List of statisticians

List of statisticians

Statisticians or people who made notable contributions to the theories of statistics, or related aspects of probability, or machine learning.__NOTOC__CompactTOC8
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* Odd Olai Aalen (1947-)
* Edith Abbott
* Robert P. Abelson
* Moses Abramovitz
* Gottfried Achenwall (1719-1772)
* Abraham Manie Adelstein (1916-1992)
* John Aitchison (1926-)
* Alexander Aitken (1895-1967)
* Hirotsugu Akaike (1927-)
* R. G. D. Allen
* David B. Allison
* Doug Altman
* Takeshi Amemiya
* Oskar Anderson (1887-1960)
* Francis Anscombe
* Luc Anselin
* Peter Armitage (1924-)
* Kenneth Arrow
* Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
* Oscar Phelps Austin
* Leonard Porter Ayres


* Raghu Raj Bahadur (1924-1997)
* David Balding
* George Alfred Barnard (1915-2002)
* William A. Barnett
* Julius Bartels
* M. S. Bartlett (1910-2002)
* Geoff Bascand
* Debabrata Basu (1924-2001)
* Laurence Baxter (1954-1996)
* Thomas Bayes (1702-1761)
* Bernard Benjamin
* James Berger (statistician)
* Joseph Berkson
* José-Miguel Bernardo
* Don Berry
* William Beveridge
* P. N. Mari Bhat
* U. Narayan Bhat
* Irénée-Jules Bienaymé
* Christopher Bingham
* Allan Birnbaum (1923-1976)
* Thomas John Bisika
* David Blackwell (1919-)
* Chester Ittner Bliss
* Maurice Block
* David E. Bloom
* Walter Bodmer
* Carlo Emilio Bonferroni (1892-1960)
* Charles Booth
* John Boreham
* Ladislaus Bortkiewicz (1868-1931)
* Raj Chandra Bose (1901-1987)
* Henry Bottomley (1963-)
* Arthur Lyon Bowley (1869-1957)
* George E. P. Box (1919-)
* Ion Ionescu de la Brad (1818-1891)
* Thomas Brassey, 1st Earl Brassey
* Leo Breiman
* Norman Breslow
* Steve Brooks (statistician)
* Lawrence D. Brown
* Warren Randolph Burgess
* Józef Buzek


* T. Tony Cai
* James Caird
* John Caldwell
* Lucien Le Cam (1924-2000)
* Harry Campion
* Harry C. Carver
* Ian Castles
* George Chalmers (1742-1825)
* D. G. Champernowne (1912-2000)
* Carl Charlier (1862-1934)
* Pafnuty Chebyshev (1821-1894)
* Herman Chernoff (1923-)
* Alexey Chervonenkis (1938-)
* Yuan-Shih Chow
* Alexander Alexandrovich Chuprov (1874-1926)
* Colin Clark (1905-1989)
* Richard W. B. Clarke (1910-1975)
* David Clayton
* Ansley J. Coale
* Robert H. Coats (1874-1960)
* William Gemmell Cochran (1909-1980)
* Arthur Cockfield, Baron Cockfield
* Timothy Augustine Coghlan (1856-1926)
* Jacob Cohen
* Joel E. Cohen
* David Coleman
* Len Cook (1949-)
* Gauss Moutinho Cordeiro (1952-)
* Leonard Courtney, 1st Baron Courtney of Penwith
* Thomas M. Cover
* David Cox (statistician) (1924-)
* Gertrude Mary Cox (1900-1978)
* Richard Threlkeld Cox (1898-1991)
* Harald Cramér (Sweden, 1893 - 1985)
* August Friedrich Wilhelm Crome
* Sedley Cudmore
* Stella Cunliffe
* Jan Czekanowski


* Camilo Dagum
* Henry Daniels
* David van Dantzig
* George Dantzig
* John Darwin
* Florence Nightingale David
* Kingsley Davis
* Philip Dawid (1946-)
* Morris H. DeGroot
* W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993)
* Arthur P. Dempster
* Alain Desrosières
* Davis Rich Dewey
* Persi Diaconis (1945-)
* Sir Charles Dilke, 2nd Baronet
* Harold F. Dodge
* James Dodson
* Sir Richard Doll (1912-2005)
* Peter Donnelly
* Joseph Leo Doob
* Louis Israel Dublin
* Frank Duckworth
* Richard M. Dudley
* David F. Duncan
* Otis Dudley Duncan
* Halbert L. Dunn
* Karen Dunnell (1946-)
* Charles Dunnett
* James Durbin


