Superior root of ansa cervicalis
- Superior root of ansa cervicalis
Nerve: Superior root of ansa cervicalis |
Ansa cervicalis. Superior root labeled as "descending hypoglossal", Inferior root labeled as "descending cervical". |
Latin |
radix superior ansae cervicalis, descendens hypoglossi |
Gray's |
subject #210 928 |
The superior root of the ansa cervicalis is formed by branches of spinal nerves [Cervical spinal nerve 1 (C1) and 2 (C2)].
These nerve fibers travel in the hypoglossal nerve before separating in the carotid triangle to form the superior root.
The superior root goes around the occipital artery and then descends on the carotid sheath.
It sends off branches to the superior belly of the omohyoid muscle, and the upper parts of the sternothyroid and sternohyoid muscles and is then joined by the inferior root.
External links
- Nerves of the head and neck
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superior root of ansa cervicalis — radix superior ansae cervicalis … Medical dictionary
Inferior root of ansa cervicalis — Nerve: Inferior root of ansa cervicalis Ansa cervicalis. Superior root labeled as descending hypoglossal , Inferior root labeled as descending cervical . Latin radix inferior ansae cervicalis, descendens cervicalis Gray s … Wikipedia
Ansa cervicalis — Infobox Nerve Name = PAGENAME Latin = GraySubject = 210 GrayPage = 928 Caption = Ansa cervicalis. Superior root labeled as descending hypoglossal , Inferior root labeled as descending cervical . Innervates = sternohyoid muscle, sternothyroid… … Wikipedia
anterior root of ansa cervicalis — radix superior ansae cervicalis … Medical dictionary
ansa cervicalis — ansa cer·vi·ca·lis .sər və kal əs, kā ləs n a nerve loop from the upper cervical nerves that accompanies the hypoglossal nerve and innervates the infrahyoid muscles * * * [TA] a nerve loop in the neck that supplies the infrahyoid muscles and that … Medical dictionary
root — 1. The primary or beginning portion of any part, as of a nerve at its origin from the brainstem or spinal cord. SYN: radix (1) [TA]. 2. SYN: r. of tooth. 3. The descending underground … Medical dictionary
radix superior ansae cervicalis — [TA] superior root of ansa cervicalis: fibers of the first or second cervical nerve, descending in company with the hypoglossal nerve, connecting it with the ansa cervicalis and helping supply the infrahyoid muscles. Called also r. anterior ansae … Medical dictionary
ansa — Any anatomical structure in the form of a loop or an arc. SEE ALSO: loop. [L. loop, handle] a. cervicalis [TA] a loop in the cervical plexus consisting of fibers from the first three cervical nerves. Fibers from a … Medical dictionary
ramus thyrohyoideus ansae cervicalis — [TA] thyrohyoid branch of ansa cervicalis: a branch from the superior root of the ansa cervicalis, innervating the thyrohyoid muscle; modality, motor … Medical dictionary
branch — An offshoot; in anatomy, one of the primary divisions of a nerve or blood vessel. A b.. See ramus, artery, nerve, vein. SYN: ramus (1) [TA]. accessory meningeal b. SYN: pterygomeningeal artery … Medical dictionary