Salomon Reinach

Salomon Reinach

Salomon Reinach (29 August 1858 – 4 November 1932) was a French archaeologist.

The brother of Joseph Reinach, he was born at St Germain-en-Laye and educated at the École normale supérieure before joining the French school at Athens in 1879. He made valuable archaeological discoveries at Myrina near Smyrna in 1880-82, at Cyme in 1881, at Thasos, Imbros and Lesbos (1882), at Carthage and Meninx (1883-84), at Odessa (1893) and elsewhere. He received honours from the chief learned societies of Europe.

In 1887 he obtained an appointment at the National Museum of Antiquities at Saint-Germain-en-Laye; in 1893 he became assistant keeper, and in 1902 keeper of the national museums. In 1903 he became joint editor of the "Revue archéologique", and in the same year officer of the Legion of Honour. The lectures he delivered on art at the École du Louvre in 1902-3 were published by him under the title of "Apollo". These were translated into most European languages, and became a standard handbook on the subject.

Reinach's first published work was a translation of Arthur Schopenhauer's "Essay on Free Will" (1877), which passed through many editions. This was followed by many works and articles in the learned reviews of which a list--up to 1903--is available in "Bibliographie de S. R." (Angers, 1903). His "Manuel de philologie classique" (1880-1884) was crowned by the French association for the study of Greek; his "Grammaire latine" (1886) received a prize from the Society of Secondary Education; "La Nécropole de Myrina" (1887), written with E Pottier, and "Antiquités nationales" were crowned by the Academy of Inscriptions. He compiled an important "Répertoire de la statuaire grecque et romaine" (3 vols., 1897-98); also "Répertoire de peintures du Moyen âge et de la Renaissance" 1280-1580 (1905, etc.); "Répertoire des vases peints grecs et étrusques" (1900). In 1905 he began his "Cultes, mythes et religions"; and in 1909 he published a general sketch of the history of religions under the title of "Orpheus". He also translated from the English HC Lea's "History of the Inquisition".

Salomon Reinach died in 1932 and was buried in the Cimetière de Montmartre in the Montmartre Quarter of Paris.



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