List of Yellow Pages

List of Yellow Pages

places around the world


* Afghanistan: In Afghanistan, the Canadian INGO Peace Dividend Trust launched a free online directory with over 2700 verified and registered Afghan enterprises in late 2006. The goal is to make the Afghan marketplace easier to navigate for buyers operating in Afghanistan in order to promote local procurement.

* Africa: In Africa, the most comprehensive business directory is YelloPagesAfrica published by Yellopages Development Company Limited. It is an online business directory at It ia an interactive online business directory with a mission to integrate Africa businesses. It covers the entire Africa continent and operates on a do-it-yourself basis.

* Algeria: In Algeria, the Yellow Pages business directory is published in French as Les Pages Jaunes. It is also available online in English and in French.

* Armenia: In Armenia, the Spyur business directory was first published in 1993 in Russian as a copy of the Russian Yellow Pages. By 2000, the directory was also available offline on CD as well as online. The directory currently has a distribution of 5000 copies and is printed in English, Armenian and Russian. Spyur also has agreements with numerous international online yellow pages organisations as well as Kompass International to share data. The directory is distributed free to each business which pays for advertisements and is also available to the public for a fee.

* Australia: In Australia, the most comprehensive business directory is YellowPages published by Sensis a wholly owned subsidiary of Telstra. It is also available online at and the data is also re-used within the search engine and NineMSN search in Australia.

:The yellow pages used to be the pink pages, which is now the colour of a competitor. There is also a coloured pages competitor.


* Belarus: In Belarus, the directory is titled "Business-Belarus" (Russina), it is also available online. There is an alternative directory, called "Belarus XXI vek" (Belarus XXI century), which is analogue to Yellow Pages; it is also available online.

* Belgium: In Belgium, the directory is titled "Pages d'Or" (golden pages) (French) or "Gouden Gids" (golden guide) (Dutch), and is distributed free to each telephone subscriber, it is also available online.

* Brazil: In Brazil, the directory is titled "Páginas Amarelas" and is distributed free to each telephone subscriber. Available online by DYK Internet S/A.


* Cambodia: In Cambodia, the official Yellow Pages directory is called Cambodia Yellow Pages and published under contract to local Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications by Interquess Enterprises.

* Canada: In Canada, the company Yellow Pages Group owns the trademarks "Yellow Pages" and "Pages Jaunes". It produces and distributes directories in both English and French. Yellow Pages Group is the market leader in print and online commercial directories and one of the largest media companies in Canada, producing the official directories of Bell Canada, Telus, Aliant, MTS, and others. Saskatchewan's SaskTel, through subsidiary DirectWest, is believed to be the last major ILEC to publish its own directories. Competitive local directory publishers, such as PhoneGuide or DirectWest's operations in Manitoba and Alberta, usually include commercial directories on yellow paper, but cannot use the Yellow Pages brand; SaskTel's own licence to the name has recently been revoked.

* China: In China, the modern yellow pages industry was started in the late 1990s with the formation of two international joint ventures between US yellow pages publishers and China’s telecom operators, namely: a joint venture started in Shenzhen between RHDonnelley and China Unicom (later including Hong Kong’s PCCW and InfoSpace); and a joint venture between China Telecom Shanghai and what later came to be known as the yellow pages operations of Verizon. Later, another mainly state-owned telecom operator, China Netcom began to produce, either directly or on a sub-contracted basis, yellow pages in selected cities around the country. By early 2005, there were a number of independent local and international yellow pages operators in numerous cities including Yilong Huangbaoshu, based in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province with operations in Hangzhou and Ningbo. However, there is no nation-wide Yellow pages in any format and only some international-trade related businesses including INBIT (USA), CHINAPAGES.COM and ALIBABA.COM (CHINESE) are running some kind of national online databases based on business lists not from telephone companies. China Yellow Pages is also a common-place for finding manufacturers and exporters from China.

* Colombia: In Colombia, the standard yellow and White Pages are published and distributed every year free of charge by Publicar, a Colombian subsidiary company of Carvajal, which also publishes and distributes yellow and white pages in other Latin American countries.

