Philadelphia Phillies all-time roster

Philadelphia Phillies all-time roster

"The following is a list of players, both past and current, who appeared at least in one competitive game for the Philadelphia Phillies National League franchise (by|1890 - present), also known previously as the Philadelphia Quakers (by|1883 - by|1889)".

*Members of the Baseball Hall of Fame are noted with an asterisk [*] .



*Ed Abbaticchio
*Fred Abbott
*Kyle Abbott
*Paul Abbott
*Bobby Abreu
*Cy Acosta
*Bert Adams
*Bob Adams
*Buster Adams
*Terry Adams
*Jim Adduci
*Luis Aguayo
*Darrel Akerfelds
*Jack Albright
*Scott Aldred
*Grover Cleveland Alexander *
*Antonio Alfonseca
*Bob Allen (P)
*Bob Allen (SS)
*Dick Allen
*Ethan Allen
*Hezekiah Allen
*Bill Almon
*Porfi Altamirano
*Clemente Álvarez
*Rubén Amaro
*Rubén Amaro (Jr)
*Red Ames
*Larry Andersen
*Dave Anderson
*Harry Anderson
*John Anderson
*Marlon Anderson
*Mike Anderson
*Sparky Anderson *
*Ed Andrews
*Fred Andrews
*Stan Andrews
*Bill Andrus
*Joe Antolick
*John Antonelli
*Alex Arias
*Buzz Arlett
*Morrie Arnovich
*Richie Ashburn *
*Andy Ashby
*Dick Attreau
*Bill Atwood
*Earl Averill
*Ramón Avilés
*Bob Ayrault


*Wally Backman
*Ed Baecht
*Stan Bahnsen
*Doug Bair
*Doug Baird
*Floyd Baker
*Jack Baldschun
*Henry Baldwin
*Jay Baller
*Dave Bancroft *
*Alan Bannister
*Rod Barajas
*Salomé Barojas
*Dick Barrett
*Tom Barrett
*Tony Barron
*Rich Barry
*Shad Barry
*Tom Barry
*Dick Bartell
*Walt Bashore
*Charlie Bastian
*John Bateman
*Bud Bates
*Del Bates
*Johnny Bates
*Kim Batiste
*Howard Battle
*Stan Baumgartner
*Frank Baumholtz
*Ernie Beam
*Boom-Boom Beck
*Fred Beck
*Beals Becker
*Bob Becker
*Howie Bedell
*Steve Bedrosian
*Fred Beebe
*Matt Beech
*Petie Behan
*Bo Belinsky
*David Bell
*Juan Bell
*Chief Bender *
*Art Benedict
*Ray Benge
*Mike Benjamin
*Stan Benjamin
*Dave Bennett
*Dennis Bennett
*Gary Bennett
*Joe Bennett
*Joel Bennett
*Jack Bentley
*Rabbit Benton
*Wally Berger
*Jack Berly
*Adam Bernero
*Bill Bernhard
*Howard Berry
*Lefty Bertrand
*Huck Betts
*Charlie Bicknell
*Doug Bird
*Joseph Bisenius
*Jim Bishop
*Jeff Bittiger
*Jim Bivin
*Lena Blackburne
*Tim Blackwell
*Sheriff Blake
*Cy Blanton
*Johnny Blatnik
*Buddy Blattner
*Marv Blaylock
*Ron Blazier
*Jimmy Bloodworth
*Joe Boever
*Dan Boitano
*Ed Boland
*Stew Bolen
*Jim Bolger
*Jack Bolling
*Rod Booker
*Bob Boone
*John Boozer
*Toby Borland
*Hank Borowy
*Rick Bosetti
*Shawn Boskie
*Ricky Bottalico
*Kent Bottenfield
*Ed Bouchee
*Michael Bourn
*Larry Bowa
*Bob Bowman
*Joe Bowman
*Sumner Bowman
*Jason Boyd
*Jack Boyle (C/1B)
*Jack Boyle (IF)
*Gibby Brack
*John Brackenridge
*Phil Bradley
*King Brady
*Bobby Bragan
*Art Bramhall
*Bucky Brandon
*Jackie Brandt
*Kitty Bransfield
*Cliff Brantley
*Jeff Brantley
*Russell Branyan
*Roy Brashear
*Alonzo Breitenstein
*Ad Brennan
*Rube Bressler
*Ken Brett
*Billy Brewer
*Charlie Brewster
*Fred Brickell
*Johnny Briggs
*Brad Brink
*Bill Brinker
*Eude Brito
*Jack Brittin
*Chris Brock
*Rico Brogna
*Dan Brouthers *
*Buster Brown
*Lloyd Brown
*Ollie Brown
*Paul Brown
*Tommy Brown
*Willard Brown
*Byron Browne
*Earl Browne
*George Browne
*Mark Brownson
*Frank Bruggy
*Roy Bruner
*Eric Bruntlett
*Warren Brusstar
*Dick Buckley
*Charlie Buffinton
*Bob Buhl
*Kirk Bullinger
*Eric Bullock
*Jim Bunning *
*Fred Burchell
*Lew Burdette
*Smoky Burgess
*Bill Burich
*Mack Burk
*Elmer Burkart
*Bobby Burke
*Eddie Burke
*Bill Burns
*Ed Burns
*George Burns
*Pat Burrell
*Al Burris
*Paul Busby
*Joe Buskey
*Mike Buskey
*Max Butcher
*Charlie Butler
*Rob Butler
*John Buzhardt
*Marlon Byrd
*Paul Byrd
*Bobby Byrne
*Marty Bystrom


