- Kharkiv National University of Economics
Infobox University
name = Kharkiv National University of Economics
latin_name =
motto =
established = 1930 (1893)
endowment =
chancellor = rector Prof. V.S.Ponomarenko
vice_chancellor =
city =Kharkiv
country =Ukraine
students = 12,860 (2006)
undergrad =
postgrad =
colours =
type =
website = http://www.hneu.edu.ua/Kharkiv National University of Economics ( _uk. Харківський національний економічний університет, _ru. Харьковский национальный экономический университет) - the largest economic higher educational institution of the Eastern Ukraine; a state owned higher school of the IV-level accreditation and belongs to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
In 2006/2007 educational year of 12860 students of all forms of training, 690 professors and teachers.
KNUE provides a full range of educational services implementing multistage training, retraining and upgrading of specialists in 22 specialities in the following fields:
economy andbusiness ,management ,government , computer sciences, publishing business and printing industry ,tourism , on three qualifying levels -bachelor , expert (qualification),master .History of University
The Kharkiv National University of Economics is connected by direct historical continuity with the Kharkov commercial school of Emperor Alexander III (1893-1919), Kharkov higher commercial courses of the Kharkov merchant society (1912-1916), Kharkov commercial institute (1916-1919) and the Kharkov institute of a national economy (1919-1930).
Official date of creation is October 1, 1930 when it was created on the basis of industrial faculty of the Kharkov institute of a national economy as the Kharkov engineering and economic institute. It prepared experts specialized on engineering and economic analysis for the key branches of the heavy industry of Ukraine and the USSR on machine-building, metallurgical, chemical and a forge{bugle} faculties. In 1964 was founded the faculty of the mechanized processing of the economic information, in 1970 - economic faculty.
The institute rendered the wide advisory help to the industrial enterprises on reconstruction, technological updating, increase of labour productivity and economic efficiency of manufacture, cost-effectiveness analysis; since 1960th - on the organization of the automated control systems (management information systems). During this period in the Institut had been created the advanced system of retraining and improvement of professional skill of the supervising personnel of the industry.
At institute a number of research laboratories operated, including research laboratory of economy and organizations of machine-building industry of Kharkov economic region under a scientific management of Prof. E.G.Liberman. It's researchs was assumed as a basis of Economic reform in 1965 in the USSR.
In 1994 KhIEI was conferred the rank of the state economic university of the supreme IV level of accreditation. Since August, 21, 2004 - the Kharkov national economic university.
Participant of Magna Charta Universitatum (since 2004).
Scientific schools in the field of strategic management of the industrial enterprises and associations, economic cybernetics, a tax policy, management of social and economic development of regions. Developing of «Strategy of social and economic development of the Kharkov area for the period till 2011».
Structure of university
The university includes the following faculties:
* Account and audit
* Management and marketing
* Financial
* Economic informatics
* International economic relations
* Economy and LawAlso Foundation (Preparatory) faculty and faculty for Correspondence (Part-time) Education.The structure of university includes 34 departments, the Higher schools, Interbranch institute of the improvement of professional skill, special councils for defending a thesis, educational and research laboratories, business center, computer center, scientific library, publishing house, sports complexes, hostels.
* [http://www.hneu.edu.ua/ Official site]
* [http://www.inzhek.kharkov.ua/ Publishing house "INZHEK"]Bibliography
Narysy z istorij Kharkivskogo nacionalnogo economichnogo universitetu / D.J.Mihajlichenko, V.E.Jermachenko, O.A.Sahno, Edited by V.S.Ponomarenko.-Kharkiv., 2005. "(Нариси з історії Харківського національного економічного університету: Монографія / Д.Ю.Михайличенко, В.Є.Єрмаченко, О.А.Сахно, Під заг. ред. В.С.Пономаренка. - Харків, 2005.)"
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.