* Croatia: In Croatia, the directory is called "Zute stranice" (yellow pages), published by MTI Telefonski imenik/Zute stranice. Another directory is "CroPages Business Directory/Poslovni Adresar", published by Masmedia.

* Cuba: In Cuba, the equivalent online directory is titled Paginas Amarillas, with information on the whole of Cuba.

* Cyprus: In Cyprus, the Yellow Pages is edited by ID Yellowpages Ltd Cyprus Yellow Pages Directory.

* Cyprus (North); In Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus CYPYP North Cyprus Yellow Pages

* Czech Republic: In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the directory is titled "Zlaté stránky" (golden pages), published by Mediatel, Prague and is distributed free to each telephone subscriber, usually in exchange for its previous version.


* Denmark: In Denmark, the directory is titled "De Gule Sider" is distributed free to each subscriber, by TDC Forlag. Alternative directories are "Krak" and by Advista.


* Egypt: Egypt Yellow Pages Ltd is the official publisher of Yellow Pages branded products in Egypt. Egypt Yellow Pages Ltd is the exclusive owner of the Yellow Pages, and Walking Fingers & Design, trademarks in Egypt and is supported by over 350 employees and 15 regional offices throughout Egypt. Yellow Pages distribution will surpass 325,000 print directories in 2008 as well as deliver many millions of page views on in [] Mobile and Online electronic properties.

* Europe: For whole Europe, the European Yellow Pages apply. The European Yellow Pages is an effort of providing harmonized data to different language environments through keeping the character of having localized search capabilities on a regional level. Harmonizing data in this context means providing information to global users mainly in English and to local users in their native language.

* Europe: For Europe the directory is providing information about many branches and companies all around 33 major European countries.


* Finland: In Finland, the directories are called "Keltaiset sivut", and

* France: In France, Yellow Pages are referred to as "Pages Jaunes". They are distributed free by, a company affiliated with France Télécom., the .com version of Pages Jaunes, was the issue of a major court case at WIPO; the original registrant, an individual from Los Angeles, won against France Télécom. This court decision defended by the Parisian Lawyer, Andre Bertrand, was path-setting for the whole European Yellow Pages industry, as it decided that the phrase "Yellow Pages" cannot be considered the property of a single company. Previously, many former state monopoly telecom companies outside the US had tried to ban competition by claiming the term "yellow pages", or the translation of "yellow pages" into the vernacular, as their exclusive trademark. Vivendi Universal moved to enter the French Yellow Pages market in 2001 with, but the attempt was a killed by a reorganisation of the struggling company. is edited by Another French editor of Yellow Pages is Bottin. More competition is expected in November 2005 from the liberalisation of "12", the former unique "4-1-1" number of Renseignements Telephoniques, French for Directory Inquiry. In November 2006 France Télécom sold its majority participation in to Mediannuaire.
In August 2007 finally became active giving France 2 different Pages Jaunes, this creating agitation at which reshaped their site and started a massive advertisement campaign all over France.


* Georgia: In Georgia, the directory is called ყვითელი ფურცლები and published by "Yellow Pages Tbilisi" Ltd; The online site provides addresses searchable in Georgian, Russian and English.

* Germany: In Germany, a directory titled "Die Gelben Seiten" is distributed free to each subscriber, by the Deutsche Telekom, owner of T-Mobile. Other Yellow pages are edited by "Go", "" and In 2006 a lawsuit with the Deutsches Patentamt denied the validity of the German Trademark "Gelbe Seiten" which in fact is the German translation of the universal expression "Yellow Pages". Klaus Harisch, an Internet Pioneer from Munich and founder of Go had spend over 7 Million Euros on Lawyer Fees to fight for the cancellation of the German "Gelbe Seiten" trademark. Deutsche Telekom had also registered "Yellow Pages" as a German trademark which they lost at the same time. On a European Level Deutsche Telekom had failed to register "Gelbe Seiten Deutschland" or "Yellow Pages Germany" as a Euro Trademark with OMPI. A list of all major players in the German Yellow Pages sector can be found [ here] . A new online directory titled Gelbes Branchenbuch (translates to Yellow business book) is active now and has 4.5 million entries in their database, that is more than the ex-governmental "Die Gelben Seiten" has. In addition, there is a yellow pages directory DasÖ dasö that focuses on local searches. Customers can look up businesses and addresses based on their local region. Das Örtliche is also run by Deutsche Telekom Medien.

