List of collective nouns by collective term L-Z

List of collective nouns by collective term L-Z

Collective noun
List of collective nouns
List of collective nouns by collective term

labour A labour of moles
[cite web|url=|title=Oxford English Dictionary online]
lap A lap of cod Uncertain
leap A leap of hares

leap A leap of leopards
[cite web|url=|title=Oxford English Dictionary online]
leash A leash of deer
[cite web|url=|title=Oxford English Dictionary online]
leash A leash of foxes
[cite web|url=|title=Oxford English Dictionary online]
leash A leash of hawks
[cite web|url=|title=Oxford English Dictionary online]
leash A leash of hounds
[cite web|url=|title=Oxford English Dictionary online]
lek A lek of grouse Uncertain
library A library of books

lick A lick of lesbians
litter A litter of piglets or puppies

litter A litter of any young (animals) born as a group [The Macquarie Dictionary,]

load A load of drunks

lodge A lodge of beavers

loft A loft of pigeons

lot A lot of automobile dealers Spurious
lounge A lounge of lizards Spurious
lute A lute of mallards Uncertain
melody A melody of harpers

mess A mess of fish (caught or cooked)
mews A mews of capons

mine A mine of toddlers Spurious
mischief A mischief of mice

mission A mission of monkeys

mite A mite of mites Uncertain
mob A mob of people, animals or kangaroos [This is a specific case of the general Australasian tendency to use "mob" as a synonym for any grouping like a "flock"] [The Macquarie Dictionary,]

movement A movement of moles

multiply A multiply of husbands

murder A murder of crows

murmuration A murmuration of starlings

muster A muster of storks

muster A muster of peacocks

mutation A mutation of thrushes

mute A mute of hounds

nest A nest of mice

nest A nest of rabbits

nest A nest of vipers

nest A nest of snakes

network A network of computers

neverthriving A neverthriving of jugglers

newton A newton of figs Spurious
nide A nide of geese

nucleus A nucleus of physicists Spurious
number A number of mathematicians

nye A nye of pheasants

obeisance An obeisance of servants

obstinacy An obstinacy of buffalo

ostentation An ostentation of peacocks

pace A pace of asses

pack A pack of hounds

pack A pack of rats

pack A pack of wolves

pack A pack of grouse

paddling A paddling of ducks (on water)

pan A pan of critics Spurious
pandemonium A pandemonium of parrots Uncertain
pandemonium A pandemonium of pandas Spurious
panel A panel of experts

pantheon A pantheon of gods Uncertain
parade A parade of elephants

parcel A parcel of hogs

parcel A parcel of deer

parcel A parcel of penguins Uncertain
parel A parel of troops

parliament A parliament of owls

parliament A parliament of rooks

party A party of jays

passel A passel of hogs

passel A passel of possum Uncertain
patch A patch of flowers

peep A peep of chickens

peloton A peloton of cyclists

phalanx A phalanx of storks Uncertain
ping A ping of table tennis players

pit A pit of snakes

piteousness A piteousness of doves

pitying A pitying of turtledoves

pitying A pitying of doves

plague A plague of locusts

platoon A platoon of soldiers

plum A plum of seals Uncertain
plump A plump of waterfowl

plump A plump of ducks (flying)

pod A pod of whales

pod A pod of seals

pod A pod of dolphins

pomp A pomp of pekingese

ponder A ponder of philosophers

pontifica A pontifica of prelates

portfolio A portfolio of stockbrokers Spurious
pounce A pounce of cats

poverty A poverty of pipers

prettying A prettying of doves

prickle A prickle of hedgehogs

pride A pride of peacocks

pride A pride of lions

prudence A prudence of vicaries (vicars)

