- Timeline of antisemitism
This timeline of antisemitism chronicles the facts of
antisemitism , hostile actions or discrimination againstJew s as a religious or ethnic group. It includes events in the history of antisemitic thought, actions taken to combat or relieve the effects of antisemitism, and events that affected the prevalence of antisemitism in later years. Thehistory of antisemitism can be traced from ancient times to the present day.Some authors prefer to use the term
anti-Judaism orreligious antisemitism for religious sentiment againstJudaism before the rise ofracial antisemitism in the nineteenth century.Antiquity
175 BCE -165 BCE : The Deuterocanonical First and Second "Books of the Maccabees" record thatAntiochus Epiphanes sacksJerusalem and commits atrocities against the Jews and the Jewish religion. The festival ofHanukkah commemorates the uprising of theMaccabees against his rule.;
2nd century BCE : Various Greek and Roman writers, such asMnaseas of Patras,Apollonius Molon ,Apion andPlutarch , repeat the legend that Jews worship a golden calf, a head, etc.Josephus collects and denies the rumours. [ [http://www.ccel.org/ccel/josephus/works/files/apion-2.htm "Against Apion"] Bk 2.7)] [( [http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/p/plutarch/symposiacs/chapter4.html#section39 "Symposiacs"] Bk 4.5).];
19 CE: Roman EmperorTiberius expels Jews fromRome . Expulsion is reported by the Roman historical writersSuetonius , Josephus, andCassius Dio .;
37 -41 : Thousands of Jews killed by mobs in Alexandria (Egypt), as recounted byPhilo of Alexandria in "Flaccus".;
50 : Jews ordered by Roman EmperorClaudius "not to hold meetings", in the words of Cassius Dio (Roman History, 60.6.6). Claudius later expelled Jews from Rome, according to both Suetonius ("Lives of the Twelve Caesars", Claudius, Section 25.4) and Acts 18:2.;
66 -73 :Great Jewish Revolt against the Romans is crushed byVespasian andTitus . Titus refuses to accept a wreath of victory, as there is "no merit in vanquishing people forsaken by their own God." (Philostratus , "Vita Apollonii"). The events of this period were recorded in detail by the Jewish-Roman historianJosephus . His record is largely sympathetic to the Roman view and was written inRome under Roman protection; hence it is considered a controversial source. Josephus describes the Jewish revolt as being led by "tyrants," to the detriment of the city, and of Titus as having "moderation" in his escalation of theSiege of Jerusalem (70) .;
1st century : Fabrications ofApion inAlexandria, Egypt , including the first recordedblood libel . Juvenal writes anti-Jewish poetry.Josephus picks apart contemporary and old antisemitic myths in his work "Against Apion ". [ [http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/author?name=Josephus,%20Flavius e-text at Project Gutenberg] ];Late 1st–early 2nd century:
Tacitus writes anti-Jewish polemic in his "Histories" ( [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?lookup=Tac.+Hist.+5.1 book 5] ). He reports on several old myths of ancient antisemitism (including that of the donkey's head in the Holy of Holies), but the key to his view that Jews "regard the rest of mankind with all the hatred of enemies" is his analysis of the extreme differences betweenmonotheistic Judaism and thepolytheism common throughout the Roman world.;
115 -117 : Thousands of Jews are killed during civil unrest in Egypt,Cyprus , andCyrenaica , as recounted by Cassius Dio "History of Rome" (68.31), andEusebius ' "Historia Ecclesiastica" (4.2), and papyrii.;c.
119 :Roman emperor Hadrian banscircumcision , making Judaism "de facto" illegal.;c.
132 -135 : Crushing of theBar Kokhba revolt . According to Cassius Dio 580,000 Jews are killed. Hadrian orders the expulsion of Jews from Judea, which is merged withGalilee to form the provinceSyria Palaestina . Although large Jewish populations remain inSamaria and Galilee, withTiberias as the headquarters of exiled Jewishpatriarchs , this is the start of the Jewishdiaspora . Hadrian constructs a pagan temple to Jupiter at the site of theTemple in Jerusalem , buildsAelia Capitolina among ruins of Jerusalem.cite web |url=http://www.usd.edu/erp/Palestine/history.htm#135-337 |title=Palestine: History: 135–337: Syria Palaestina and the Tetrarchy |accessdate=2006-07-19 |last=Lehmann |first=Clayton Miles |year=1998 |month=May-September |work=The On-line Encyclopedia of the Roman Provinces |publisher=University of South Dakota ];
167 : Earliest known accusation ofJewish deicide (the notion that Jews wereresponsible for the death of Jesus ) made in a sermon "On the Passover" attributed toMelito of Sardis .Fourth century
306 : TheSynod of Elvira bans intermarriage between Christians andJew s. Other social intercourses, such as eating together, are also forbidden.;
315 -337 : Constantine I enacts various laws regarding the Jews: Jews are not allowed to own Christian slaves or to circumcise their slaves. Conversion of Christians to Judaism is outlawed. Congregations for religious services are restricted, but Jews are also allowed to enter the restituted Jerusalem on the anniversary of the Temple's destruction.;
325 : First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea. TheChristian Church separates the calculation of the date ofEaster from the JewishPassover : "It was ... declared improper to follow the custom of the Jews in the celebration of this holy festival, because, their hands having been stained with crime, the minds of these wretched men are necessarily blinded.... Let us, then, have nothing in common with the Jews, who are our adversaries. ... avoiding all contact with that evil way. ... who, after having compassed the death of the Lord, being out of their minds, are guided not by sound reason, but by an unrestrained passion, wherever their innate madness carries them. ... a people so utterly depraved. ... Therefore, this irregularity must be corrected, in order that we may no more have any thing in common with those parricides and the murderers of our Lord. ... no single point in common with the perjury of the Jews." [ [http://ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf203.iv.viii.i.x.html The Epistle of the Emperor Constantine, concerning the matters transacted at the Council, addressed to those Bishops who were not present] ] [ [http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/25023.htm "Life of Constantine" Vol. III Ch. XVIII] by Eusebius];
361 -363 : Roman EmperorJulian the Apostate , allows the Jews to return to "holy Jerusalem which you have for many years longed to see rebuilt" and to rebuild the Temple.;
386 :John Chrysostom ofAntioch writes eighthomilies "Adversus Judaeos" (lit: Against the Judaizers). See also:Christianity and antisemitism .;
388 : A Christian mob incited by the local bishop plunders and burns down a synagogue inCallinicum .Theodosius I orders punishment for those responsible, and rebuilding the synagogue at the Christian expense. Ambrose of Milan insists in his letter that the whole case be dropped. He interrupts the liturgy in the emperor's presence with an ultimatum that he would not continue until the case was dropped. Theodosius complies.;
399 : The WesternRoman Emperor Honorius calls Judaism "superstitio indigna" and confiscates gold and silver collected by the synagogues for Jerusalem.Fifth century
415 : Jews are accused ofritual murder duringPurim . [Socrates Scholasticus, "Ecclesiastical History" VI,16] Christians inAntioch , andMagona confiscate or burn synagogues. BishopCyril of Alexandria forces his way into the synagogue, expels the Jews and gives their property to the mob. Prefect Orestes is stoned almost to death for protesting.;
