- Historical geology
Historical geology is the use of the principles of
geology to reconstruct and understand the history of the Earth [ Levin, Harold. "The Earth through Time", Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2003, p.2 ] . It focuses on geologic processes that change theEarth 's surface and subsurface; and the use ofstratigraphy ,structural geology andpaleontology to tell the sequence of these events. It also focuses on theevolution ofplant s andanimal s during different time periods in thegeological timescale . The discovery ofradioactivity and the development of a variety ofradiometric dating techniques in the first half of the 20th century provided a means of deriving absolute versus relative ages of geologic history.Economic geology , the search for and extraction ofenergy andraw materials , is heavily dependent on an understanding of the geological history of an area.Environmental geology , including most importantly the geologic hazards ofearthquake s andvolcanism , must also include a detailed knowledge of geologic history.Historical development
Nicolaus Steno , also known as Niels Stensen, was the first to observe and propose some of the basic concepts of historical geology. One of these concept was thatfossils originally came from livingorganism s. The other, more famous, observations are often grouped together to form the laws ofstratigraphy .James Hutton andCharles Lyell also contributed to early understanding of the Earth's history with their observations atEdinburgh inScotland concerningangular unconformity in a rock face and it was in fact Lyell that influencedCharles Darwin greatly in histheory of evolution by speculating that " the present is the key to the past". Hutton first proposed the theory of uniformitarianism, which is now a basic principle in all branches of geology. Hutton also supported the idea that the Earth was very old as opposed to prevailing concept of the time which said the Earth had only been around a fewmillennia . Uniformitarianism describes anEarth created by the sameforces of nature that are at work today.The prevailing concept of the 18th century was that of a very short Earth history dominated by catastrophic events. This view was strongly supported by religious thinkers based on a largely literal interpretation of
biblical passages. The concept of uniformitarianism met with considerable resistance and the catastrophism vs. gradualism debate of the 19th century resulted. A variety of discoveries in the 20th century provided ample evidence that Earth history is a product of both gradual incremental processes and sudden cataclysmic events. Violent events such as meteorite impacts and largevolcanic explosions do shape theEarth's surface along with gradual processes such asweathering ,erosion and deposition much as they have throughout Earth history. "The present is the key to the past" - includes catastrophic as well as gradual processes.Notes
ee also
History of geology
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