- Timeline of environmental events
:Expand list|date=August 2008
The timeline of environmental events is a historical account of events that have shaped humanity's perspective on the environment. This timeline includes some major natural events, human induced disasters, environmentalists that have had a positive influence, and environmental legislation.
Other events and periods
Timeline of meteorology
*"See"Timeline of evolution
*"See"Geologic time scale
*"See"Older Dryas stadial
*"See"Younger Dryas stadialHolocene 10th millennium BC *Circa
10,000 BC —North America :Dire Wolf ,Smilodon ,Giant beaver ,Ground sloth ,Mammoth , andAmerican lion all become extinct.:::: —Bering Sea : Land bridge fromSiberia to North America sinks.:::: —North America :Long Island becomes an island when waters break through on the western end to the interior lake:::: — "Homo floresiensis ", thehuman 's last known surviving close relative, becomes extinct.:::: —World : Sea levels rise abruptly and massive inland flooding occurs due toglacier melt.
*Circa9700 BC —Lake Agassiz forms.
*Circa9600 BC —Younger Dryas cold period ends.Pleistocene ends andHolocene begins. Large amounts of previously glaciated land become habitable again.
*Circa9500 BC —Ancylus Lake , part of the modern-dayBaltic Sea , forms.
*Circa9000 BC - end of the pre-Boreal period of European climate change. Pollen Zone IV Pre-boreal, associated with juniper, willow, birch pollen deposits.9th millennium BC *Circa
8000 BC —World - Rising Sea levels.:::: —Antarctica - long-term melting of the Antarctic ice sheets is commencing.:::: —Asia - rising sea levels caused by postglacial warming.:::: —World - Obliteration of more than 40 million animals about this time.:::: —World population reaches 1 million.:::: —North America - The glaciers were receding and by 8,000 BC the Wisconsin had withdrawn completely.:::: —World - Inland flooding due to catastrophic glacier melt takes place in several regions.8th millennium BC *Circa
7640 BC — Date theorized for impact ofTollmann's hypothetical bolide withEarth and associated globalcataclysm .7th millennium BC *Circa
6500 BC —English Channel formed
*Circa6200 BC — The8.2 kiloyear event , a sudden significant cooling episode
*Circa6100 BC — TheStoregga Slide , causing amegatsunami in theNorwegian Sea
*Circa6000 BC — Climatic or Thermal Maximum, the warmest period in 125,000 years, with minimal glaciation and highest sea levels. (McEvedy):: — Rising sea levels form theTorres Strait , separateAustralia fromNew Guinea .:: — Increasing desiccation of the Sahara. End of the Saharan Pluvial period.:: — Associated with Pollen Zone VI Atlantic, oak-elm woodlands, warmer and maritime climate. Modern wild fauna plus, increasingly, human introductions, associated with the spread of the Neolithic farming technologies.:: — Rising sea levels from glacial retreat flood what will become theIrish Sea , separating the island ofIreland from theBritish Isles andContinental Europe .6th millennium BC *Circa
5600 BC — According to theBlack Sea deluge theory , theBlack Sea floods with salt water. Some 3000 cubic miles (12,500 km³) of salt water is added, significantly expanding it and transforming it from a fresh-water landlocked lake into a salt water sea.
*Circa5500 BC — Beginning of the desertification of northAfrica , which ultimately lead to the creation of theSahara desert. It's possible this process pushed some natives into migrating to the region of theNile in the east, thereby laying the groundwork for the rise of Egyptian civilization.
* Circa5000 BC — The Older Peron transgression, a global warm period, begins.
*5000 BC — Use of asail begins. The first known picture is on an Egyptian urn found inLuxor .4th millennium BC *Circa
3600 BC -2800 BC — Climatic deterioration in Western Europe and the Sahara. In EuropePollen zone VII Sub Boreal, oak and beech. Glacial advances of thePriora oscillation , with lower economic prosperity in areas not able to irrigate in the Middle East.