418 : The first record of Jews being forced to convert or face expulsion. Severus, the Bishop ofMinorca , claimed to have forced 540 Jews to accept Christianity upon conquering the island.;
419 : Themonk Barsauma (subsequently the Bishop ofNisibis ) gathers a group of followers and for the next three years destroys synagogues throughout the province of Palestine.;
429 : TheEast Roman Emperor Theodosius II orders all funds raised by Jews to support schools be turned over to his treasury.;
439 Jan 31: The "Codex Theodosianus ", the first imperial compilation of laws. Jews are prohibited from holding important positions involving money, including judicial and executive offices. The ban against building new synagogues is reinstated. The anti-Jewish statutes apply to theSamaritans . The "Code" is also accepted by WesternRoman Emperor ,Valentinian III .;
451 : Sassanid rulerYazdegerd II of Persia 's decree abolishes the Sabbath and orders executions of Jewish leaders, including theExilarch Mar Nuna.;
465 : Council ofVannes , Gaul prohibited the Christian clergy from participating in Jewish feasts.Sixth century
519 :Ravenna , Italy. After the local synagogues were burned down by the local mob, the Ostrogothic kingTheodoric the Great orders the town to rebuild them at its own expense.;
529 -559 : Byzantine EmperorJustinian the Great publishes "Corpus Juris Civilis ". New laws restrict citizenship to Christians. These regulations determined the status of Jews throughout the Empire for hundreds of years: Jewish civil rights restricted: "they shall enjoy no honors". The principle of "Servitus Judaeorum" (Servitude of the Jews) is established: the Jews cannot testify against Christians. The emperor becomes an arbiter in internal Jewish matters. The use of theHebrew language in worship is forbidden.Shema Yisrael ("Hear, O Israel, the Lord is one"), sometimes considered the most important prayer in Judaism, is banned as a denial of theTrinity . Some Jewish communities are converted by force, their synagogues turned into churches.;
535 : TheFirst Council of Clermont ; Gaul prohibits Jews from holding public office.;
538 : The Third Council ofOrléans , Gaul forbids Jews to employ Christian servants or possess Christian slaves. Jews are prohibited from appearing in the streets duringEaster : "their appearance is an insult to Christianity". A Merovingian king Childebert approves the measure.;
576 : Clermont, Gaul. Bishop Avitus offers Jews a choice: accept Christianity or leave Clermont. Most emigrate toMarseille .;
589 : The Council ofNarbonne , Septimania, forbids Jews from chantingpsalms while burying their dead. Anyone violating this law is fined 6 ounces of gold. The third Council of Toledo, held under Visigothic KingReccared , bans Jews from slave ownership and holding positions of authority, and reiterates the mutual ban on intermarriage. [ "Toledo", "Catholic Encyclopedia" [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14755a.htm] ] Reccared also rules children out of such marriages to be raised as Christians.;
590 :Pope Gregory I defends the Jews against forced conversion.Seventh century
610 -620 : VisigothicHispania After many of his anti-Jewish edicts were ignored, kingSisebur prohibitsJudaism . Those not baptized fled. This was the first incidence where a prohibition of Judaism affected an entire country.;
614 : Fifth Council ofParis decrees that all Jews holding military or civil positions must accept baptism, together with their families.;
615 :Italy . The earliest referral to the "Juramentum Judaeorum" (the Jewish Oath): the concept that no heretic could be believed in court against a Christian. The oath became standardized throughout Europe in1555 .;
629 Mar. 21: Byzantine EmperorHeraclius with his army marches into Jerusalem. Jewish inhabitants support him after his promise of amnesty. Upon his entry into Jerusalem the local priests convince him that killing Jews is a good deed. Hundreds of Jews are massacred, thousands flee to Egypt.:Frankish King
Dagobert I , encouraged byByzantine Emperor Heraclius , expels all Jews from the kingdom.;
632 : The first case of officially sanctioned forced baptism. EmperorHeraclius violates the "Codex Theodosianus", which protected them from forced conversions.;
681 : The Twelfth Council of Toledo,Spain orders burning of the Talmud and other "heretic" books.;
682 : Visigothic kingErwig begins his reign by enacting 28 anti-Jewish laws. He presses for the "utter extirpation of the pest of the Jews" and decrees that all converts must be registered by a parish priest, who must issue travel permits. All holidays, Christian and Jewish, must be spent in the presence of a priest to ensure piety and to prevent the "backsliding".;
692 :Quinisext Council in Constantinople forbids Christians on pain of excommunication to bathe in public baths with Jews, employ a Jewish doctor or socialize with Jews.;
694 : 17th Council of Toledo. KingErgica believes rumors that the Jews had conspired to ally themselves with theMuslim invaders and forces Jews to give all land, slaves and buildings bought from Christians, to his treasury. He declares that all Jewish children over the age of seven should be taken from their homes and raised as Christians.Eighth century
717 : Possible date for the Pact of Umar, a document that specified restrictions on Jews and Christians ("dhimmi ") living under Muslim rule. However, academic historians believe that this document was actually compiled at a much later date.;
722 :Byzantine emperor Leo III forcibly converts allJew s andMontanist s in the empire into mainstream Byzantine Christianity.Ninth century
807 :Abbassid Caliph Harun al-Rashid orders all Jews in the Caliphate to wear a yellow belt, with Christians to wear a blue one.;
820 :Agobard ,Archbishop of Lyon , declares in his essays that Jews are accursed and demands a complete segregation of Christians and Jews. In826 he issues a series of pamphlets to convince EmperorLouis the Pious to attack "Jewish insolence", but fails to convince the Emperor.;
898 -929 : French kingCharles the Simple confiscates Jewish-owned property inNarbonne and donates it to the Church.Eleventh century
1008 -1013 :Caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah ("the Mad") issues severe restrictions against Jews in theFatimid Empire . All Jews are forced to wear a heavy wooden "golden calf" around their necks. Christians had to wear a large wooden cross and members of both groups had to wear black hats.;
1012 : One of the first known persecutions of Jews inGermany :Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor expels Jews fromMainz .;
1016 : The Jewish community ofKairouan , Tunisia is forced to chose between conversion and expulsion.;
1026 : Probable date of the chronicle ofRaoul Glaber . The French chronicler blamed the Jews for the destruction of theChurch of the Holy Sepulchre , which was destroyed in 1009 by (Muslim) Caliph Al-Hakim. As a result, Jews were expelled fromLimoges and other French towns.;
1032 :Abul Kamal Tumin conquersFez, Morocco and decimates the Jewish community, killing 6,000 Jews.;
1050 : Council ofNarbonne , France forbids Christians to live in Jewish homes.;
1066 December 30: Granada massacre: Muslim mob stormed the royal palace inGranada , crucifiedJew ishvizier Joseph ibn Naghrela and massacred most of the Jewish population of the city. "More than 1,500 Jewish families, numbering 4,000 persons, fell in one day." [ [http://jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=412&letter=G&search=Granada Granada] by Richard Gottheil,Meyer Kayserling , "Jewish Encyclopedia ". 1906 ed.];
1078 : Council ofGerona decrees Jews to pay taxes for support of the Catholic Church to the same extent as Christians.;
