- List of mathematics articles (D)
D distribution --D-module --D' --D'Agostino's K-squared test --D'Alembert-Euler condition --D'Alembert operator --D'Alembert's formula --D'Alembert's paradox --D'Alembert's principle --Dagger category --Dagger compact category --Dagger symmetric monoidal category --Damerau–Levenshtein distance --Damping --Damping ratio --Dandelin spheres --Daniell integral --Danielson-Lanczos lemma --Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics --Danskin's theorem --Dante space --Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition --Darb-i Imam --Darboux basis --Darboux derivative --Darboux frame --Darboux function --Darboux integral --Darboux vector --Darboux's formula --Darboux's theorem --Darboux's theorem (analysis) --Dat
Data (Euclid) --Data analysis --Data assimilation --Data dredging --Data point --Data transformation (statistics) --Database tuning --Daubechies wavelet --Davenport–Schmidt theorem --Davey–Stewartson equation --Davidon-Fletcher-Powell formula --Davidson Prize --Davis–Putnam algorithm --Dawson function --Dawson-Gärtner theorem --DC bias --De Arte Combinatoria --De Boor's algorithm --De Branges space --De Bruijn digraph --De Bruijn graph --De Bruijn index --De Bruijn-Newman constant --De Bruijn notation --De Bruijn sequence --De Casteljau's algorithm --De Finetti diagram --De Finetti's theorem --De Franchis theorem --De Gua's theorem --De Longchamps point --De Moivre–Laplace theorem --De Moivre's formula --De Moivre's theorem --De Morgan Medal --De Morgan's laws --De Polignac's formula --De Rham cohomology --De Rham curve --De Rham–Weil theorem --De Rham's theorem --De Sitter space --Dea
Dead beat control --Dead-end elimination --Debye function --Decacross --Decade (log scale) --Decagon --Decagonal antiprism --Decagonal bipyramid --Decagonal number --Decagonal prism --Decagonal trapezohedron --Decagram (geometry) --Decahedron --Decayotton --Decidability (logic) --Decidable sublanguages of set theory --Decimal --Decimal representation --Decimal separator --Decimal superbase --Decimalization process --Decision mathematics --Decision problem --Decision theory --Decoding methods --Decomposition (disambiguation) --Decomposition matrix --Decomposition of spectrum (functional analysis) --Decoupling --Decrement table --Ded
Dedekind cut --Dedekind discriminant theorem --Dedekind domain --Dedekind eta function --Dedekind-infinite set --Dedekind psi function --Dedekind sum --Dedekind zeta function --Deduction theorem --Deductive system --Deep inference --Default logic --Defect (geometry) --Defective matrix --Deficient number --Definable --Definable real number --Definable set --Defined and undefined --Definite bilinear form --Definition --Deformation (mechanics) --Deformation (meteorology) --Deformation retract --Deformation theory --Defuzzification --Degasperis-Procesi equation --Degen's eight-square identity --Degeneracy (mathematics) --Degenerate distribution --Degenerate form --Degree (angle) --Degree (graph theory) --Degree (mathematics) --Degree-constrained spanning tree --Degree distribution --Degree matrix --Degree of a continuous mapping --Degree of a field extension --Degree of a polynomial --Degree of an algebraic variety --Degree of anonymity --Degree symbol --Degrees of freedom (physics and chemistry) --Degrees of freedom (statistics) --Deh
Dehn plane --Dehn–Sommerville equations --Dehn surgery --Dehn twist --Dehn's lemma --Del --Del in cylindrical and spherical coordinates --Del Pezzo surface --Delannoy number --Delaunay tessellation field estimator --Delaunay triangulation --Delay differential equation --Delayed clause construction --Delayed column generation --Deligne conjecture --Deligne–Lusztig theory --Delphi method --Delta function --Delta invariant --Delta lemma --Delta method --Delta operator --Delta-ring --Deltahedron --Deltoid curve --Deltoidal hexecontahedron --Deltoidal icositetrahedron --Deltoidal trihexagonal tiling --Demand optimization --Demienneract --Demihepteract --Demihepteractic honeycomb --Demihexeract --Demihexeractic honeycomb --Demihypercube --Deming regression --Demiocteract --Demiocteractic honeycomb --Demipenteract --Demipenteractic honeycomb --Demitesseractic honeycomb --Demon algorithm --Dempster-Shafer theory --Den
