Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Martyn Lloyd-Jones

David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (20 December 1899 – 1 March 1981) was a Welsh Protestant minister, preacher and medical doctor who was influential in the Reformed wing of the British evangelical movement in the 20th century. For almost 30 years, he was the minister of Westminster Chapel in London. Lloyd-Jones was strongly opposed to Liberal Christianity, which had become a part of many Christian denominations; he regarded it as aberrant. He disagreed with the broad church approach and encouraged evangelical Christians (particularly Anglicans) to leave their existing denominations. He believed that true Christian fellowship was possible only amongst those who shared common convictions regarding the nature of the faith.



Early life and ministry

Lloyd-Jones was born in Cardiff and raised in Llangeitho, Ceredigion. Llangeitho is associated with the Welsh Methodist revival, as it was the location of Daniel Rowland's ministry. Attending a London grammar school between 1914 and 1917 and then St Bartholomew's Hospital as a medical student, in 1921 he started work as assistant to the Royal Physician, Sir Thomas Horder. After struggling for two years over what he sensed was a calling to preach, in 1927 Lloyd-Jones returned to Wales, having married Bethan Phillips (with whom he later had two children, Elizabeth and Ann), accepting an invitation to minister at a church in Aberavon (Port Talbot).

Westminster Chapel

After a decade ministering in Aberavon, in 1939 he went back to London, where he had been appointed as associate pastor of Westminster Chapel, working alongside G. Campbell Morgan. The day before he was officially to be accepted into his new position, World War II broke out in Europe. During the same year, he became the president of the Inter-Varsity Fellowship of Students (known today as the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UK)). During the war he and his family moved to Haslemere, Surrey. In 1943 Morgan retired, leaving Lloyd-Jones as the sole Pastor of Westminster Chapel.

Lloyd-Jones was well-known for his style of expository preaching, and the Sunday morning and evening meetings at which he officiated drew crowds of several thousand, as did the Friday evening Bible studies, which were, in effect, sermons in the same style. He would take many months, even years, to expound a chapter of the Bible verse by verse. His sermons would often be around fifty minutes to an hour in length, attracting many students from universities and colleges in London. His sermons were also transcribed and printed (virtually verbatim) in the weekly Westminster Record, which was read avidly by those who enjoyed his preaching.

The evangelical controversy

Lloyd-Jones provoked a major dispute in 1966 when, at the National Assembly of Evangelicals organised by the Evangelical Alliance, he called on all clergy of evangelical conviction to leave denominations that contained both liberal and evangelical congregations. This was interpreted as referring primarily to evangelicals within the Church of England, although there is disagreement over whether this was his intention. As a significant figure to many in the free churches, Lloyd-Jones had hoped to encourage those Christians who held evangelical beliefs to withdraw from any churches where alternative views were present.

However, Lloyd-Jones was criticised by the leading Anglican evangelical John Stott. Although Stott was not scheduled to speak, he used his position as chairman of the meeting to rebuke Lloyd-Jones publicly, stating that his opinion was against history and the Bible (though John Stott greatly admired Lloyd-Jones's work and would often quote him in Stott's own books).[1] This open clash between the two elder statesmen of British evangelicalism was widely reported in the Christian press and caused considerable controversy.

The following year saw the first National Evangelical Anglican Congress, which was held at Keele University. At this conference, largely due to Stott's influence, evangelical Anglicans committed themselves to full participation in the Church of England, rejecting the separationist approach proposed by Lloyd-Jones.[2]

These two conferences effectively fixed the direction of a large part of the British evangelical community. Although there is an ongoing debate as to the exact nature of Lloyd-Jones's views, they undoubtedly caused the two groupings to adopt diametrically opposed positions. These positions, and the resulting split, continue largely unchanged to this day.[3]

Later life

Lloyd-Jones retired from his ministry at Westminster Chapel in 1968, following a major operation. He spoke of a belief that God had stopped him from continuing to preach through the New Testament book of the Letter to the Romans in his Friday evening Bible study exposition because he did not personally know enough about "joy in the Holy Spirit", which was to be his next sermon (based on Romans 14:17). For the rest of his life, he concentrated on editing his sermons to be published, counselling other ministers, answering letters and attending conferences. Perhaps his most famous publication is a 14 volume series of commentaries on the Epistle to the Romans, the first volume of which was published in 1970.