1090 : The Jewish community of Granada, which had recovered after the attacks of 1066, attacked again at the hands of theAlmoravides led byIbn Iashufin , bringing thegolden age of Jewish culture in Spain to end.;
1096 : TheFirst Crusade . Three hosts of crusaders pass through severalCentral Europe an cities. The third, unofficial host, led by Count Emicho, decides to attack the Jewish communities, most notably in theRhineland , under the slogan: "Why fight Christ's enemies abroad when they are living among us?" Eimicho's host attacks the synagogue atSpeyer and kills all the defenders. Another 1,200 Jews commit suicide inMainz to escape his attempt to forcibly convert them; seeGerman Crusade, 1096 . Attempts by the local bishops remained fruitless. All in all, 5,000 Jews were murdered.St. Bernard intervened to minimize the worst of the persecution, preaching vigorously against the killing. [cite book
last = Benbassa
first = Esther
year = 2001
title = The Jews of France: A History from Antiquity to the Present
publisher = Princeton University Press
id = ISBN 0-691-09014-9]Twelfth century
1107 : MoroccanAlmoravid rulerYusuf ibn Tashfin ordered all Moroccan Jews to convert or leave.;
1143 : 150 Jews were killed in Ham, France.;
1144 March 20 (Passover): The case ofWilliam of Norwich , a contrived accusation of murder by Jews in Norwich, England.;
1148 -1212 : The rule of theAlmohads inal-Andalus . Only Jews who had converted to Christianity or Islam were allowed to live inGranada . One of the refugees wasMaimonides who settled in Fez and later inFustat nearCairo .;
1165 : Forced mass conversions inYemen ;
1171 : InBlois , France 31 Jews were burned at the stake for blood libel.;
1179 : TheThird Lateran Council , Canon 26: Jews are forbidden to be plaintiffs or witnesses against Christians in the Courts. Jews are forbidden to withhold inheritance from descendants who had accepted Christianity.;
1180 :Philip Augustus of France after four months in power, imprisons all the Jews in his lands and demands a ransom for their release.;
1181 : Philip Augustus annuls all loans made by Jews to Christians and takes a percentage for himself. A year later, he confiscates all Jewish property and expels the Jews fromParis .;
1189 :Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa orders priests not to preach against Jews.;
1189 : A Jewish deputation attending coronation of Richard the Lionheart was attacked by the crowd. Pogroms in London followed and spread around England.;
1190 February 6: All the Jews of Norwich, England found in their houses were slaughtered, except a few who found refuge in the castle.;
1190 March 16: 500 Jews ofYork were massacred after a six day siege by departing Crusaders, backed by a number of people indebted to Jewish money-lenders. [ [http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/ephr-bonn1.html German chronicler's account in Medieval Sourcebook] ];
1190 :Saladdin takes overJerusalem fromCrusade rs and lifts the ban for Jews to live there.;
1198 : Philip Augustus readmits Jews to Paris, only after another ransom was paid and a taxation scheme was set up to procure funds for himself. August: Saladdin's nephew al-Malik, caliph of Yemen, summons all the Jews and forcibly converts them.Thirteenth century
13th century : Germany. Appearance of "Judensau ": obscene and dehumanizing imagery of Jews, ranging from etchings to Cathedral ceilings. Its popularity lasted for over 600 years.;
1209 :Raymond VI ,Count of Toulouse , humiliated and forced to swear that he would implement social restrictions against Jews.;
1215 : TheFourth Lateran Council headed byPope Innocent III declares: "Jews and Saracens of both sexes in every Christian province and at all times shall be marked off in the eyes of the public from other peoples through the character of their dress." (Canon 68). SeeJudenhut . TheFourth Lateran Council also noted that the Jews' own law required the wearing of identifying symbols.Pope Innocent III also reiterated papal injunctions against forcible conversions, and added: "No Christian shall do the Jews any personal injury...or deprive them of their possessions...or disturb them during the celebration of their festivals...or extort money from them by threatening to exhume their dead." [cite web
last = Halsall
first = Paul
year = 1996
url = http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/inn3-jews.html
title = Innocent III: Letter on the Jews 1199
work = Internet Medieval Source Book
publisher = Fordham University
accessdate = 2006-11-27];
1222 : Council ofOxford :Archbishop of Canterbury Stephen Langton forbids Jews from building new synagogues, owning slaves or mixing with Christians.;
1223 : : Louis VII of France prohibits his officials from recording debts owed to Jews, reversing his father’s policy of seeking such debts.;
1229 :Raymond VII ,Count of Toulouse , heir of Raymond VI, also forced to swear that he would implement social restrictions against Jews.;
1232 : Forced mass conversions inMarrakesh .;
1235 : The Jews of Fulda, Germany were accused ofritual murder . To investigate theblood libel , Emperor Frederick II held a special conference of Jewish converts to Christianity at which the converts were questioned about Jewish ritual practice. Letters inviting prominent individuals to the conference still survive. At the conference, the converts stated unequivocally that Jews do not harm Christian children or require blood for any rituals. In 1236 the Emperor published these findings and in 1247Pope Innocent IV , the Emperor's enemy, also denounced accusations of theritual murder of Christian children by Jews. In 1272, the papal repudiation of theblood libel was repeated byPope Gregory X , who also ruled that thereafter any such testimony of a Christian against a Jew could not be accepted unless it is confirmed by another Jew. Unfortunately, these proclamations from the highest sources were not effective in altering the beliefs of the Christian majority and the libels continued. [ [Ben-Sasson, H.H., Editor; (1969). "A History of The Jewish People". Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. ISBN 0-674-39731-2 (paper).] ];
1236 :Crusade rs attack Jewish communities ofAnjou andPoitou and attempt to baptize all the Jews. Those who resisted (est. 3,000) were slaughtered.;
1240 : Duke Jean le Roux expels Jews fromBrittany .;
1240 :Disputation ofParis .Pope Gregory IX putsTalmud on trial on the charges that it containsblasphemy againstJesus and Mary and attacks on the Church.;
1241 : In England, first of a series of royal levies against Jewish finances, which forced the Jews to sell their debts to non-Jews at cut prices. [Stephen Inwood, "A History of London", London: Macmillan, 1998 p.70.];
1242 : 24 cart-loads of hand-written Talmudic manuscripts burned in the streets of Paris.;
1242 :James I of Aragon orders Jews to listen to conversion sermons and to attend churches. Friars are given power to enter synagogues uninvited.;
1244 :Pope Innocent IV ordersLouis IX of France to burn all Talmud copies.;
1250 :Zaragoza : death of a choirboySaint Dominguito del Val promptsritual murder accusation. His sainthood was revoked in the 20th century but reportedly a chapel dedicated to him still exists in the Cathedral of Zaragoza.;
1253 :Henry III of England introduces harsh anti-Jewish laws. [Inwood, "loc. cit".];
1254 : Louis IX expels the Jews fromFrance , their property and synagogues confiscated. Most move toGermany and further east, however, after a couple of years, some were readmitted back.;
1255 : Henry III of England sells his rights to the Jews (regarded as royal "chattels") to his brother Richard for 5,000 marks.;c.
