National Aviation University

National Aviation University
National Aviation University
Національний авіаційний університет
Motto Vivere! Vincecre! Creare!
Motto in English Live! Create! Overcome!
Established 1933
Type National university
Rector Mykola Kulyk
Admin. staff --
Students 50,000
Location Kiev, Ukraine
Affiliations IAU

National Aviation University (Ukrainian: Національний авіаційний університет) is a university located in Kiev (Kyiv), Ukraine. It started in 1933 when the Kyiv Aviation Institute was founded on the basis of the mechanical department of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The University consists of 16 institutes, 2 separate faculties, 3 lyceums, 6 colleges and 12 research institutes including their subdivisions and 8 departments. The university has its own center for culture and arts, a medical center, a library, and a museum of aviation. It runs a newspaper, “Aviator”, and a yacht club.[1]


Main historical dates

  • 1898 - Mechanical department of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
  • 1933 - Kyiv Aviation Institute
  • 1947 - Kyiv Institute of Civil Air Fleet
  • 1965 - Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers
  • 1994 - Kyiv International University of Civil Aviation
  • 2000 - National Aviation University[1]


The history of the National Aviation University dates back to August 1933. Since its founding, the National Aviation University has prepared thousands of experts which work in Ukraine and almost 90 countries around the world. It became the leading institution for training specialists in civil aviation. Some of the alumni are notable industry organizers, scientists, state and military figures. They head educational institutions, air companies, design bureaus, factories, organizations and services within different departments. The university has powerful scientific schools in the fields of mechanics, management, electronics, materials science, electrical engineering, computer science and computer facilities. Academic activities are performed by a highly skilled scientific and pedagogical team, including 23 academicians, corresponding members of the Academy of Science of Ukraine, 280 doctors of sciences, professors, 830 candidates of sciences and senior lecturers, 54 honored people in science and engineering of Ukraine and winners of State prizes.[2]

International activities of the University

The University has joined the Bologna Convention that makes it possible for students to get diplomas of international standard and improve students’ mobility. The university professors and students collaborate internationally with universities in Spain, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, France, South Korea and other countries. The University also cooperates with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Two ICAO European Regional Training Centers are successfully functioning for aviation personnel training and upgrading.[2]

University facilities

The university occupies a total area of about 90 hectares. There are 14 academic buildings standing on 150 000 square meters. The university has 42 aircraft engines, 75 airplanes and helicopters, 240 on-board systems, 3 aircraft simulators, test benches and about 2500 modern computers being used in the educational process. The scientific and technical library has a resource of about 3 million books. The National Aviation University, the only one in Ukraine, has a unique hangar, radio equipment, a training aerodrome with aviation ground handling equipment, an aerodynamic training complex equipped with a wind tunnel, and the State Museum of Aviation. Students of the university also have access to the Sports Complex, the Arts and Culture Centre, the Medical Centre, accommodation in one among the 11 hostels, a cafeteria with a seating capacity for 1000 people at a time, memberships in the Billiard Club and e-club, all located within the students' campus.[2]

Structure of the University

More than 50,000 students study at the National Aviation University today, among them 1200 foreign students from more than 50 countries.

The National Aviation University consists of [3]:

16 institutes: Information-diagnostic Systems Institute; Aerospace Institute; Electronics and Control Systems Institute; Institute of Computer Technologies; Institute of Municipal Activity; Management and Economics Institute; Legal Institute "Institute of Air and Space Law"; Preparatory Institute; Humanities institute; ICAO Institute; The Institute of Extramural and Distance Education; Institute of Innovative Technologies; Institute of Continuing Education; Land Use and Information Technologies Institute; Institute of Management Technologies; Institute of International Relations;

2 separate faculties: Department of work with foreign students; Department of military preparation;

3 lyceums: Aerospace Lyceum; Aviation Lyceum #1; Aviation Lyceum #2;

6 colleges: College of Information Technologies, Geodesy and Organization of the Use of Land; Industrially-economic College; Slovyansk College; Kryvorizkiy College; Kremenchuzkiy College; Vasylkivskiy College;

12 research institutes and subdivisions: Research Institute of Technological Systems within Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and; Ministry of Industrial Policy; Research Institute of Integrated Telecommunication Technologies; SRI of the Fleeting Processes; SRI of Design; SRI "Aviatest"; State Research Institute of Aviation; Aerospace Center; Aerodynamic Research Center of National Aviation University of Ukraine; The Research Design Bureau "Buran"; Center "Air traffic service"; Training Center (gymnasium); Ukrainian National Research Center of Certification of Combustive-lubricating Materials and Technical Liquids;

8 departments: Department of Humanitarian Development; Department of Education and Methodology Main Office; Financial Department; Bookkeeping; Department of Work With Separate Units; Personnel and Documentary Administration; Juridical Department; Foreign Affairs Department.


External links

National Aviation University Official Website

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