Despite spending most of his life living and ministering in England, Lloyd-Jones was proud of his roots in Wales. He best expressed his concern for his home country through his support of the Evangelical Movement of Wales: he was a regular speaker at their conferences,[4] preaching in both English and Welsh. Since his death, the movement has published various books, in English and Welsh, bringing together selections of his sermons and articles.

Lloyd-Jones preached for the last time on 8 June 1980 at Barcombe Baptist Chapel. After a lifetime of work, he died peacefully in his sleep at Ealing on 1 March 1981, St David's Day. He was buried at Newcastle Emlyn, near Cardigan, west Wales. A well-attended thanksgiving service was held at Westminster Chapel on 6 April.

Since his death, there have been various publications regarding Lloyd-Jones and his work, most popularly a biography in two volumes by Iain Murray.


Charismatic Movement

Martyn Lloyd-Jones has admirers from many different denominations in the Christian Church today. One much-discussed aspect of his legacy is his relationship to the Charismatic Movement. Respected by leaders of many churches associated with this movement, although not directly associated with them, he did teach the Baptism with the Holy Spirit as a distinct experience rather than conversion and the regeneration of the Holy Spirit.[5] Indeed, towards the end of his life he urged his listeners to actively seek an experience of the Holy Spirit. For instance, in his exposition of Ephesians 6:10-13, published in 1976, he says, "Do you know anything of this fire? If you do not, confess it to God and acknowledge it. Repent, and ask Him to send the Spirit and His love into you until you are melted and moved, until you are filled with his love divine, and know His love to you, and rejoice in it as his child, and look forward to the hope of the coming glory. 'Quench not the Spirit', but rather 'be filled with the Spirit' and 'rejoice in Christ Jesus'".[6]

Part of Lloyd-Jones' stress of the Christian's need of the baptism with the Holy Spirit was due to his belief that this provides an overwhelming assurance of God's love to the Christian, and thereby enables him to boldly witness for Christ to an unbelieving world.[5]

Aside from his insistence that the baptism with the Spirit is a work of Jesus Christ distinct from regeneration, rather than the filling of the Holy Spirit, Lloyd-Jones also opposed cessationism, claiming that the doctrine is not founded upon Scripture. In fact, he requested that Banner of Truth Trust, the publishing company he co-founded, publish his works on the subject only after his death.[5] He claimed that those who took a position such as B.B. Warfield's on cessationism were 'quenching the Spirit.'[5] He continued to proclaim the necessity of the active working of God in the world and the need for him to miraculously demonstrate his power so that Christian preachers (and all those who witness for Christ) might gain a hearing in a contemporary world that is hostile to the true God and to Christianity in general.[4]


Lloyd-Jones seldom agreed to preach live on television, (the exact number of occasions is not known, but it was most likely only once or twice).[7] His reasoning behind this decision was that this type of "controlled" preaching, preaching that is constrained by time limits, "militates against the freedom of the Spirit."[7] In other words, he believed that the preacher should be free to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit concerning the length of time in which he is allowed to preach. He recorded that he once asked a television executive who wanted him to preach on television, "What would happen to your programmes if the Holy Spirit suddenly descended upon the preacher and possessed him; what would happen to your programmes?"[7]

Perhaps the greatest aspect of Lloyd-Jones' legacy has to do with his preaching. Lloyd-Jones was one of the most influential preachers of the twentieth century.[8] Many volumes of his sermons have been published by Banner of Truth, as well as other publishing companies. In his book, Preaching and Preachers (Zondervan, 1971), Lloyd-Jones describes his views on preaching, or what might be called his doctrine of homiletics. In this book, he defines preaching as "Logic on fire." The meaning of this definition is demonstrated throughout the book in which he describes his own preaching style that had developed over his many years of ministry.

His preaching style may be summarized as 'logic on fire' for several reasons. First, he believed that the use of logic was vital for the preacher. But his view of logic was not the same as that of the Enlightenment. This is why he called it logic "on fire." The fire has to do with the activity and power of the Holy Spirit. He therefore believed that preaching was the logical demonstration of the truth of a given passage of Scripture with the aid, or unction, of the Holy Spirit.[9] This view manifested itself in the form of Lloyd-Jones' sermons. Lloyd-Jones believed that true preaching was always expository. This means he believed that the primary purpose of the sermon was to reveal and expand the primary teaching of the passage under consideration. Once the primary teaching was revealed, he would then logically expand this theme, demonstrating that it was a biblical doctrine by showing that it was taught in other passages in the Bible, and using logic in order to demonstrate its practical use and necessity for the hearer. With this being the case, he laboured in his book Preaching and Preachers to caution young preachers against what he deemed as "commentary-style" preaching as well as "topical" preaching.[10]