1260 :Thomas Aquinas publishes "Summa Contra Gentiles", a summary of Christian faith to be presented to those who reject it. The Jews who refuse to convert are regarded as "deliberately defiant" rather than "invincibly ignorant ".;
1263 :Disputation ofBarcelona .;
1264 :Pope Clement IV assigns Talmud censorship committee.;
1264 : Simon de Montfort inspires massacre of Jews in London. [Inwood, "loc. cit"];
1267 : In a special session, theVienna city council forces Jews to wear "Pileum cornutum" (a cone-shaped headdress, prevalent in many medieval illustrations of Jews). This distinctive dress is an addition toYellow badge Jews were already forced to wear. Christians are not permitted to attend Jewish ceremonies.;
1267 : Synod ofBreslau orders Jews to live in a segregated quarter.;
1275 : KingEdward I of England passes theStatute of the Jewry forcing Jews over the age of seven to wear an identifyingyellow badge , and making usury illegal, in order to seize their assets. Scores of English Jews are arrested, 300 hanged and their property goes to the Crown. In 1280 he orders Jews to be present as Dominicans preach conversion. In 1287 he arrests heads of Jewish families and demands their communities pay ransom of 12,000 pounds.;
1278 : The Edict ofPope Nicholas III requires compulsory attendance of Jews at conversion sermons.;
1279 : Synod of Ofen: Christians are forbidden to sell or rentreal estate to or from Jews.;
1282 : John Pectin,Archbishop of Canterbury , orders all London synagogues to close and prohibits Jewish physicians from practicing on Christians.;
1283 :Philip III of France causes mass migration of Jews by forbidding them to live in the small rural localities.;
1285 :Blood libel inMunich, Germany results in the death of 68 Jews. 180 more Jews are burned alive at the synagogue.;
1287 : A mob in Oberwesel, Germany kills 40 Jewish men, women and children after aritual murder accusation.;
1289 : Jews are expelled fromGascony andAnjou .;
1290 July 18:Edict of Expulsion : Edward I expels all Jews fromEngland , allowing them to take only what they could carry, all the other property became the Crown's. Official reason: continued practice ofusury .;
1291 :Philip the Fair publishes an ordinance prohibiting the Jews to settle in France.;
1298 : During the civil war betweenAdolph of Nassau and Albrecht of Austria, German knight Rindfleisch claims to have received a mission from heaven to exterminate "the accursed race of the Jews". Under his leadership, the mob goes from town to town destroying Jewish communities and massacring about 100,000 Jews, often by mass burning at stake. Among 146 localities in Franconia, Bavaria and Austria are Röttingen (April 20), Würzburg (July 24), Nuremberg (August 1). [ [http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=301&letter=R Rindfleisch] article in theJewish Encyclopedia (1906) by Gotthard Deutsch, S. Mannheimer]Fourteenth century
1305 :Philip IV of France seizes all Jewish property (except the clothes they wear) and expels them from France (approx. 100,000). His successorLouis X of France allows French Jews to return in1315 .;
1320 :Shepherds' Crusade attacks the Jews of 120 localities in southwestFrance .;
1321 : KingHenry II of Castile forces Jews to wearYellow badge .;
1321 : Jews in centralFrance falsely charged of their supposed collusion with lepers to poison wells. After massacre of est. 5,000 Jews, kingPhilip V of France admits they were innocent.;
1322 : King Charles IV expels Jews fromFrance .;
1333 : forced mass conversions inBaghdad ;
1336 : Persecutions against Jews inFranconia andAlsace led by lawless German bands, the Armleder.;
1348 : European Jews are blamed for theBlack Death . Charge laid to the Jews that they poisoned the wells. Massacres spread throughoutSpain ,France ,Germany andAustria . More than 200 Jewish communities destroyed by violence. Many communities have been expelled and settle down in Poland.;
1348 :Basel : 600 Jews burned at the stake, 140 children forcibly baptized, the remaining city's Jews expelled. The citysynagogue is turned into a church and the Jewish cemetery is destroyed.;
1359 :Charles V of France allows Jews to return for a period of 20 years in order to pay ransom for his fatherJohn II of France , imprisoned in England. The period is later extended beyond the 20 years.;
1386 :Wenceslaus, Holy Roman Emperor , expels the Jews from theSwabian League andStrasbourg and confiscates their property.;
1389 : March 18, a Jewish boy is accused of plotting against a priest. The mob slaughters approx. 3,000 ofPrague 's Jews, destroys the city's synagogue and Jewish cemetery. Wenceslaus insists that the responsibility lay with the Jews for going outside duringHoly Week .;
1391 : Violence incited by the Archdeacon ofEcija , Ferrand Martinez, results in over 10,000 murdered Jews. The Jewish quarter inBarcelona is destroyed. The campaign quickly spreads throughoutSpain (except forGranada ) and destroys Jewish communities in Valencia and Palma De Majorca.;
1394 : November 3,Charles VI of France expels all Jews from France.;
1399 :Blood libel in Posen.Fifteenth century
1411 : Oppressive legislation against Jews inSpain as an outcome of the preaching of the Dominican friarVicente Ferrer .;
1413 :Disputation ofTortosa , Spain, staged by the Avignon Pope Benedict XIII, is followed by forced mass conversions.;
1420 : All Jews are expelled fromLyon .;
1421 : Persecutions of Jews inVienna , known as "Wiener Gesera" (Vienna Edict), confiscation of their possessions, and forced conversion of Jewish children. 270 Jews burned at stake. Expulsion of Jews fromAustria .;
1422 :Pope Martin V issues a Bull reminding Christians thatChristianity was derived fromJudaism and warns the friars not to incite against the Jews. The Bull was withdrawn the following year on allegations that the Jews of Rome attained it byfraud .;
1434 : Council of Basel, Sessio XIX: Jews are forbidden to obtain academic degrees and to act as agents in the conclusion of contracts between Christians.;
1435 : Massacre and forced conversion ofMajorca n Jews.;
1438 : Establishment of "mellah s" (ghettos) inMorocco .;
1447 :Casimir IV renews all the rights of Jews ofPoland and makes his charter one of the most liberal in Europe. He revokes it in 1454 at the insistence of Bishop Zbigniew.;
1449 : The Statute of Toledo introduces the rule of purity of blood discriminatingConverso s.Pope Nicholas V condemns it.;
1463 : Pope Nicholas V authorizes the establishment of theInquisition to investigate heresy among theMarrano s. See alsoCrypto-Judaism .;
1473 -1474 : Spain. Massacres ofMarranos ofValladolid , Cordoba,Segovia ,Ciudad Real .;
1475 : A student of the preacherGiovanni da Capistrano ,Franciscan Bernardino de Fletre , accuses the Jews in murdering an infant, Simon. The entire community is arrested, 15 leaders are burned at the stake, the rest are expelled. In1588 ,Pope Sixtus V confirmed Simon's cultus. Saint Simon was considered a martyr and patron of kidnap and torture victims for almost 500 years. In 1965,Pope Paul VI declared the episode a fraud, and decanonized Simon's sainthood.;
1481 : TheSpanish Inquisition is instituted.;
1487 -1504 : Bishop Gennady exposes theheresy of "Zhidovstvuyushchiye" (Judaizer s) inEastern Orthodoxy ofMuscovy .;
1490 :Tomás de Torquemada burns 6,000 volumes of Jewish mansucripts inSalamanca .;
1491 : Theblood libel in La Guardia, Spain, where the alleged victimHoly Child of La Guardia became revered as a saint.;
1492 Mar. 31: Ferdinand II and Isabella issue "General Edict on the Expulsion of the Jews" fromSpain : approx. 200,000. Some return to theLand of Israel . As many localities and entire countries expel their Jewish citizens (after robbing them), and others deny them entrance, the legend of the "Wandering Jew", a condemned harbinger of calamity, gains popularity.;
1492 Oct. 24: Jews ofMecklenburg , Germany are accused of stabbing a consecrated wafer. 27 Jews are burned, including two women. The spot is still called the "Judenberg". All the Jews are expelled from the Duchy.;
1493 Jan. 12: Expulsion fromSicily : approx. 37,000.;
1496 :Forced conversion and expulsion of Jews fromPortugal . This included many who fledSpain four years earlier.;
1498 : Prince Alexander ofLithuania forces most of the Jews to forfeit their property or convert. The main motivation is to cancel the debts the nobles owe to the Jews. Within a short time the trade grounds to a halt and the Prince invites the Jews back in.Sixteenth century
1505 : TenČeské Budějovice Jews are tortured and executed after being accused of killing a Christian girl; later, on his deathbed, a shepherd confesses to fabricating the accusation.;
