Timeline of international trade

Timeline of international trade

The history of international trade chronicles notable events that have affected the trade between various countries.

In the era before the rise of the nation state, the term 'international' trade cannot be literally applied, but simply means trade over long distances; the sort of movement in goods which would represent international trade in the modern world.

Chronology of events


*Records from the 19th century BC attest to the existence of an Assyrian merchant colony at Kanesh in Cappadocia. [Stearns 2001: 37]

*The domestication of camel allows Arabian nomads to control long distance trade in spices and silk from the Far East. [Stearns 2001: 41]

*The Egyptians trade in the Red sea, importing spices from the "Land of Punt" and from Arabia. [Rawlinson 2001: 11-12]

*Indian goods are brought in Arabian vessels to Aden. [Rawlinson 2001: 11-12]

*The "ships of Tarshish," a Tyrian fleet equipped at Ezion Geber, make several trading voyages to the East bringing back gold, silver, ivory and precious stones. [Rawlinson 2001: 11-12]

*Tiglath-Pileser III attacks Gaza in order to control trade along the Incense Route. [Edwards 1969: 330]

*The Greek Ptolemaic dynasty exploits trading opportunities with India prior to the Roman involvement. [Young 2001: 19]

*The cargo from the India and Egypt trade is shipped to Aden. [Young 2001: 19]

*The Silk Road is established after the diplomatic travels of the Han Dynasty Chinese envoy Zhang Qian to Central Asia, with Chinese goods making their way to India, Persia, and the Roman Empire, and vice versa.

*With the establishment of Roman Egypt, the Romans initiate trade with India. [Shaw 2003: 426]

*The goods from the East African trade are landed at one of the three main Roman ports, Arsinoe, Berenice or Myos Hormos. [O'Leary 2001: 72]

*Myos Hormos and Berencie (rose to prominence during the 1st century BCE) appear to have been important ancient trading ports. [Shaw 2003: 426]

*Gerrha controls the Incense trade routes across Arabia to the Mediterranean and exercises control over the trading of aromatics to Babylon in the 1st century BC. [Larsen 1983: 56] Additionally, it served as a port of entry for goods shipped from India to the East. [Larsen 1983: 56]

*Due to its prominent position in the Incense trade, Yemen attracts settlers from the fertile crescent. [Glasse 2001: 59]

*Pre-Islamic Meccans use the old Incense Route to benefit from the heavy Roman demand for luxury goods. [Crone 2004: 10]

*In Java and Borneo, the introduction of Indian culture creats a demand for aromatics. These trading outposts later serve the Chinese and Arab markets. [Donkin 2003: 59]

*Following the demise of the incense trade Yemen takes to the export of Coffee via the Red Sea port of "al-Mocha." [Colburn 2002: 14]

Middle Ages

*The Abbasids use Alexandria, Damietta, Aden and Siraf as entry ports to India and China. [Donkin 2003: 91-92]

*At the eastern terminus of the Silk Road, the Tang Dynasty Chinese capital at Chang'an becomes a major metropolitan center for foreign trade, travel, and residence. This role would be assumed by Kaifeng and Hangzhou during the Song Dynasty.

*Guangzhou was China's greatest international seaport during the Tang Dynasty (618–907), but its importance was eclipsed by the international seaport of Quanzhou during the Song Dynasty (960–1279).

*Merchants arriving from India in the port city of Aden pay tribute in form of musk, camphor, ambergris and sandalwood to Ibn Ziyad, the sultan of Yemen. [Donkin 2003: 91-92]

*Indian exports of spices find mention in the works of Ibn Khurdadhbeh (850), al-Ghafiqi (1150), Ishak bin Imaran (907) and Al Kalkashandi (fourteenth century). [Donkin 2003: 92]

* The Hanseatic League secures trading privileges and market rights in England for goods from the League's trading cities in 1157.


Early modern

*Due the Turkish hold on the Levant during the second half of the fifteenth century the traditional Spice Route shifts from the Persian Gulf to the Red Sea. [Tarling 1999: 10]

*Portuguese diplomat Pero da Covilha (1460after 1526) undertakes a mission to explore the trade routes of the Near East and the adjoining regions of Asia and Africa. The exploration commenced from Santarem (1487) to Barcelona, Naples, Alexandria, Cairo and ultimately to India.

