NASA Astronaut Group 8

NASA Astronaut Group 8
NASA Astronaut Group 8.jpg
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NASA's Astronaut Group 8 was the first selection in nine years of astronaut candidates since Group 7 in August 1969. Due to the long delay between the last Apollo lunar mission in 1972 and the first flight of the Space Shuttle in 1981, few astronauts from the older groups stayed with NASA. Thus in January 1978 a new group of 35 astronauts, including NASA's first female astronauts, was selected.[1] Since then, a new group of candidates has been selected roughly every two years.[2]

In Astronaut Group 8, two different astronaut groups were formed: pilots and mission specialists. (With shuttle classes, NASA stopped sending non-pilots for one year of UPT.) Of the 35 selected, six were women, three were male African Americans, and one was a male Asian American. Within this group a sizable number of American spaceflight firsts were achieved:

(The previous seven groups had only Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps officers and civilians, with the West Point graduates having accepted commissions in the Air Force.)

Of this group, Scobee, Resnik, Onizuka, and McNair would perish in the Challenger accident.[11] After the Challenger accident, Sally Ride would serve on both the Rogers Commission and the Columbia Accident Investigation Board.[3] Only Anna Fisher remains on active duty eligible for a flight assignment,[12] however her tenure was broken by a leave of absence from 1989 to 1996. Shannon Lucid's tenure has been continuous since selection; while she is no longer eligible for flight assignment, she continues to perform ground-based duties, serving as CAPCOM for shuttle missions to 2011, including the final flight day of the final mission.

Group 8's name for itself was "TFNG." The abbreviation was deliberately ambiguous; for public purposes, it stood for "Thirty-Five New Guys"; however, within the group itself, it was known to stand for an off-color military phrase used to denote newcomers to a unit.[13]



STS-8 ChallengerAugust 1983PilotINSAT-1B satellite deployment mission[14]
STS-51-G DiscoveryJune 1985CommanderArabsat-1B, Morelos I, and Telstar 3D satellite deployment mission[14]
STS-32 ColumbiaJanuary 1990CommanderSyncom IV-5 satellite deployment; Long Duration Exposure Facility retrieval mission[14]
STS-49 EndeavourMay 1992CommanderIntelsat VI repair mission[14]
STS-41-D DiscoveryAugust 1984PilotSBS-D, Telstar 3C, and Syncom IV-2 satellite deployment mission[15]
STS-29 DiscoveryMarch 1989CommanderTDRS D satellite deployment mission[15]
STS-39 DiscoveryApril 1991CommanderUnited States Department of Defense mission; carried AFP-675[15]
  • Richard Covey (4 flights)[16]
STS-51-I DiscoveryAugust 1985PilotAUSSAT-I, ASC-I, and Syncom IV-4 satellite deployment; Syncom IV-3 repair mission[16]
STS-26 DiscoverySeptember 1988PilotTDRS C satellite deployment mission[16]
STS-38 AtlantisNovember 1990CommanderUnited States Department of Defense mission; deployed USA-67 (either SDS-2 or Magnum)[16]