* Greece: In Greece, Yellow Pages are called "Xrysos Odigos" that can be translated as "The Golden Guide". Go to to see Greek Yellow Pages, provided by INFOTE a subsidiary of the Greek Telecom Company OTE.


* Hong Kong: In Hong Kong, the phone directory is titled "Hong Kong Yellow Pages", published by PCCW Directories.

* Hungary: In Hungary, the directory is called "aranyoldalak" (gold pages); are published and distributed by MTT Magyar Telefonkonyvkiado Kft, Budaros.


* India: In India, the national telcom company BSNL dominated the yellow pages publishing and distribution until the liberalisation of the telecom sector. GETIT Infomediary Ltd, established in 1986, is the largest publisher of phone books and Yellow Pages in India. It began and made popular the concept of Yellow Pages in India under the name Getit Yellow Pages. The company prints over 5 million directory copies, which is equal to about 80 per cent of all official telephone directories in India. A Private company, Infomedia Yellow Pages also operates in this space.

* Indonesia: In Indonesia, the telecommunication company Telkom with PT. Infomedia Nusantara (one of its subsidiaries), regularly publishes phone books. The company is providing directory, call centre, and content services since 1984. The phone books consisted of white pages and yellow pages, which are published in hard and soft copies and are available online at [] (White Pages's site currently under revision).

* Iran: In the Islamic Republic of Iran, the directory is called 'The first book' or in Persian 'Keta:b e Avval'. This directory divides into different sections such as Directory of Businesses, jobs and maps and city guides. There is an official YellowPages in Iran called 'YellowPages.Iran' The site is owned and published by Iranian Yellow Page company. It's been developed in Farsi and English languages, and contains different categories and locations of Iran. There is also an unofficial company that runs 'The Iran Yellow Pages' This directory is published by Moballeghan Publishing and Advertising Company (1986) with the cooperation of The Trade Promotion Organization of Iran. is an English directory dedicated to Iranian businesses worldwide.

* Ireland:In the Republic of Ireland, the directory is titled 'Golden Pages' published by Truvo. Truvo Ireland is a specialised sales and marketing company focusing on local search and advertising products. Truvo provides efficient local search and advertising through a comprehensive range of print, online, telephone and mobile channels. Publications include 'Golden Pages' (, 'eircom Phonebook' and 'The Local Golden Pages'. Truvo Ireland Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Truvo which also publishes yellow pages in Holland, Belgium, Portugal and Romania.

* Ismaili: , The first and only Ismaili online business directory and yellow pages is

* Israel: In Israel, the yellow pages Hebrew edition is called 'Dapei Zahav' (Golden Pages) and the English edition is 'Golden Pages'. The print directories come out in separate issues based on Israel's different telephone area codes, published by Golden Pages Publications Ltd. They are available online (Hebrew and English options). Five million copies of the yellow pages are distributed annually.

* Italy: in Italy, the directory is titled 'Pagine Gialle' (Yellow Pages). Printed version come out in separate issues for province as White pages. Some years ago, an alternative directory, called 'Pagine utili' (Useful page) was proposed.


* Jamaica: In Jamaica, the directory is titled "The Jamaica Yellow Pages", it is also available online. The directory is published by Cable and Wireless Jamaica Limited.

* Jordan: In Jordan, the directory is titled "The Jordan Yellow Pages", it is also available online. The directory is published by Eng.Fadi Shuqair.


* Kazakhstan: In Kazakhstan, the directory is "Yellow Pages of Kazakhstan", published by Yellow Pages Kazakhstan Management Group.

* South Korea: In South Korea, the directory is published and distributed by many publishers:
**"BiG Yellow Pages. Korean National Directory", by Yellow Pages Korea;
**"Korea Yellow Pages", by Korea Yellow Pages;
**"Korea English Yellow Pages", by Korea Telecom Directory.

*Kosovo: In Kosovo, Faqe te Verdha is a trademark belonging to KOSOFT STUDIO, Priština.


