- Academy of Fundamental Sciences
The Academy of Fundamental Sciences (full name – Non-Commercial Establishment of the Organizmica Academy of Fundamental Sciences, the national main registration number 1057746864196) was established in May 2005 [ [http://www.organizmica.org/ustav.shtml Устав АФН.] ] by a team of researchers headed by
Andrei A. Tyunyayev [ [http://www.ras.ru/digest/showdnews.aspx?id=253783ce-29c7-414f-9cc5-efe8d53ce246&_Language=ru Российская академия наук. Боброва И., Миллионер поневоле. "Московский комсомолец", 05.12.2006.] ] , academician of theRussian Academy of Natural Sciences .Tasks and objectives of the Academy
The principle objectives of the Academy’s activity are
* promotion of the Organizmica
fundamental science ;
* organization and coordination of fundamental and applied research efforts in the field of natural andexact sciences ,humanities , andtheosophy on the basis of key principles of Organizmica, the development and implementation, based on those principles, of priority research programs and putting their results into practice;
* improvement of the current traditional education system in Russia, training of new skilled research and management personnel, creation of conditions for scientific endeavors and new schools of science, and organization of transnational cooperation in the field of Organizmica.The Academy addresses the following principal tasks
* development of the theoretical base in the area of fundamental and applied sciences; fostering, on the basis of Organizmica, of programs aimed at creation of principally new sciences and technologies [A.A. Tyunyayev, Organizmica as foundation of all sciences. Volume I. M.: In, 2004.] ;
*scientific ,methodological andinformational support of economic and social reforms inRussia ;
* development of advanced methods fordiscovery and effective use ofnatural resources andraw materials ;
* educational work in and propagation of the fundamental science of Organizmica;
* conduct of independent public examination of major scientific and economic projects, of research programs and scientific discoveries based on the fundamental science of Organizmica;
* establishment and expansion of the network of training and research organizations on the basis of methods provided by Organizmica.The structure and composition
The Academy consists of individual members.
The individual members of the Academy can be Russian citizens, prominent experts in the field of natural and exact sciences, humanities and theosophy, who have significantly contributed to science and culture.
Foreign nationals with prominent achievements in science, education and culture can also be members of the Academy (foreign members).
Today, the Academy and its divisions comprise 79 acting and 53 corresponding members, including 8 foreigners.
The Academy affords honorary membership. Russian and foreign citizens, acknowledged authorities with a prominent contribution to science and culture, can be honorary members of the Academy.
The supreme executive organ of the Academy is the General Assembly of its members held at least biennially. In between the General Assemblies the Presidium is the standing executive organ of the Academy. This is convened at least once in a quarter.
The day-by-day management of the Academy is carried out by President and Vice-Presidents for specialized areas of work.
Adoption (election) of new academicians is held at least once in half year. Electing to the Academy membership is a recognition of creative achievements of a given individual. No actions are admissible that put candidates at a disadvantage during adoption (election) to the Academy.