*Putsy Caballero
*Hick Cady
*Earl Caldwell
*Ralph Caldwell
*Jeff Calhoun
*Leo Callahan
*Nixey Callahan
*Johnny Callison
*Dolph Camilli
*Howie Camnitz
*Bill Campbell
*Sil Campusano
*Milo Candini
*Mike Cantwell
*Ralph Capron
*José Cardenal
*Don Cardwell
*Jim Carlin
*Hal Carlson
*Steve Carlton *
*Don Carman
*Amalio Carreño
*Kid Carsey
*Andy Carter
*Dan Casey
*Dave Cash
*Ed Cassian
*Braulio Castillo
*John Castle
*Fabio Castro
*Danny Cater
*Red Causey
*John Cavanaugh
*Domingo Cedeño
*Mike Cervenak
*George Chalmers
*Wes Chamberlain
*Bill Champion
*Darrin Chapin
*Ben Chapman
*Travis Chapman
*Norm Charlton
*Endy Chávez
*Harry Cheek
*Bruce Chen
*Larry Cheney
*Mitch Chetkovich
*Rocky Childress
*Cupid Childs
*Pete Childs
*Pearce Chiles
*Dino Chiozza
*Lou Chiozza
*Larry Christenson
*Bubba Church
*Ted Cieslak
*Bud Clancy
*Cap Clark
*Mel Clark
*Ron Clark
*Nig Clarke
*Bill Clay
*Danny Clay
*Doug Clemens
*Wally Clement
*Jack Clements
*Dave Coble
*Dick Coffman
*Dave Coggin
*Alta Cohen
*Jimmie Coker
*Dave Cole
*Choo Choo Coleman
*John Coleman (OF/P)
*John Coleman (P)
*Hap Collard
*Lou Collier
*Phil Collins
*Larry Colton
*Pat Combs
*Steve Comer
*Jim Command
*Mike Compton
*Clay Condrey
*Dick Conger
*Jeff Conine
*Bob Conley
*Gene Conley
*Bert Conn
*Gene Connell
*Roger Connor *
*Jerry Connors
*Billy Consolo
*Bill Conway
*Dennis Cook
*Paul Cook
*Duff Cooley
*Jimmy Cooney
*Claude Cooper
*Gene Corbett
*Tim Corcoran
*Rheal Cormier
*Pat Corrales
*Frank Corridon
*Chris Coste
*Dick Cotter
*Ed Cotter
*Johnny Couch
*Ernie Courtney
*Harry Coveleski
*Chet Covington
*Wes Covington
*Billy Cowan
*Joe Cowley
*Danny Cox
*Larry Cox
*Roger Craig
*Gavvy Cravath
*Carlos Crawford
*Glenn Crawford
*Larry Crawford
*Felipe Crespo
*Ches Crist
*Leo Cristante
*Harry Croft
*Lave Cross
*Monte Cross
*Bill Crouch
*Jim Crowell
*John Crowley
*Roy Crumpler
*Todd Cruz
*Benny Culp
*Bill Culp
*Ray Culp
*George Culver
*Midre Cummings
*Tony Curry
*Cliff Curtis
*Tony Cusick


*Omar Daal
*Babe Dahlgren
*Sam Dailey
*Ed Daily
*Clay Dalrymple
*Tony Daniels
*Alvin Dark
*George Darrow
*Darren Daulton
*Curt Davis
*Dick Davis
*Dixie Davis
*Jacke Davis
*Kane Davis
*Kiddo Davis
*Mark Davis
*Spud Davis
*Bill Dawley
*Bill Day
*Valerio de los Santos
*Wayland Dean
*Art Decatur
*Harry Decker
*Pep Deininger
*Bill Deitrick
*Iván DeJesús
*José DeJesús
*Bobby Del Greco
*Garton Del Savio
*Ed Delahanty *
*Tom Delahanty
*José DeLeón
*Eddie Delker
*David Dellucci
*Al Demaree
*Don Demeter
*Tod Dennehey
*Jerry Denny
*John Denny
*Mike DePangher
*Bob Dernier
*Jim Deshaies
*Mickey Devine
*Jim Devlin
*Josh Devore
*Baudilio (Bo) Díaz
*Murry Dickson
*Dutch Dietz
*Gordon Dillard
*Pickles Dillhoefer
*Vince DiMaggio
*Kerry Dineen
*Vance Dinges
*Ron Diorio
*Glenn Dishman
*Greg Dobbs
*Robert Dodd
*John Dodge
*Cozy Dolan
*Joe Dolan
*Deacon Donahue
*Red Donahue
*She Donahue
*Blix Donnelly
*Joe Donohue
*Jerry Donovan
*Red Dooin
*Mickey Doolan
*David Doster
*Klondike Douglass
*Tommy Dowd
*Ken Dowell
*Tom Downey
*Dave Downs
*Tom Dowse
*Conny Doyle
*Denny Doyle
*Jack Doyle
*Solly Drake
*Karl Drews
*Monk Dubiel
*Rob Ducey
*Brandon Duckworth
*Clise Dudley
*Hugh Duffy *
*Gus Dugas
*Oscar Dugey
*Bill Duggleby
*Mariano Duncan
*Vern Duncan
*Lee Dunham
*Davey Dunkle
*Jack Dunn
*Chad Durbin
*J. D. Durbin
*Ryne Duren
*George Durning
*Lenny Dykstra