*Lebanon: In Lebanon, the Yellow Pages business directory is published in Arabic and French by PAGESJAUNES LIBAN. It is also available online at in English and in French.
*Libya: In Libya, the Yellow Pages can be found online in English at .


* Macau: In Macau, the phone directory is titled "Macau Yellow Pages/Páginas Amarelas", publ. by Directel Macau Listas Telefonicas Lda.

* Malaysia: In Malaysia, there are 2 large directories Malaysia Yellow Pages and [ Malaysia Super Pages] .

* Maldives: In Maldives, the commercial phone directory is called Maldives Yellow Pages.

* Mali: In Mali, the equivalent online directory is titled

* Malta: In Malta, one of the oldest online directories is called (formerly Malta Business Directory is another online business directory for the Maltese islands. The website of the largest print directory is at

* Mexico: In Mexico, there are two commercial phone directories. The incumbent is called "Sección Amarilla (Yellow Section)"and the independent is Páginas Útiles. Sección Amarilla is published by Anuncios en Directorios, S.A. de C.V., a subsidiary of Telmex, the local Telco. Páginas Útiles is published by Ideas Intercativas, S.A. de C.V. On-line competitors include: Páginas Amarillas and Radiopasillo.

* Morocco: In Morocco, the directory is called "Pages Jaunes" (yellow pages) and can be found via the URL '' or via ''.

* Mongolia: In Mongolia, the directory is called "Mongolia Yellow Pages" (yellow pages) and can be found via

* Moldova: In Moldova yellow pages can be found via the site


* Netherlands: In Netherlands, the directory is called "Gouden Gids" (literally "Golden Guide"), and within the district concerned, it is distributed free to each telephone subscriber.

* New Zealand: In New Zealand, directory is printed in 18 regional editions by Yellow Pages Group (YPG). YPG also publishes 18 regional editions of 'White Pages' (combined government, residential and business listings), and a 'Local Directory' for some urban areas and sub-regions. For a breakdown of editions see [] . There is also a WAP service so you can access yellow pages via mobile phone. Classified listings first appeared on yellow paper in New Zealand in the 1960s. In earlier directories classified listings had often appeared on pink paper. From 2006 print yellow pages now includes maps, coupons and 'life guides' which link advice about major events like weddings, pregnancy, moving home and establishing a business to classified categories. A recent YPG ad campaign involved an online competition. Using only names of categories found in the Yellow Pages, entrants attempted to make witty flow charts telling a story ultimately ending at some humorous conclusion. Winning entries made their way on to various billboards.

* Nigeria:
** Nigerian Yellow Pages: Content of Nigerian Yellow Pages is available in five formats: "CD-ROM directory"; "MS Windows Desktop directory"; "Internet directory"; "Mobile Phone Internet directory" and "Mobile Phone SMS text directory". There is also a mobile edition, which is accessible on mobile phones and other mobile devices such as PDA. There is a dedicated classifieds section in their yellow pages for jobs, properties, homes, rentals and announcements. It has its own toolbar, the Nigerian Yellow Pages Toolbar similar to Google Toolbar and Yahoo Toolbar. is an online business directory in Nigeria, operated by Xybertek Systems.
** Africaonline business directory: The other Yellowpage business directory in Nigeria is the Africaonline business directory, This is an interactive online business directory that enables businesses to upload their profiles and place their adverts. covers the entire African Continent and serves to integrate African businesses.

* Norway: In Norway, the directory is called "Gule Sider" (Yellow Pages). The two second largest directories are Opplysningen 1881 and Nettkatalogen.,, Avanti Media AS, Bedriftssøket AS and are som of the other directories in growth. The searchengine provides a business directory branded Sesam Katalog.