Dendrite (mathematics) --Dendrogram --Dendroid (topology) --Denjoy diffeomorphism --Denotational semantics --Dense graph --Dense-in-itself --Dense order --Dense set --Densely-defined operator --Density (disambiguation) --Density estimation --Density matrix --Deontic logic --Dependence relation --Dependency graph --Dependency relation --Dependent and independent variables --Depth (ring theory) --Depth-first search --Depth-limited search --Derangement --Derivation (abstract algebra) --Derivation of the Navier–Stokes equations --Derivation of the Routh array --Derivative --Derivative (examples) --Derivative (generalizations) --Derivative algebra (abstract algebra) --Derivative of a constant --Derivator --Derived category --Derived functor --Derived set (mathematics) --Des
Desargues graph --Desargues' theorem --Desarguesian plane --Descartes' rule of signs --Descartes' theorem --Descendant subgroup --Descent (category theory) --Descent direction --Describing function --Description number --Descriptive complexity --Descriptive geometry --Descriptive interpretation --Descriptive set theory --Descriptive statistics --Design matrix --Design of experiments --Design theory --Dessin d'enfant --Destructive dilemma --Detailed balance --Determinacy --Determinant --Deterministic context-free grammar --Deterministic context-free language --Deterministic system (mathematics) --Detrended fluctuation analysis --Developable --Developable surface --Development (differential geometry) --Development (topology) --Deviance (statistics) --Deviance information criterion --Deviation --Devil's curve --Dew
DeWitt notation --DFFITS --DFT matrix --Dharmakirti --Diabolical cube --Diaconescu's theorem --Diagonal --Diagonal argument --Diagonal form --Diagonal functor --Diagonal intersection --Diagonal lemma --Diagonal magic cube --Diagonal matrix --Diagonal subgroup --Diagonalizable matrix --Diagonalization --Diagonally dominant matrix --Diagram (category theory) --Diagrammatic reasoning --Dialectica interpretation --Dialectica space --Dialling --Diameter --Diamond (mathematics) --Diamond cubic --Diamond-square algorithm --Dice's coefficient --Dickey-Fuller test --Dickman-de Bruijn function --Dickson polynomial --Dickson's lemma --Dicyclic group --Dif
Diffeology --Diffeomorphism --Diffeomorphism constraint --Difference engine --Difference hierarchy --Difference of Gaussians --Difference of two squares --Difference operator --Difference polynomials --Difference quotient --Difference set --Different ideal --Differentiable manifold --Differential (calculus) --Differential (infinitesimal) --Differential algebra --Differential algebraic equation --Differential analyser --Differential calculus --Differential calculus over commutative algebras --Differential coefficient --Differential entropy --Differential equation --Differential equations from outside physics --Differential equations of addition --Differential evolution --Differential form --Differential Galois theory --Differential game --Differential geometry --Differential geometry of curves --Differential geometry of surfaces --Differential graded algebra --Differential graded category --Differential ideal --Differential inclusion --Differential of the first kind --Differential operator --Differential structure --Differential topology --Differential variational inequality --Differentially closed field --Differentiation in Fréchet spaces --Differentiation of integrals --Differentiation of measures --Differentiation of trigonometric functions --Differentiation rules --Differentiation under the integral sign --Differintegral --Diffie-Hellman problem --Diffuse element method --Diffusion equation --Diffusion-limited aggregation --Diffusion Monte Carlo --Diffusion process --Diffuson --Dig
Digamma function --Digit sum --Digital control --Digital geometry --Digital Library of Mathematical Functions --Digital Morse theory --Digital root --Digital sum --Digital sum in base b --Digital sundial --Digital topology --Dignāga --Digon --Dihedral angle --Dihedral group --Dihedral group of order 6 --Dihedral prime --Dihedral symmetry in three dimensions --Dihedron --Dijkstra-Scholten algorithm --Dijkstra's algorithm --Dilation (mathematics) --Dilation (operator theory) --Dilworth's theorem --DIMACS --Dimension --Dimension (vector space) --Dimension function --Dimension of an algebraic variety --Dimension reduction --Dimension theorem for vector spaces --Dimension theory --Dimensional analysis --Dimensional metrology --Dimensional operator --Dimensional regularization --Dimensions --Dimetric projection --Diminished rhombicosidodecahedron --Din