*Circa3100 BC — TheIndus Valley Civilization constructs the first advanced system ofdrainage .3rd Millennium BC *
2900 BC — Floods atShuruppak from horizon to horizon, with sediments in Southern Iraq, stretching as far north as Kish, and as far south asUruk , associated with the return of heavy rains inNineveh and a potential damming of the Karun River to run into the Tigris. This ends theJemdet Nasr period and ushers in theEarly Dynastic Period of Sumer cultures of the area. Possible association of this event with the Biblical deluge.
*2650 BC — Sumerian epic ofGilgamesh describes vast tracts ofcedar forests in what is now southernIraq . Gilgamesh defies the gods and cuts down the forest, and in return the gods say they will curseSumer with fire (or possiblydrought ). By 2100 BC,soil erosion and salt buildup have devastated agriculture. One Sumerian wrote that the "earth turned white." Civilization moved north toBabylonia andAssyria . Again, deforestation becomes a factor in the rise and subsequent fall of these civilizations.::: — Some of the first laws protecting the remaining forests decreed inUr .
*2600 BC — First artificial sewage systems constructed in the cities ofHarappa andMohenjo-daro of the Indus valley. There were networks of brick-lined sewage drains and outdoor flush toilets connected.
*2500 BC — Sahara becomes fully desiccated. Desiccation had been proceeding from6000 BC , as a result of the shift in the West African tropicalmonsoon belt southwards from theSahel . Subsequent rates of evaporation in the region led to a drying of the Sahara, as shown by the drop in water levels inLake Chad .Tehenu of the Sahara attempt to enter into Egypt, and there is evidence of a Nile drought in thepyramid ofUnas .
*2200 BC — Beginning of a severe centennial-scaledrought in northern Africa, southwestern Asia and midcontinental North America, which very likely caused the collapse of theOld Kingdom in Egypt as well as theAkkadian Empire inMesopotamia .2nd millennium BC *
1900 BC — TheAtra-Hasis Epic describes Babylonian flood, with warnings of the consequences of human overpopulation.
*1450 BC —Minoan civilization in theMediterranean declines, but scholars are divided on the cause. Possibly avolcanic eruption was the source of the catastrophe (seeMinoan eruption ). On the other hand, gradualdeforestation may have led to materials shortages in manufacturing and shipping. Loss of timber and subsequent deterioration of its land was probably a factor in the decline of Minoan power in the lateBronze Age , according to John Perlin in "A Forest Journey".
*1206 BC -1187 BC — Evidence of major droughts in the Eastern Mediterranean. Hittite and Ugarit records show requests for grain were sent to Egypt, probably during the reign of PharaohMerenptah . Carpenter has suggested that droughts of equal severity to those of the 1950s in Greece, would have been sufficient to cause the LateBronze Age collapse . The cause may have been a temporary diversion of winter storms north of the Pyrenees and Alps. Central Europe experienced generally wetter conditions, while those in the Eastern Mediterranean were substantially drier. There seems to have been a general abandonment of peasant subsistence agriculture in favour of nomadic pastoralism in Central Anatolia, Syria and northern Mesopotamia, Palestine, the Sinai and NW Arabia.
*c2000 BC -1000 BC - TheSarasvati River dries up. Desertification of the Thar Region begins.1st millennium BC *
800 BC -500 BC —Sub-Atlantic period in Western Europe. Pollen Zone VIII, sub-Atlantic. End of last Sea Level rise. Spread of "Celtic fields",Iron Age A , and Haalstadt Celts. Increased prosperity in Europe and the Middle East.
*500 BC —Roman Republic , Cloaca Maxima (big sewer) is built inRome by Etruscan dynasty of Tarquins. As Rome grows, a network of cloacae (sewers) andaqueduct s are built.:: —World population reached 100 million [ [http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/worldhis.html Historical Estimates of World Population ] ] .