1506 April 19: Amarrano expresses his doubts about miracle visions at St. Dominics Church inLisbon ,Portugal . The crowd, led by Dominican monks, kills him, then ransacks Jewish houses and slaughters any Jew they could find. The countrymen hear about the massacre and join in. Over 2,000 marranos killed in three days.;
1509 August 19: A converted JewJohannes Pfefferkorn receives authority ofMaximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor to destroy the Talmud and other Jewish religious books, except theHebrew Bible , inFrankfurt .;
1510 July 19: Forty Jews are executed inBrandenburg, Germany for allegedly desecrating the host; remainder expelled. November 23. Less-wealthy Jews expelled from Naples; remainder heavily taxed. 38 Jews burned at the stake inBerlin .;
1511 June 6: Eight Roman Catholic converts from Judaism burned at the stake for allegedly reverting.;
1516 : The firstghetto is established, on one of the islands inVenice .;
1519 :Martin Luther leadsProtestant Reformation and challenges the doctrine of "Servitus Judaeorum" "... to deal kindly with the Jews and to instruct them to come over to us". February 21. All Jews expelled from Ratisbon/Regensburg.;
1520 :Pope Leo X allows the Jews to print the Talmud inVenice ;
1527 June 16: Jews are ordered to leaveFlorence , but the edict is soon rescinded.;
1528 : Three "judaizer s" are burned at the stake inMexico City 's firstauto da fe .;
1535 : After Spanish troops captureTunis all the local Jews are sold into slavery.;
1543 : In his pamphlet "On the Jews and Their Lies " Martin Luther advocates an eight-point plan to get rid of the Jews as a distinct group either byreligious conversion or by expulsion: : "...set fire to their synagogues or schools..." : "...their houses also be razed and destroyed...": "...their prayer books and Talmudic writings... be taken from them...": "...their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of life and limb...": "...safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews...": "...usury be prohibited to them, and that all cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them..." and "Such money should now be used in ... the following [way] ... Whenever a Jew is sincerely converted, he should be handed [certain amount] ...": "...young, strong Jews and Jewesses [should] ... earn their bread in the sweat of their brow...": "If we wish to wash our hands of the Jews' blasphemy and not share in their guilt, we have to part company with them. They must be driven from our country" and "we must drive them out like mad dogs.": Luther "got the Jews expelled from Saxony in 1537 , and in the
1540s he drove them from many German towns; he tried unsuccessfully to get the elector to expel them from Brandenburg in 1543 . His followers continued to agitate against the Jews there: they sacked the Berlin synagogue in 1572 and the following year finally got their way, the Jews being banned from the entire country." [Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1987), 242.] (See alsoMartin Luther and the Jews );
1540 : All Jews are banished fromPrague .;
1546 : Martin Luther's sermon "Admonition against the Jews" contains accusations of ritual murder, black magic, and poisoning of wells. Luther recognizes no obligation to protect the Jews.;
1547 :Ivan the Terrible becomes ruler of Russia and refuses to allow Jews to live in or even enter his kingdom because they "bring about great evil" (quoting his response to request by Polish king Sigismund II).;
1550 : Dr. Joseph Hacohen is chased out ofGenoa for practicing medicine; soon all Jews are expelled.;
1553 :Pope Julius III forbids Talmud printing and orders burning of any copy found. Rome’s Inquisitor-General, Cardinal Carafa (laterPope Paul IV ) has Talmud publicly burnt in Rome on Rosh Hashanah, starting a wave of Talmud burning throughout Italy. About 12,000 copies were destroyed.;
1554 : Cornelio da Montalcino, aFranciscan Friar who converted to Judaism, is burned alive in Rome.;
1555 : InPapal Bull "Cum nimis absurdum ", Pope Paul IV writes: "It appears utterly absurd and impermissible that the Jews, whom God has condemned to eternal slavery for their guilt, should enjoy our Christian love." He renews anti-Jewish legislation and installs a locked nightly ghetto in Rome. The Bull also forces Jewish males to wear a yellow hat, females - yellow kerchief. Owning real estate or practicing medicine on Christians is forbidden. It also limits Jewish communities to only one synagogue.;
1557 : Jews are temporarily banished from Prague.;
1558 :Recanati , Italy: a baptized Jew Joseph Paul More enters synagogue onYom Kippur under the protection ofPope Paul IV and tries to preach a conversion sermon. The congregation evicts him. Soon after, the Jews are expelled from Recanati.;
1559 : Pope Pius IV allows Talmud on conditions that it is printed by a Christian and the text is censored.;
1563 February: Russian troops takePolotsk fromLithuania , Jews are given ultimatum: embraceRussian Orthodox Church or die. Around 300 Jewish men, women and children were thrown into ice holes of Dvina river.;
1564 : Brest-Litovsk: the son of a wealthy Jewish tax collector is accused of killing the family's Christian servant for ritual purposes. He is tortured and executed in line with the law. King Sigismund II of Poland forbids future charges of ritual murder, calling them groundless.;
1565 : Jews are temporarily banished from Prague.;
1566 : Antonio Ghislieri elected and, asPope Pius V , reinstates the harsh anti-Jewish laws of Pope Paul IV. In 1569 he expels Jews dwelling outside of the ghettos of Rome, Ancona, and Avignon from thePapal States , thus ensuring that they remain city-dwellers.;
1567 : Jews are reauthorised to live inFrance ;
1586 :Pope Sixtus V forbids printing of the Talmud.;
1590 : Jewish quarter ofMikulov (Nikolsburg) burns to ground and 15 people die while Christians watch or pillage. King Philip II of Spain orders expulsion of Jews fromLombardy . His order is ignored by local authorities until 1597 , when 72 Jewish families are forced into exile.;
1593 Feb. 25:Pope Clement VIII confirms the Papal bull of Paul III that expels Jews from Papal states except ghettos in Rome and Ancona and issues "Caeca et obdurata" ("Blind Obstinacy"): "All the world suffers from the usury of the Jews, their monopolies and deceit. ... Then as now Jews have to be reminded intermittently anew that they were enjoying rights in any country since they left Palestine and the Arabian desert, and subsequently their ethical and moral doctrines as well as their deeds rightly deserve to be exposed to criticism in whatever country they happen to live."Seventeenth century
1603 :Frei Diogo da Assumpcão , a partly Jewish friar who embraced Judaism, burned alive inLisbon .;
1608 : TheJesuit order forbids admission to anyone descended from Jews to the fifth generation, a restriction lifted in the 20th century. Three years laterPope Paul V applies the rule throughout the Church, but his successor revokes it.;
1612 : TheHamburg Senate decides to officially allow Jews to live in the city on the condition there is no public worship.;
1614 : Vincent Fettmilch, who called himself the "new Haman of the Jews", leads a raid onFrankfurt synagogue that turned into an attack which destroyed the whole community.;
1615 : KingLouis XIII of France decrees that all Jews must leave the country within one month on pain of death.;
1615 : The Guild led by Dr. Chemnitz, "non-violently" forced the Jews from Worms.;
1619 : Shah Abbasi of the Persian Sufi Dynasty increases persecution against the Jews, forcing many to outwardly practice Islam. Many keep practicing Judaism in secret.;
1624 :Ghetto established inFerrara, Italy .;
1632 : KingLadislaus IV of Poland forbidsantisemitic print-outs.;
1648 -1655 : The UkrainianCossack s lead byBohdan Chmielnicki massacre about 100,000 Jews and similar number of Polishnobles , 300 Jewish communities destroyed.;
1655 :Oliver Cromwell readmits Jews to England.;
1664 May: Jews ofLvov ghetto organize self-defense against impending assault by students of Jesuit seminary and Cathedral school. The militia sent by the officials to restore order, instead joined the attackers. About 100 Jews killed.;
1670 : Jews expelled fromVienna .;
1678 : forced mass conversions inYemen .Eighteenth century
1711 :Johann Andreas Eisenmenger writes his "Entdecktes Judenthum" ("Judaism Unmasked"), a work denouncingJudaism and which had a formative influence on modern antisemitic polemics.;
1712 :Blood libel inSandomierz and expulsion of the town's Jews.;