STS-61 EndeavourDecember 1993CommanderHubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission # 1[16]
STS-51-G DiscoveryJune 1985PilotArabsat-1B, Morelos I, and Telstar 3D satellite deployment mission[17]
STS-36 AtlantisFebruary 1990CommanderUnited States Department of Defense mission; deployed USA-53 (Misty)[17]
STS-48 DiscoverySeptember 1991CommanderUpper Atmosphere Research Satellite deployment mission[17]
STS-41-B ChallengerFebruary 1984PilotWestar 6 and Palapa B2 satellite deployment mission[9]
STS-61-C ColumbiaJanuary 1986CommanderSatcom K1 satellite deployment mission[9]
STS-27 AtlantisDecember 1988CommanderUnited States Department of Defense mission; deployed USA-34 (Lacrosse-1)[9]
STS-47 EndeavourSeptember 1992CommanderSpacelab mission[9]
STS-71 AtlantisJune 1995CommanderShuttle-Mir docking[9]
STS-51-B ChallengerApril 1985PilotSpacelab mission[18]
STS-33 DiscoveryNovember 1989CommanderUnited States Department of Defense mission; deployed USA-48 (Magnum 2)[18]
STS-44 AtlantisNovember 1991CommanderUnited States Department of Defense mission; deployed a DSP satellite[18]
STS-7 ChallengerJune 1983PilotAnik C-2 and Palapa B1 satellite deployment mission[19]
STS-51-A DiscoveryNovember 1984CommanderAnik D-2 and Syncom IV-1 satellite deployment; Westar 6 and Palapa B2 satellite retrieval mission[19]
STS-26 DiscoverySeptember 1988CommanderTDRS C satellite deployment mission[19]
STS-41-G ChallengerOctober 1984PilotEarth Radiation Budget Satellite deployment mission[20]
  • Steven Nagel (4 flights)[21]
STS-51-G DiscoveryJune 1985Mission specialistArabsat-1B, Morelos I, and Telstar 3D satellite deployment mission[21]
STS-61-A ChallengerOctober 1985PilotSpacelab mission[21]
STS-37 AtlantisApril 1991CommanderCompton Gamma Ray Observatory deployment mission[21]
STS-55 ColumbiaApril 1993CommanderSpacelab mission[21]
STS-41-C ChallengerApril 1984PilotLong Duration Exposure Facility deployment and Solar Max repair mission[22]
STS-51-L ChallengerJanuary 1986CommanderTDRS B satellite deployment mission[22]
  • Brewster Shaw (3 flights)[23]
STS-9 ColumbiaNovember 1983PilotSpacelab mission[23]
STS-61-B AtlantisNovember 1985CommanderMorelos-B, and AUSSAT-2 satellite deployment mission[23]
STS-28 ColumbiaAugust 1989CommanderUnited States Department of Defense mission; deployed USA-40 (SDS-2)[23]
STS-51-C DiscoveryJanuary 1985PilotUnited States Department of Defense mission; deployed USA-8 (Magnum 1)[24]
STS-31 DiscoveryApril 1990CommanderHubble Space Telescope deployment mission[24]
STS-46 AtlantisJuly 1992CommanderEURECA deployment and Tethered Satellite System mission[24]
STS-51-A DiscoveryNovember 1984PilotAnik D-2 and Syncom IV-1 satellite deployment; Westar 6 and Palapa B2 satellite retrieval mission[25]
STS-30 AtlantisMay 1989CommanderMagellan probe deployment mission[25]
STS-53 DiscoveryDecember 1992CommanderUnited States Department of Defense mission; deployed USA-89 (SDS-2)[25]
STS-69 EndeavourSeptember 1995CommanderWake Shield Facility and Spartan 201 mission[25]
STS-51-D DiscoveryApril 1985PilotAnik C-1 and Syncom IV-3 satellite deployment mission[26]
STS-34 AtlantisOctober 1989CommanderGalileo probe deployment mission[26]