*Mike Easler
*John Easton
*Rawly Eastwick
*Adam Eaton
*Tom Edens
*Doc Edwards
*Jim Eisenreich
*Kid Elberfeld
*Hal Elliott
*Jumbo Elliott
*Ben Ellis
*Dick Ellsworth
*Kevin Elster
*Cal Emery
*Spoke Emery
*Del Ennis
*John Ennis
*Johnny Enzmann
*Don Erickson
*Paul Erickson
*Duke Esper
*Nino Espinosa
*Chuck Essegian
*Jim Essian
*Bobby Estalella
*Johnny Estrada
*Nick Etten
*Johnny Evers *
*Bob Ewing
*George Eyrich


*Rags Faircloth
*Ed Fallenstein
*Jack Fanning
*Ed Farmer
*Sid Farrar
*Jack Farrell
*Turk Farrell
*Sal Fasano
*Eddie Feinberg
*Harry Felix
*Pedro Feliz
*Alex Ferguson
*Bob Ferguson
*Charlie Ferguson
*Chico Fernández
*Sid Fernandez
*Don Ferrarese
*John Fick
*Jocko Fields
*Jack Fifield
*Frank Figgemeier
*Nelson Figueroa
*Sam File
*Dana Fillingim
*Bob Finley
*Neal Finn
*Happy Finneran
*Lou Finney
*Steve Fireovid
*Newt Fisher
*Paul Fittery
*Mike Fitzgerald
*Wally Flager
*Patsy Flaherty
*Tom Fleming
*Art Fletcher
*Darrin Fletcher
*Frank Fletcher
*Paul Fletcher
*Elmer Flick *
*Hilly Flitcraft
*Kevin Flora
*Ben Flowers
*Gavin Floyd
*Jim Fogarty
*Tom Foley
*Lew Fonseca
*Barry Foote
*P.J. Forbes
*Curt Ford
*Hod Ford
*Gary Fortune
*Kevin Foster
*Henry Fox
*Howie Fox
*Terry Fox
*Bill Foxen
*Jimmie Foxx *
*Julio Franco
*Tito Francona
*Ryan Franklin
*Chick Fraser
*Ed Freed
*Roger Freed
*Marvin Freeman
*Gene Freese
*Steve Frey
*Bernie Friberg
*Fred Frink
*Larry Fritz
*Ben Froelich
*Todd Frohwirth
*Charlie Frye
*Woodie Fryman
*Charlie Fuchs
*Chick Fullis
*Aaron Fultz
*Dave Fultz


*Len Gabrielson
*Bill Gallagher
*Dave Gallagher
*William Gallagher
*Bert Gallia
*Oscar Gamble
*Bob Gandy
*Ron Gant
*Charlie Ganzel
*Gene Garber
*Anderson García
*Freddy García
*Kiko Garcia
*Art Gardiner
*Gid Gardner
*Ned Garvin
*Geoff Geary
*Phil Geier
*Al Gerheauser
*Tony Ghelfi
*Jeremy Giambi
*Charlie Gilbert
*Sam Gillen
*Charlie Girard
*Buck Gladman
*Doug Glanville
*Tommy Glaviano
*Whitey Glazner
*Kid Gleason
*Al Glossop
*Bill Glynn
*Billy Goeckel
*Mike Goliat
*Wayne Gomes
*Chile Gómez
*Rubén Gómez
*Alex S. Gonzalez
*Orlando González
*Tony González
*Wilbur Good
*Glen Gorbous
*Tom Gordon
*Howie Gorman
*Tom Gorman
*Joe Gormley
*Nick Goulish
*Billy Grabarkewitz
*Reggie Grabowski
*Earl Grace
*Mike Grace
*Mike Grady
*Peaches Graham
*Wayne Graham
*Joe Grahe
*Eddie Grant
*Jim Grant
*Lou Grasmick
*Don Grate
*Lew Graulich
*Bill Gray
*Johnny Gray
*Dallas Green
*Tyler Green
*June Greene
*Paddy Greene
*Tommy Greene
*Jim Greengrass
*Bob Greenwood
*John Grim
*Ray Grimes
*Jason Grimsley
*Lee Grissom
*Dick Groat
*Emil Gross
*Greg Gross
*Kevin Gross
*Jeff Grotewold
*Ad Gumbert
*Tom Gunning
*Jackie Gutiérrez