1727 : Edict ofCatherine I of Russia : "The Jews... who are found in Ukraine and in other Russian provinces are to be expelled at once beyond the frontiers of Russia.";
1734 :1736 : TheHaidamaks , paramilitary bands in Polish Ukraine, attack Jews.;
1742 Dec:Elizabeth of Russia issues a decree of expulsion of all the Jews out ofRussian Empire . Her resolution to the Senate's appeal regarding harm to the trade: "I don't desire any profits from the enemies of Christ". One of the deportees is Antonio Ribera Sanchez, her own personal physician and the head of army's medical dept.;
1744 : Frederick II The Great (a "heroic genius", according to Hitler) limitsBreslau to ten "protected" Jewish families, on the grounds that otherwise they will "transform it into complete Jerusalem". He encourages this practice in other Prussian cities. In 1750 he issues "Revidiertes General Privilegium und Reglement vor die Judenschaft": "protected" Jews had an alternative to "either abstain from marriage or leave Berlin" (Simon Dubnow).;
1744 Dec: Archduchess ofAustria Maria Theresa orders: "... no Jew is to be tolerated in our inherited duchy of Bohemia" by the end of Feb.1745 . In Dec.1748 she reverses her position, on condition that Jews pay for readmission every ten years. This extortion was known as "malke-geld" (queen's money). In 1752 she introduces the law limiting each Jewish family to one son.;
1762 :Rhode Island refuses to grant JewsAaron Lopez and Isaac Eliezer citizenship stating "no person who is not of the Christian religion can be admitted free to this colony.";
1768 :Haidamaks massacre the Jews ofUman , Poland.;
1771 :Voltaire calls Jews "deadly to the human race", promotes racial antisemitism.;
1775 :Pope Pius VI issues a severe "Editto sopra gli ebrei" (Edict concerning the Jews). Previously lifted restrictions are reimposed, Judaism is suppressed.;
1782 :Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II abolishes most of persecution practices in "Toleranzpatent" on condition thatYiddish and Hebrew are eliminated from public records and judicial autonomy is annulled. Judaism is branded "quintessence of foolishness and nonsense".Moses Mendelssohn writes: "Such a tolerance... is even more dangerous play in tolerance than open persecution".;
1790 May 20: Eleazer Solomon is quartered for the alleged murder of a Christian girl inGrodno .;
1790 : [http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/US-Israel/bigotry.html "To Bigotry No Sanction, to Persecution No Assistance" (George Washington's Letter to the Jews of Newport, Rhode Island)];
1790 -1792 : Destruction of most of the Jewish communities ofMorocco .;
1791 :Catherine II of Russia confines Jews to thePale of Settlement and imposes them with double taxes. [http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/History/pale.html Pale of Settlement]Nineteenth century
1805 : Massacre of Jews inAlgeria .;
1815 :Pope Pius VII reestablishes the ghetto in Rome after the defeat ofNapoleon .;
1819 : A series of anti-Jewish riots inGermany that spread to several neighboring countries:Denmark ,Poland ,Latvia andBohemia known as "Hep-Hep riots ", from the derogatory rallying cry against the Jews in Germany.;
1827 August 26 : Compulsory military service for the Jews of Russia: Jewish boys under 18 years of age, known as the "Cantonist s", were placed in preparatory military training establishments for 25 years. Cantonists were encouraged and sometimes forced to baptize.;
1835 : Oppressive constitution for the Jews issued by CzarNicholas I of Russia .;
1840 : TheDamascus affair : false accusations cause arrests and atrocities, culminating in the seizure of sixty-three Jewish children and attacks on Jewish communities throughout theMiddle East .;
1844 :Karl Marx praisesBruno Bauer 's essays containing demands that the Jews abandon Judaism, and publishes his work "On the Jewish Question ": "What is the worldly cult of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly god? Money... Money is the jealous God of Israel, besides which no other god may exist... The god of the Jews has been secularized and has become the god of this world", "In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism." This probably led to the antisemitic feeling within communism.;
1853 :Blood libel s inSaratov and throughout Russia.;
1858 :Edgardo Mortara , a six-year-old Jewish boy whom a maid had baptised during an illness, is taken from his parents inBologna , an episode which aroused universal indignation in liberal circles. ;1862 : During theAmerican Civil War General Grant issuesGeneral Order № 11 (1862) , ordering all Jews out of his military district, suspecting them of pro-Confederate sympathy. President Lincoln directs him to rescind the order. Polish Jews are given equal rights. Oldprivilege s forbidding Jews to settle in some Polish cities are abolished.;
1871 : Speech ofPope Pius IX in regard to Jews: "of these dogs, there are too many of them at present in Rome, and we hear them howling in the streets, and they are disturbing us in all places.";
1878 :Adolf Stoecker , German antisemitic preacher and politician, founds the "Social Workers' Party", which marks the beginning of the political antisemitic movement in Germany.;
1879 :Heinrich von Treitschke , German historian and politician, justifies the antisemitic campaigns in Germany, bringing antisemitism into learned circles.;
1879 :Wilhelm Marr coins the term "antisemitism " to distinguish himself from religious "Anti-Judaism ".;
1881 -1884 :Pogrom s sweep southern Russia, propelling mass Jewish emigration from thePale of Settlement : about 2 million Russian Jews emigrated in period1880 -1924 , many of them to the United States (until theNational Origins Quota of 1924 andImmigration Act of 1924 largely halted immigration to the U.S. from Eastern Europe and Russia). The Russian word "pogrom" becomes international.;
1882 : TheTiszaeszlár blood libel in Hungary arouses public opinion throughout Europe.;
1882 : FirstInternational Anti-Jewish Congress convenes atDresden, Germany .;
1882 May: A series of "temporary laws" by TsarAlexander III of Russia (the "May Laws "), which adopted a systematic policy of discrimination, with the object of removing the Jews from their economic and public positions, in order to "cause one-third of the Jews to emigrate, one-third to accept baptism and one-third to starve" (according to a remark attributed toKonstantin Pobedonostsev );
1887 : Russia introduces measures to limit Jews access to education, known as the "quota".;
1891 :Blood libel in Xanten, Germany.;
1891 : Expulsion of 20,000 Jews fromMoscow, Russia . TheCongress of the United States eases immigration restrictions for Jews from theRussian Empire . (Webster-Campster report);
1893 :Karl Lueger establishes antisemitic "Christian Social Party" and becomes the Mayor ofVienna in 1897 .;
1894 : TheDreyfus Affair in France. In1898 Émile Zola publishes open letter "J'accuse!";
1895 :A. C. Cuza organizes the "Alliance Anti-semitique Universelle" inBucharest, Romania .;
1899 :Houston Stewart Chamberlain , racist and antisemitic author, publishes his "Die Grundlagen des 19 Jahrhunderts" which later became a basis of National-Socialist ideology.;
1899 :Blood libel inBohemia (theHilsner case ).Twentieth century
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the
Roman Catholic Church adhered to a distinction between "good antisemitism" and "bad antisemitism". The "bad" kind promoted hatred of Jews because of their descent. This was considered un-Christian because the Christian message was intended for all of humanity regardless of ethnicity; anyone could become a Christian. The "good" kind criticized alleged Jewish conspiracies to control newspapers, banks, and other institutions, to care only about accumulation of wealth, etc. Many Catholic bishops wrote articles criticizing Jews on such grounds, and, when accused of promoting hatred of Jews, would remind people that they condemned the "bad" kind of antisemitism. [David Kertzer , "The Popes Against the Jews".];
1903 : TheKishinev pogrom : 49 Jews murdered.;
1903 : The first publication of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion "hoax in St. Petersburg, Russia (byPavel Krushevan ).;
1909 :Salomon Reinach and Florence Simmonds refer to "this "new antisemitism", masquerading as patriotism, which was first propagated atBerlin by the court chaplain Stöcker, with the connivance of Bismarck." [Reinach, Salomon & Simmonds, Florence. "Orpheus: A General History of Religions", G. P. Putnam & Sons, 1909, p. 210.] Similarly, Peter N. Stearns comments that "the ideology behind the new anti-Semitism [in Germany] was more racist than religious." [Stearns, Peter N. "Impact of the Industrial Revolution: Protest and Alienation". Prentice Hall, 1972, p. 56.];