purse A purse of winnings

quarrel A quarrel of sparrows

quiver A quiver of rebuttals

quiver A quiver of arrows

rabble A rabble of butterflies Uncertain
rabble A rabble of rats

raffle A raffle of turkeys

raft A raft of coots

raft A raft of auks Uncertain
raft A raft of ducks

raft A raft of penguins

rafter A rafter of turkeys

rag A rag of colts

rainbow A rainbow of butterflies

rake A rake of colts

Rake A rake of mules

range A range of mountains

rascal A rascal of boys

riches A riches of matrons

richness A richness of martens

ring A ring of keys

roll A roll of coins

rookery A rookery of penguins Spurious
rouleau A rouleau of coins

rout A rout of wolves

rout A rout of snails

rout A rout of wolves

rout A rout of knights

ruck A ruck of football players [As in Australian football (AFL) where the players who start in the centre of the ground are known as "rucks"]

run A run of salmon

run A run of poultry

sault A sault of lions

scale A scale of fish

scathe A scathe of zombies
school A school of whales

school A school of fish

scold A scold of jays Uncertain
scourge A scourge of mosquitoes

screech A screech of gulls

scull A scull of friars

sedge A sedge of bitterns

sedge A sedge of cranes

set A set of mathematicians

shiver A shiver of sharks Uncertain
shoal A shoal of fish

shoal A shoal of herring

shower A shower of bastards Spurious
shower A shower of meteorologists Spurious
shrewdness A shrewdness of apes

shuffle A shuffle of bureaucrats

siege A siege of bitterns

siege A siege of herons

singular A singular of boars

sitting A sitting of eggs

skein A skein of geese

skulk A skulk of foxes

slew A slew of homework

slither A slither of snakes

sloth A sloth of bears

smack A smack of jellyfish

sneak A sneak of weasels

sord A sord of mallards

sounder A sounder of pigs

sounder A sounder of swine

sounder A sounder of boars

sowse A sowse of lions

span A span of oxen

spring A spring of seals

spring A spring of teal

squad A squad of soldiers

stable A stable of horses

staff A staff of employees

stand A stand of flamingoes

stand A stand of trees

stare A stare of owls

state A state of princes

storytelling A storytelling of crows

streak A streak of tigers

string A string of ponies

stud A stud of mares

superfluity A superfluity of nuns

swarm A swarm of ants

swarm A swarm of bees

swarm A swarm of flies

swarm A swarm of rats

swarm A swarm of eels

taboon A taboon of horses

team A team of horses

team A team of athletes

team A team of oxen

team A team of ducks

thicket A thicket of trees

thicket A thicket of idiots Spurious
thirst A thirst of Irish
thought A thought of barons

threatening A threatening of courtiers

tiding(s) A tiding(s) of magpies

journey A journey of giraffes
trace A trace of hares

trembing A trembling of finches

tribe A tribe of monkeys

tribe A tribe of goats

tribe A tribe of natives

trimming A trimming of finches

trip A trip of sheep

trip A trip of dotterel

trip A trip of hares

trip A trip of goats

troop A troop of kangaroos

troubling A troubling of goldfinches

troupe A troupe of performers

tumult A tumult of tubas (players) Spurious
turmoil A turmoil of porpoises Uncertain
turn A turn of turtles

ubiquity A ubiquity of sparrows

ugly An ugly of walruses

unkindness An unkindness of ravens

unbrewing An unbrewing of carvers
[cite web|url=|title=Oxford English Dictionary online]
vagary A vagary of impediments

volery A volery of birds

wad A wad of money

waddle A waddle of penguins

wake A wake of buzzards

walk A walk of snipe

watch A watch of nightingales

wealth A wealth of information

wedge A wedge of geese (flying)

wedge A wedge of swans (flying)

whiteness A whiteness of swans

wing A wing of aircraft

wisdom A wisdom of grandparents

wisp A wisp of snipe

woop A woop of gorillas

wrack A wrack of kittens (rabbits)

wunch A wunch of bankers
yoke A yoke of oxen

dazzle A dazzle of zebra


The term given for a "Smack of Jellyfish" may not be correct. There is very little reason or evidence to suppose that Jellyfish even require a collective noun.

also please note that a snog of santas must be added to the list...

Note: A Destructor of ducks is 9 or more ducks

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