*Bert Haas
*Warren Hacker
*Harvey Haddix
*George Haddock
*Bud Hafey
*Art Hagan
*Don Hahn
*Jim Haislip
*Bert Hall
*Bob Hall
*Dick Hall
*Bill Hallahan
*Bill Hallman
*Cole Hamels
*Billy Hamilton *
*Earl Hamilton
*Jack Hamilton
*Garvin Hamner
*Granny Hamner
*Ray Hamrick
*Josh Hancock
*Lee Handley
*Harry Hanebrink
*Andy Hansen
*Snipe Hansen
*J.A. Happ
*Bill Harbridge
*Lou Hardie
*Bill Harman
*Chuck Harmon
*Terry Harmon
*George Harper (OF)
*George Harper (P)
*Ray Harrell
*Bud Harrelson
*Mickey Harrington
*Gene Harris
*Greg Harris
*Herb Harris
*Reggie Harris
*Mike Hartley
*Ray Hartranft
*Don Hasenmayer
*Mickey Haslin
*Billy Hatcher
*Chicken Hawks
*Charlie Hayes
*Von Hayes
*Ralph Head
*Jim Hearn
*Cliff Heathcote
*Richie Hebner
*Bronson Heflin
*Jim Hegan
*Ken Heintzelman
*Wes Helms
*Heinie Heltzel
*Ed Hemingway
*Rollie Hemsley
*Solly Hemus
*Hardie Henderson
*Harvey Hendrick
*Butch Henline
*George Hennessey
*Fritz Henrich
*Jim Henry
*Ray Herbert
*Jesús Hernáiz
*José Hernandez
*Roberto Hernández
*Willie Hernández
*Yoel Hernández
*Tom Herr
*Pancho Herrera
*John Herrnstein
*Ed Heusser
*Kirby Higbe
*Andy High
*John Hiland
*Tom Hilgendorf
*Chuck Hiller
*Pat Hilly
*Charlie Hilsey
*A.J. Hinch
*Larry Hisle
*Don Hoak
*Harry Hoch
*Bert Hodge
*Eli Hodkey
*George Hodson
*Joe Hoerner
*Lefty Hoerst
*Bill Hoffman
*Brad Hogg
*Bill Hohman
*Joe Holden
*Walter Holke
*Al Holland
*Ed Holley
*Al Hollingsworth
*Dave Hollins
*Stan Hollmig
*Jim Holloway
*Mark Holzemer
*Buster Hoover
*Marty Hopkins
*Tyler Houston
*Ryan Howard
*Ken Howell
*Dan Howley
*Bill Hubbell
*Clarence Huber
*Rex Hudler
*Charles Hudson
*Keith Hughes
*Roy Hughes
*Tommy Hughes
*Billy Hulen
*Rudy Hulswitt
*Tom Hume
*Bert Humphries
*Johnny Humphries
*Brian Hunter (1B)
*Brian Hunter (OF)
*Rich Hunter
*Don Hurst
*Harry Huston
*Jim Hutto
*Tom Hutton


*Ham Iburg
*Tadahito Iguchi
*Doc Imlay
*Pete Incaviglia
*Bert Inks
*Dane Iorg
*Hal Irelan
*Arthur Irwin
*Orlando Isales


*Fred Jacklitsch
*Danny Jackson
*Grant Jackson
*John Jackson
*Ken Jackson
*Larry Jackson
*Mike Jackson (LHP)
*Mike Jackson (RHP)
*Elmer Jacobs
*Tom Jacquez
*Art Jahn
*Chris James
*Jeff James
*Stan Javier
*Gregg Jefferies
*Irv Jeffries
*Greg Jelks
*Steve Jeltz
*Ferguson Jenkins *
*Geoff Jenkins
*Hughie Jennings *
*Alex Johnson
*Charlie Johnson
*Darrell Johnson
*Davey Johnson
*Deron Johnson
*Jerry Johnson
*John Johnson
*Ken Johnson
*Si Johnson
*Syl Johnson
*Youngy Johnson
*Jay Johnstone
*Stan Jok
*Alex Jones
*Barry Jones
*Broadway Jones
*Dale Jones
*Doug Jones
*Nippy Jones
*Ron Jones
*Todd Jones
*Willie Jones
*Bubber Jonnard
*Buck Jordan
*Charlie Jordan
*Kevin Jordan
*Niles Jordan
*Ricardo Jordan
*Ricky Jordan
*Orville Jorgens
*Rick Joseph
*Oscar Judd
*Jeff Juden
*George Jumonville
*Eric Junge
*Al Jurisich


*Jim Kaat
*Mike Kahoe
*Harry Kane
*Erv Kantlehner
*Joe Kappel
*Andy Karl
*Ryan Karp
*Matt Kata
*Tony Kaufmann
*Ted Kazanski
*Chick Keating
*Tim Keefe *
*Ed Keegan
*Jimmie Keenan
*Harry Keener
*Bill Keister
*Hal Kelleher
*Bill Kelly
*Charlie Kelly
*John Kelly
*Mike Kelly
*Al Kenders
*Kyle Kendrick
*John Kennedy
*Vern Kennedy
*Bill Kerksieck
*Jim Kern
*Bill Killefer
*Mike Kilroy
*Newt Kimball
*Wally Kimmick
*Lee King
*Thornton Kipper
*Billy Klaus
*Chuck Klein *
*Ted Kleinhans
*Red Kleinow
*Bill Kling
*Johnny Klippstein
*Otto Knabe
*Phil Knell
*Alan Knicely
*Jack Knight
*Joe Knight
*Fritz Knothe
*George Knothe
*Darold Knowles
*Dick Koecher
*Pete Koegel
*Ed Konetchy
*Jim Konstanty
*Jerry Koosman
*Joe Koppe
*Fred Koster
*Lou Koupal
*Fabian Kowalik
*Ernie Koy
*Joe Kracher
*Jack Kraus
*Gary Kroll
*Otto Krueger
*Henry Krug
*John Kruk
*Mike Krukow
*Jack Kucek
*Harvey Kuenn
*Bob Kuzava