1911 : TheBlood libel trial ofMenahem Mendel Beilis in Kiev.;
1915 : TheWorld War I prompts expulsion of 250,000 Jews from Western Russia. :TheLeo Frank trial and lynching inAtlanta , Georgia turns the spotlight on antisemitism in the United States and leads to the founding of theAnti-Defamation League .;
1917 -1921 : Attacked for being revolutionaries or counter-revolutionaries, unpatriotic pacifists or warmongers, religious zealots or godless atheists, capitalist exploiters or bourgeois profiteers, masses of Jewish civilians (by various estimates 70,000 to 250,000, the number of orphans exceeded 300,000) were murdered inpogrom s in the course ofRussian Civil War .;
1919 -1922 : SovietYevsektsiya (the Jewish section of the Communist Party) attacks Bund and Zionist parties for "Jewish cultural particularism". In April 1920 , the All-Russian Zionist Congress is broken up byCheka led byBolshevik s, whose leadership and ranks included many anti-Jewish Jews. Thousands are arrested and sent toGulag for "counter-revolutionary... collusion in the interests of Anglo-French bourgeoisie... to restore the Palestine state."Hebrew language is banned, Judaism is suppressed, along with other religions.;
1920 : TheJerusalem pogrom of April, 1920 of oldYishuv : The idea that the
Bolshevik revolution was a Jewish conspiracy for theworld domination sparks worldwide interest in "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". In a single year, five editions are sold out in England alone. In the USHenry Ford prints 500,000 copies and begins a series of antisemitic articles in "The Dearborn Independent " newspaper.;
1921 May 1-4:Jaffa riots in Palestine.;
1921 -1925 : Outbreak of antisemitism inUSA , led byKu Klux Klan .;
1924 : TheNational Origins Quota of 1924 andImmigration Act of 1924 largely halted immigration to the U.S. from Eastern Europe and Russia; many later saw these governmental policies as having antisemitic undertones, as a great many of these immigrants coming from Russia and Eastern Europe were Jews (the "outbreak of antisemitism" mentioned in the above entry may have also played a part in the passage of these acts).;
1925 :Adolf Hitler publishes "Mein Kampf ".;
1929 August 23: The ancient Jewish community ofHebron is destroyed in the Hebron massacre. [ [http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/History/hebron29.html Hebron Massacre] ];
1933 -1941 : Persecution of Jews in Germany rises until they are stripped of their rights not only as citizens, but also as human beings. During this time antisemitism reached its all-time high. [http://www.fsmitha.com/h2/ch16.htm] :*Law against Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities:*Law for the Reestablishment of the Professional Civil Service (ban on professions);
1934 : 2,000 of Afghani Jews expelled from their towns and forced to live in the wilderness.;1934: The first appearance of
The Franklin Prophecy on the pages ofWilliam Dudley Pelley 's pro-Nazi weekly magazine "Liberation". According to theUS Congress report:"The Franklin "Prophecy" is a classic antisemitic canard that falsely claims that American statesman
Benjamin Franklin made anti-Jewish statements during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 . It has found widening acceptance in Muslim and Arab media, where it has been used to criticize Israel and Jews..." ["Anti-Semitism in Europe: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on European Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Relations" by United States Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on European Affairs. 2004. p.69];
1935 :Nuremberg Laws introduced. Jewish rights rescinded. The Reich Citizenship Law strips them of citizenship. The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor::*Marriages between Jews and citizens of German or kindred blood are forbidden. :*Sexual relations outside marriage between Jews and nationals of German or kindred blood are forbidden.:*Jews will not be permitted to employ female citizens of German or kindred blood as domestic servants.:*Jews are forbidden to display the Reich and national flag or the national colors. On the other hand they are permitted to display the Jewish colors.;
1938 :Anschluss ,pogroms inVienna , anti-Jewish legislation, deportations toconcentration camps . :*Decree authorizing local authorities to bar Jews from the streets on certain days :*Decree empowering the justice Ministry to void wills offending the "sound judgment of the people":*Decree providing for compulsory sale of Jewish real estate:*Decree providing for liquidation of Jewish real estate agencies, brokerage agencies, and marriage agencies catering to non-Jews:*Directive providing for concentration of Jews in houses;
1938 : FatherCharles E. Coughlin , Roman Catholic priest, starts antisemitic weekly radio broadcasts in the United States.;
1938 November 9 -10:Kristallnacht (Night of The Broken Glass). In one night most German synagogues and hundreds of Jewish-owned German businesses are destroyed. Almost 100 Jews are killed, and 10,000 are sent to concentration camps. [ [http://www.aish.com/holocaust/issues/Kristallnacht_And_The_Worlds_Response.asp Kristallnacht and The World's Response] ];
1938 November 17 : Racial legislation introduced inItaly . Anti Jewish economic legislation inHungary .;
1938 July 6-15:Evian Conference : 31 countries refuse to accept Jews trying to escape Nazi Germany (with exception ofDominican Republic ). Most find temporary refuge in Poland. See alsoBermuda Conference .;
1939 : The "Voyage of the damned":S.S. St. Louis , carrying 907 Jewish refugees from Germany, is turned back by Cuba and the US. [ [http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/Holocaust/stlouis.html The Tragedy of the S.S. St. Louis] ];
1939 February: TheCongress of the United States rejects theWagner-Rogers Bill , an effort to admit 20,000 Jewish refugee children under the age of 14 from Nazi Germany. [ [http://shs.westport.k12.ct.us/jwb/Collab/WWIIEssay.htm A Decision Not to Save 20,000 Jewish Children] ];
1939 -1945 :The Holocaust . About 6 million Jews, including 1.5 million children, systematically killed byNazi Germany . See alsoHolocaust denial .;
1941 : TheFarhud pogrom inBaghdad results in 200 Jews dead, 2,000 wounded.;
1946 July 4 : TheKielce pogrom . 37 (+2) Jews were massacred and 80 wounded out of about 200 who returned home afterWorld War II . There were also killed 2 non-Jewish Poles.;
1946 :Nikita Khrushchev , then the first secretary ofCommunist party ofUkraine , closes many synagogues (the number declines from 450 to 60) and prevents Jewish refugees from returning to their homes: "It is not in our interests that the Ukrainians should associate the return of the Soviet power with the return of the Jews." [Joseph Schechtmann, "Star in Eclipse: Russian Jewry Revisited"];
1948 January 13:Solomon Mikhoels , actor-director of theMoscow State Jewish Theater and chairman ofJewish Anti-Fascist Committee is killed in suspicious car accident (see MGB). Mass arrests of prominent Jewish intellectuals and suppression of Jewish culture follow under the banners of campaign on "rootless cosmopolitan ism" and "anti-Zionism ".;
1948 -2001 : Antisemitism played a major role in theJewish exodus from Arab lands . The Jewish population in the ArabMiddle East andNorth Africa has decreased from 900,000 in 1948 to less than 8,000 in 2001.;
1948 : During the Siege of Jerusalem of theArab-Israeli War , Arab armies were able to conquer the part of the West Bank and Jerusalem; they expelled all Jews (about 2,000) from theOld City (theJewish Quarter ) and destroyed the ancient synagogues that were in Old City as well.;
1952 August 12-13: TheNight of the Murdered Poets . Thirteen most prominent Soviet Yiddish writers, poets, actors and other intellectuals were executed, among themPeretz Markish ,Leib Kwitko ,David Hofstein ,Itzik Feffer ,David Bergelson . [ [http://www.joshuarubenstein.com/rubenstein/stalinsecret/intro.html Stalin's Secret Pogrom: The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee] (introduction) by Joshua Rubenstein] [ [http://www.midstreamthf.com/200207/feature.html Seven-fold Betrayal: The Murder of Soviet Yiddish] by Joseph Sherman] In 1955 UN General Assembly's session a high Soviet official still denied the "rumors" about their disappearance.;
1952 : ThePrague Trials inCzechoslovakia .;