*250 BC — Ashoka introducesanimal welfare legislation inIndia
*Circa225 BC — The Sub-Atlantic began about 225 BC (estimated on the basis of radiocarbon dating) and has been characterized by increased rainfall, cooler and more humid climates, and the dominance of beech forests. The fauna of the Sub-Atlantic is essentially modern although severely depleted by human activities. The Sub-Atlantic is correlated with pollen zone IX; sea levels have been generally regressive during this time interval, though North America is an exception.
*Circa200 BC —Sri Lanka first country in the world to have a [http://www.slwcs.org/ nature reserve] , KingDevanampiyatissa established a wildlife sanctuary1st millennium AD *
100 to400 — Decline ofRoman Empire may have been partly due tolead poisoning , according to modern historian andtoxicologist Jerome Nriagu. Romans usedlead acetate ("sugar of lead") to sweeten oldwine and turn grape pulp into a sweet condiment. Usually the acidic wine or pulp was simply left in a vat with sheets oflead . Anaristocrat with a sweet tooth might have eaten as much as a gram of lead a day. Widespread use of this sweetener would have causedgout , sterility,insanity and many of the symptoms which were, in fact, present among the Roman aristocrats. High levels of lead have been found in the bones of aristocratic Romans. Far more than simply using lead pipes or lead utensils, the direct consumption of lead-sweetened wine and foods created serious and widespread lead poisoning among upper-class Romans.
*535-536: global climate abnormalities affecting several civilizations.7th century *
676 —Cuthbert of Lindisfarne enacts protection legislation for birds on theFarne Islands (Northumberland ,UK ).8th century *Circa
750 — Start of theMedieval Warm Period 9th century *Circa
850 — Severe drought exacerbated by soilerosion causes collapse of Central American city states and the end of the ClassicMaya civilization .2nd millennium AD 13th century *Circa
1250 — Start of theLittle Ice Age 14th century *
1347 to1350 s —Bubonic plague decimatesEurope , creating the first attempts to enforce public health and quarantine laws.
*1366 — City ofParis forces butchers to dispose of animal wastes outside the city (Ponting); similar laws would be disputed inPhiladelphia andNew York nearly 400 years later.
*1388 —Parliament passes an act forbidding the throwing of filth and garbage into ditches, rivers and waters. City of Cambridge also passes the first urban sanitary laws inEngland .15th century *
1420 to1427 ,Madeira islands : destruction of the laurisilva forest, or the woods which once clothed the whole island when the Portuguese settlers decided to clear the land for farming by setting most of the island on fire. It is said that the fire burned for seven years.16th century *
1546 — Italian physicianGirolamo Fracastoro outlines theory of contagious disease. He reasoned that infectious diseases could be passed on in 3 ways: simple contact, indirect contact, and minute bodies over distance through the air.
*1560 to1600 — Rapid industrialization in England leads to heavydeforestation and increasing substitution ofcoal forwood .17th century *
1609 —Hugo Grotius publishes "Mare Liberum" (The Free Sea) with arguments for the new principle that the sea was international territory and all nations were free to use it for seafaring trade. The ensuing debate had theBritish empire andFrance claimsovereignty overterritorial waters to the distance within which cannon range could effectively protect it, the three mile limit.
*1640 —Isaac Walton writes "The Compleat Angler" about fishing and conservation.
*1662 —John Graunt publishes a book of mortality statistics compiled by parish and municipal councils in England. Although the numbers are inaccurate, a start was made in epidemiology and the understanding of disease and public health.
*1690 — Colonial GovernorWilliam Penn requiresPennsylvania settlers to preserve one acre of trees for every five acres cleared.:: — The lastMauritius dodo dies. The extinction was due to hunting, but also by the pigs, rats, dogs and cats brought to the island by settlers. Later the species has become an icon on animal extinction [ [http://www.petermaas.nl/extinct/speciesinfo/dodobird.htm Recently Extinct Animals - Species Info - Dodo ] ] .18th century *
1700 — Some 600 ships are engaged in hauling "sea coal" from Newcastle toLondon , an enormous increase compared to1650 , when only two ships regularly carried sea coal. Rapidindustrialization and the demand foriron and naval supplies has strippedEngland 'sforest s.