Mission specialists

Guion Bluford, the first African-American in space.
STS-8 ChallengerAugust 1983INSAT-1B satellite deployment mission[4]
STS-61-A ChallengerOctober 1985Spacelab mission[4]
STS-39 DiscoveryApril 1991United States Department of Defense mission; carried AFP-675[4]
STS-53 DiscoveryDecember 1992United States Department of Defense mission; deployed USA-89 (SDS-2)[4]
STS-51-C DiscoveryJanuary 1985United States Department of Defense mission; deployed USA-8 (Magnum 1)[27]
STS-61-A ChallengerOctober 1985Spacelab mission[27]
STS-29 DiscoveryMarch 1989TDRS D satellite deployment mission[27]
STS-48 DiscoverySeptember 1991Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite deployment mission[27]
STS-7 ChallengerJune 1983Anik C-2 and Palapa B1 satellite deployment mission[28]
STS-51-G DiscoveryJune 1985Arabsat-1B, Morelos 1, and Telstar 3D satellite deployment mission[28]
STS-51-A DiscoveryNovember 1984Anik D-2 and Syncom IV-1 satellite deployment; Westar 6 and Palapa B2 satellite retrieval mission[12]
STS-8 ChallengerAugust 1983INSAT-1B satellite deployment mission[29]
STS-51-A DiscoveryNovember 1984Anik D-2 and Syncom IV-1 satellite deployment; Westar 6 and Palapa B2 satellite retrieval mission[29]
STS-51-D DiscoveryApril 1985Anik C-1 and Syncom IV-3 satellite deployment mission[30]
  • Terry Hart (1 flight)[31]
STS-41-C ChallengerApril 1984Long Duration Exposure Facility deployment and Solar Max repair mission[31]
STS-41-D DiscoveryAugust 1984SBS-D, Telstar 3C, and Syncom IV-2 satellite deployment mission[32]
STS-61-C ColumbiaJanuary 1986Satcom K1 satellite deployment mission[32]
STS-31 DiscoveryApril 1990Hubble Space Telescope deployment mission[32]
STS-82 DiscoveryFebruary 1997Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission # 2[32]
STS-93 ColumbiaJuly 1999Chandra X-ray Observatory deployment mission[32]
  • Jeffrey Hoffman (5 flights)[33]
STS-51-D DiscoveryApril 1985Anik C-1 and Syncom IV-3 satellite deployment mission[33]
STS-35 ColumbiaDecember 1990Spacelab mission[33]
STS-46 AtlantisJuly 1992EURECA deployment and Tethered Satellite System mission[33]
STS-61 EndeavourDecember 1993Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission # 1[33]
STS-75 ColumbiaFebruary 1996EDO mission[33]
STS-51-G DiscoveryJune 1985Arabsat-1B, Morelos 1, and Telstar 3D satellite deployment mission[8]
STS-34 AtlantisOctober 1989Galileo probe deployment mission[8]
STS-43 AtlantisAugust 1991TDRS E satellite deployment mission[8]
STS-58 ColumbiaOctober 1993Spacelab/EDO mission[8]
STS-76 AtlantisMarch 1996Shuttle-Mir docking (launch)[8]
Mir NASA-1second American long-duration increment on Mir[8]
STS-79 AtlantisSeptember 1996Shuttle-Mir docking (landing)[8]
STS-41-B ChallengerFebruary 1984Westar 6 and Palapa B2 satellite deployment mission[34]
STS-51-L ChallengerJanuary 1986TDRS B satellite deployment mission[34]
STS-41-D DiscoveryAugust 1984SBS-D, Telstar 3C, and Syncom IV-2 satellite deployment mission[35]
STS-27 AtlantisDecember 1988United States Department of Defense mission; deployed USA-34 (Lacrosse-1)[35]
STS-36 AtlantisFebruary 1990United States Department of Defense mission; deployed USA-53 (Misty)[35]
STS-41-C ChallengerApril 1984Long Duration Exposure Facility deployment and Solar Max repair mission[36]
STS-61-C ColumbiaJanuary 1986Satcom K1 satellite deployment mission[36]
STS-26 DiscoverySeptember 1988TDRS C satellite deployment mission[36]
Ellison Onizuka, the first Asian-American in space.
STS-51-C DiscoveryJanuary 1985United States Department of Defense mission; deployed USA-8 (Magnum 1)[6]
STS-51-L ChallengerJanuary 1986TDRS B satellite deployment mission[6]
STS-41-D DiscoveryAugust 1984SBS-D, Telstar 3C, and Syncom IV-2 satellite deployment mission[37]
STS-51-L ChallengerJanuary 1986TDRS B satellite deployment mission[37]
Sally Ride, the first American woman in space.
STS-7 ChallengerJune 1983Anik C-2 and Palapa B1 satellite deployment mission[3]
STS-41-G ChallengerOctober 1984Earth Radiation Budget Satellite deployment mission[3]
  • Rhea Seddon (3 flights)[10]
STS-51-D DiscoveryApril 1985Anik C-1 and Syncom IV-3 satellite deployment mission[10]
STS-40 ColumbiaJune 1991Spacelab mission[10]
STS-58 ColumbiaOctober 1993Spacelab/EDO mission[10]
STS-41-B ChallengerFebruary 1984Westar 6 and Palapa B2 satellite deployment mission[38]
STS-51-J AtlantisOctober 1985United States Department of Defense mission; DSCS-III satellite deployment[38]
STS-41-G ChallengerOctober 1984Earth Radiation Budget Satellite deployment mission[5]
STS-31 DiscoveryApril 1990Hubble Space Telescope deployment mission[5]
STS-45 AtlantisMarch 1992Spacelab mission[5]
STS-7 ChallengerJune 1983Anik C-2 and Palapa B1 satellite deployment mission[7]
STS-51-B ChallengerApril 1985Spacelab mission[7]
STS-30 AtlantisMay 1989Magellan probe deployment mission[7]
STS-42 DiscoveryJanuary 1992Spacelab mission[7]
Soyuz TM-21March 1995Shuttle-Mir Program, first American to launch in a Russian rocket[7]
Mir EO-18first American long-duration increment on Mir[7]
STS-71 AtlantisJuly 1995Shuttle-Mir docking (landing)[7]
STS-41-C ChallengerApril 1984Long Duration Exposure Facility deployment and Solar Max repair mission[39]
STS-51-I DiscoveryAugust 1985AUSSAT-I, ASC-I, and Syncom IV-4 satellite deployment; Syncom IV-3 repair mission[39]