* Pakistan:In Pakistan, Jamal's Yellow Pages of Pakistan, Pioneers of Yellow Pages in Pakistan since 1983, providing complete and up to date business and trade information... The 2008 Version of this Directory would be its Silver Jubilee Edition. The online version of the Jamal's Yellow Pages of Pakistan is freely available at In 2001 Time Publishers (Pvt) Ltd. Intrdouce a Trade Directory in Yellow Pages Pattern named Time's Trade Directory of Pakistan ( [ (] ). Company introduced several new features in company information listings.. such as email and ISO Certification information. In the same time company introduced Time's e-Directory 1st ever interactive B2B CD ROM version in Pakistan with Bulk e-mail, e-mail merg & faxing facility. The 2009 edition of the said Directory would be its 8th Annual edition. After the Privatization of PTCL Pakistan Telecommunication Company another new Yellow Pages & White Pages Directory has been Introduced in Pakistan that is PHONE BOOK. JS Enterprises Private Limited is publishing this Directory, which is also associated with Jang Group of Newspapers and GEO Television Network. The Online Version of this Phone Book is also available which is most advanced and perfect listing system ever in the history of Pakistan This Directory is the Pakistan's Largest Phone Book Directory and all data and listings managed by Pakistan Telecommunication Company and online Version is maintained by JS Enterprises, which is offering Free online listings for Yellow Pages Section. The online version of the PHONE BOOK Yellow Pages of Pakistan is freely available at

* Palestine: Palestine Yellow Pages Ltd is the official publisher of Yellow Pages branded products in Palestine. Palestine Yellow Pages is the exclusive owner of the Yellow Pages, Walking Fingers & Design, and trademarks in Palestine. Palestine Yellow Pages is part of the Al Wahda-Express Group of Companies. Founded in 1986, Al Wahda-Express Group of Companies employs nearly 1000 employees publishing print, online and mobile Yellow Pages directories throughout 5 countries including Palestine.

* Panama: In Panama, Yellow Pages Panama, Leading company in providing complete and up to date business and trade information for the Republic of Panama... The online version of the Yellow Pages Panama is available at

* Peru: In USA, Peruvian Yellow Pages, since 1993, the printed edition, is the first and oldest publication for Peruvians living in the USA. Now with the online version covering coast to coast the American territory. The online version of the Peruvian yellow pages is available at Peruvian Yellow Pages.

* Philippines: In Philippines, Directories Philippines Corporation (DPC), regularly publishes phone books of more than a dozen telecom companies in the country. The online version of the yellow pages is available at the e-Yellow Pages Philippines or Yellow Page Philippines. Mobile users can access the mobile yellow pages via the LUK4 Mobile Yellow Pages

* Poland: In Poland, it is called "żółte strony" and is distributed by Polskie Książki Telefoniczne as a part of their phone books. The second largest directory, published by Eniro, is called "Panorama Firm" (panorama of companies). It is the biggest online directory in Poland. Polish Yellow Pages has existed on the market since 1998. Several dozen thousand people visit each day. Yellow Pages enables them to search companies and products and services, it is a business platform, which helps to promote a company and to establish trade relations. On April 2007 started - first local search web which connects maps and information about companies in Poland. Several historical directories from Poland are available online as scans, and can be searched via

* Portugal: In Portugal, the "Páginas Amarelas" are controlled by Portugal Telecom and the website is The printed version is distributed for free to all land line users


* Romania: In Romania, the directory is called 'Pagini Aurii' (Golden Pages)

* Russia: In Russia, KONTAKT EAST HOLDINGS (KEH.ST) established in 2006, is a Swedish holding company that owns Russian Company OOO "Желтые страницы" ("JOLTI STRANITSI") (Russian translation of Yellow Pages). OOO "JOLTI STRANITSI" is the result of the successful merger in 2007 of YPI YELLOW PAGES, established in 1993, a leading publisher of Yellow Pages directories in the St. Petersburg and Perm markets and Eniro RUS-M, a publisher of leading Yellow Pages directories in Moscow, Samara and 7 other Russian cities in the Urals and Volga region. OOO "Jolti Stranitsi" maintains and updates a database of approximately 1,000,000 business and organizations and provides advertising services to over 20,000 companies. The international directory “walking fingers” brand is easily recognizable on each of the over 500,000 directories YPI Yellow Pages prints annually.

:The OOO "Jolti Stranisti" database of companies and organizations is available in many forms including the popular online (all regions) and (St. Petersburg, Moscow and Perm) sites as well as in CD and mobile form at The online and sites provides addresses searchable in both Russian and in English.