*1711 —Jonathan Swift notes the contents of London's gutters: "sweepings from butchers' stalls, dung, guts and blood, drowned puppies, stinking sprats, all drenched in mud..."
*1720 — InIndia , hundreds of BishnoisHindus of Khejadali go to their deaths trying to protect trees from theMaharaja of Jodhpur , who needed wood to fuel the lime kilns for cement to build his palace. This event has been considered as the origins of the 20th centuryChipko movement .
*1739 —Benjamin Franklin and neighbors petition Pennsylvania Assembly to stop waste dumping and remove tanneries from Philadelphia's commercial district. Foul smell, lower property values, disease and interference with fire fighting are cited. The industries complain that their rights are being violated, but Franklin argues for "public rights." Franklin and the environmentalists win a symbolic battle but the dumping goes on.
*1748 —Jared Eliot , clergyman and physician, writes "Essays on Field Husbandry in New England" promoting soil conservation.
*1762 to1769 — Philadelphia committee led byBenjamin Franklin attempts to regulatewaste disposal andwater pollution .
*1773 —William Bartram , "(1739 -1823 )". American naturalist sets out on a five year journey through the US Southeast to describe wildlife and wilderness fromFlorida to theMississippi . His book, "Travels", is published in 1791 and becomes one of the early literary classics of the new United States of America.19th century *
1815 — Eruption of Mt. Tambora in what is now Indonesia, largest of Holocene.
*1816 — "The year without a summer ."
*1820 —World population reached 1 billioncite web |title= "United Nations Population Fund moves Day of 6 Billion based on new population estimates" |publisher= Population Connection |date= 1998-10-28 |url= http://www.populationconnection.org/Reports_Publications/Reports/report14.html |accessdate= 2006-03-11 ] .
*1828 —Carl Sprengel formulates theLaw of the Minimum stating thatgrowth is limited not by the total of resources available, but by the scarcest resource.
*1845 — First use of the termCarrying capacity in a report by the US Secretary of State to the Senate.
*1849 — Establishment of theU.S. Department of Interior .
*1851 —Henry David Thoreau delivers an address to the Concord (Massachusetts) Lyceum declaring that "in Wildness is the preservation of the World." In1863 , this address is published posthumously as the essay "Walking" in Thoreau's "Excursions".
*1854 — "Henry David Thoreau" publishes "Walden ; or, Life in the Woods".
*1859 — Publication of second edition ofWilliam Elliott 'sCarolina Sports by Land and Water (first published in 1846), an early example of the hunter-as-conservationist, a phenomenon which became increasingly important forconservationism .
*1860 — "Henry David Thoreau" delivers an address to the Middlesex (Massachusetts) Agricultural Society, entitled "The Succession of Forest Trees ," in which he analyzes aspects of what later came to be understood asforest ecology and urges farmers to plant trees in natural patterns of succession; the address is later published in (among other places)Excursions , becoming perhaps his most influential ecological contribution toconservationist thought.
*1864 —George Perkins Marsh publishesMan and Nature; or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action (revised 1874 asThe Earth as Modified by Human Action ), the first systematic analysis of humanity's destructive impact on thenatural environment and a work which becomes (inLewis Mumford 's words) "the fountain-head of theconservation movement ."
*1866 — The termEcology is coined (in German as Oekologie byErnst Heinrich Philipp August Haeckel "(1834 -1919 )" in hisGenerelle Morphologie der Organismen . Haeckel was an anatomist, zoologist, and field naturalist appointed professor of zoology at the Zoological Institute, Jena, in 1865. Haeckel was philosophically an enthusiasticDarwinian . Ecology is from the Greek oikos, meaning house or dwelling and logos, meaning discourse or the study of.
*1869 — Samuel Bowles publishesOur New West. Records of Travel between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean , an influential traveller's account of the wilds and peoples of the West, in which he advocates preservation of other scenic areas such asNiagara Falls and theAdirondacks .