Dinatural transformation --Dini derivative --Dini test --Dini's theorem --Dinitz conjecture --Diophantine approximation --Diophantine equation --Diophantine set --Diophantus II.VIII --Dipole graph --Dirac adjoint --Dirac algebra --Dirac bracket --Dirac comb --Dirac delta function --Dirac equation --Dirac equation in the algebra of physical space --Dirac measure --Dirac operator --Dirac's theorem --Direct algebraic logic --Direct image functor --Direct image with compact support --Direct integral --Direct limit --Direct limit of groups --Direct linear transformation --Direct material variance --Direct multiple shooting method --Direct product --Direct proof --Direct relationship --Direct simulation Monte Carlo --Direct stiffness method --Direct sum of groups --Direct sum of modules --Directed acyclic graph --Directed infinity --Directed relation --Directed rounding --Directed set --Direction (geometry, geography) --Direction cosine --Direction of movement --Direction vector --Directional derivative --Directional statistics --Directional symmetry --Director string --Dirichlet algebra --Dirichlet beta function --Dirichlet boundary condition --Dirichlet character --Dirichlet conditions --Dirichlet convolution --Dirichlet density --Dirichlet distribution --Dirichlet eta function --Dirichlet integral --Dirichlet kernel --Dirichlet L-function --Dirichlet problem --Dirichlet process --Dirichlet series --Dirichlet's approximation theorem --Dirichlet's energy --Dirichlet's principle --Dirichlet's test --Dirichlet's theorem --Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions --Dirichlet's unit theorem --Dirk Niblick of the Math Brigade --Dis
Disattenuation --Discharging method (discrete mathematics) --Discontinuous Galerkin method --Discontinuous linear map --Discourse on the Method --Discrepancy --Discrepancy function --Discrepancy of hypergraphs --Discrepancy theory --Discrete category --Discrete choice analysis --Discrete cosine transform --Discrete differential geometry --Discrete element method --Discrete exterior calculus --Discrete Fourier transform --Discrete Fourier transform (general) --Discrete geometry --Discrete group --Discrete Hartley transform --Discrete Laplace operator --Discrete logarithm --Discrete mathematics --Discrete measure --Discrete modelling --Discrete Morse theory --Discrete optimization --Discrete phase-type distribution --Discrete Poisson equation --Discrete probability distribution --Discrete series representation --Discrete sine transform --Discrete space --Discrete spectrum --Discrete-time Fourier transform --Discrete tomography --Discrete valuation --Discrete valuation ring --Discrete wavelet transform --Discretization --Discretization error --Discriminant --Discriminant function analysis --Discriminant of an algebraic number field --Discriminant validity --Discriminated union --Disdyakis dodecahedron --Disdyakis triacontahedron --Disintegration theorem --Disjoint sets --Disjoint union --Disjoint union (topology) --Disjoint union of graphs --Disjunction and existence properties --Disjunction elimination --Disjunction property of Wallman --Disjunctive normal form --Disjunctive sequence --Disjunctive sum --Disjunctive syllogism --Disk (mathematics) --Disk algebra --Disk covering problem --Disk integration --Disperser --Dispersion point --Dispersionless equation --Dispersive partial differential equation --Disphenocingulum --Disphenoid --Disphenoid tetrahedral honeycomb --Displacement (vector) --Displacement operator --Disquisitiones Arithmeticae --Dissected regular icosahedron --Dissection problem --Dissection puzzle --Dissipation --Dissipation factor --Dissipative operator --Dissipative soliton --Dissociated press --Distance --Distance (graph theory) --Distance geometry --Distance-hereditary graph --Distance matrix --Distance-regular graph --Distance-transitive graph --Distinct --Distributed constraint optimization --Distributed minimum spanning tree --Distribution (differential geometry) --Distribution (mathematics) --Distribution ensemble --Distribution function --Distributive category --Distributive homomorphism --Distributive lattice --Distributive lattice/Proofs --Distributive law between monads --Distributivity --Distributivity (order theory) --Dit
