No Code of Conduct

No Code of Conduct
No Code of Conduct
Directed by Bret Michaels
Produced by Danny Dimbort
Charlie Sheen
Shane Stanley
Boaz Davidson
Avi Lerner
Elia Samaha
Trevor Short
Written by Bret Michaels
Charlie Sheen
Shane Stanley
Bill Gucwa
Ed Masterson
Starring Charlie Sheen
Martin Sheen
Mark Dacascos
Music by Kyle Level
Bret Michaels
Cinematography Adam Kane
Editing by Shane Stanley
Distributed by Nu Image Films
Running time 95 minutes
Country USA
Language English
Budget $12,000,000

No Code of Conduct is a 1998 action film directed by Bret Michaels. The film stars Charlie Sheen, and Martin Sheen as father-and-son vice unit detectives, along with Mark Dacascos who portrays Charlie Sheen's partner. The film was released as a direct-to-video feature in some countries, including: Australia, Sweden, Japan, The Czech Republic, Argentina, Brazil, Azerbaijan, Russia and Turkey. Bret Michaels is credited as Director, Screenwriter, Composer (Music Score), Actor and Executive Producer. Charlie Sheen's credits in this release include Actor, Screenwriter and Executive Producer.


Plot summary

Jake Peterson (Charlie Sheen) is a dedicated vice unit detective, whose strong-will and dedication to duty begins to take a toll on his marriage to wife Rebecca (Meredith Salenger). Jake's father, Bill Peterson (Martin Sheen) is a veteran detective in the same unit as Jake. As well as the strain of a troubled marriage, Jake is also under pressure to live up to his fathers reputation. After the death of a fellow detective, both Jake and his father make it their personal mission to bring the killer or killers to justice. In doing so, they uncover a drug ring smuggling drugs from Mexico into Phoenix, Arizona and quickly discover just how vast and dangerous the smuggling operation really is.



  • Renee Estevez has a cameo role.
  • Mark Dacascos did all of his own stunts in this film.
  • Bret Michaels and Mark Dacascos are close friends.
  • A scene from No Code is played in the 2005 film "Today You Die", starring Steven Seagal.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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