*1872 — The termacid rain is coined byRobert Angus Smith in the book "Air and Rain".:: — US first national park,Yellowstone National Park .:: —Arbor Day was founded byJ. Sterling Morton ofNebraska City, Nebraska . It occurs every year on the last Friday in April in the US.
*1874 —Charles Hallock establishesForest and Stream magazine sparking a US national debate about ethics and hunting.:: — German graduate studentOthmar Zeidler first synthesisesDDT , later to be used as an insecticide.
*1876 — BritishRiver Pollution Control Act makes it illegal to dump sewage into a stream.
*1879 —U.S. Geological Survey formed.John Wesley Powell , explorer of theColorado River a decade earlier, will become its head in March1881 .
*1883 - Eruption ofKrakatoa in Indonesia. The sound of the explosion is heard as far asAustralia andChina , the altered air waves causes strange colours on the sky and the volcanic gases reduce global temperatures during the following years.
*1890 —Yosemite National Park Bill , established theYosemite andSequoia National Park s inCalifornia .
*1891 —Oscar Baumann , Austrian explorer of East Africa, publishes an eye-witness account of the extreme drought period 1883-1902 calledEmutai by themaasai [http://www.physorg.com/pdf83678030.pdf] .:: —General Revision Act .
*1892 —John Muir , "(1838 -1914 )", founded theSierra Club .
*1895 — Sewage cleanup in London means the return of some fish species (grilse, whitebait, flounder, eel, smelt) to theRiver Thames .20th century *
1900 - TheGalveston Hurricane of 1900 hitsGalveston, Texas and reverses the city's previously rapid growth.
*1902 —George Washington Carver writes "How to Build Up Worn Out Soils".
*1903 — March 14, US PresidentTheodore Roosevelt creates firstNational Bird Preserve , (the beginning of theWildlife Refuge system ), onPelican Island ,Florida . :: — 7300 hectares of land in the Lake District of theAndes foothills inPatagonia are donated byFrancisco Moreno as the first park,Nahuel Huapi National Park , in what eventually becomes the National Park System of Argentina.
*1905 — The termsmog is coined byHenry Antoine Des Voeux in aLondon meeting to express concern overair pollution .
*1906 —Antiquities Act , passed by US Congress which authorized the president to set aside national monument sites.:: — San Francisco earthquake and subsequent fires destroy much of the city.*
1908 —Muir Woods National Monument was established on January 9 and now governed by theNational Park Service .:: — TheNational Conservation Commission , appointed in June by President Roosevelt.:: — An article byRobert Underwood Johnson in "Century" magazine, "A High Price to Pay for Water," helps bring the [http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/amrvhtml/consbib8.html Hetch Hetchy controversy] to national attention.
*1909 — US President Theodore Roosevelt convenes theNorth American Conservation Conference , held inWashington, D.C. and attended by representatives of Canada, Newfoundland,Mexico , and theUnited States .1910s *
1913 — US Congress enacts law which destroyed theHetch Hetchy Valley .
*1916 — US Congress created theNational Park Service .
*1918 — TheSave-the-Redwoods League is founded to the protect the remainingCoast Redwood trees. Over 60% of the redwoods in California's state redwood parks have been protected by the organization. :: —Scientific American reports alcohol-gasoline anti-knock blend is "universally" expected to be thefuel of the future. Seven years later, in Public Health Service hearings, General Motors and Standard Oil spokesmen will claim that there are no alternatives to leaded gasoline as an anti-knock additive.:: — Congress approves theMigratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 , which implements a 1916 Convention (between the U.S. and Britain, acting for Canada) for the Protection ofMigratory bird s, and establishes responsibility for international migratory bird protection.:: -Spanish Flu kills between 50 to 100 million people worldwide1920s *
1921 —Thomas Midgley discoverslead components to be an efficientantiknock agent ingasoline engines. In spite of the well known toxic effects, lead was in ubiquitous use. First banned from use inJapan 1986 . [www.worldbank.org/transport/publicat/b09.pdf]
*1927 —Great Mississippi Flood .