Ditrigonal dodecadodecahedron --Divergence --Divergence theorem --Divergent geometric series --Divergent series --Diversity index --Divide and conquer algorithm --Divide-and-conquer eigenvalue algorithm --Divided differences --Divided power structure --Dividing a circle into areas --Divisibility rule --Divisible group --Division (mathematics) --Division algebra --Division algorithm --Division by two --Division by zero --Division by zero (disambiguation) --Division ring --Divisor --Divisor (algebraic geometry) --Divisor function --Divisor summatory function --Dixmier conjecture --Dixon's factorization method --Dobinski's formula --Dodecadodecahedron --Dodecagon --Dodecagonal antiprism --Dodecagonal number --Dodecagonal prism --Dodecahedral conjecture --Dodecahedral prism --Dodecahedron --Dodgem --Dodgson condensation --Dol
Dolbeault cohomology --Dolbeault operator --Doléans-Dade exponential --Domain (complex analysis) --Domain (mathematics) --Domain (ring theory) --Domain coloring --Domain decomposition method --Domain decomposition methods --Domain of discourse --Domain of holomorphy --Domain relational calculus --Domain theory --Domatic number --Domatic number problem --Dome (mathematics) --Dominance order --Dominated convergence theorem --Dominating decision rule --Dominating set --Dominating set problem --Domineering --Domino problem --Domino tiling --Dominoes --Don't-care --Donald in Mathmagic Land --Donaldson theory --Donaldson's theorem --Donkey pronoun --Donsker's theorem --Doo
Doo–Sabin subdivision surface --Doob martingale --Doob-Meyer decomposition theorem --Doob's martingale convergence theorems --Doob's martingale inequality --Doomsday argument --Door space --Dormand–Prince method --Dot book --Dot product --Dots and Boxes --Douady rabbit --Double (manifold) --Double coset --Double counting (fallacy) --Double counting (proof technique) --Double dabble --Double exponential function --Double Mersenne number --Double negative elimination --Double pendulum --Double tangent bundle --Double torus --Double torus knot --Doubling the cube --Doubling time --Doubly-connected edge list --Doubly-periodic function --Doubly stochastic matrix --Doubly stochastic model --Dow
Dowker notation --Dowker space --Dowling geometry --Dozen --DPLL algorithm --Dragon curve --Dramadigits --Drawing of lots --Drawing straws --Drazin inverse --Drinfel'd module --Dual (category theory) --Dual abelian variety --Dual basis --Dual basis in a field extension --Dual bundle --Dual code --Dual cone and polar cone --Dual control theory --Dual curve --Dual graph --Dual norm --Dual number --Dual object --Dual pair --Dual polyhedron --Dual problem --Dual quaternion --Dual representation --Dual space --Dual topology --Dual wavelet --Duality --Duality (electrical circuits) --Duality (mathematics) --Duality (order theory) --Duality (projective geometry) --Duc
Ducci sequence --Dudeney number --Duffing equation --Duffing map --Duggan-Schwartz theorem --Duhamel's integral --Duhamel's principle --Duistermaat–Heckman formula --Duke Mathematical Journal --Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition --Dummy variable --Dunbar's number --Duncan's new multiple range test --Dunce cap --Dunce hat (topology) --Dunford–Pettis property --Dunkl operator --Duocylinder --Duodecimal --Duoprism --Dupin cyclide --Dupin indicatrix --Duplication matrix --Durand-Kerner method --Durbin test --Durbin–Watson statistic --Dutch book --Dvoretzky–Kiefer–Wolfowitz inequality --Dvoretzky's theorem --Dwork's lemma --Dya
Dyadic product --Dyadic rational --Dyadic tensor --Dyadic transformation --Dyadics --Dym equation --Dynamic convex hull --Dynamic link matching --Dynamic Monte Carlo method --Dynamic programming --Dynamic relaxation --Dynamic time warping --Dynamical billiards --Dynamical system --Dynamical system (definition) --Dynamical systems theory --Dynkin index --Dynkin system --Dynkin's formula --Dynkin's lemma --Dyscalculia --
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