Exponential formula --
Exponential function --
Exponential-Golomb coding --
Exponential growth --
Exponential integral --
Exponential map --
Exponential object --
Exponential power distribution --
Exponential random graph model --
Exponential sheaf sequence --
Exponential smoothing --
Exponential sum --
Exponential time --
Exponentially equivalent measures --
Exponentiation --
Exponentiation by squaring --
Expression (mathematics) --


Exsecant --
Ext functor --
Extended Euclidean algorithm --
Extended finite element method --
Extended Kalman filter --
Extended negative binomial distribution --
Extended Newsvendor models --
Extended real number line --
Extendible cardinal --
Extensible automorphism --
Extension (mathematics) --
Extension (predicate logic) --
Extension and contraction of ideals --
Extension by definitions --
Extension of scalars --
Extension topology --
Extensionality --
Extensions of symmetric operators --
Exterior (topology) --
Exterior algebra --
Exterior angle theorem --
Exterior bundle --
Exterior covariant derivative --
Exterior derivative --
External (mathematics) --
External ray --
Extouch triangle --
Extra special group --
Extractor --
Extraneous and missing solutions --
Extrapolation --
Extravagant number --
Extremal combinatorics --
Extremal graph theory --
Extremal length --
Extremal optimization --
Extremally disconnected space --
Extreme physical information --
Extreme point --
Extreme value --
Extreme value theorem --
Extreme value theory --


Eye of Horus --

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