*1928 —Thomas Midgley develops chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's ) as a non-toxic refrigerant. The first warnings of damage to stratospheric ozone were published by Molina and Rowland 1974. They shared the1995 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for their work. Since1987 world production is reduced under theMontreal Protocol and banned in most countries.
*1929 — the Swann Chemical Company developspolychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) for transformer coolant use. Research in the 1960s revealed PCBs to be potent carcinogens. Banned from production in the US1976 , probably 1 million tonnes of PCBs were manufactured in total globally.1930s 1940s *
1944 —Flood Control Act of 1944 was signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on December 22.
*1945 —Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki . First use of atomic weapons during war.
*1947 —Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
*1948 —World Conservation Union or International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) is an international organization dedicated to natural resource conservation. Founded in 1948, its headquarters is located inGland, Switzerland .
*1949 — First knowndioxin exposure incident, in aNitro, West Virginia herbicide production plant. Extensively used during theVietnam War 1961 - 1971 asAgent Orange . Production ban in the US on some component from 1970.1950s *
1951 —The Nature Conservancy is an environmental organization founded in the United States.:: —World Meteorological Organization (WMO) established by the United Nations.
*1954 — The firstnuclear power plant to generate electricity for apower grid started operations atObninsk ,Soviet union on 27 June. The first substantial accident happened on 10 October 1957 in Windscale,England .:: —Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act
*1956 —Minamata disease , a neurological syndrome caused by severe mercury poisoning. :: —Fish and Wildlife Act .
*1958 —Mauna Loa Observatory initiates monitoring of atmosphericCarbon Dioxide (CO2) levels. The time series eventually became the main reference on global atmospheric change.1960s *
1960 — World population reached 3 billion.:: — Mobilisation in France to preserve theVanoise National Park in theAlpes (Val d'Isère, Tignes, etc.) from an important touristic project. The park itself was created three years later, in 1963, and was the first French natural park.
*1961 —World Wildlife Fund (WWF) registered as a charitable trust inMorges , Switzerland, an international organization for the conservation, research and restoration of the natural environment.
*1962 —Wallace Stegner publishes the "Wilderness Essay".:: —Rachel Carson publishes "Silent Spring".
*1964 —Norman Borlaug takes position as the director of the International Wheat Improvement Program inTexcoco ,Mexico . The program leads to thegreen revolution .:: —Wilderness Act .
*1965 —Hurricane Betsy flooded large areas of New Orleans (USA) drowning around 40 people.
*1966 — National Wildlife Refuge System Act.:: —Fur Seal Act .
*1968 — TheApollo 8 picture ofearthrise .:: — National Trails System Act.:: — Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.
*1969 —National Environmental Policy Act including the first requirements onEnvironmental impact assessment .:: — Accidental pollution of theRhine in Europe, by 500 liters ofEndosulfan , a kind of insecticide. The river was contaminated on more than 600 km and more than 20 million fish died [ "Environmental movement" article in the FrenchEncyclopedia Universalis ] ] .:: — TheIceland ic summer-spawning herring stock collapses as a result of a combination of high fishing pressure and deteriorating environmental conditions. From being a stock that was distributed over large areas in theNorth Atlantic , the stock was reduced to a small stock in Norwegian coastal waters. International efforts have later started to rebuild the stock.:: — Category 5Hurricane Camille caused damage and destruction across much of the Gulf Coast of the United States.1970s *
1970 —Earth Day , millions of people gather in the United States for the first Earth day organized byGaylord Nelson , former senator of Wisconsin, andDenis Hayes , Harvard graduate student.:: — US Environmental Protection Agency established.:: —Clean Air Act .:: — Resource Recovery Act.:: —Francis A. Schaeffer publishesPollution and the Death of Man .:: —Arne Næss leads the non-violent civil disobedience protest against damming of theMardalsfossen waterfall, later publishing on thedeep ecology philosophy.