Other directories in Russia include:

:*"Адрес Mосква" (Moscow address), by ZAO Verlag Euro Address; :*"Большая Телефонная Книга Москвы" (Big Phone Book of Moscow), by Extra M Media; :*"Вся Деловая Москва" (all business Moscow), by Biznes-Karta Business Information Agency; :*"Московский Бизнес - Moscow Business Telephone Guide" by Московский Бизнес - Moscow Business Telephone Guide.:*"RUProm" - the free online business directory


* Saudi Arabia: Riyadh-based Al Wahda-Express Saudi LLC is the official publisher of STC Yellow Pages branded products in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Since 2003, Al Wahda-Express Saudi has published the STC Yellow Pages in both print and electronic formats. STC Yellow Pages in print edition includes 8 regional editions in Arabic with 3 directories also offered in English. Directories are published annually and distributed each September for the areas of: Central Region Directory - Riyadh City and Governorates; West Region Directory - Mecca as well as Jeddah & Taif Governorates; East Region Directory - Dammam, Alhasa, Jubail Governorates; North Region Directory - Madinah al Munawarah, Tabuk, Yanbu, Qassim, Hail, Jouf & Northern borders; South Region Directory - Asir, Al Baha, Jazan & Najran. Combined annual circulation is over 1 million print directories. Al Wahda-Express Saudi also publishes the STC Yellow Pages on 2 electronic platforms; both Online and Mobile can be found at Al Wahda-Express Saudi is supported by 4 regional offices and employs over 100 staff members. Al Wahda-Express Saudi LLC (Head Office) is located at: Makka Road - Hadda Quarter, Opposite to Diplomatic Quarters, P.O. Box 301490, Riyadh 11372; Telephone: +966 1 4886050.

* Spain: In Spain, it is called "Páginas Amarillas", it was distributed by Telefónica Publicidad e Información S.A. Yellowpages - now known as Yell Publicidad - can also be found via the Internet Address Since July 2006 the company is owned by Yell Group from the UK. A competitor is, a directory edited by Pages Jaunes Group from France. Also there is an English speaking expat directory of businesses along the south east of Spain called This site is aimed mainly at English speaking expatriates living in Spain.

* Serbia: In Serbia, the directory is called "Zute Strane - Serbian Business Directory" (Yellow Pages) which is a registered trademark belonging to Yellow Pages Co. from Belgrade.

* Sierra Leone: In Sierra Leone, the online yellow pages directory, LeoneDirect powered by Denza, LLC. provides contact information for local companies.

* Singapore: In Singapore, it is known as "Yellow Pages" and is registered as a public company under the name . It is listed on the Singapore SGX mainboard on 9 Dec 2004. It includes the Singapore Phone Book, the Chinese Yellow Pages and the Yellow Pages Buying and Commercial/Industrial Guides) and advertisement sales. Yellow Pages Singapore also publishes and distributes niche directories and guides.

* Slovakia: In Slovakia, it is called "Zlaté stránky" (which means Golden Pages), published by Mediatel, Bratislava and is distributed free to each telephone subscriber, usually in exchange for its previous version. The online version is available at

* Slovenia: In Slovenia, the directory is called "Rumene strani" (Yellow Pages) which is a registered trademark belonging to Inter Marketing.

* South Africa: In South Africa, the directory is called 'the Yellow Pages' which is distributed by TDS Directory Operations , a subsidiary of World Directories which also publishes books in Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal and Romania. There are 19 regional editions covering the nine provinces. Each of the four metropolitan areas has a separate white and yellow pages book. The remaining 15 areas have both sections in one book.

* Sri Lanka: In Sri Lanka, the official 'Yellow Pages' publisher is produced by Directories Lanka (Pvt) Ltd However, competing publishers also use the term 'yellow pages' though not the walking fingers logo.

* Sweden: In Sweden, it is called "Gula Sidorna", distributed by Eniro. is a portal to different Yellowpages from Sweden. [] is an alternative Swedish directory, distributed by the Norwegian company Advista.

* Switzerland: In Switzerland while there is no printed yellow pages volume the company Swisscom Directories AG ( produces and distributes directories in several forms including an internet-based yellow pages in German, French, Italian and English. Directories contain an information section, a magazine, place names, white pages and inserts.