*Pete LaForest
*Lerrin LaGrow
*Nap Lajoie *
*Steve Lake
*Al Lakeman
*Wayne LaMaster
*Gene Lambert
*Henry Lampe
*Don Landrum
*Tom Lanning
*Andy Lapihuska
*Dave LaPoint
*Ralph LaPointe
*Dan Larson
*Billy Lauder
*Mike LaValliere
*Jimmy Lavender
*Bill Laxton
*Freddy Leach
*Dan Leahy
*Bevo LeBourveau
*Ricky Ledee
*Bill Lee
*Cliff Lee
*Hal Lee
*Travis Lee
*Joe Lefebvre
*Greg Legg
*Ken Lehman
*Clarence Lehr
*Dave Leiper
*Mark Leiter
*Jim Lemon
*Ed Lennon
*Izzy León
*Dutch Leonard
*Ted Lepcio
*Randy Lerch
*Walt Lerian
*Barry Lersch
*Roy Leslie
*Charlie Letchas
*Jesse Levan
*Ed Levy
*Bert Lewis
*Fred Lewis
*Mark Lewis
*Sixto Lezcano
*Brad Lidge
*Cory Lidle
*Jon Lieber
*Mike Lieberthal
*Johnny Lindell
*Jim Lindeman
*Doug Lindsey
*Phil Linz
*Frank Linzy
*Angelo Lipetri
*Tom Lipp
*Pedro Liriano
*Joe Lis
*Ad Liska
*Danny Litwhiler
*Mickey Livingston
*Mike Loan
*Hans Lobert
*Don Lock
*Bobby Locke
*Carlton Loewer
*Kenny Lofton
*Jack Lohrke
*Bill Lohrman
*Kyle Lohse
*Jim Lonborg
*Herman Long
*Tony Longmire
*Joe Lonnett
*Stan Lopata
*Art Lopatka
*Aquilino López
*Marcelino López
*Carlton Lord
*Larry Loughlin
*Lynn Lovenguth
*Jay Loviglio
*Torey Lovullo
*Peanuts Lowrey
*Fred Lucas
*Con Lucid
*Lou Lucier
*Fred Luderus
*Al Lukens
*Tony Lupien
*Johnny Lush
*Greg Luzinski
*Sparky Lyle
*Tom Lynch
*Harry Lyons
*Terry Lyons


*John Mabry
*Harvey MacDonald
*Andy Machado
*Pete Mackanin
*Bunny Madden
*Garry Maddox
*Mike Maddux
*Art Madison
*Alex Madrid
*Ryan Madson
*Calvin Maduro
*Bill Magee
*Sherry Magee
*Wendell Magee
*Art Mahaffey
*Art Mahan
*Frank Mahar
*Billy Maharg
*Tom Maher
*Alex Main
*Cy Malis
*Bobby Malkmus
*Les Mallon
*Chuck Malone
*Gus Mancuso
*George Mangus
*Jack Manning
*Jeff Manto
*Harry Marnie
*Tom Marsh
*Doc Marshall
*Rube Marshall
*Doc Martel
*Hersh Martin
*Jack Martin
*Jerry Martin
*Renie Martin
*Carmelo Martínez
*Manny Martínez
*Ramon Martínez
*Joe Marty
*Hank Mason
*Roger Mason
*Walt Masters
*Paul Masterson
*Greg Mathews
*Scott Mathieson
*Eddie Matteson
*Gary Matthews
*Dale Matthewson
*Len Matuszek
*Al Maul
*Ernie Maun
*Dick Mauney
*Tim Mauser
*Derrick May
*Pinky May
*Ed Mayer
*Erskine Mayer
*Paddy Mayes
*Jackie Mayo
*Mel Mazzera
*George McAvoy
*Bake McBride
*Tommy McCarthy *
*Tim McCarver
*Al McCauley
*Bill McClellan
*John McCloskey
*Don McCormack
*Frank McCormick
*Moose McCormick
*Harry McCurdy
*Ed McDonough
*Roger McDowell
*Chuck McElroy
*Jim McElroy
*Barney McFadden
*Ed McFarland
*Jack McFetridge
*Patsy McGaffigan
*Willie McGill
*Gus McGinnis
*Bob McGraw
*Tug McGraw
*Deacon McGuire
*Stuffy McInnis
*Rogers McKee
*Barney McLaughlin
*Warren McLaughlin
*Jim McLeod
*Cal McLish
*Billy McMillon
*John McPherson
*George McQuillan
*Larry McWilliams
*Lee Meadows
*Louie Meadows
*Francisco Meléndez
*Rube Melton
*Rudy Meoli
*Héctor Mercado
*Sam Mertes
*José Mesa
*Lenny Metz
*Irish Meusel
*Benny Meyer
*Jack Meyer
*Russ Meyer
*Mickey Micelotta
*Jason Michaels
*Larry Milbourne
*Bob Miller
*Cyclone Miller
*Doc Miller
*Dots Miller
*Eddie Miller
*Elmer Miller
*Hughie Miller
*Keith Miller
*Kohly Miller
*Ralph Miller
*Red Miller
*Russ Miller
*Stu Miller
*Trever Miller
*Joe Millette
*Wally Millies
*John Milligan
*Kevin Millwood
*Al Milnar
*Eric Milton
*Mike Mimbs
*Clarence Mitchell
*Fred Mitchell
*Larry Mitchell
*Johnny Mokan
*Bob Molinaro
*Fred Mollenkamp
*Alex Monchak
*Don Money
*Sid Monge
*John Monroe
*John Montague
*Willie Montañez
*René Monteagudo
*Steve Montgomery
*Brad Moore
*Cy Moore
*Dee Moore
*Earl Moore
*Euel Moore
*Johnny Moore
*Pat Moran
*Mickey Morandini
*Seth Morehead
*Keith Moreland
*Harry Morelock
*Lew Moren
*Bobby Morgan
*Joe Morgan (2B) *
*Joe Morgan (3B)
*Jim Moroney
*John Morris (OF)
*John Morris
*Jim Morrison
*Sparrow Morton
*Walter Moser
*Bitsy Mott
*Frank Motz
*Jamie Moyer
*Ron Mrozinski
*Heinie Mueller
*Hugh Mulcahy
*Terry Mulholland
*Moon Mullen
*Dick Mulligan
*Joe Mulvey
*Scott Munninghoff
*Red Munson
*Manny Muñiz
*Bobby Muñoz
*Con Murphy
*Dale Murphy
*Dummy Murphy
*Dwayne Murphy
*Ed Murphy (1B)
*Ed Murphy (P)
*Morgan Murphy
*Glenn Murray
*Pat Murray
*Tom Murray
*Danny Murtaugh
*Barney Mussill
*Al Myers
*Bert Myers
*Brett Myers