Entitled to nominating candidates to the Academy membership are:
* members of the Academy;
* learned and scientific-technological councils of research organizations and higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation;
* creative workers’ unions of the Russian Federation;
* the Academy’s sections Bureau;
* Bureau of regional divisions and Presidiums of regional research centers of the Academy.Organizational structure of the Academy
Divisions of the Academy of Fundamental Sciences (AFS) exist in a number of Russia’s regions:
Bryansk ,Vorkuta ,Kazan ,Kaliningrad ,Krasnodar ,St Petersburg ,Tula ,Tyva as well as in the following foreign countries: theUnited States of America (Los Angeles , CA, andSpringfield , MA),Armenia ,Spain ,Italy ,Ukraine ,Turkey ,Czech Republic , andSweden .The structure of the Academy is as follows:
President – A.A. Tyunyayev: Scientific secretary – V.I. Igritsky: Academy administration – V.I. Semeiko: Academy
library : “Organizmica” internationaljournal for research: AncientCivilization Museum : Local division of the Russian Journalists Union (Moscow ): Exact sciences department – Vice-President S.A. Redkozubov:: Learned Council:: Sections…:: Center for modern physical and mathematical studies:: Situation analysis center:: Center for information expertise and technologies: Department of natural sciences I – Vice-President A.A. Khadartsev:: Learned Council:: Sections…:: Research institute of applied and experimental psychology:: Institute of Ethnographic Studies:: Ecology study center:: Center of innovations, intellectual property and know-how: Department of natural sciences II – Vice-President G.G. Rogozin:: Learned Council:: Sections…:: Research Institute of Regional and Politico-Economic Problems:: Institute for Studies in Modern Politics and International Relations: Institute for Studies in Economics and Sociology:: Moscow Institute of Economics and Public Relations:: Center for Social Technologies (KRASS): The Department of Humanities – Vice-President D.N. Aleksandrov:: Learned Council:: Sections…:: Institute of Ancient Slavonic and Ancient Eurasian Civilizations [ [http://www.runitsa.ru Institute of Ancient Slavonic and Ancient Eurasian Civilizations, 2008.] ] :: Institute of Russian History:: Institute of Literature:: Institute of Heraldry:: International Agency of Literary Information:: “Russian Culture” International Public Charitable Foundation:: “In” Publishing House:: “DP” Propaganda BureauAFS Presidium
* "Dmitriy Nikolayevich Aleksandrov",
doctor ofhistory ,professor ,academician ofRussian Academy of Natural Sciences , ofNew York Academy of Sciences and Arts , honorary doctor of theEuropean University , Vice-President of the AFS;
* "Felix Kazimirovich Velichko", doctor ofchemistry , doctor ofastrology , professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS);
* "Valery Filippovich Dmitiev", doctor ofphysics andmathematics , professor;
* "Alexei Alexeyevich Zvyagin", doctor ofeconomics , professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences;
* "Vladimir Ivanovich Igritskiy", candidate of engineering, professor, honorary doctor of the European University, scientific secretary of the AFS;
* "Marel Petrovich Pereverzev", doctor of economics, professor, merited worker of the Russian Federation higher school;
* "Alexei Ivanovich Podberyozkin", doctor of history, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, of Russian Academy of Military Sciences;
* "Sergei Alexeyevich Redkozubov", doctor of engineering, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Vice-President of the AFS;
* "Georgiy Georgiyevich Rogozin", candidate of law, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, major-general, Vice-President of the AFS;
* "Andrei Aleksandrovich Tyunyayev" [ [http://www.organizmica.ru/at.shtml Andrei Aleksandrovich Tyunyayev, biography.] ] , academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, initiator of the fundamental science of Organizmica, acting member of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS), President of the AFS;
* "Alexander Agubechirovich Khadartsev" [ [http://www.famous-scientists.ru/1693/ Alexander Agubechirovich Khadartsev, biography.] ] , doctor ofmedicine , professor, merited scientist of the Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, of the Academy of Medical Engineering, laureate in education of the Russian Federation government in 2007, Vice-President of the AFS;
* "Otar Arsenovich Khachaturyan", doctor of physics and mathematics professor;
* "Valery Alexeyevich Chudinov", doctor ofphilology , professor, academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences;
* "Yuri Sergeyevich Shvykin", doctor of engineering, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, professor.Honorary members of the Academy
* "Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev", President of the
* "Vyacheslav Dmitriyevich Dudka", governor of the Tula district;
* "Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov", poet, author of Russia’s anthem;
* "Konstantin Alexeyevich Titov" [ [http://www.titov.samara.ru/bio Konstantin Alexeyevich Titov, biography.] ] , ex-governor of the Samara district;
* "Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli", member of the Public Chamber.Councils and Commissions supervised by the AFS Presidium
* The Council for the
Slavic history and the history of ancient Russia. The Council operates under the chairmanship of A.A. Tyunyayev, President of the AFS. This comprises prominent scientists and experts in history and archeology, who discuss, at the sessions, pressing issues in these areas of science.