* Thailand: In Thailand it is called "Samood Nar Leung" and also called "Thailand YellowPages". The company Teleinfo Media Public Company Limited produce and distribute Yellow pages nationwide. Thailand YellowPages is generated in several forms e.g. paper, Call Center no. 1188 and website including WAP-based Thailand YellowPages is produced both in Thai and English.

* Tunisia: In Tunisia, it is called "الصفحات الصفراء" (Pages Jaunes) and it's owned by "Les Editions Techniques Spécialisées", a Tunisian private company. The online version, available at for free was one of the first online directories in Arabic.

* Turkey: Turkey Yellow Pages LLC is the official publisher of Yellow Pages branded products in Turkey. Turkey Yellow Pages LLC is the exclusive owner of the Yellow Pages, Walking Fingers & Design, and trademarks in Turkey. Turkey Yellow Pages LLC is part of the Al Wahda-Express Group of Companies. Founded in 1986, Al Wahda-Express Group of Companies employs nearly 1000 employees publishing print, online and mobile Yellow Pages directories throughout 5 countries including Turkey. Turkey Yellow Pages LLC] is located at: Cumhuriyet Caddesi, Gürsel Plaza No: 123, Kat: 8-9 34805 Kavacık, İstanbul/Türkiye; Telephone: +90 216 538 57 57.

* Turkey: In Turkey, it is called " Altin sayfalar" ( Golden Pages) and distributed by Dogan Medya. Altin Sayfalar. Overall settings are very similar with Yellow Pages.

* Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus In [Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus] . Known as CYPYP it is found at

* Turks and Caicos: In Turks and Caicos, it is called "Turks & Caicos Yellow Pages" and distributed by local communications company Cable and Wireless.


* Ukraine: In Ukraine, the free business directory is titled "UAProm" (Russian), it is available online at Other directories are:,

* United Arab Emirates: Dubai-based Al Wahda-Express LLC is the official publisher of Etisalat Yellow Pages branded products in the UAE. Established 1986, Al Wahda-Express LLC publishes the Yellow Pages in both print and electronic formats. Etisalat Yellow Pages print edition consists of 3 regional directories for the areas of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the Northern Emirates. Directories are published annually and distributed in the month of April each year. Combined annual circulation is over 1 million print directories. Al Wahda-Express LLC also publishes the Etisalat Yellow Pages on 2 electronic platforms; both Online and Mobile can be found at Al Wahda-Express LLC (Head Office) is located at: Al Ittihad Rd, Deira, Dubai, UAE; Telephone: +9714 297 0297.

* United Kingdom: The first Yellow Pages directory in the UK was produced by the Hull Corporation's telephone department (now Kingston Communications) in 1954. This was distributed with the alphabetical phone directory rather than as a stand-alone publication. The company now produces The Hull Colour Pages.

:With the encouragement of The Thomson Corporation, at the time an advertising sales agent for the nationalised General Post Office's telephone directory, a business telephone number directory named the Yellow Pages was first produced in 1966 by the GPO for the Brighton area, and was rolled out nationwide in 1973. The Thomson Corporation formed Thomson Yellow Pages in 1966 to publish and to distribute the directory to telephone subscribers for the GPO, and later for The Post Office.

:Thomson Yellow Pages was sold by The Thomson Corporation in 1980, at the same time as Post Office Telecommunications became the (then) state-owned British Telecom (BT). The Yellow Pages directory continued to be distributed to all telephone subscribers by BT. At the same time, The Thomson Corporation formed Thomson Directories Ltd, and began to publish the Thomson Local directory, which would remain the Yellow Pages' main, and often sole, competitor in the UK for more than the next two decades, and would be the competitive driving force behind such changes to Yellow Pages as the adoption (in 1999) of colour printing and "white knock out" listings.

:In 1984, the year that BT was privatised, the department producing the directory became a stand alone subsidiary of BT, named Yellow Pages. In the mid-1990s the Yellow Pages business was re-branded as Yell, although the directory itself continued to be known as the Yellow Pages.