*Portuguese explorer and adventurer Vasco da Gama is credited with establishing another sea route from Europe to India.

*In the 1530s, the Portuguese ship spices to Hormuz. [Donkin 2003: 170]

* Japan introduced a system of foreign trade licenses to prevent smuggling and piracy in 1592.

*The first Dutch expedition left from Amsterdam (April 1595) for South East Asia. [Donkin 2003: 169]

*A Dutch convoy sailed in 1598 and returned one year later with 600, 000 pounds of spices and other East Indian products. [Donkin 2003: 169]

*The Dutch East India Company is formed in 1602.

*The first English outpost in the East Indies is established in Sumatra in 1685.

*The seventeenth century saw military disturbances around the Ottawa river trade route. [Easterbrook 1988: 75] During the late eighteenth century, the French built military forts at strategic locations along the main trade routes of Canada. [Easterbrook 1988: 127] These forts checked the British advances, served as trading posts which included the Native Americans in fur trade and acted as communications posts. [Easterbrook 1988: 127]

* In 1799, The Dutch East India company, formerly the world's largest company goes bankrupt, partly due to the rise of competitive free trade.

Later modern

*Japan is served by the Portuguese from Macao and later by the Dutch. [Donkin 2003: 170]

*By 1815, the first shipment of nutmegs from Sumatra had arrives in Europe. [Corn 1999: 217]

*Grenada becomes involved in Spice Trade. [Corn 1999: 217]

* Opium War (1840)- Britain invades China to overturn the Chinese bar on opium imports.

*Despite the late entry of America in the spice trade merchants from Salem, Massachusetts trade profitably with Sumatra during the early half of the nineteenth century. [Corn 1999: 265]
*Free trade agreement (1860) finalized between Britain and France under the presidency of Napoleon III, prepared by Michel Chevalier and Richard Cobden, sparks off successive agreements between other countries in Europe.

*The Japanese Meiji Restoration (1868)leads the way to Japan opening its borders and quickly industrializing through free trade. Under bilateral treaties restraint of trade imports to Japan were forbidden.

*In 1873, the Wiener Börse slump signals the start of the continental Long Depression, during which support for protectionism grows.

Post war

* In 1946. the Bretton Woods system goes into effect; it had been planned since 1944 as an international economic structure to prevent further depressions and wars. It included institutions and rules intended to prevent national trade barriers being erected, as the lack of free trade was considered by many to have been a principal cause of the war.

* In 1947, 23 countries agree to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade to rationalize trade among the nations.

* European Free Trade Association is established in 1960.

* The Zangger Committee is formed in 1971 to advise on the interpretation of nuclear goods in relation to international trade and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

* October 16, 1973: OPEC raises the Saudi light crude export price, and mandate an export cut the next day, plus an Embargo on oil exports to nations allied with Israel in the course of the Yom Kippur War.

* The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) was created in 1974 to moderate international trade in nuclear related goods, after the explosion of a nuclear device by a non-nuclear weapon State.

* January 1, 1994: the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) takes effect.

* January 1, 1995: World Trade Organization is created to facilitate free trade, by mandating mutual most favored nation trading status between all signatories.

See also

* Arms trade
* China trade
* Industrial archaeology
* Fur trade

* Spice trade
* Triangle trade
* Trans-Saharan trade
* Slave trade



*cite book
last = Stearns
first = Peter N.
authorlink = Peter Stearns
coauthors = William L. Langer
title =
publisher = Houghton Mifflin Company
date = 2001-09-24
isbn = 0-395-65237-5

*cite book
last = Rawlinson
first = Hugh George
title = Intercourse Between India and the Western World: From the Earliest Times of the Fall of Rome
publisher = Asian Educational Services
year = 2001
isbn = 8120615492

*cite book
last = Shaw
first = Ian
authorlink = Ian Shaw (Egyptologist)]
title = The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt
publisher = Oxford University Press
year = 2003
isbn = 0192804588