Lloyd-Jones' preaching style was therefore set apart by his sound exposition of biblical doctrine and his fire and passion in its delivery. He is thereby known as a preacher who continued in the Puritan tradition of experimental preaching.[5] A famous quote on the effects of Lloyd-Jones' preaching is given by theologian and preacher J.I. Packer, who wrote that he had "never heard such preaching." It came to him "with the force of electric shock, bringing to at least one of his listeners more of a sense of God than any other man".[5]

Lloyd-Jones was also an avid supporter of the Evangelical Library in London.[11]

Recordings Trust

Shortly after his death, a charitable trust was established to continue Lloyd-Jones's ministry by making recordings of his sermons available. The organisation currently has 1600 talks available and also produces a weekly radio program using this material.[12]


  • Why Does God Allow War?: A General Justification of the Ways of God (Hodder & Stoughton, 1939)
  • The Plight of Man and The Power of God (Abingdon, 1942)
  • Truth Unchanged, Unchanging (Revell, 1951)
  • From Fear to Faith: Studies in the Book of Habakkuk (IVP, 1953)
  • Authority (IVP, 1958)
  • Studies in the Sermon on the Mount (Eerdmans, 1958)
  • Faith on Trial: Studies in Psalm 73 (IVP, 1963)
  • Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cures (Eerdmans, 1964)
  • Romans: An Exposition of Chapters 3:20-4:25 - Atonement and Justification (Banner of Truth, 1970)
  • Preaching & Preachers (Hodder & Stoughton, 1971)
  • Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 5 - Assurance (Banner of Truth, 1971)
  • God's Way of Reconciliation: An Exposition of Ephesians 2 (Baker, 1972)
  • Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 6 - The New Man (Banner of Truth, 1972)
  • Life in the Spirit in Marriage, Home and Work: An Exposition of Ephesians 5:18-6:9 (Baker, 1973)
  • Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 1 - The Gospel of God (Banner of Truth, 1973)
  • Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 7:1-8:4 - The Law: Its Functions and Limits (Banner of Truth, 1974)
  • Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 8:5-17 - The Sons of God (Banner of Truth, 1974)
  • Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 8:17-39 - The Final Perseverance of the Saints (Banner of Truth, 1975)
  • The Christian Warfare: An Exposition of Ephesians 6:10-13 (Baker, 1976)
  • The Christian Soldier: An Exposition of Ephesians 6:10-20 (Baker, 1977)
  • God's Ultimate Purpose: An Exposition of Ephesians 1 (Baker, 1978)
  • The Unsearchable Riches of Christ: An Exposition of Ephesians 3 (Baker, 1979)
  • Christian Unity: An Exposition of Ephesians 4:1-16 (Baker, 1980)
  • Darkness and Light: An Exposition of Ephesians 4:17-5:17 (Baker, 1982)
  • Evangelistic Sermons at Aberavon (Banner of Truth, 1983)
  • Expository Sermons on 2 Peter (Banner of Truth, 1983)
  • Joy Unspeakable: Power and Renewal in the Holy Spirit (Kingsway, 1984)
  • The Cross: God's Way of Salvation (Crossway, 1986)
  • The Puritans: Their Origins and Successors (Banner of Truth, 1987)
  • Revival (Crossway, 1987)
  • Knowing the Times: Addresses Delivered on Various Occasions, 1942-77 (Banner of Truth, 1989)
  • Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 2:1-3:20 - The Righteous Judgment of God (Banner of Truth, 1989)
  • What Is an Evangelical? (Banner of Truth, 1992)
  • Life in Christ: Studies in 1 John, vol. 1 - Fellowship with God (Crossway, 1993)
  • Life in Christ: Studies in 1 John, vol. 2 - Walking with God (Crossway, 1993)
  • D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Letters:1919-1981 (Banner of Truth, 1994)
  • Life in Christ: Studies in 1 John, vol. 3 - Children of God (Crossway, 1994)
  • Life in Christ: Studies in 1 John, vol. 4 - The Love of God (Crossway, 1994)
  • Life in Christ: Studies in 1 John, vol. 5 - Life of God (Crossway, 1994)
  • Out of the Depths: Restoring Fellowship with God (Crossway, 1995)
  • Great Doctrines of the Bible, vol. 1: God the Father, God the Son (Crossway, 1996)
  • Old Testament Evangelistic Sermons (Banner of Truth, 1996)