* Brian Easton
* A. Ross Eckler, Jr. (1927-)
* A. Ross Eckler (1901-1991)
* Frederick Morton Eden (1766-1809)
* Francis Ysidro Edgeworth (1845-1926)
* A. W. F. Edwards (1935-)
* Bradley Efron
* Churchill Eisenhart (1913-1994)
* Ethel M. Elderton
* Robert C. Elston
* Ernst Engel (1821-1896)
* Robert F. Engle
* V. A. Epanechnikov
* A. K. Erlang (1878-1929)
* John Erritt
* Mordecai Ezekiel


* William Farr (1807-1883)
* Thomas Farrer, 1st Baron Farrer
* Gustav Fechner (1801-1887)
* Ivan Fellegi (1935-)
* William Feller
* Xavier Fernique
* Stephen Fienberg
* Bruno de Finetti (1906-1985)
* D. J. Finney
* Sir Ronald A. Fisher (1890-1962)
* Irving Fisher (1867-1947)
* Charles Wentworth-FitzWilliam, 5th Earl FitzWilliam
* William Fleetwood (1656-1723)
* Joseph L. Fleiss
* David Foot
* John Fox (statistician) (1945-)
* Henry Fowler, 1st Viscount Wolverhampton
* Lester Frankel
* Stefano Franscini
* Ronald Freedman
* Milton Friedman
* Arnoldo Frigessi di Rattalma (1959-)


* A. Ronald Gallant
* George Gallup (1901-1984)
* Francis Galton (1822-1911)
* Michel Gauquelin
* Roy C. Geary
* Seymour Geisser (1929-2004)
* Donald Geman (1943-)
* Eric Ghysels
* Lyndhurst Giblin (1872-1951)
* Robert Giffen (1910-)
* Richard D. Gill
* Corrado Gini (1884-1965)
* William Gladstone
* David Glass
* Gene V. Glass (1940-)
* Samuel Goldman
* Harvey Goldstein
* Benjamin Gompertz (1779-1865)
* I. J. Good (1916-)
* Phillip Good(1937-)
* James Goodnight
* George Goschen, 1st Viscount Goschen
* William Sealy Gosset (known as "Student") (1876-1937)
* John Graunt (1620-1674)
* Mary W. Gray
* Eugene Grebenik
* Peter Green
* Sander Greenland
* Major Greenwood (1880-1949)
* Robert Griffiths
* Zvi Griliches
* André-Michel Guerry
* Emil Julius Gumbel (1891-1966)
* Louis Guttman
* William Guy
* Pierre Gy (1924-)


* Steven Haberman (1951-)
* Jaroslav Hájek
* John Hajnal
* Anders Hald (1913-)
* Peter Gavin Hall
* Paul Halmos
* Lord George Hamilton
* John Pakington, 1st Baron Hampton
* Morris Howard Hansen (1910-1990)
* Garrett Hardin
* Ted Harris (1919-2006)
* Dudley Ryder, 2nd Earl of Harrowby
* Herman Otto Hartley
* Henry Heylyn Hayter
* Michael Healy
* Jotun Hein (1956-)
* Friedrich Robert Helmert (1843-1917)
* Charles Roy Henderson (1911-1989)
* Catherine Hewitt
* Chris Heyde (1939-2008)
* Sir Jack Hibbert (1932-2005)
* Joseph Hilbe (1944-)
* Austin Bradford Hill (1897-1991)
* Joseph Adna Hill
* David V. Hinkley
* Nils Lid Hjort (1953-)
* Wassily Hoeffding (1914-1991)
* Myles Hollander
* Herman Hollerith (1860-1929)
* Chris Holmes
* Tim Holt (1943-)
* Reginald Hawthorn Hooker (1867-1944)
* Harold Hotelling (1895-1973)
* Pao-Lu Hsu (1910-1970)
* Darrell Huff (1913-2001)
* Sir William Wilson Hunter(1840-1900)
* Col Hutchison


* Ronald L. Iman
* Joseph Oscar Irwin (1898-1982)
* Kaoru Ishikawa (1915-1989)


* Bill James (1949-)
* Edwin Thompson Jaynes (1922-1998)
* William H. Jefferys (1940-)
* Harold Jeffreys (1891-1989)
* E. Morton Jellinek (1890-1963)
* Gwilym Jenkins (1933-1982)
* William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882)
* Norman Lloyd Johnson (1917-2004)
* Robert Mackenzie Johnston
* Edward Jones
* Samuel Jones-Loyd, 1st Baron Overstone
* Michael I. Jordan
* Joseph M. Juran (1904-)
* James Jurin (1684-1750)