*Bill Nagel
*Sam Nahem
*Bill Nahorodny
*Billy Nash
*Jim Nash
*Earl Naylor
*Jack Neagle
*Greasy Neale
*Cal Neeman
*Ron Negray
*Gary Neibauer
*Al Neiger
*Red Nelson
*Tom Newell
*David Newhan
*Skeeter Newsome
*Gus Niarhos
*Chet Nichols
*Kid Nichols *
*Bill Nicholson
*Frank Nicholson
*Doug Nickle
*Bert Niehoff
*Tom Nieto
*Al Nixon
*The Only Nolan
*Dickie Noles
*Jerry Nops
*Leo Norris
*Ron Northey
*Lou Novikoff
*Abraham Núñez
*Ryan Nye


*Dink O'Brien
*Frank O'Connor
*Harry O'Donnell
*Lefty O'Doul
*Randy O'Neal
*Skinny O'Neal
*John O'Neil
*Joe O'Rourke
*Prince Oana
*Johnny Oates
*Joe Oeschger
*José Offerman
*Chad Ogea
*Bob Oldis
*Omar Olivares
*Al Oliver
*Gene Oliver
*Steve Ontiveros
*Eddie Oropesa
*Al Orth
*Fred Osborn
*Ricky Otero
*Jim Owens
*Red Owens


*Gene Packard
*Tom Padden
*Don Padgett
*Vicente Padilla
*José Pagán
*Donn Pall
*David Palmer
*Lowell Palmer
*Stan Palys
*Al Pardo
*Mark Parent
*Dixie Parker
*Frank Parkinson
*Jeff Parrett
*Sam Parrilla
*Lance Parrish
*Dode Paskert
*Mike Pasquella
*Claude Passeau
*Gene Paulette
*Johnny Peacock
*Frank Pearce
*Harry Pearce
*Ike Pearson
*Homer Peel
*Julio Peguero
*Eddie Pellagrini
*Paul Penson
*Roberto Peña
*Luis Peraza
*Tomás Pérez
*Tony Pérez *
*Yorkis Pérez
*Robert Person
*Bill Peterman
*John Peters
*Kent Peterson
*Leon Pettit
*Pretzel Pezzullo
*Bobby Pfeil
*Dave Philley
*Adolfo Phillips
*Buz Phillips
*J.R. Phillips
*Taylor Phillips
*Wiley Piatt
*Nick Picciuto
*Clarence Pickrel
*Ty Pickup
*Ray Pierce
*Duane Pillette
*Horacio Piña
*Lerton Pinto
*Jim Pirie
*Alex Pitko
*Togie Pittinger
*Erik Plantenberg
*Dan Plesac
*Walter Plock
*Johnny Podgajny
*John Poff
*Jennings Poindexter
*Plácido Polanco
*Hugh Poland
*Cliff Politte
*Jim Poole
*Al Porto
*Mark Portugal
*Lou Possehl
*Wally Post
*Brian Powell
*Jake Powell
*Vic Power
*Les Powers
*Todd Pratt
*Mike Prendergast
*Ray Prim
*Tom Prince
*Chris Pritchett
*Mike Proly
*Hub Pruett
*Troy Puckett
*Nick Punto
*Blondie Purcell
*Jesse Purnell
*Shadow Pyle


