- Chamaeleo chamaeleon
Common Chameleon Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia Order: Squamata Suborder: Sauria Family: Chamaeleonidae Genus: Chamaeleo Species: C. chamaeleon Binomial name Chamaeleo chamaeleon
(Linnaeus, 1758)The Common Chameleon is the only species of Chamaleonidae of Europe.
Four sub-species are identified:
- Chamaeleo chamaeleon chamaeleon
- Chamaeleo chamaeleon musae
- Chamaeleo chamaeleon orientalis
- Chamaeleo chamaeleon rectricrista
In Europe: Southern Greece (Aegean Islands, Crete, Chios, Samos), Turkey (Aegean and Mediterranean cost) Malta, Southern Portugal, Southern Spain, Cyprus. In North Africa and the Middle East: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Western Sahara, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran.
It was once cited by Marlin Perkins (creator/host of TV's original "Wild Kingdom") that it was once erroneously believed that chameleons could only mimic solid colors, giving rise to the now-obscure expression: "Crazier than a chameleon on a checkered tablecloth."
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