- Superposition principle
physics andsystems theory , the superposition principle, also known as superposition property, states that, for alllinear system s,:"The net response at a given place and time caused by two or more stimuli is the sum of the responses which would have been caused by each stimulus individually".So that if input A produces response X and input B produces response Y then input (A + B) produces response (X + Y).
Mathematically, for all linear systems "F(x)=y", where "x" is some sort of stimulus (input) and "y" is some sort of response (output), the superposition (i.e., sum) of stimuli yields a superposition of the respective responses::F(x_1+x_2+cdots)=F(x_1)+F(x_2)+cdots.
mathematics , this property is more commonly referred to as additivity, and "F(x)=y" is calledlinear map or linear function or linear operator. This principle has many applications inphysics andengineering , because many physical systems can be modeled as linear systems. For example, inmechanical engineering , the stimulus could be the load on a beam, and the response would be the deflection of the beam. (In this case and many others, the superposition principle is only approximately true, because the system is in fact only approximately linear.)The superposition principle applies to "any" linear system, including
algebraic equation s,linear differential equations , and systems of equations of those forms. The stimuli and responses could be numbers, functions, vectors,vector field s, time-varying signals, or any other object which satisfies certain axioms. Note that when vectors or vector fields are involved, a superposition is interpreted as avector sum . The term "linear" can in fact be "defined" by the property that the superposition principle holds exactly.Relation to Fourier analysis and similar methods
By writing a very general stimulus (in a linear system) as the superposition of stimuli of a specific, simple form, often the response becomes easier to compute, using the superposition principle.
For example, in
Fourier analysis , the stimulus is written as the superposition of infinitely manysinusoid s. Due to the superposition principle, each of these sinusoids can be analyzed separately, and its individual response can be computed. (The response is itself a sinusoid, with the same frequency as the stimulus, but generally a differentamplitude and phase.) According to the superposition principle, the response to the original stimulus is the sum (or integral) of all the individual sinusoidal responses.As another common example, in Green's function analysis, the stimulus is written as the superposition of infinitely many
impulse function s, and the response is then a superposition ofimpulse response s.Fourier analysis is particularly common for
wave s. For example, in electromagnetic theory, ordinarylight is described as a superposition ofplane wave s (waves of fixedfrequency ,polarization , and direction). As long as the superposition principle holds (which is often but not always; seenonlinear optics ), the behavior of any light wave can be understood as a superposition of the behavior of these simplerplane wave s.Application to waves
Waves are usually described by variations in some parameter through space and time—for example, height in a water wave,
pressure in a sound wave, or theelectromagnetic field in a light wave. The value of this parameter is called theamplitude of the wave, and the wave itself is a function specifying the amplitude at each point.In any system with waves, the waveform at a given time is a function of the sources (i.e., external forces, if any, that create or affect the wave) and
initial condition s of the system. In many cases (for example, in the classicwave equation ), the equation describing the wave is linear. When this is true, the superposition principle can be applied. That means that the net amplitude caused by two or more waves traversing the same space, is the sum of the amplitudes which would have been produced by the individual waves separately. For example, two waves traveling towards each other will pass right through each other without any distortion on the other side. (See image at top.)Wave interference
The phenomenon of
interference between waves is based on this idea. When two or more waves traverse the same space, the net amplitude at each point is the sum of the amplitudes of the individual waves. In some cases, such as innoise-cancelling headphone s, the summed variation has a smalleramplitude than the component variations; this is called "destructive interference". In other cases, such as inLine Array , the summed variation will have a bigger amplitude than any of the components individually; this is called "constructive interference".Departures from linearity
It should be noted that in most realistic physical situations, the equation governing the wave is only approximately linear. In these situations, the superposition principle only approximately holds. As a rule, the accuracy of the approximation tends to improve as the amplitude of the wave gets smaller. For examples of phenomena that arise when the superposition principle does not exactly hold, see, for example, the articles
nonlinear optics andnonlinear acoustics .Quantum superposition
quantum mechanics , a principle task is to compute how a certain type of wave propagates and behaves. The wave is called awavefunction , and the equation governing the behavior of the wave is calledSchrödinger's wave equation . A primary approach to computing the behavior of a wavefunction is to write that wavefunction as a superposition (called "quantum superposition ") of (possibly infinitely many) other wavefunctions of a certain type—stationary state s whose behavior is particularly simple. Since Schrödinger's wave equation is linear, the behavior of the original wavefunction can be computed through the superposition principle this way.Quantum Mechanics, Kramers, H.A. publisher Dover, 1957, p. 62 ISBN 978-0486667720] SeeQuantum superposition .Boundary value problems
A common type of boundary value problem is (to put it abstractly) finding a function "y" that satisfies some equation:F(y)=0with some boundary specification:G(y)=zFor example, in
Laplace's equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions, "F" would be theLaplacian operator in a region "R", "G" would be an operator that restricts "y" to the boundary of "R", and "z" would be the function that "y" is required to equal on the boundary of "R".In the case that "F" and "G" are both linear operators, then the superposition principle says that a superposition of solutions to the first equation is another solution to the first equation::IF F(y_1)=F(y_2)=cdots=0 THEN F(y_1+y_2+cdots)=0while the boundary values superpose::G(y_1)+G(y_2) = G(y_1+y_2)Using these facts, if a list can be compiled of solutions to the first equation, then these solutions can be carefully put into a superposition such that it will satisfy the second equation. This is one common method of approaching boundary value problems.
Other example applications
* In
electrical engineering , in alinear circuit , the input (an applied time-varying voltage signal) is related to the output (a current or voltage anywhere in the circuit) by a linear transformation. Thus, a superposition (i.e., sum) of input signals will yield the superposition of the responses. The use ofFourier analysis on this basis is particularly common. For another, related technique in circuit analysis, seeSuperposition theorem .* In
physics ,Maxwell's equations imply that the (possibly time-varying) distributions of charges and currents are related to the electric andmagnetic field s by a linear transformation. Thus, the superposition principle can be used to simplify the computation of fields which arise from given charge and current distribution. The principle also applies to other linear differential equations arising in physics, such as theheat equation .* In
mechanical engineering , superposition is used to solve for beam and structure deflections of combined loads when the effects are linear (i.e., each load does not effect the results of the other loads, and the effect of each load does not significantly alter the geometry of the structural system). [Mechanical Engineering Design, By Joseph Edward Shigley, Charles R. Mischke, Richard Gordon Budynas, Published 2004 McGraw-Hill Professional, p. 192 ISBN 0072520361]* In
hydrogeology , the superposition principle is applied to the drawdown of two or morewater well s pumping in an idealaquifer .* In
process control , the superposition principle is used inmodel predictive control .* The superposition principle can be applied when small deviations from a known solution to a nonlinear system are analyzed by
linearization .* In
music , theoristJoseph Schillinger used a form of the superposition principle as one basis of his "Theory ofRhythm " in his "Schillinger System of Musical Composition".ee also
Impulse response
*Green's function
*Quantum superposition
*Coherence References
*cite book |author=Haberman, Richard |year=2004 |title=Applied Partial Differential Equations |publisher=Prentice Hall |id=ISBN 0-13-065243-1
* [http://www.acoustics.salford.ac.uk/feschools/waves/super.htm Superposition of sound waves]
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