Paleontological Site Chiniquá

Paleontological Site Chiniquá

Palaeontological Site Chiniquá is located in the Brazilian city of São Pedro do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul. That the margins of the highway BR-287, with an area of about 250 hectar. It is located at 70 kilometers from the city of Santa Maria. The site belongs to geopark of paleorrota. It fossils of Triassic of Ladinian.



The Paleontological Site Chiniquá was discovered in the early twentieth century, by researcher Antero de Almeida.

Historically Chiniquá is one of the most important paleontological sites in Brazil. Researchers collected fossil in the local, that drew the attention of international researchers who later visited the region. These local researchers shaped the paleontological research in the region and Brazil. For all these contributions and historical factors, Chiniquá is now known internationally.

In 1925, the German paleontologist Dr. Bruno von Freyberg, University of Halle-Wittenberg, visited the site and ended up influencing Vicentino Prestes de Almeida, a surveyor who would learn how to collect fossils. In 1910, Vincentino, was born in Chiniquá, when the site was then a district of Santa Maria, became self-taught on the subject and their findings had great influence at the coming of Von Huene for the region. Prestosuchus is named after a Vicentino Prestes de Almeida given by Von Huene.

In 1927, the Geologist Löfgren Alex would come to Chiniquá, who is assisted by Atílio Munari.

In 1928 comes the German Friedrich von Huene, accompanied by Dr. Rudolf Stahlecker. They visited the site for two months, then had to travel 70 kilometers to Santa Maria taking tons of fossils, in carts drawn by oxen. Many fossils collected, stay at the University of Tuebingen, Germany. During this period had been staying at the home of Abel Luiz da Silva Flores (Belo Flores).

In 1965, Romeu Beltrão visited Chiniquá, and talked with Gomercindo Ilha Flores and José Francisco Flores, local residents, who had helped in the collection of Stahleckeria potens by Von Huene.

In 1959, an expedition formed by Llewellyn Ivor Price, Edwin Harris Colbert, Carlos de Paula Couto, Fausto Luís de Souza Cunha and Theodore, they collected fossils in Chiniquá.

From 1976 to 1984 priest Daniel Cargnin, was pastor of Mata City and began collecting fossils in the region.

Researchers who were at the site

Animals found

Notes and references

  • Book: Os Fascinantes Caminhos da Paleontologia. Author: Antônio Isaia. Comments: paleontologists tells the stories of Santa Maria and the region. 60 pages. Editora Pallotti (Portuguese).
  • Book: "Cronologia Histórica de Santa Maria e do extinto município de São Martinho." 1787-1933. Vol I. Author: Romeu Beltrão, Editora Pallotti, 1958 (Portuguese).

See also

External links

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Coordinates: 29°39′20″S 54°25′37″W / 29.655664°S 54.427019°W / -29.655664; -54.427019

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