*1971 — The international environmental organisationGreenpeace founded inVancouver , Canada. Greenpeace has later developed national and regional offices in 41 countries worldwide.:: —International Institute for Environment and Development established inLondon , UK. One offshoot is theWorld Resources Institute with its biannual report "World Resources" since 1984.:: — NonprofitKeep America Beautiful launches the nationwide "Crying Indian " television public service advertisement, reaching nearly every American household.
*1972 — TheConference on the Human Environment , held inStockholm , Sweden 5 to 16 June, the first of a series of world environmental conferences.:: —United Nations Environment Programme founded as a result of the Stockholm conference.:: — the "Oslo Convention on dumping waste at sea", later merged with the "Paris Convention on land-based sources of marine pollution" into theConvention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic .:: — TheClub of Rome publishes its reportLimits to Growth , which has sold 30 million copies in more than 30 translations, making it the best selling environmental book in world history.:: —Marine Mammal Protection Act .:: —Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (also known as Ocean Dumping Act).:: —Noise Control Act .:: —Clean Water Act .:: —Coastal Zone Management Act .:: —First photograph of the whole illuminated Earth taken from space, Apollo 17, resulting in the famous "Blue Marble" photograph, said to have been at least partly responsible for launching the modern environmental movement. :: —Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) - major amendments
*1973 —OPEC announces oil embargo against United States.:: —World Conservation Union (IUCN) meeting drafts the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES ):: — Endangered Species Preservation Act.:: —E. F. Schumacher publishesSmall Is Beautiful .
*1974 —Chlorofluorocarbon s are first hypothesized to cause ozone thinning.:: —National Reserves Management Act .:: — World population reached 4 billion.:: — State Natural Heritage Program Network launched in the US.
*1975 —Energy Policy and Conservation Act .
*1976 —Dioxin accidental release in Seveso, Italy on 10 July, killing animals and traumatizing the population.:: —Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
*1977 —Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act .:: —Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act .
*1978 —Brominated flame-retardant s replacesPCBs as as the major chemical flame retardant. Swedish scientists noticed these substances to be accumulating in human breast milk 1998. First ban on use in the EU2004 .
*1979 — TheConvention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution is established to reduce air pollutant emissions andacid rain .:: —Three Mile Island , worst nuclear power accident in US history.:: —Hans Jonas publishes "The Imperative of Responsibility: In Search of Ethics for the Technological Age".1980s *
1980 —Mount St. Helens erupts explosively inWashington state.:: —Superfund (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act or CERCLA)
*1982 —Coastal Barrier Resources Act .
*1984 —Bhopal disaster in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh (Methyl isocyanate leakage).
*1986 — Chernobyl, world's worst nuclear power accident occurs at a plant in Ukraine.:: —Emergency Wetlands Resources Act .:: —Tetra-ethyl lead phase-out was completed in the US.:: — Northern Rivers Rerouting Project abandoned by the USSR government.
*1987 — World population reached 5 billion.:: — The Report of theBrundtland Commission ,Our Common Future onsustainable development , is published.
*1988 —Ocean Dumping Ban Act .:: —Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established by twoUnited Nations organizations, theWorld Meteorological Organization (WMO) and theUnited Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to assess the "risk of human-inducedclimate change ".
*1989 —Exxon Valdez creates largest oil spill in US history.:: —Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete theozone layer entered into force on January 1. Since then, it has undergone five revisions, in 1990 (London), 1992 (Copenhagen), 1995 (Vienna), 1997 (Montreal), and 1999 (Beijing).1990s *
1990 —National Environmental Education Act .:: —European Environment Agency was established by EEC Regulation 1210/1990 and became operational in1994 . It is headquartered inCopenhagen ,Denmark .:: — The IPCC first assessment report was completed, and served as the basis of theUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).:: — Clean Air Act - major amendment
*1991 — TheProtocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty was signed 4 October. The agreement provides for the protection of the Antarctic environment through five specific annexes on marine pollution, fauna, and flora, environmental impact assessments, waste management, and protected areas. It prohibits all activities relating to mineral resources except scientific.::— World's worstoil spill occurs inKuwait during war withIraq .:: —Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established by donor governments.