*cite book
last = Donkin
first = Robin A.
title = Between East and West: The Moluccas and the Traffic in Spices Up to the Arrival of Europeans
publisher = Diane Publishing Company
year = 2003
isbn = 0871692481

*cite book
last = Easterbrook
first = William Thomas
title = Canadian Economic History
publisher = University of Toronto Press
year = 1988
isbn = 0802066968

*cite book
last = Rawlinson
first = Hugh George
title = Intercourse Between India and the Western World: From the Earliest Times of the Fall of Rome
publisher = Asian Educational Services
year = 2001
isbn = 8120615492

*cite book
last = Young
first = Gary Keith
title = Rome's Eastern Trade: International Commerce and Imperial Policy, 31 BC-AD 305
publisher = Routledge
year = 2001
isbn = 0415242193

*cite book
last = Corn
first = Charles
title = The Scents of Eden: A History of the Spice Trade
publisher = Kodansha America
year = 1999
isbn = 1568362498

*cite book
last = Larsen
first = Curtis
title = Life and Land Use on the Bahrain Islands: The Geoarcheology of an Ancient Society
publisher = University of Chicago Press
year = 1983
isbn = 0226469069

*cite book
last = Crone
first = Patricia
authorlink = Patricia Crone
title = Meccan Trade And The Rise Of Islam
publisher = Gorgias Press LLC
year = 2004
isbn = 1593331029

*cite book
last = Edwards
first = I. E. S.
authorlink = I. E. S. Edwards
coauthors = et al.
title = The Cambridge Ancient History
publisher = Cambridge University Press
year = 1969
isbn = 0521227178

*cite book
last = Tarling
first = Nicholas
authorlink = Nicholas Tarling
title = The Cambridge History of Southeast Asia
publisher = Cambridge University Press
year = 1999
isbn = 0521663695

*cite book
last = O'Leary
first = De Lacy
title = Arabia Before Muhammad
publisher = Routledge
year = 2001
isbn = 0415231884

*cite book
last = Colburn
first = Marta
title = The Republic Of Yemen: Development Challenges in the 21st Century
publisher = Progressio
year = 2002
isbn = 1852872497

*cite book
last = Crone
first = Patricia
authorlink = Patricia Crone
title = Meccan Trade And The Rise Of Islam
publisher = Gorgias Press LLC
year = 2004
isbn = 1593331029

*cite book
last = Glasse
first = Cyril
title = The New Encyclopedia of Islam
publisher = Rowman Altamira
year = 2001
isbn = 0759101906

*cite book
last = Corn
first = Charles
title = The Scents of Eden: A History of the Spice Trade
publisher = Kodansha America
year = 1999
isbn = 1568362498

*Needham, Joseph (1986). "Science and Civilization in China: Volume 4, Physics and Physical Technology, Part 2, Mechanical Engineering". Taipei: Caves Books Ltd.

*Ebrey, Walthall, Palais, (2006). "East Asia: A Cultural, Social, and Political History". Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

*Morton, Scott and Charlton Lewis (2005). "China: Its History and Culture: Fourth Edition". New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

* Krugman, Paul., 1996 "Pop Internationalism". Cambridge: MIT Press,

* Mill, John Stuart., 1844 "Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy"

* Mill, John Stuart., 1848 "Principles of Political Economy with some of their Applications to Social Philosophy" ( [http://www.econlib.org/library/Mill/mlP.html Full text] )

* Smith, A. 1776, "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations"

External links

* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/533716.stm The BBC's illustrated history of free trade]
* [http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/freetotrade/chap2.html The Cato institute] says free trade has brought wealth to countries engaging in it for 500 years.
* [http://www.maritimeasia.ws/topic/chronology.html A chronology of maritime Asian trade] from 425 BC (Chinese silk trade with Greece by sea.) to 1700
* [http://www.accidentalhedonist.com/index.php/2006/01/24/tariffs_and_subsidies_the_literal_cost_o Tariffs and Subsidies - The Literal Cost of High Fructose Corn Syrup]
* [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/source.asp?pubid=739 Dictionary of Traded Goods and Commodities] : a dictionary of trade in Britain, 1550-1820. Part of British History Online, by permission of the University of Wolverhampton.

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