  • Great Doctrines of the Bible, vol. 2: God the Holy Spirit (Crossway, 1997)
  • Romans: An Exposition Of Chapter 10 - Saving Faith (Banner of Truth, 1997)
  • True Happiness: An Exposition of Psalm One (Bryntirion, 1997)
  • Great Doctrines of the Bible, vol. 3: The Church and the Last Things (Crossway, 1998)
  • Authentic Christianity: Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles, vol. 1: Acts 1-3 (Banner of Truth, 1999)
  • God's Way Not Ours: Sermons on Isaiah 1:1-18 (Banner of Truth, 1999)
  • Let Everybody Praise the Lord: An Exposition of Psalm 107 (Bryntirion, 1999)
  • Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 11 - To God's Glory (Banner of Truth, 1999)
  • The Assurance of Our Salvation: Exploring the Depth of Jesus Prayer for His Own (Studies in John 17) (Crossway, 2000)
  • Studies in the Book of Acts, vol. 1: Authentic Christianity (Crossway, 2000)
  • Heirs of Salvation: Studies in Biblical Assurance (Bryntirion, 2000)
  • Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 12 - Christian Conduct (Banner of Truth, 2000)
  • Authentic Christianity: Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles, vol. 2: Acts 4-5 (Banner of Truth, 2001)
  • Studies in the Book of Acts, vol. 2: Courageous Christianity (Crossway, 2001)
  • True Happiness: Psalms 1 and 107 (Crossway, 2001)
  • Life in Christ: Studies in 1 John (The Original Five Volumes in One) (Crossway, 2002)
  • Authentic Christianity: Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles, vol. 3: Acts 5:17-6:8 (Banner of Truth, 2003)
  • Great Doctrines of the Bible, vols. 1-3 (Crossway, 2003)
  • Romans: An Exposition Of Chapter 13 - Life in Two Kingdoms (Banner of Truth, 2003)
  • Romans: An Exposition Of Chapter 14:1-17 - Liberty And Conscience (Banner of Truth, 2003)
  • Studies in the Book of Acts, vol. 3: Victorious Christianity (Crossway, 2003)
  • Authentic Christianity: Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles, vol. 4: Acts 7:1-29 (Banner of Truth, 2004)
  • Studies in the Book of Acts, vol. 4: Glorious Christianity (Crossway, 2004)
  • The All-Sufficient God: Sermons on Isaiah 40 (Banner of Truth, 2005)
  • Seeking the Face of God: Nine Reflections on the Psalms (Crossway, 2005)
  • Authentic Christianity: Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles, vol. 5: Acts 7:30-60 (Banner of Truth, 2006)
  • Authentic Christianity: Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles, vol. 6: Acts 8:1-35 (Banner of Truth, 2006)
  • Raising Children God's Way (Banner of Truth, 2007)
  • The Christian in an Age of Terror: Sermons for a Time of War (Kregel, 2008)
  • The Gospel in Genesis: From Fig Leaves to Faith (Crossway, 2009)
  • Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled (Crossway, 2009)
  • Living Water: Studies in John 4 (Crossway, 2009)
  • The Kingdom of God (Crossway, 2010)
  • Out of the Depths: Psalm 51 (Christian Focus, 2011)


  1. ^ See, for example, page 60 of Stott's The Sermon on the Mount
  2. ^ Cook, Paul (2007-02). "Evangelicalism in the UK". Evangelical Times. Retrieved 2007-08-30. 
  3. ^ Gibson, Alan (1996-10). "Thirty Years Of Hurt?". Evangelicals Now. Retrieved 2007-08-30 trish. 
  4. ^ a b The Living God, sermon delivered in June 1971, published in The Evangelical Magazine of Wales, April 1981; editor's note confirms regular attendance at Ministers' Conferences
  5. ^ a b c d e f A Passion for Christ-Exalting Power, by John Piper, presented January 30, 1991 at the 1991 Bethlehem Conference for Pastors
  6. ^ The Christian Warfare (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1976), p. 275.
  7. ^ a b c Preaching and Preachers, p. 248
  8. ^ The Ten Greatest Preachers Of The Twentieth Century, by Michael Duduit, Editor, Preaching Magazine (republished by John Mark Ministries)
  9. ^ see Preaching and Preachers, pp. 304-325.
  10. ^ see Preaching and Preachers, pp. 64-80.
  11. ^ see Murray, Iain H. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: The Fight of Faith (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1990), pp. 81-86; 93-97.
  12. ^

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