*Tom Qualters
*Paul Quantrill
*Tom Quinlan
*John Quinn
*Rafael Quirico


*Dave Rader
*Don Rader
*Ken Raffensberger
*Al Raffo
*Pat Ragan
*Frank Ragland
*Pete Rambo
*Elizardo Ramírez
*Edgar Ramos
*Pedro Ramos
*Goldie Rapp
*Shane Rawley
*Johnny Rawlings
*Lou Raymond
*Randy Ready
*Leroy Reams
*Art Rebel
*Gary Redus
*Jerry Reed
*Milt Reed
*Ron Reed
*Scott Reid
*Charlie Reilly
*Tommy Reis
*Desi Relaford
*Butch Rementer
*Jack Remsen
*Tony Rensa
*Rip Repulski
*Carlos Reyes
*Ken Reynolds
*Ronn Reynolds
*Flint Rhem
*Arthur Rhodes
*Chuck Ricci
*Bob Rice
*Ken Richardson
*Lance Richbourg
*Pete Richert
*Lew Richie
*Steve Ridzik
*Lee Riley
*Jimmy Ring
*Frank Ringo
*Charlie Ripple
*Wally Ritchie
*Hank Ritter
*Ben Rivera
*Eppa Rixey *
*Johnny Rizzo
*Joe Roa
*Mel Roach
*Chris Roberson
*Dave Roberts
*Robin Roberts *
*Mike Robertson
*Bill Robinson
*Craig Robinson
*Don Robinson
*Humberto Robinson
*Félix Rodríguez
*Freddy Rodríguez
*Ed Roebuck
*Ron Roenicke
*Mike Rogodzinski
*Saul Rogovin
*Cookie Rojas
*Scott Rolen
*Jimmy Rollins
*J.C. Romero
*Francisco Rosario
*Pete Rose
*Bob Ross
*Frank Roth
*Jack Rowan
*Aaron Rowand
*Schoolboy Rowe
*Bama Rowell
*Charlie Roy
*Luther Roy
*Vic Roznovsky
*Art Ruble
*Dave Rucker
*Dutch Rudolph
*Scott Ruffcorn
*Bruce Ruffin
*Carlos Ruiz
*John Russell
*Dick Ruthven
*Mark Ryal
*Blondy Ryan
*Connie Ryan
*Ken Ryan
*Mike Ryan

*Bob Sadowski
*Bill Salisbury
*Manny Salvo
*Juan Samuel
*Brian Sanches
*Alejandro Sánchez
*Heinie Sand
*Ryne Sandberg *
*Ben Sanders
*Danny Sandoval
*Jack Sanford
*Ed Sanicki
*Julio Santana
*Benito Santiago
*José Santiago
*Kevin Saucier
*Jimmie Savage
*Ted Savage
*Carl Sawatski
*Phil Saylor
*Frank Scanlan
*Mac Scarce
*Russ Scarritt
*Steve Scarsone
*Jimmie Schaffer
*Gene Schall
*Charley Schanz
*George Scharein
*Dan Schatzeder
*Jack Scheible
*Danny Schell
*Bill Scherrer
*Dutch Schesler
*Lou Schettler
*Curt Schilling
*Freddy Schmidt
*Mike Schmidt *
*Gene Schott
*Steve Schrenk
*Pop Schriver
*Al Schroll
*Rick Schu
*Ron Schueler
*Wes Schulmerich
*Frank Schulte
*Ham Schulte
*Johnny Schulte
*Howie Schultz
*Joe Schultz
*John Schultze
*Jack Scott
*Le Grant Scott
*Lefty Scott
*Rudy Seanez
*Steve Searcy
*Tom Seaton
*Bob Sebra
*Duke Sedgwick
*Kevin Sefcik
*Zack Segovia
*Dick Selma
*Andy Seminick
*Ray Semproch
*Paul Sentell
*Manny Seoane
*Scott Service
*Bobby Shantz
*Jack Sharrott
*Merv Shea
*Nap Shea
*Dave Shean
*Chuck Sheerin
*Keith Shepherd
*Monk Sherlock
*Ben Shields
*Jim Shilling
*Billy Shindle
*Dave Shipanoff
*Costen Shockley
*Chris Short
*Frank Shugart
*Toots Shultz
*Anthony Shumaker
*Harry Shuman
*Ed Sicking
*Roy Sievers
*Tripp Sigman
*Carlos Silva
*Ken Silvestri
*Curt Simmons
*Randall Simon
*Wayne Simpson
*John Singleton
*Dick Sisler
*Pete Sivess
*Ed Sixsmith
*Ted Sizemore
*Jimmy Slagle
*Barney Slaughter
*Heathcliff Slocumb
*Roy Smalley
*Al Smith
*Bill Smith
*Bobby Gene Smith
*Charley Smith
*Edgar (EE) Smith
*George Smith
*Jake Smith
*Jimmy Smith
*Lonnie Smith
*Matt Smith
*Phenomenal Smith
*Tom Smith
*Lefty Smoll
*Harry Smythe
*Chris Snelling
*Bill Sorrell
*Denny Sothern
*Dick Spalding
*Tully Sparks
*By Speece
*Tubby Spencer
*Stan Sperry
*Hal Spindel
*Paul Spoljaric
*Jim Spotts
*Jerry Spradlin
*Homer Spragins
*Jack Spring
*Dennis Springer
*Russ Springer
*Charlie Sproull
*Eddie Stack
*Matt Stairs
*Tuck Stainback
*George Stallings
*Charley Stanceu
*Steve Stanicek
*Buck Stanley

*Charlie Starr
*John Stearns
*Morrie Steevens
*Justin Stein
*Gene Steinbrenner
*Ray Steineder
*Casey Stengel *
*Dummy Stephenson
*Garrett Stephenson
*Walter Stephenson
*Bobby Stevens
*Dave Stewart
*Glen Stewart
*Neb Stewart
*Kelly Stinnett
*Milt Stock
*Kevin Stocker
*Gene Stone
*Jeff Stone
*Ron Stone
*Lil Stoner
*Ray Stoviak
*John Strike
*Nick Strincevich
*Dick Stuart
*Paul Stuffel
*George Stutz
*Gus Suhr
*Ernie Sulik
*Frank Sullivan
*Joe Sullivan
*John Sullivan
*Tom Sullivan
*Billy Sunday
*Rick Surhoff
*George Susce
*Gary Sutherland
*Jack Sutthoff
*Dale Sveum
*Les Sweetland
*R. J. Swindle