* The Council for Organizmica methods in physics and mathematics. The Council is headed by two chairmen: V.F. Dmitriev and S.A. Redkozubov. The Council’s functions are the promotion of the theory of Organizmica in modern physics and the development of new mathematical software to address objects of the new science.
* The Council for Know-How, Inventions and Innovations. The Council is headed by O.A. Khachaturyan, doctor of physics and mathematics, professor.
* The Council for modern education, headed by D.M. von Vitte, academician of the AFS, doctor of biology. Its function is the development of new training and didactics methods on the basis of Organizmica principles.
* The Council for epigraphic studies (in the framework of the ancient Slavic and ancient Eurasian civilization) headed by V.A. Chudinov. The Council considers the issues of building a coherent concept of the history of Slavs and ancient Russia in their interaction with other peoples of Eurasia.
* The Council for modern information technologies headed by the scientific secretary of the AFS V.I. Igritsky. This deals with issues of Organizmica information approach in all areas of science and human activities.
* The Council for regional politico-economic issues headed by AFS Vice-President G.G. Rogozin. Its chief objective is propagation of Organizmica in Russia.
* In addition to Councils, operating in the Academy are various commissions, for instance, on literature and poetry, archeology, inter-religion relations, ecology, and others.cientific links and public relations
In research and cultural spheres the AFS actively cooperates with the following academies and organizations:
* the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. President O.L. Kuznetsov.
* the Academy of National Security Issues, President I.A. Il’in.
* the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement. President – V.G. Shevchenko.
* the International Academy of Spiritual Unity of the World’s Peoples. President – G.Ye. Trapeznikov,
* the Academy of Engineering Sciences of the Russian Federation. President – B.A. Nikitin.
* Moscow International Foundation of UNESCO support. President – Z.K. Tsereteli.
* Russian Merchants and Industrialists Association. Chief Officer – A.V. Dudarenko.
* A Foundation for Support of Veterans of the Federal Security Service units engaged in the defense of the Constitution and fight against terrorism. President – O.L.Lavrov .
* Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, non-governmental research and charity organization [ [http://www.ippo.ru/struktura-ippo/chlenskiy-sostav-ippo-2.html Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society.] ] . Chairman – S.V. Stepashin.
* The Association of veterans and workers of the Presidential Security Service. Chairman – A.V. Korzhakov.
* Russian united stock exchange system. Executive director – S.V. Tsibulsky.Research programs
The AFS carries out fundamental and applied research in a many areas of modern science. For instance, the Academy has developed and realizes a large-scale research and engineering program associated with advanced high-tech directions. One such direction is the strategic partnership and cooperation with NOOEKOLOGIA innovative research and engineering corporation in the area of ecological security of life and restoration of the ecological balance of the Earth. In the 21st century these issues have taken on a global dimension.
Some studies carried out by the Academy:
* A new theory of “black holes ”;
* Elaboration of a theory of Organizmica mathematics;
* Elaboration of the electronic theory of friction;
* Etymology andchronology of Russian gods;
*Ra Book . The origin ofsymbols ,letters andfigures ;
* Creation of encyclopedias: the Encyclopedia of Organizmica, Slavic Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia ofSwastika Symbols;
* Building of the world’s language tree;
* History of origin of the world civilization;
* The origin and development of the written language, Russian writing in swastika symbols;
* Creation of an information tape reflecting the major developments in ancient Russia;
* Swastika symbols in images of “circles on grain fields”;
* Expeditions for historical and local studies into a number of Russia’s regions, etc.Events organized by the AFS and with its involvement
* The Conference “Multiple-Component Tree of Languages”, Moscow, 7 September 2007, as part of the 20th Moscow International Book Fair (see [http://www.organizmica.ru/archive/409/mdy.shtml the conference account] ).