:Yell was bought by venture capitalists in 2001, and in 2003 was floated on the Stock Exchange. After the one year "no competition" clause expired BT too went into competition with the Yellow Pages, re-entering the market by adding similar content to their existing "The Phone Book", adding a classified section to the traditional alphabetical domestic and business listings.

:Yellow Pages, Thomson Local and BT's The Phone Book display advertising and can be booked directly with advertising sales representatives.

:Nowadays the KC Yellow Pages is referred to as Hull Colour Pages, and is separate from the White Pages. Yell now also publishes an East Yorkshire edition of Yellow Pages in competition.

* United States: AT&T, Verizon, and Qwest, the three largest phone companies in the U.S., dominate the U.S. yellow pages industry; however, the term "yellow pages" and the "Walking Fingers" logo was heavily marketed by AT&T pre divestiture. However, AT&T never filed a trademark registration application for the current and most recognized version of the "Walking Fingers" logo, so it is in the public domain. AT&T allowed the "independent yellow pages" industry to use the logo freely. [ [ Bellsouth v. Datanational ] ] The "independents" are unrelated to the incumbent phone company and are either pure advertising operations with no phone infrastructure or telephone companies who provide local telephone service elsewhere. Such independents include operators who typically focus on industry or business segments, or local market directories.

:Yellow pages publishers or their agents sell the right to place advertisements within the same category, next to the basic listings.

:For example, AT&T is the dominant local telephone service provider in California, but since Bell Atlantic and GTE merged to become Verizon, it now provides service in many pockets such as West Los Angeles. Los Angeles telephone users can select from telephone directories published by AT&T, Verizon (published by Idearc), Yellow Book USA, PDC Pages (Phone Directoies Company)PDC and other independent publishing companies. R. H. Donnelley has also entered the national market with Additionally, in the smaller markets, many yellow pages publishers are beginning to offer directories catering to specific niche business or industry segments, such as automotive, manufacturing, environmental/green products, imports, exports, and the like. One such example is the Export Yellow Pages (a yellow page directory published in partnership with the US Department of Commerce that focuses on U.S. exporters) and vertical directories offered by Yellow Pages Nationwide, Inc. Media an Online Digital Yellow Pages company, Consolidation and M&A activity in the directory publishing market continues to remain very high in the U.S. and there is an increasing move toward internet based directories as internet usage for search increases.: LLC is a subsidiary of AT&T.

:Edwin P. Eisen is credited with founding the Yellow Pages of New England ( which was the first independent yellow pages on Cape Cod as well as being the first full color, major scoped yellow pages to offer affordable yellow page advertising to small businesses. The company has expanded to cover for additional markets from Cape Cod to Boston.

: Some other Online yellow pages that offer free listing and Advertising options for advertisers are - [] ,,,, and

* Uzbekistan: in Uzbekistan the directory is called "Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan", published by Yellow Pages Ltd.


* Vietnam: In Vietnam, the official title "Vietnam Yellow Pages Guide" in English and "Trang Vang Vietnam" in Vietnamese are produced and distributed nationwide by Yellow Pages Joint Stock Company an international publisher member of the Yellow Pages Association, with operations in Hanoi Capital, Danang City, Binh Duong Province, Dong Nai Province and Ho Chi Minh City. Its website can be found at In the Northern Region, the title "Hanoi Telephone Directory & Yellow Pages" in Vietnamese, is produced and distributed in Hanoi Capital by Vietnam Telephone Directory & Yellow Pages 1 Joint Stock Company with website and in the Southern Region, the title "Ho Chi Minh City Telephone Directory & Yellow Pages" in Vietnamese is produced and distributed in Ho Chi Minh City by Vietnam Telephone Directory & Yellow Pages 2 Joint Stock Company with website


* World: Yellowpages of the shows Videos of Yellow Pages Ad commercials throughout the World and lists a large number of independent national Yellow Pages.


in many countries there are editors of Yellowpages on a city level.
* Los Angeles: In Los Angeles, USA there is a yellow pages directory called, Phonebook of Los Angeles
* Mannheim: In Mannheim, Germany the online yellow pages directory is called, Mannheim Virtuell

* New York: In New York, USA the online yellow pages directory is called, Phonebook of New York


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