* Mark Kac
* Sir Maurice Kendall (1907-1983)
* David George Kendall (1918-2007)
* Joseph C. G. Kennedy
* Estate V. Khmaladze
* Ravindra Khattree
* Jack Kiefer
* Gregory King
* Willford I. King
* John Kingman (1939-)
* Leslie Kish (1910-2000)
* George Handley Knibbs
* Bogoljub Kočović
* Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov (1903-1987)
* Bernard Koopman
* Dan Krewski
* William C. Krumbein
* Joseph Kruskal (1929-)
* William Kruskal (1919-2005)
* André Krüger
* Robert Kuczynski
* Solomon Kullback (1907-1994)
* Hans-Rudolf Künsch
* Ernest Kurnow
* Steve Kuzmicich
* Simon Kuznets


* Nan Laird
* Antti Lange
* Peter Laslett
* Étienne Laspeyres (1834-1913)
* John Law (1671-1729)
* Erich Leo Lehmann
* Charles Lemon
* Wassily Leontief
* Tony Lewis
* Wilhelm Lexis (1837-1914)
* C. C. Li
* Rensis Likert
* Hubert Lilliefors (1928?-2008)
* Jarl Waldemar Lindeberg (1876-1932)
* Dennis V. Lindley (1923-)
* Frederick B. Lindstrom
* Yuri Linnik (1915-1972)
* Frederic M. Lord
* Max O. Lorenz
* Alfred J. Lotka (1880-1949)
* Michel Loève
* John Lubbock, 1st Baron Avebury
* Filip Lundberg (1876-1965)
* Frank Luntz


* John F. MacGregor
* Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis (1893-1972)
* Bernard Mallet
* Thomas Malthus
* Renato Mannheimer
* Nathan Mantel (1919-2002)
* Kantilal Mardia
* A.A. Markov (1856-1922)
* Maryse Marpsat
* Donald Marquardt (1929-1997)
* Frederick Marquis, 1st Earl of Woolton
* Jacob Marschak
* Herbert Marshall (Dominion Statistician)
* Marco Martini
* Kenneth Massey
* Motosaburo Masuyama (1912-2005)
* John Mauchly
* Peter McCullagh
* Colin McEvedy
* Anderson Gray McKendrick (1876-1943)
* Bill McLennan
* Royal Meeker
* Gheorghe Mihoc
* George A. Milliken
* Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Baron Houghton
* Wesley Clair Mitchell
* Warren Mitofsky
* Abraham de Moivre
* Edward C. Molina
* Henry Ludwell Moore
* Pat Moran
* William Morgan
* Carl Morris
* Winifred J. Morrison
* Claus Moser (1922-)
* Frederick Mosteller (1916-2006)
* Frederic J. Mouat
* José Enrique Moyal
* Stephen D. Mumford


* Guy Nason
* Charles P. Neill
* John Nelder
* William Newmarch (1820-1882)
* Jerzy Neyman (1894-1981)
* Florence Nightingale (1820-1910)
* Gottfried E. Noether
* Carl O. Nordling
* Frank W. Notestein


* William Fielding Ogburn
* S. Jay Olshansky
* Octav Onicescu
* William Onslow, 4th Earl of Onslow
* Mollie Orshansky


* George Paine
* John Panaretos
* Emanuel Parzen (1929-)
* Raymond Pearl
* Egon Pearson (1895-1980)
* Karl Pearson (1857-1936)
* Basilio de Bragança Pereira
* Julian Peto
* Richard Peto
* William Petty (1623-1687)
* Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne
* K. C. Sreedharan Pillai
* Brian Pink
* E. J. G. Pitman (1897-1993)
* Robin Plackett
* William Playfair (1759-1823)
* Elżbieta Pleszczyńska
* Samuel H. Preston
* Richard Price
* Maurice Priestley
* Alwyn Pritchard (1947-)
* Reginald Punnett
* George Pólya (1887-1985)


* Adolphe Quetelet (1796-1874)