*The first international Congress «Pre-Cyrillic Slavic Written Language and Pre-Christian Slavic Culture» , Pushkin State University of Leningrad, St Petersburg, 12-14 May 2008. The statistics of the event: represented – 10 countries; represented 14 Russian towns; attended by over 100 people; made a total of 92 reports; attended by 11 academies, 20 universities, 9 institutes and 7 other organizations. As a private decision, participants of the Congress established the 22nd of March, 1100 BC, as the historic date of emergence of martial arts in Russia ( [http://www.organizmica.ru/archive/504/pdsp.shtml account] ).
* The conference “Innovations in modern science”. Moscow Technological College, Moscow, 28 May, as part of the “Scholarly Week” event (see the account).
* The 9th All-Russia symposium on applied and industrial mathematics. Spring session. Petrozavodsk, 1-6 June, 2008 (report by AFS President A.A. Tyunyayev “Mathematical modeling of processes of separation of multiple-component fluid mixtures”, synopsis of the report is published in the Applied and Industrial Mathematics in Review journal, 2008, vol.15, issue 3) [Magazine «Обозрение прикладной и промышленной математики», 2008, том 15, выпуск 3.] .
* The 7th International congress “Russian folk remedies: yesterday, today and tomorrow”, Moscow 21-24 August 2008.cientific research
: Skin rejuvenation formula (developed by Research & Development), Canada, 2008.
: [http://www.organizmica.ru/archive/406/ym.shtml World’s languages integrated paradigm] (developed by A.A. Tyunyayev, AFS), 2007 [A.A. Tyunyayev. World’s languages integrated paradigm, - М.: 2007.] .
: Periodic classification of elementary particles (developed by A.A. Tyunyayev, AFS), 2008.
: [http://www.organizmica.ru/archive/507/sghi9.shtml Homeologic-chromosomal immune deficiency syndrome (HCIDS)] , (developed by A.A. Tyunyayev, AFS), 2008. The work studies causes and mechanism of mutagenesis resulting from the infection of blood groups and rhesus system by anti-genes.
AFS printed and electronic publications
* “Register of new medical technologies”, a periodic journal for theoretical studies and practical applications (ISSN 1609-2163);
* “ [http://www.organizmica.org/index.html Organizmica] ”, international Internet-journal of research, issued since 2002;
* “ [http://www.organizmica.org/jo.shtml Organizmica] ”, an international journal of research [ [http://emerci.ru/show697.html “Organizmica”, an international journal of research] ] (ISSN 1818-0671), issued since 2005.At the 13th International Professional Exhibition, Press-2006, the Organizmica journal was awarded a diploma “For meritorious implementation of the publishers’ project and active propagation of new knowledge and modern technologies”. The diploma was signed by Victor Fyodorov, President of the Eurasian Libraries Assembly, Director-General of the Russian National Library, member of the Presidium of the Council for Culture and Arts under the Russian Federation President. At the 14th International Professional Exhibition, Press-2007, the Organizmica journal became one of the recipients of the Golden Press Foundation’s award. The public expert council of the Golden Press Foundation award works under the supervision of V.N. Zaitsev, Russian Libraries Association’s President, Russian National Library Director-General, and V.V. Fyodorov, Russian State Library Director-General, member of the Presidium of the Council for Culture and Arts under the Russian Federation President, the Eurasian Libraries Assembly President. At the 15th International Professional Exhibition, Press-2008, the Organizmica journal again received the Golden Press Foundation award [ [http://www.allpress.ru/zolotfond.php?row_id=28&begin_file=zolotfond_pobeda-2008.php&menu_file=zolotfond_menu.php&row_idp=666 Обладатели Знака отличия "Золотой фонд прессы – 2008". Эксперный совет «Наука, техника, научно-популярная пресса».] ] .
* History of the Rus Slavs. Dates. Reference book / A.A. Tyunyayev, President of the Academy of Fundamental Sciences, acting member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences – authorship, compilation, general editing. – M.: In, 2006 – 2007, col. Illus.; electronic edition.
