- National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
The Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine as a high state scientific establishment was founded in 1992 by the special decrees of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
The total membership of the Academy is 156 members (51 acting members and 84 corresponding members). Besides the Academy has 21 foreign members.
Academician Vasyl Kremen is the President of the Academy, academician Vasyl Madzihon is the first Vice-President, academician Oleksandra Savchenko is the Vice-President, academician Oleksandr Liashenko is the Main Scientific Secretary.
The Academy of Pedagogical Sciences has five departments: theory and history of pedagogics (academician-secretary Olha Sukhomlynska); didactics, methodology and information technologies of education (academician-secretary Nadia Bibik); psychology, age physiology and defectology (academician-secretary Serhiy Maksymenko); pedagogics and psychology of vocational and technical education (academician-secretary Nellia Nychkalo); pedagogics and psychology of higher education (academician-secretary Mykola Yevtukh).
The Academy dominates over 11 institutes and 7 centres: Institute of Pedagogics; Institute of Psychology after N.Kostiuk; Institute of Problems on Education; Institute of Pedagogics and Psychology of Vocational Education; Institute of Special Pedagogics; Institute of Social and Political Psychology; Institute of Higher Education; Institute of Teaching Means; Institute of Foreign Languages Teaching Methods (in Odesa); Central Institute of Post-diploma Pedagogical Education; Donetsk Institute of Post-diploma Education for Engineering and Pedagogical Workers; Ukrainian Scientific and Methodical Centre of Practical and Social Psychology; Educational and Scientific Centre of Vocational and Technical Education; Scientific and Methodical Centre “The Ukrainian Ethnopedagogics and Ethnology” (in Ivano-Frankivsk); Crimean Scientific and Methodical Centre of Management in Education (in Simferopol); Scientific and Methodical Centre of School Book; Scientific and Methodical Centre “Integration of School Education Contents” (in Poltava); Centre of Computer Information Systems, State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine after V.Sukhomlynsky; Pedagogical Museum of Ukraine.
The publishing activities of the Academy is realized by the publishing house “Pedahohichna Dumka” (Pedagogical Thought). The main periodical editions of the Academy are the magazine “Pedahohika i Psykholohia” (Pedagogics and Psychology) and Pedahohichna Hazeta (Pedagogical Newspaper). Besides the Academy is one of the founders of other professional scientific and methodical magazines such as: “The Way of Education,” “Art and Education,” “Computer at School and Home,” “Vocational and Technical Education,” “Biology and Chemistry at School,” “Ukrainian Language and Literature at School,” “Mathematics at School,” “Defectology,” “Higher Education of Ukraine,” “Continuous Vocational Education: Theory and Practice,” etc.
The Coordination Council of Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences was formed at the Presidium of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.
The Academy takes an active part in the working out legislative and normative base of education functioning, conceptions creation on the development of secondary, vocational and higher school.
The Academy is currently involved in the following important tasks:
- working out a new philosophy of education; working out state educational standards and system of the quality evaluation in education on its different levels; creation of integral theory of personal development; working out methodology and theory of educational content and teaching process for different types of educational institutions;
- substantiation of aims and values of national education and upbringing;
- creation of manuals and text-books for new generation;
- working out progressive technologies in pedagogical activity;
- informatization and computerization of teaching process;
- research of actual problems on general, child and pedagogical psychology;
- complex analysis of social situation in psychical and personnel development of children and youth, etc.
Considerable attention is paid to the training of scientific personnel by means of postgraduate and doctoral studies which function at all institutes of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.
The Academy works in friendly contacts with cognate scientific structures of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and other Ukrainian state academies. It establishes and renovates contacts with scientific institutes of SND (the Community of Independent States) and other foreign countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Germany, Slovakia, Serbia, Canada, Poland, Romania, France, China and others).
For the purpose of Ukraine integration in the European and world system of education, pedagogical and psychological sciences the contacts are established with UNESCO, Council of Europe, other international organizations.
http://www.apsu.org.ua/ Ukrainian
http://www.apsu.org.ua/en/ English
Categories:- Research institutes in Ukraine
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