*1992 — TheEarth Summit , held inRio de Janeiro from June 3 to June 14, was unprecedented for aUnited Nations conference, in terms of both its size and the scope of its concerns.:: —United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change opened for signature on 9 May ahead of the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.:: — The internationalConvention on Biological Diversity opened for signature on 5 June in connection with the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.:: —World Ocean Day began on 8 June at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.:: — TheCanadian government closes all eastern seaboard fishing grounds due to insufficient recovery of the stock.:: — Ireland's Environmental Protection Agency established.:: — The metaphorEcological footprint is coined byWilliam Rees .
*1993 — TheGreat Flood of 1993 was one of the most destructive floods in United States history involving the Missouri andMississippi river valleys.
*1994 —United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification .:: — The first genetically modified food crop released to the market. It remains a strongly controversial environmental issue.
*1995 — Scotland's Environmental Protection Agency is established.
*1996 —Western Shield , a wildlife conservation project is started in Western Australia, and through successful work has taken several species off of the state, national, and international (IUCN ) Endangered Species Lists..
*1997 — July,U.S. Senate unanimously passed by a 95–0 vote the Byrd-Hagel Resolution, which stated that theUnited States should not be a signatory to any protocol that did not include binding targets and timetables for developing as well as industrialized nations.:: — TheKyoto Protocol was negotiated inKyoto, Japan in December. It is actually an amendment to theUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Countries that ratify this protocol commit to reduce their emissions ofcarbon dioxide and five othergreenhouse gas es.
*1999 — World population reached 6 billion.21st century *
2001 — U.S. rejects theKyoto Protocol .:: — TheIPCC release theIPCC Third Assessment Report .
*2002 — Earth Summit, held inJohannesburg a United Nations conference.
*2003 — The world's largest reservoir, theThree Gorges Dam begins filling 1 June. :: — European Heat Wave resulting in the premature deaths of at least 35,000 people.
*2004 — Earthquake causes large tsunamis in the Indian Ocean, killing nearly a quarter of a million people.:: —FBI initiatesOperation Backfire - an anti-terrorist law enforcement operation against "Eco-Radicals."
*2005 — Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma cause widespread destruction and environmental harm to coastal communities in the US Gulf Coast region.:: — TheKyoto Protocol came into force on February 16 following ratification byRussia on November 18, 2004.
*2006 — Former U.S. vice presidentAl Gore releases "An Inconvenient Truth ", a documentary that describesglobal warming . The next year, Gore is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (jointly with theIntergovernmental Panel for Climate Change ) for this and related efforts.:: — TheBBC 's "Climate Chaos" season includes "Are We Changing Planet Earth? ", a two-part investigation into global warming byDavid Attenborough .:: — TheStern Review is published. The British Prime Minister,Tony Blair , says that it shows that scientific evidence of global warming was "overwhelming" and its consequences "disastrous".:: — World population reached 6.5 billion [cite web |url= http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11545564/ |title= World population hits 6.5 billion |accessdate=2007-04-19 |last= David |first=Leonard |date= 2006-02-25 |publisher=MSNBC ]
*2007 — TheIPCC release theIPCC Fourth Assessment Report .:: — Power Shift 2007 - the first National Youth Climate Conference, held in College Park, MD and Washington, D.C. November 2-5, 2007. Power Shift 2007: Rise to the Climate Challenge saw over 5,000 youth converge in Washington, D.C. to build their movement, lobby congress, and make a statement about the way youth feel about Global Warming.
*2008 — A world changing, The Green Movement becomes main-stream. Consumers force corporations to take responsibility on all fronts.See also
List of environmental issues
*Timeline of environmental history of New Zealand References
Further reading
* [http://www.radford.edu/~wkovarik/envhist/ Environmental History Timeline]
* [http://firstgov.gov/ Firstgov.gov] - various United States government sites
*"The Evolution of the Conservation Movement, "(1850-1920)"" — [http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/amrvhtml/conshome.html The Library of Congress]
* "The Global Environmental Movement",John McCormick (London: John Wiley, 1995).
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.