* Electronic Encyclopedia of Slavdom. Team of authors, electronic edition, 2007 – 2008 [ [http://www.dazzle.ru/spec/rr-se.shtml Electronic Encyclopedia of Slavdom.] ] .Bibliography
* A.A. Tyunyayev, Organizmica as a New Fundamental Science. Basics. – M.: In, 2003. – 80 p [ [http://www.books.ru/shop/books/190942?partner=human Книжный интернет-магазин Books.Ru / Organizmica, a fundamental science.] ] (ISBN 5-98034-062-9).
* A.A. Tyunyayev, Organizmica as foundation of all sciences. Volume I. M.: In, 2004. – 368 p (ISBN 5-98034-063-7).
* V.A. Chudinov, Russian runic character, Alva-First, - M.: 2006, 336 p.
* V.A. Chudinov, Bringing the Etruscans back to Rus, Pokoleniye, - M.:2006, 656 p.
* V.A. Chudinov, Areas of Russian writing prior to Cyril, Alva-First, - M.: 2007, 666 with illus.
* A.A. Tyunyayev Languages of the World (handbook). – M.: In, 2007 (A Certificate of Appreciation of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences).
* A.A. Tyunyayev, [http://www.organizmica.org/archive/307/rp.shtml History of the world civilization] . – М.: 2006 – 2007.
* Evolutionary economics: innovations, investments, institutes and intellectual capital: a monograph by a team of authors (scientific editors N.A. Shaidenko and M.P. Pereverzeva – Tula: publication of the Tolstoy Pedagogical University of Tula, 2008. – 460 p. ISBN 978-5-879-54-432-9 (Paragraph 1.5 “Theoretical basis of Organizmica”, p.104-113 is written by A.A. Tyunyayev and included in Section 1. “The concepts of evolutionary economics and socio-economic effects of their realization”).
* N.A. Aleksandrov, Cryogenic thermodynamics, – М.: Ekslibris-Press Publishers, 2008.
* A.A. Tyunyayev, Homeologic-chromosomal immune deficiency syndrome. М, 2008.Record-breaker book
S.V. Yeremeyev, S.V. Mikhalkov, V.A. Stepanov, A.A. Tyunyayev, The
World’s Biggest Book for Little Ones , In., M., 2004, 4 s.:Size – 6 x 3 m.:Weight – 492 kg.The
world record is registered by the Directorate of Moscow International Book Fair state enterprise [ [http://www.millionmagazine.ru/?mode=article&mid=17&aid=463 "Гигантское книголюбие", журнал «Миллион», Красноярск, ноябрь 2005 г.] ] , ["Самое большое — детям", газета «Парламентская газета», 24 ноября 2004 г.] , [ "Четыре центнера живого текста", газета «Российская газета», 24 ноября 2004 г.] .AFS Museum of Ancient Civilization
The AFS [http://www.organizmica.org/mu-drc.shtml Museum of Ancient Civilization] collects its own stock of archeological artifacts. Today it is positioned as an Internet-museum. All exhibits are presented as photographs and drawings and are supplied with a detailed description. There are unique exhibits. For instance, in 2008 the Museum’s exposition stock received a chopper of the Chellean period found in the Tula district. The find dates to 700 thousand years B.C., which makes it possible to state that ape-men (archanthropuses) inhabited the center of the Russian Plain as early as 1 million years B.C.
External links
: [http://www.organizmica.org www.organizmica.ru] : [http://www.runitsa.ru www.runitsa.ru] : [http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9E%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0 ru.wikipedia.org] : [http://emerci.ru/show697.html emerci.ru] : [http://www.top-hotels.ru/catalog/detail/?bookid=149873 www.top-hotels.ru] : [http://www.ras.ru/digest/showdnews.aspx?id=253783ce-29c7-414f-9cc5-efe8d53ce246&_Language=ru www.ras.ru] : [http://www.allpress.ru/zolotfond.php?row_id=28&begin_file=zolotfond_pobeda-2008.php&menu_file=zolotfond_menu.php&row_idp=666 www.allpress.ru]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.