* Howard Raiffa
* Stefan Ralescu (1952-)
* C.R. Rao (1920-)
* Georg Rasch (1901-1980)
* Olav Reiersøl (1908-2001)
* E. C. Rhodes
* Thomas Spring Rice, 1st Baron Monteagle of Brandon
* Sylvia Richardson
* John Rickman
* Brian Daniel Ripley (1952-)
* Herbert Robbins (1922-2001)
* Harry V. Roberts
* Jean-Marie Robine
* James Robins
* Bimal Kumar Roy
* S. N. Roy (1906-1966)
* Donald Rubin
* John Russell, 1st Earl Russell


* Jeff Sagarin
* David Salsburg
* Herbert Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel
* William Sanders (statistician)
* Leonard Jimmie Savage (1917-1971)
* Shlomo Sawilowsky
* Robert Schlaifer (1915-1994)
* Henry Schultz
* Arthur Schuster (1851-1934)
* Tore Schweder (1943-)
* Elizabeth Scott (1917-1988)
* Shayle R. Searle (1928-)
* Pyotr Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky (1827-1914)
* Lloyd Shapley (1923-)
* George Shaw-Lefevre, 1st Baron Eversley
* Lawrence Shepp
* William Fleetwood Sheppard (1863-1936)
* Walter A. Shewhart (1891-1967)
* Shrikhande S. S. (1917-)
* Herbert Sichel (1915-1995)
* R. E. Siday
* Sidney Siegel
* Bernard Silverman
* Sir John Sinclair, 1st Baronet (1754-1835)
* François Simiand
* Leslie Earl Simon
* Eugen Slutsky (1880-1948)
* A.F.M Smith
* Cedric Smith (1917-2002)
* Walter L. Smith
* George W. Snedecor (1881-1974)
* Carl Snyder (1869-1946)
* Robert R. Sokal
* Charles Spearman (1863-1945)
* Terry Speed
* Joseph J. Spengler
* David Spiegelhalter (1953-)
* Josiah Stamp, 1st Baron Stamp (1880-1941)
* Julian C. Stanley Jr.
* Edward Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby
* J. Michael Steele
* Charles Stein
* Matthew Stephens
* Stephen Stigler
* Richard Stone
* Samuel A. Stouffer
* Dietrich Stoyan (1940-)
* Michael Stuart
* William Henry Sykes
* Johann Peter Süssmilch


* Genichi Taguchi (1924-)
* Michael Teitelbaum
* Lester G. Telser
* Thorvald N. Thiele (1838-1910)
* Robert L. Thorndike
* John Wingate Thornton
* Willard Thorp
* Louis Leon Thurstone
* Leonard Henry Caleb Tippett
* James Tobin
* Emmanuel Todd
* Dennis Trewin
* Stanisław Trybuła
* Edward Tufte
* John Tukey (1915-2000)


* Jessica Utts


* Vladimir Vapnik (~1935 - )
* James Vaupel
* Giovanni Villani
* Jan Visman


* Grace Wahba
* Abraham Wald (1902-1950)
* Francis Amasa Walker
* Gilbert Walker
* Chris Wallace (1933-2004)
* Wilson Allen Wallis
* Derek Wanless
* Geoffrey Watson
* Robert Wedderburn
* Edward Wegman
* Waloddi Weibull (1887-1979)
* Arnold Weinstock (1924-2002)
* Walter Frank Raphael Weldon
* Thomas A. Welton
* Harald Ludvig Westergaard (1853-1936)
* Donald J. Wheeler
* Peter Whittle (1927-)
* Frank Wilcoxon (1892-1965)
* Martin Wilk (1922-)
* Samuel S. Wilks (1906-1964)
* Walter Francis Willcox
* Edwin Bidwell Wilson
* Harold Wilson
* John Wishart (1898-1956)
* Mike Wissot
* Peter Wludyka
* Herman Wold (1908-1992)
* Jacob Wolfowitz (1910-1981)
* George Henry Wood
* Holbrook Working
* Carroll D. Wright
* Sewall Wright
* E. A. Wrigley


* Frank Yates (1902-1994)
* Allyn Abbott Young
* Arthur Young (1741-1820)
* Hilton Young, 1st Baron Kennet
* G. Udny Yule (1871-1951)


* Arif Zaman
* Victor Zarnowitz
* Arnold Zellner (1927-)
* George Kingsley Zipf (1902-1950)

ee also

* List of mathematical probabilists
* List of mathematicians
* Founders of statistics

External links

*cite web | url = | title = Statisticians in History| publisher = American Statistical Association
*cite web | url = | title = Life and Work of Statisticians | publisher = Department of Mathematics, University of York
*cite web | url = | title = Figures from the History of Probability and Statistics | author = John Aldrich | publisher = University of Southampton

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