1953 : TheDoctors' plot false accusation in the USSR. Scores of Soviet Jews dismissed from their jobs, arrested, some executed. The USSR was accused of pursuing a "new antisemitism." [Schwarz, Solomon M. "The New Anti-Semitism of the Soviet Union," "Commentary", June 1949.] Stalinist opposition to "rootless cosmopolitan s" – a euphemism for Jews – was rooted in the belief, as expressed byKlement Gottwald , that "treason and espionage infiltrate the ranks of the Communist Party. This channel isZionism ." ["Pravda 1952, November 21"] This newer antisemitism was, in effect, a species of anti-Zionism.;
1964 : TheRoman Catholic Church underPope Paul VI issues the document "Nostra Aetate " as part ofVatican II , repudiating the doctrine of Jewish guilt for theCrucifixion .[
1963 ] ;1960s -1991 : The rise of "Zionology " in theSoviet Union . In 1983 , the Department of Propaganda and theKGB 'sAnti-Zionist committee of the Soviet public orchestrates formally "anti-Zionist" campaign.;
1968 :Polish 1968 political crisis . The state-organized antisemitic campaign in thePeople's Republic of Poland under guise of "anti-Zionism" drives out most of remaining Jewish population.;
1968 : The ancient Jewish community ofHebron , which had been destroyed in the 1929Hebron massacre , is revived atKiryat Arba . The community, in 1979 and afterwards, moves into Hebron proper and rebuilds the demolishedAbraham Avinu Synagogue , the site of which had been used byJordan as a cattle-pen.;
1983 : TheLutheran Church – Missouri Synod officially disassociates itself from "intemperate remarks about Jews" in Luther's works. Since then, manyLutheran church bodies and organizations have issued similar statements. (SeeMartin Luther and the Jews );Since
1987 : Activities ofPamyat and other "nonformal"ultra-nationalist organizations in theSoviet Union .;
1994 : SecondHebron massacre .Baruch Goldstein , a Jew, kills several Muslim worshippers; this leads to riots that kill both Muslims and Jews.;
1999 August 10:Buford O. Furrow, Jr. kills mail carrierJoseph Santos Ileto and shoots five people in theAugust 1999 Los Angeles Jewish Community Center shooting .Twenty-first century
2002 : Massive European wave of attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions between March and May, with largest number of attacks occurring in France.;
2002 : ThirdHebron massacre . Palestinians killed Israeli soldiers and rescue workers, as well as others, on the road from theTomb of the Patriarchs toKiryat Arba . [http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Government/Communiques/2002/12+Israelis+Killed+in+Sabbath+Eve+attack+in+Hebron.htm];
2003 October 16: TheMalaysia n Prime Minister Dr.Mahathir Mohammed draws standing ovation at the 57-memberOrganization of the Islamic Conference for his speech. An excerpt: " [Muslims] are actually very strong. 1.3 billion people cannot be simply wiped out. The Nazis killed 6 million Jews out of 12 million. But today the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them. They invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy so that persecuting them would appear to be wrong so they may enjoy equal rights with others. With these they have now gained control of the most powerful countries. And they, this tiny community, have become a world power.";
2004 April: United Talmud Torah school library was firebombed inMontreal ,Canada .;
2004 June: A series of attacks on Jewish cemeteries inWellington ,New Zealand .;
2004 September: The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, a part of theCouncil of Europe , called on its member nations to "ensure that criminal law in the field of combating racism covers anti-Semitism" and to penalize intentional acts of public incitement to violence, hatred or discrimination, public insults and defamation, threats against a person or group, and the expression of antisemitic ideologies. It urged member nations to "prosecute people who deny, trivialize or justify the Holocaust". The report was drawn up in wake of a rise in attacks on Jews in Europe. The report said it was Europe's "duty to remember the past by remaining vigilant and actively opposing any manifestations of racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance... Anti-Semitism is not a phenomenon of the past and... the slogan 'never again' is as relevant today as it was 60 years ago." ( [http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1095650548542] );
2005 September: Throughout the Polish electionRadio Maryja continued to promote antisemitic views, including denial of the facts of theJedwabne pogrom in 1941. Their support of right-wing conservative Law and Justice party is considered a major factor in their electoral victory. [ [http://www.tau.ac.il/Anti-Semitism/asw2005/poland.htm Stephen Roth Institute, Annual Report, Poland] ];
2005 October: A nazi swastika was spray-painted to the side of Temple Beth El synagogue in Portland, Maine.;
2005 : A group of 15 members of the StateDuma ofRussia demands that Judaism and Jewish organizations be banned from the country. In June, 500 prominent Russians demand that the state prosecutor investigate ancient Jewish texts as "anti-Russian" and ban Judaism. The investigation was launched, but halted among international outcry.;
2005 December:Iran ian presidentMahmoud Ahmadinejad widens the hostility between Iran and Israel by denying the Holocaust during a speech in the Iranian city ofZahedan . He made the following comments on live television: "They have invented a myth that Jews were massacred and place this above God, religions and the prophets." Continuing, he suggested that if the Holocaust had occurred, that it was the responsibility of Europeans to offer up territory to Jews: "This is our proposal: give a part of your own land in Europe, the United States, Canada or Alaska to them [the Jews] so that the Jews can establish their country." SeeMahmoud Ahmadinejad and Israel ;
2006 February: A French Jew,Ilan Halimi is kidnapped and tortured to death for 23 days in what Paris police have officially declared an antisemitic act. [ [http://www.njjewishnews.com/njjn.com/042706/njRallyHonorsLegacy.html Rally honors legacy of slain French Jew] by Norm Oshrin (NJ Jewish News)] The event causes international outcry. [ [http://www.hillel.org/Hillel/NewHille.nsf/0/D8E7DAAD0B47A36D85257161006056C8?OpenDocument Rutgers University Students Pay Tribute to Hate-Crime Victim] May 01, 2006] On May 9, the Helsinki Commission held a briefing titled "Tools for Combating Anti-Semitism: Police Training and Holocaust Education". [ [http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/-osce-critical-point-fight-against-anti-semitism-helsinki-/2006/05/12/1648075.htm OSCE at 'Critical Point' in Fight Against Anti-Semitism] May 12, 2006];
2006 March: Two synagogues inMontreal ,Canada were vandalized with spray-painted swastikas and Nazi SS symbols. [ [http://www.adl.org/Anti_semitism/anti-semitism_global_incidents_2006.asp "Global Anti-Semitism:Selected Incidents Around the World in 2006"] ];
2006 July:Naveed Afzal Haq kills Pamela Waechter and injures five others in theJuly 2006 Seattle Jewish Federation shooting .;
2006 September: A school in Ontario had one wall spray painted in anti-Jewish phrases and Nazi symbols.;
2006 December: TheInternational Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust was a two-day conference that opened on December 11, 2006 in Tehran, Iran; many saw it as a conference rife with antisemitism,anti-Zionism , andHolocaust denial .;
2007 August/September: The Jewish state,Israel , is shocked to find aneo-Nazi group of immigrants (from Russia) committing vandalism and voicing anti-Semitic rhetoric within its borders; also, this group had members that came in under theLaw of Return . One of that group's members was a grandchild of a Holocaust survivor, and all were of Jewish descent. The group was violent against gays, Ethiopian Jews,haredi Jews, and drug addicts. [http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1660823,00.html];
2007 and2008 :Pope Benedict XVI , via the document "Summorum Pontificum ", officially revives theTridentine mass , which contains a Good Friday prayer asking for the conversion of the Jews. This leads to criticism from Jewish leaders, charging that the prayer is anti-Semitic. The Vatican subsequently issues a statement condemning anti-Semitism, but is reluctant to remove the prayer. and Benedict visits thePark East Synagogue in an April 2008 visit to New York, which is apparently well-received, with the congregants and the Pope exchanging gifts with each other. [http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5gMFlyWo1zDlw0Ppkd2lg6XXcJzsw] [http://www.jewishexponent.com/article/15918/]References
ee also
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