*Lefty Taber
*Jim Tabor
*So Taguchi
*Doug Taitt
*Vito Tamulis
*Danny Tartabull
*Fred Tauby
*Jack Taylor
*Reggie Taylor
*Tony Taylor
*Robinson Tejeda
*Kent Tekulve
*Amaury Telemaco
*Bob Terlecki
*Tommy Thevenow
*Bobby Thigpen
*Dick Thoenen
*Bill Thomas
*Derrel Thomas
*Frank Thomas
*Roy Thomas
*Tommy Thomas
*Valmy Thomas
*Erskine Thomason
*Jim Thome
*Fresco Thompson
*Jocko Thompson
*Milt Thompson
*Sam Thompson *
*Dickie Thon
*John Thornton
*Joe Thurston
*Cotton Tierney
*Mike Timlin
*Ben Tincup
*Lee Tinsley
*Cannonball Titcomb
*John Titus
*Al Todd
*Bobby Tolan
*Freddie Toliver
*Earl Torgeson
*Frank Torre
*César Tovar
*Happy Townsend
*Walt Tragesser
*Gus Triandos
*Manny Trillo
*Ken Trinkle
*Coaker Triplett
*Michael Tucker
*Shane Turner
*Tuck Turner
*Wayne Twitchell
*Jim Tyng
*Turkey Tyson


*Bob Uecker
*Dutch Ulrich
*Tom Underwood
*Del Unser
*Ugueth Urbina
*Chase Utley


*Gene Vadeboncoeur
*Eric Valent
*Fernando Valenzuela
*Elmer Valo
*Deacon Van Buren
*Fred Van Dusen
*Ben Van Dyke
*Andy Van Slyke
*Gary Varsho
*Jim Vatcher
*Emil Verban
*Joe Verbanic
*Al Verdel
*Johnny Vergez
*Tom Vickery
*Shane Victorino
*Bob Vines
*Bill Vinton
*Ozzie Virgil
*Cy Vorhees
*Ed Vosberg
*George Vukovich
*John Vukovich


*Woody Wagenhorst
*Billy Wagner
*Gary Wagner
*Hal Wagner
*Eddie Waitkus
*Charlie Waitt
*Matt Walbeck
*Ed Walczak
*Bob Walk
*Curt Walker
*Harry Walker
*Marty Walker
*Dave Wallace
*Doc Wallace
*Huck Wallace
*Mike Wallace
*Lee Walls
*Augie Walsh
*Jimmy Walsh
*John Walsh
*Walt Walsh
*Bucky Walters
*Ken Walters
*Lloyd Waner *
*Bryan Ward
*Joe Ward
*Piggy Ward
*Turner Ward
*Fred Warner
*Jack Warner
*Bennie Warren
*Dan Warthen
*Jimmy Wasdell
*Libe Washburn
*Buck Washer
*Dave Watkins
*Ed Watkins
*George Watkins
*Milt Watson
*Eddie Watt
*Frank Watt
*Johnny Watwood
*Bill Webb
*Lenny Webster
*Herm Wehmeier
*Dave Wehrmeister
*Lefty Weinert
*Phil Weintraub
*Bud Weiser
*Mike Welch
*Harry Welchonce
*Bob Wells
*Lew Wendell
*Turk Wendell
*Fred Wenz
*Jayson Werth
*David West
*Jim Westlake
*Wally Westlake
*Mickey Weston
*Gus Weyhing
*Mack Wheat
*George Wheeler
*Bill White
*C.B. White
*Deke White
*Doc White
*Rick White
*Sammy White
*Mark Whiten
*Matt Whiteside
*Jesse Whiting
*Dick Whitman
*Pinky Whitney
*Bill Whitrock
*Possum Whitted
*Del Wilber
*Kaiser Wilhelm
*Cy Williams
*George Williams
*Mike Williams
*Mitch Williams
*Pop Williams
*Hugh Willingham
*Claude Willoughby
*Bill Wilson
*Glenn Wilson
*Hack Wilson *
*Jimmie Wilson
*Max Wilson
*Hal Wiltse
*Bobby Wine
*Darrin Winston
*Jesse Winters
*Rick Wise
*Frank Withrow
*John Wockenfuss
*Andy Woehr
*Randy Wolf
*Bill Wolff
*Abe Wolstenholme
*Harry Wolverton
*George Wood
*Pete Wood
*Jim Woods
*Frank Woodward
*Shawn Wooten
*Tim Worrell
*Russ Wrightstone
*Whit Wyatt
*Johnny Wyrostek


*Rusty Yarnall
*Bert Yeabsley
*Charlie Yingling
*Floyd Youmans
*Bobby Young
*Del Young
*Dick Young
*Mike Young


*Tom Zachary
*Pat Zachry
*Mike Zagurski
*Todd Zeile
*Charlie Ziegler
*Chief Zimmer
*Jon Zuber

External links

* [ BR batting statistics]
* [ BR pitching statistics]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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