  1. ^ NASA (2002-10-31). "GPN-2004-00025 - First Class of Female Astronauts". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  2. ^ NASA (January 2005) (PDF). Astronaut Fact Book. pp. 6263. Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  3. ^ a b c d e NASA (July 2006). "Astronaut Bio: Sally K. Ride". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  4. ^ a b c d e f NASA (May 2008). "Astronaut Bio: Guion S. Bluford, Jr.". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  5. ^ a b c d e NASA (October 2005). "Astronaut Bio: Kathryn D. Sullivan". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  6. ^ a b c d NASA (January 2007). "Astronaut Bio: Ellison Onizuka". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i NASA (August 1995). "Astronaut Bio: N. E. Thagard". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i NASA (January 2008). "Astronaut Bio: Shannon Lucid". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  9. ^ a b c d e f g NASA (November 1996). "Astronaut Bio: R. L. Gibson". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  10. ^ a b c d e NASA (November 1998). "Astronaut Bio: M. R. Seddon". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  11. ^ NASA (2004-10-22). "The Crew of the Challenger Shuttle Mission in 1986". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  12. ^ a b c NASA (January 2008). "Astronaut Bio: Anna Fisher". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  13. ^ Mullane, Mike (2007). Riding Rockets: The Outrageous Tales of a Space Shuttle Astronaut. Simon and Schuster. p63. ISBN 9780743276832. OCLC 671034758. 
  14. ^ a b c d e NASA (October 2007). "Astronaut Bio: Daniel C. Brandenstein". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  15. ^ a b c d NASA (May 2008). "Astronaut Bio: Michael L. Coats". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  16. ^ a b c d e NASA (October 2007). "Astronaut Bio: Richard O. Covey". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  17. ^ a b c d NASA (December 1994). "Astronaut Bio: John O. Creighton". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  18. ^ a b c d NASA (October 2005). "Astronaut Bio: Frederick D. Gregory". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  19. ^ a b c d NASA (November 2007). "Astronaut Bio: Frederick (Rick) Hauck". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  20. ^ a b NASA (June 2008). "Astronaut Bio: J. McBride". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  21. ^ a b c d e NASA (January 2006). "Astronaut Bio: Steve Nagel". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  22. ^ a b c NASA (December 2003). "Astronaut Bio: Dick Scobee". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  23. ^ a b c d NASA (February 2006). "Astronaut Bio: Brewster H. Shaw". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  24. ^ a b c d NASA (May 2008). "Astronaut Bio: Loren J. Shriver". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  25. ^ a b c d e NASA (April 2001). "Astronaut Bio: David Walker". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  26. ^ a b c NASA (December 1993). "Astronaut Bio: Donald E. Williams". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  27. ^ a b c d e NASA (December 1993). "Astronaut Bio: James F. Buchli". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  28. ^ a b c NASA (December 1993). "Astronaut Bio: John M. Fabian". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  29. ^ a b c NASA (December 1994). "Astronaut Bio: Dale A. Gardner". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  30. ^ a b NASA (June 1989). "Astronaut Bio: David Griggs". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  31. ^ a b NASA (January 2006). "Astronaut Bio: Terry J. Hart". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  32. ^ a b c d e f NASA (August 2008). "Astronaut Bio: Steve Hawley". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  33. ^ a b c d e f NASA (September 2002). "Astronaut Bio: J. Hoffman". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  34. ^ a b c NASA (December 2003). "Astronaut Bio: Ronald McNair". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  35. ^ a b c d NASA (January 1996). "Astronaut Bio: Richard M. Mullane". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  36. ^ a b c d NASA (April 1989). "Astronaut Bio: George D. "Pinky" Nelson". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  37. ^ a b c NASA (December 2003). "Astronaut Bio: Judith A. Resnik (Ph.D.)". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  38. ^ a b c NASA (December 1993). "Astronaut Bio: Robert L. Stewart". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 
  39. ^ a b c NASA (December 1993). "Astronaut Bio: James D. A. (Ox) van Hoften". Retrieved 2008-10-18. 

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