- Timeline of extinctions
The timeline of extinctions is an historical account of species that have gone extinct during the time that modern humans have occupied the earth.
Holocene Mass Extinction
11th millennium BC
10,000 BC —North America :Dire Wolf ,Smilodon ,Cave Lion ,Giant beaver ,Ground sloth ,Mammoth , andAmerican lion all become extinct.
*: — "Homo floresiensis ", thehuman 's last known surviving close relative, becomes extinct.7th millennium BC
*Circa 6,000 BC —
Steppe Wisent , a bison species inhabiting steppe from Asia to North America, disappears.
*: -Irish Elk becomes extinct, possibly due to changes in the ecosystem.4th millennium BC
*Circa 4,000 BC -
Tilos dwarf elephant was the last surviving paleoloxodontine in Europe. They lived on the island ofTilos in theMediterranean .3rd millennium BC
Balearic Islands Cave Goat , orMyotragus balearicus , is a species of the subfamilyCaprinae which lived in the islands ofMajorca andMinorca until its extinction around 5,000 years ago due to human hunting, the failure of domestication, the introduction of domestic animals like goats, cows, pigs and sheep and dogs were the probable causes for the extinction of this animal.2nd millennium BC
Dwarf elephant was the latestpaleoloxodontine to survive in Europe. They became extinct just less than 2000 years BC.1st millennium BC
100 BC —Syrian Elephant becomes extinct due to overhunting for ivory.1st millennium AD
11th century
1000 — Extinction of four species of themoa-nalo on the Hawaiian Island. Themoa-nalo were large ducks and the island's major herbivores.2nd millennium AD
16th century
1500 — New Zealand'sMoa , a large flightless bird, goes extinct.
*: — Madagascar'sMegaladapis includes three species of giant lemurs. Human arrival to Madagascar caused vast destruction of its forests causing thegiant lemur s' extinction.- New zealand'sHaast's eagle , a giant bird of prey, becomes extinct, along with it's food source theMoa .17th century
*1627 — The last known
Auroch dies. This large wild cattle was indigenous to much of Europe.*1662 — The last known
Mauritius dodo dies. The extinction was due to hunting, but also by the pigs, rats, dogs and cats brought to the island by settlers. Later the species has become an icon on animal extinction [ [http://www.petermaas.nl/extinct/speciesinfo/dodobird.htm Raphus cucullatus] at the Recently Extinct Animals website] .TheElephant bird , a giant flightless bird, becomes extinct sometime in the 17 century.18th century
1768 — TheSteller's Sea Cow becomes extinct due to hunting for food, oil, and skins.19th century
1870s — The last knownAtlas Bear , Africa's only native bear, is killed by hunters inMorocco . The bear was heavily hunted and used for sport in the Roman Empire.*
1875 - TheBroad-faced Potoroo became extinct.*
1876 — TheFalkland Island fox becomes extinct due to intended extermination by human settlers.*
1883 — TheQuagga , a sub-species of theplains zebra , goes extinct.*
1884 — The last knownGreat Auk killed. The bird was hunted to extinction.*
1889 - TheEastern Hare-wallaby becomes extinct.*
1896 - TheEastern Elk , a subspecies of Elk in the US and Canada, dies out in Minnesota. They were over-hunted for food, clothing, sport and decoration for theJolly Corkers who used their teeth as symbols.20th century
1914 — The last knownPassenger Pigeon dies. Due to massive hunting to feed the poor and slaves the Passenger Pigeon went from being one of the world's most populous birds to extinction.*
1918 — TheCarolina Parakeet goes extinct, the only parrot species in the Eastern U.S.
*: — The lastTarpan , a Ukranian wild horse, dies in captivity.1930s
1930 — Last knownGiant Aye-aye killed in Madagascar. The species was 2.5-5 times the size of the endangeredAye-aye .*: -
Darwin's Rice Rat becomes extinct on the Galapagos, probably due to the introduction of brown and black European rats.*
1934 - TheIndefatigable Galapagos Mouse becomes extinct four years afterDarwin's Rice Rat on the same island.*
1935 - TheDesert Rat-kangaroo becomes extinct.*
1936 — TheThylacine , at the time the world's largest carnivorous marsupial, is declared extinct.1940s
1942 - TheVegas Valley Leopard Frog last seen in Nevada.
*1943 - TheToolache Wallaby declared extinct.1950s
* Circa
1950 — TheIsrael painted frog goes extinct because its marsh habitat is drained.*
1952 — Last reliable report of theCaribbean Monk Seal .*
1956 -Crescent Nail-tail Wallaby declared extinct.1960s
1962 — A survey found no survivingTiticaca Orestias , a fish native toLake Titicaca inPeru .
*1963 The lastCape Lion was killed in South Africa.
*1966 The lastArabian Ostrich died.1970s
* Circa
1970 — TheCaspian Tiger becomes extinct. Nearly exterminated by the Russian government in the early 20th century the last of its population succumbed to deforestation and hunting.1980s
1989 — TheGolden Toad of Costa Rica becomes extinct due toclimate change .1990s
1994 —Saint Croix Racer , a snake native to theVirgin Islands , declared extinct.
*: —Levuana Moth from Hawaii goes extinct.*
1997 - Last knownAldabra banded snail from theSeychelles Islands found. Scientists believeglobal warming may have been the reason for the snail's demise. cite news | title = Climate change claims snail | url = http://news.mongabay.com/2007/0813-snail.html | publisher = mongabay.org | date =2007-08-13 | accessdate - 2007-09-22]21st century
2000 — The lastPyrenean Ibex dies under a fallen tree. The reasons for its extinction are still being debated.
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